
TRE finding a formula for self destruct?

I am unable to gain access to TRE this morning. From what I have gathered, you need to pay to get in. I hope I am wrong. If this is the formula that TRE has chosen to finance its operation, I think it will meet a premature death soon.

The game plan in cyberspace is quite different. Many great sites are all free access to viewers. They have to find other sources of revenue, mainly advertisers or selling some products. The monetary contribution is always voluntary. TRE may want to set up a team to canvas for advertisements or seek the experts on how to generate some income.

Even in a blog like mine that is quite well received, I would not dare to ask for contributions. Even lifting the fingers to exercise, to buy me kopi (OPM some more) is often difficult and too much an inconvenience, or simply too easy to forget.

TRE should leave the monetary contributions to those who are willing. There will be some who will contribute quite generously but many would not for some other reasons. There are many students or non working adults and retirees reading the articles and may not be able to contribute. Turning them off would reduce a big chunk of the readership and that is very bad.

TRE, are you reading this? I hope I am wrong and you are not doing so. Richard, what saying you? Or you have a mole telling you this is the best way to raise fund? Remember WTSAWTD? The mole will not tell you that TRE will be obsolete, will be history. You are not the only site in cyberspace doing the same thing.


Anonymous said...

Hope it is not the case. Having the need to pay just to access the site would turn off many raeders. Its definately lead to self destruction.

We acknowledge the great contribution by TRE. There are many ways to raise fund but not necessary choosing this path.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

What useless, epic fail of a website.

Still, I do welcome its existence. It keeps the Sheeple, as Sheeple, and that is mega-entertainment as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

I just tried accessing. It shows "under maintenance".

Anonymous said...

TRE should turn itself into a $2 company and tender for government projects ... no?

Kojakbt said...

Uncle Redbean, you got it wrong... TRE is still free as usual. It's currently under maintenance. We have announced this yesterday. So, don't panic... :)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks for the assurance Richard. I was having great difficulties trying to connect but could not get in.

Anonymous said...

Why so quick to jump the gun Redbean, a planned maintenance means just that. You sounded so desperate and made it obvious. You have your Matilah_Singapura to keep you warm in bed so no rush bro, just shaft the daft.

Anonymous said...

A mole feeling the heat and getting uncomfortable?

Anonymous said...

Planned maintenance due on a given date does not mean it shud be available the nxt day. It depends on how long it takes to put everything in order.