
WP’s frightening silence

The Workers Party has skipped many controversial social and political issues with a stony silence. Many critics have accused the WP for opting out, for losing its balls, and choosing the easy way out by keeping silence. This non committal strategy is frowned upon by those who expect the biggest opposition party to take the ruling party on important issues, at the very least. And many have expressed disappointment with the WP, some even claiming that it has been bought over by the ruling party.

Within a matter of days, two outspoken MPs from the ruling party have lashed out at the WP for their reticence on the hijab issue. They accused the WP for sitting on the fence by not taking sides and leaving the PAP to make a stand that is not well received by the Muslim community. It will cost the PAP dearly in votes from the community. This has made the PAP fuming mad as it cannot win on this issue.

WP’s silence is the best strategy for the moment. Let the PAP confront the Muslim community alone and take the blow. WP only stands to gain by being neutral. The strategy works if it can extract strong reactions from the PAP. And judging from the frustrating comments by Indranee and Hri Kumar, the WP is not only scoring without lifting a finger, it puts the PAP in a very defensive and uncomfortable position and feeling the full weight bearing on them. The attack also proves that WP has not been bought over or has sold out on its political mission.

The strategist in Low Thia Khiang is showing itself again. The PAP has been rattled and could not do anything about it except to provoke the WP to stand up and be shot at. You can bet the WP would stay even lower and let PAP face the wrath of the Malay community all alone.

Who says a political party must always kpkb to be effective? WP’s silence is not only effective, but also very unnerving.


Anonymous said...

"WP’s silence is not only effective, but also very unnerving."

I agree. But it is for this particular issue.

On many other issues however, this silence is no bloody good for Sinkies, but very good for PAP.

What's worse, sometimes WP talks when it should remain silent. Like for instance, saying they are not ready to be govt and praising the PAP as a competent govt.

So overall, whatever WP strategy, PAP still win. And win big some more. And that's what really matters.

Anonymous said...

"And many have expressed disappointment with the WP, some even claiming that it has been bought over by the ruling party."

There is no need for PAP to buy over any opposition party.

As long as smart Sinkies can make lots of money under PAP policies.

And for the daft Sinkies, being daft and also suffers as result, are in no position to be an effective opposition, let alone an alternative to PAP.

patriot said...

Well, if WP remains reticent or speaks only on un important issues; it's strategy may misfire as stated by Anon above.

Chen Show Mao has to show some mettles to match the high expectations from Sinkies who adore him much.


Anonymous said...

Chee Soon Juan is smart. But instead of making lots of money, he chose to oppose the PAP with great determination.

And he was not anywhere near to success even after more than 20 years opposing PAP!

This is a lesson for all smart Sinkies. No wonder we cannot find another Chee Soon Juan!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Agree with Patriot. The high expectation from Chen Show Mao has turned into disappointment. He needs to show some leadership and raise his profile.

patriot said...

Personally, me doubts WP is bought over by PAP, however, the Suspicion is valid base on their performance.

Me likes to say that my observations gave me the Impression WP is playing a complimentary role to the Ruling Party. So much so that there is rising suspicion that it is called WAYANG PARTY BY MANY.


Anonymous said...

Rb: // WP’s frightening silence
The Workers Party has skipped many controversial social and political issues with a stony silence. Many critics have accused the WP for opting out, for losing its balls, and choosing the easy way out by keeping silence. //

For this type of "head I don't win, tail I still lose" issues, it makes sense to stay out of it.

However, to some post-65 voters who had voted for opposition parties in PAP held ward, many among this group voiced their displeasure with some of the opposition parties which had contested in their wards for not coming out to take stands on many other perceived unjust, unfair issues or ill-conceived policies.

It was a point blank remark. " Next time the opposition comes again, I will not vote for them. I will give my vote to PAP." Such comments were not uttered by one but many post-65 voters.

From this reaction, it may be observed that post-65 voters don't blindly support opposition parties or otherwise.

For those politicians who think they can put in minimum efforts or act blur act blur then come election they try to capitalise on protest votes or mistakes of the incumbent, this line of approach to even try gain a toe hold in parliament likely would not yield any result.

It is not only some incumbent candidates who might be in for some nasty surprise. Some opposition figures or parties who are seen not doing any heavy lifting or any lifting at all might be in for an equally nasty surprise. For some, it might be political endeavour ending surprises.

RB: /// The strategist in Low Thia Khiang is showing itself again. The PAP has been rattled and could not do anything about it except to provoke the WP to stand up and be shot at. You can bet the WP would stay even lower and let PAP face the wrath of the Malay community all alone.///

Rb, this fella is far from Zhu Ge Liang lah. Maintaining silence on this particular issue is hardly any grand strategic manoeuvre. Believe a school kid is capable of adopting such approach.

Anonymous said...

Till now, it remains a mystery to me why a smart Sinkie like Chen Show Mao wanted to join opposition politics, instead of continuing to make money which he had been doing before that.

And Sinkies now are thinking he was being oversold when first introduced as a WP candidate. This of course has not done any good to his standing.

So Chen Show Mao ended up worse, financially (maybe) and standing (for sure).

Another lesson for smart Sinkies wanting to enter opposition politics.

patriot said...

I do not expect Chen to show his brilliance. However, in the Present gloomy and dark political developments taking place, any sparkles from Chen will bring consolation.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Zhu Ge Liang is a military genius. So it is unlikely that anyone can hold a candle to him without being another genius. The comparison is just an expression of the way he strategise his moves.

Chen Show Mao has a lot of potential. For him to give up so much to turn to politics is a very major personal decision, like a higher calling. This is the mysterious part, having answered to a calling, he should be more forceful in his political endeavour. He cannot just be a passenger. People expect him to lead with the potential of a minister or higher.

Anonymous said...

RB: // WP’s silence is not only effective, but also very unnerving. //


The SILENCE is very UNNERVING indeed!!

VERY UNNERVING for many post-65 voters at least.

Many may be thinking: " Lucky never voted them in last GE."

For voters to observe potential opposition leaders and figures and put their support firmly behind, it is not only doing the duties and speaking up as an NCMP or even an MP in parliament that they can judge whether such persons deserve further support come next election.

By not speaking up on many issues that are necessary and concerned Sinkies short, mid and long term welfare and interests, many opposition figures and parties are seen as "tortoises" who have retreated back into their shell.

What "dumb" and "hum ji" "tortoises"!

Unless one is "paid or given benefits or promises" to be a "mole" during election time and run as opposition, what purpose does it make to remain total silence when they make so much noises on stage during election rallies? Are those speeches wayang? They themselves don't believe in 90% of what they themselves uttered on stage during election rallies?

Did all the sinkies welfare and issues concerning sinkies disappear overnight after the election?

Unless one is a "mole", is it not "dumb" to stick one's neck out, being marked as an opposition figure especially the ruling party and just shrink the head back into the shell " like a tortoise"?

Whether in parliament or not, having taken the leap, the period between elections should be used aka an NCMP type of role to let voters and Sinkies at large get to know what they stand for, what are they aiming to achieve and most important of all, they are genuinely interested and concerned about fellow Sinkies welfare and interests and have the stamina to run the distance. Such period are testing grounds and akin "probation periods" for voters to assess their qualities and sincerity.

To stick "one's neck out" during election and then shrunk it back into the shell or "put their heads into the sand like an ostrich" just doesn't not make sense! The whole world still can see their bodies as much as their heads are in the sand. No?

So what are they up to in between elections?

Are they just opportunists during elections to "try their luck"?

If they are in it for the long haul and the good of Sinkies, why are they not doing any heavy lifting in between elections?

Do they expect voters to be the "worms" in their stomach and know what they are thinking?


How to entrust SinkieLand to such people?

A "known evil" is better than an "unknown evil", isn't it? No?

Anonymous said...

Learn from JBJ and CSJ.
When they kpkb for Sinkies and got arrested and made bankrupt.
Sinkies got kpkb for them or not?

On this point I totally agree with PAP.
When it come to politics, Sinkies have a subsidy mentality.
We got the PAP government we deserve.

"Liberty of speech invites and provokes liberty to be used again,
and so bringeth much to a man’s knowledge."
Sir Francis Bacon,
1561-1626) Philosopher, British Lord Chancellor

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

It is actually silly to get into a political stoush where religious and/or racial identities are the issue.


Because you inevitably have to take sides. Whatever side you take, the proposition is Lose-Lose.

The PAP have been extremely insensitive over this non-issue involving a fucking scarf. It'll serve them right if the get walloped at the ballot.

>> Chen Show Mao has turned into disappointment. He needs to show some leadership and raise his profile.

I don't agree. This is one very smart and in-control dude, with numerous life achievements to back up any challenge to his ability. He makes a wise choice to be reticent on this issue...and that take ALOT of self-control.

Anonymous said...

"That the sole object and only legitimate end of government is to protect the citizen in the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property, and when the government assumes other functions it is usurpation and oppression."

Quote from State of Alabama, USA.
Declaration of Rights Article I Section 35.


Anonymous said...

@ anon 10.36am

// When they kpkb for Sinkies and got arrested and made bankrupt.//

CSJ went ahead with the protest march knowing it is not condone under the law and would end up with the eventual fate.

To voice some opinion and take a stand is far from unsubstantiated allegations and protest march disallowed under the law.

Did GG, all the supporters and protesters got arrested after their many "Political Awareness Picnic Parties" ( "P-A-P Parties" )in HLP?

To remain silent only bears two possibilities:

1) Either one is too good and clever and does not one to expose oneself


2) Either one is too inadequate and lack of substance and does not want to expose one's shortcomings.

Frankly, how to know whether a candidate have substance or not via a few 7 mins to 10 mins election rally speeches?

Such short speeches are usually good for taking "cheap pot shots" and nothing much of substance from the candidates themselves to let voters know sufficiently the thinking, quality and even vision of such potential future parliamentarians and even leaders.

Unless the candidates at least give a few 3 to 4 hours speeches like former MM Lee during NDR between 1960s to 1980s, how can voters know more about the thinking, qualities and even vision of certain parties or candidates?

Are their potential alternative policies well thought out?

Are they sound?

Or do they sound good but impractical etc etc?

By taking stands and voicing responsible, sensible and constructive opinions on relevant areas and issues close to the hearts of voters and not protest marches disallowed under the law or substantiated serious allegations, it is likely a win win for Sinkies and Sinkieland in the long term.

Worst to worst, they can always have a "protest" in HLP.

What are they lacking?








If they are not capable of going the distance even under such circumstances, are they up to the tasks if handed the power to run this little piece of hard rock?

Would anyone as thinking adults want to attempt that?

A "known evil" is still much better than an "unknown evil", isn't it? No?

Anonymous said...

anon 11.18 am correction, typo error

"and not protest marches disallowed under the law or substantiated serious allegations,"

should be


Anonymous said...

November 19, 2013 11:18 am
"Frankly, how to know whether a candidate have substance or not via a few 7 mins to 10 mins election rally speeches?"

That is why Singaporeans including Opposition Parties should be allowed to gather and make speeches anywhere in Singapore without a police permit.
Our Opposition Parties are Singaporeans.
They served National Service.
Why is their speech and movement being restricted in their own country?

If the Opposition parties are rubbish;
Then why do you fear their rubbish talk?
You think we Singaporeans so stupid that we don't know how to discern good people from bad people?
We are smart enough to vote for you and yet not considered smart enough to be safe from rubbish talk from Opposition parties?

If PAP is good for Singaporeans;
what do you have to fear?

Anonymous said...

@ anon 11.27 am : /// That is why Singaporeans including Opposition Parties should be allowed to gather and make speeches anywhere in Singapore without a police permit.///

When an employee is not up to a task or he doesn't want to do it, chances are he can "cook" up one thousand excuses and more not to do it.

Can anon 11.27 am assures that even if given such platforms hypothetically, would the deemed highly esteemed members and parties utilise such opportunities or more of "3 mins enthusiasm"?

In any case, why why why?

Why RB's blog is reaching out to so many readers without getting arrested or needing a platform to gather and talk as he likes?

If social media is almost cost-free and hardly need huge resources, some esteemed parties and members are not leveraging it or bother to leverage on it to reach out to the common folks, going for organised mass gatherings which need huge resources, capital and substantial logistics are going to draw them out to do so?


If someone have no sincerity, there can be more than one thousand excuses. Even "walking on a roll out red carpet" may be an obstacle and a chore for some members if they have no willingness and sincerity at all to do good for the people.

If what they want is really to champion the welfare and interests of the people, they can start of with what RB and GG are doing - via social media and even HLP.

The fact that such esteemed members stay so silence SPEAKS VOLUME of their inner beings! No?

Anonymous said...

If PAP is good for Singaporeans;
what do you have to fear?

This is worth repeating.

Anonymous said...

Think if political climate now like that, go for snap election sure win big for incumbent.

Mr Teochew may have to look for another job liao.

POSSIBLY only left HG and PE.

Png become SG, LLL become chairman out of default.

This is the price to pay. Mr Teochew may be offered NCMP post. Could happen. If happen, what a humiliation and disappointment to end a political career .......

Anonymous said...

Singapore politics sian.

Better concentrate on family, career, friends ........

In the end, isn't it just a sampan .......... ?

Anonymous said...

I have a gut feeling that Sinkies, especially those from Aljunied GRC may realise by now, or latest by 2016, that having opposition MPs from a party not ready to be govt is as good as not having them.

So I will not be surprised if PAP can manage to win back Aljunied GRC in GE 2016. And get even better results than in 2011.

Anonymous said...

"So I will not be surprised if PAP can manage to win back Aljunied GRC in GE 2016. And get even better results than in 2011."


Anonymous said...

60% are still rich, happy and satisfied.

This alone will make opposition not able to be govt, even if they can contest 100% seats, especially with the kind of candidates in the past.

Don't say about the others, but even their star MP CSM is already a disappointment so far.

Anonymous said...

"... but even their star MP CSM is already a disappointment so far."

And LHL as our 3rd Prime Minister for the last 10 years is not a major disappointment?


Abao said...

Learn from Sima Yi.

Outwitted and outlasted them all.

His grandson established the Jin Dynasty while Cao's descendants became figure heads.

Anonymous said...

Is PAP's reluctance to budge on the issue a principled stand or a display of dogma and irrational fears. As government of the day, its eagerness to immediate bring its weight to bear against reexamining the issue prevents any possibility of a debate.

I believe that what WP had called for is a conversation / consultation with the public on the issue. Against the PAP's hard stand, I found WP's position much more useful.

To be honest with ourselves, WP taking a stand before any public consultation would not be a wise move. If it support lifting the tudung/jilbab ban, it will surely be accused by the PAP of playing racial politics. If it supports PAP's position, PAP will say that they do not differ in opinions from them and accused them of being PAP-lite.

So by taking a position to encourage further discussion, WP had differentiated its stand from PAP's while not opening itself to the accusation of playing racial politics.

Anonymous said...

"So by taking a position to encourage further discussion, WP had differentiated its stand from PAP's while not opening itself to the accusation of playing racial politics."
Anon 10:38 pm

On this issue I agree.

But WP cannot just have the same approach for many other issues.

And if they did, it just confirmed what their leader had said that WP is not ready and PAP is a competent govt.

So PAP deserved to be voted as govt! In fact WP should not even be voted in as MPs! What's the use? As a wall flower in Parliament?

Anonymous said...

"And LHL as our 3rd Prime Minister for the last 10 years is not a major disappointment?"
Anon 6:33 pm

But that is understandable and even forgivable given that LHL is from the ruling party.

Had WP been the ruling party and CSM as PM or just ordinary MP, that would also be understandable.
But as a opposition MP and given his impressive background and credentials, Sinkies would expect much more from CSM!

Or else they will be wondering why CSM bothered to be in opposition politics in the first place. They would have preferred more ordinary Sinkies like Ah Lian or Ah Huat.

Anonymous said...

The problem with this hijab/tudung demand is that any other reasons given by the govt will be unreasonable and that the govt is stubborn and not willing to listen.

There is only one answer that will be seen as reasonable and acceptable by the supporters of hijab/tudung, that is to allow it to be used in uniform groups.

Nothing else is reasonable or acceptable.