
A Third World Singapore emerging

A Third World Singapore is emerging after so many years of hard work. We worked so hard, day and night, to achieve this dreadful state of being. From the top to the bottom, we fear foreigners, not only of the colonial master type but also from the Third World. And we are begging for more to come and so afraid that they will leave.

They threatened our govt that they would pull out their businesses to other better places. And you could see their faces turning green and the legs went limp. Please don’t go, we need you to help us, we need your businesses.

And the foreigners knew that the Third World native citizens are good for nothing. So they brought in their talents, fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers to show the daft citizens how good they are. They brought in their friends, fixed up jobs for their friends, the whole villages, from New York to Manila, to replace the daft here.

And when they are unhappy with the daft citizens, you know what they will do. No prize for guessing. And we are so afraid to punish them, fearing that they will go back home, desert us and leave us in the lurch. We will bend our rules and backs to accommodate them.

And when they discriminate against the daft citizens, everyone turn the other way or the other cheek. Dunno leh, no one told me. Our ministers have to beg them to be nice to the daft citizens. Can you beat that? And what happened? They put up more advertisements to recruit more foreigners. What can you do about it, daftees? You need us, the foreign talents, the best from the whole Third World. You are at the bottom of the Third World league when your graduates are only good to be taxi drivers.

These foreign talents are so good that they could anyhow pick a piece of paper, print their names on it, and that would be good enough to be employed in this neo Third World City of no talents. And no one is good enough here to figure out if the certificates are real or forged.

Did this Third World City boast of world class universities? Yes, the universities are world class by virtue of the presence of world class Foreign Talent lecturers and world class foreign students. The locals are the daft admitted to rub off some goodness from the foreign lecturers and foreign students. The world class universities would soon be staffed by foreign talents as the daft local talents would not be good enough and not enough to fill the places. And who is paying for their exorbitant salaries and perks? The daft of course.

As each day passes, the locals get less confident of themselves, more fearful, dare not talk back or fight back, and resigned to third class status, or waiting to emigrate to be second class citizens elsewhere, which is a big improvement than be third class citizens in a Third World City. The presence of ‘talented’ foreigners may also make the locals feel inept, inadequate and useless, can’t find employment and can only hope to be self employed as taxi drivers and hawkers. These must be their life aspirations, and to buy a 3 or 4 rm BTO flats and feel like a millionaire, and take public transport everywhere.



  1. RB I shared the same frustration like u. Once upon a time, I was so proud of sinkie land. Voted the pap all the time till ten years ago I found things are not quite right but then the damage has been done and look like non reversible. Knn.

  2. A 3rd world Prime Minister with a 3rd class political party has to level down its citizens to their low standards.

    Or else how can they govern?

  3. Most 1 st World Cuntrees are experiencing the withering away of the middle class.

    2 factors in play are:

    1. Globalisation

    2. A debt-based fiat currency system, made worse by the issuer of the reserve currency -- the USA -- being the worst offender in over-borrowing and monetising the debt (printing more currency). USDs and USD Securities are held by every central and private bank in the world -- giving them "legitimate excuse" to also print more of their domestic currency. This is how the US "exports" its indebtedness and inflation causing all sort of havoc and social upheavals in the world.

    If you live in 3rd W cuntree, globalisation could "benefit" you because you can pay workers low wages, and fuck all the other conditions like healthcare, worker's rights etc.

    For 1st worlders, there is thus DOWNWARD PRESSURE on wages and conditions.

    Increasing the supply of currency however has an UPWARD PRESSURE on prices -- especially asset prices, notably food, energy and real estate.

    So if you live in a place like Singapore you face:

    1. Downward pressure on wages from globalised competition

    2. Upward pressure of the rising costs of living, especially real estate -- which being severely limited in supply, is very sensitive to the amount of money in existence.

    No, there's very little the govt can do. It has signed FTA's with many nations so trade barriers are off the table. If they "tighten" the currency -- interest rates rise, the SGD rises and Singapore becomes uncompetitive. Jobs are lost, businesses close, more misery.

    So really there is no way to move. Individual's best bet is to find solutions which suit them personally -- for e.g. the "3 flag Theory". Any MACRO move by The State is likely to make things worse.

    **3 Flag Theory: Is a theory where you EARN in a high-PP (Purchasing Power) currency nation, live in a LOW PP cheap nation -- convert your High PP currency -- and buy good and services in another cheap (low PP) but relatively high value cuntree.

  4. Rb: " As each day passes, the locals get less confident of themselves, more fearful, dare not talk back or fight back, and resigned to third class status, or waiting to emigrate to be second class citizens elsewhere, which is a big improvement than be third class citizens in a Third World City. The presence of ‘talented’ foreigners may also make the locals feel inept, inadequate and useless, can’t find employment and can only hope to be self employed as taxi drivers and hawkers. These must be their life aspirations, and to buy a 3 or 4 rm BTO flats and feel like a millionaire, and take public transport everywhere."

    Human mind, like the foot, needs to grow.

    The ancient Chinese feudalism practised foot-binding their women so that they could not run far and the females remained enslaved no matter how their husbands behaved or how many wives and mistresses the men took in. Even when badly mistreated, the ancient female remained submissive, partly due to their inabilities as a result of bound feet.

    Similarly, the "mind-binding" in a society can have similar consequences and likely much more devastating.

    Many ills afflicting the society are likely manifestations of such malaise.

    The late Chairman Mao abolished feudalistic foot-binding in China.

    Could the Mr Tau Sa Bao and Co be the white knights to ride to Sinkies long yearned "liberation"?

    Or a 朱元章will rise from among the poor and free the Sinkies from their tormentors?

  5. Wikipedia's description of 3 flag theory. Different from mine, but you can sorta get the drift ;-)

    Mine is based on arbitraging purchasing power of various currencies. Their is based on regulation, citizenship and taxation.

  6. Right Mr RB,

    Once before been assaulted by this Brit renting a unit above us for making nuisance noises when he came back practically drunk every night, he told me: "I am here to work extra hard for you , you know??"

    He added: "I am a CEO of a advertising company" He meant that he is here to give us sinkies employment.

    To add further insult he said: "You must be an unemployed old man who got so much time to come and disturb me early in the morning"

    He, a CEO of a company and renting a HDB apartment??. I told him to fucx off and if he is really a big time CEO, he be staying at Sentosa Cove. Must be a chao kak two dollar CEO.

    Asked him to check my record with the Board that I am listed as once a Director of a Company when I first brought this flat thirty five years ago. Now with ample cash for retirement and not to work like him for the next thirty years with no chance of retirement.

    These bloody trashes think that they are here because we need them for our survivals. They are here because they are eating shit in their homelands.

    All these are mirages are been created by the PAP.

    Need to send them into oblivion in the year 2016 or earlier.

  7. I have always been saying here that to survive in this small city state you must adopt a simple living strategy.....

    You must be debt-free or at least debt-low......

    You must not follow the crowds in chasing after things and fall into the HIGH debt traps.....

    You cannot ensure that the future is full of roses.....

    You will be in DEEP troubles if you are being retrenched, "cold storaged", health problems, etc......

    You must also consider other HIGH costs of living, how about the needs of your love ones, how about many other factors affecting you ......

    You have a choice !!!

  8. It is okay to be Third or Fourth World
    as me was lot more happier before the 80s.
    Now, after many years of First World
    Living; my personal feel of First World
    Sin is full of shit with most people
    having lost their consciences. And the Leaders are no more trusted by the average citizens. Almost everyday, one will hear people swearing and cursing at them.


  9. Live Simply.
    Just vote Opposition.

  10. Rb: // And when they discriminate against the daft citizens, everyone turn the other way or the other cheek. Dunno leh, no one told me. Our ministers have to beg them to be nice to the daft citizens. Can you beat that? And what happened? They put up more advertisements to recruit more foreigners. What can you do about it, daftees? You need us, the foreign talents, the best from the whole Third World. You are at the bottom of the Third World league when your graduates are only good to be taxi drivers.//

    Too MANY spurs on the ruled and too FEW spurs on the ruler's HIDE?

  11. After building this great city, overnight they became daft and lost all confidence in themselves. Sinkies no longer believe in themselves.

    And the foreigners walked in to claim all the credit for building this city.

    You people know what is happening?

  12. RB, Singaporeans are becoming more like the girl in the MRT spitting incident. When under attack, just wipe off the salivar and continue to talk with the handphone. Stupid or daft??

  13. Singapore 3rd world never mind.
    As long as I get paid out-of-this-world type salaries as a Millionaire Minister ... tiok boh?

  14. After 50 years of reconditioning, sinkies have lose the ability to fight back, retaliate, demand justice even when they are bullied. They do not even dare to vote the opposition. We may be freed from first world colonial masters but now we are being colonized by third world monsterous masters. Which is worst? Attaining first world is just an aspiration, illusion and propaganda that the rulers sell to the naive people.

  15. Lau hero: // A Third World Singapore is emerging after so many years of hard work. We worked so hard, day and night, to achieve this dreadful state of being. From the top to the bottom, we fear foreigners, not only of the colonial master type but also from the Third World. And we are begging for more to come and so afraid that they will leave.//

    Actually situation is bad but not that bad. The institutions built prior 1985 in many ways helped to a great extent in ameliorating and mitigating the many malaises that lau hero highlighted. So situation is bearable and not to breaking points yet for many. Of course, it is bad enough for some that they wish the regime was replaced yesterday and not another xx years down the road.

    Should Sinkies wait till the fire is burning at the door before they jump up from the couch? Obviously not. But going forward, unless things screwed up very, very, very badly, the incumbent is likely to be voted back to power come next GE. Best bet is for oppo to garner 20+% seats at the most even given the wide spread dissent, deep seated distrust and not so sweet ground for the incumbent. Unless something unimaginable, out of the extraordinary or calamitously negative popped out to unsettle and uproot the current dynamics. Of course, likelihood is there but chances not probably very, very slim.

    Thus, with the regime adopting a more conciliatory stance, hopefully there are no "evil plans" to "deceive" the sinkies. Thus, under such scenario, the slide into abyss for Sinkies is hopefully halted and gradually reversed. Nonetheless, unless more " breathing space" is secured somehow eg. via offshore living/ working above the sea around the island and what have you etc, the human to human daily over excessively close, crammed and at times sardine-type contacts would only intensify and worsen the already heightened frictions and frayed nerves. That itself would likely remain the incumbent's achilles heel for a long time to come. Whether this vulnerability translates into massive protest votes remains an unlikely outcome given the social settings in SinkieLand. If screws are continuously tightened, even the most harmless cute rabbits are likely to retaliate back. Sinkies are not exactly the demure, let you spit in the face non-stop type, if you ever encounter a fierce sinkie tigress. Even a male lion may be eunuchised and tamed by her.

  16. /// ...if you ever encounter a fierce sinkie tigress. Even a male lion may be eunuchised and tamed by her. ///

    Are you referring to anyone in a prominent Singapore political dynasty?

  17. I think the intention was meant to be good. But silly people allowed it to go out of control, housing prices, medical fees, high salaries for politicians and civil servants, high number of foreigners and low quality foreign companies, bad investments, screwing up the stock market wholesale,...all these have reached a point that they cannot be stopped and have a momentum of their down, to drag everything down into the abyss.

    And they don't have a clue how to turn them around. They can only react but cannot stop the slide down.

  18. Lau hero: // I think the intention was meant to be good. But silly people allowed it to go out of control, housing prices, medical fees, high salaries for politicians and civil servants, high number of foreigners and low quality foreign companies, bad investments, screwing up the stock market wholesale,...all these have reached a point that they cannot be stopped and have a momentum of their down, to drag everything down into the abyss.

    And they don't have a clue how to turn them around. They can only react but cannot stop the slide down. //

    Lau hero, your analysis is more or less spot on. That's why I call you lau hero. Attempting with your limited resource to talk sense into the ivory tower dwellers so shielded and disconnected with the day to day insufferable pains, heart ache and at times extreme frustrations, anguish and hapless and hopeless disillusionments of ordinary Sinkies.

    In a way you are right they are clueless and possibly just kicking the can down the road. When 2030 arrives or 6.9 million finally breached and likely the later in a much earlier time line, what next? 10 to 20 million to sustain the inflated asset prices?

    Many things could go wrong otw to 2030 or 6.9 m.

    Nobody can predict with certainty no potential trigger that might start a domino effect of social, economic and political disintegration of this little red dot so painstakingly built up by LKY and Co.

    Therefore, lau hero and co could play a constructive part to offer views and feedbacks etc so that the downward slide to abyss is less steep, precipitous and heart-stopping.

    There may be some in SinkieLand who are still on the right side of mother nature, possess the right intellect, education and life experience to provide feasible and acceptable gradual soft landing sustainable solution but are they willing to step forward given the political, social and economic climate?

    Lau hero's good intention may be insufficient as it could be the case of willing spirit but weak flesh. Such efforts could easily take a good one to two decades of solid, tenuous efforts to bring about desired outcome collectively and stoically.

    In short, those willing may not have time and youth on their side. Those few with the prerequisites may not be willing for whatever factors, be it political, personal etc.

    In the end, the final verdict is back to square one as enunciated by lau hero: "And they don't have a clue how to turn them around. They can only react but cannot stop the slide down."


  19. What a terribly sad piece, and comments, but having lived here for more than 60 years, yes I have seen far better times in this country, which is currently being raped of its greenery and space and dignity. Things have been really bad in the last decade, but the rot started much earlier.

    Does the govt see where it has gone wrong? I don't know, but things have gone so far down the road that any real change is going to be very painful. The govt has to be aware of that.

    As Matilah always points out, we have the govt we deserve. And yes, we deserve them because we were greedy enough to buy into their get-rich promises. We still believe our home is an investment that can appreciate ie it can be gambled on.

    We believe that having an Opposition party in power will save us.

    Actually, We have to save Ourselves. It is very sad to be so wimpy and fearful.

    Meanwhile, I am trying for change where I can. And I shall continue voting opposition as I have all along, not so much because I want the PAP out - they should be the ones clearing up their own shit - but because I believe that its always good to have Plans B and C and D, so I and my country are not held hostage by a bunch of second-runs.

    Ironically, on yahoo, right now, is a piece suggesting that the solution to climate change is ... contraception. What irony in a place where more and more people are being brought in, even though we could never feed them all ourselves.

  20. Rb: " And when they discriminate against the daft citizens, everyone turn the other way or the other cheek. Dunno leh, no one told me. Our ministers have to beg them to be nice to the daft citizens. Can you beat that? And what happened? They put up more advertisements to recruit more foreigners. What can you do about it, daftees? You need us, the foreign talents, the best from the whole Third World. You are at the bottom of the Third World league when your graduates are only good to be taxi drivers.

    These foreign talents are so good that they could anyhow pick a piece of paper, print their names on it, and that would be good enough to be employed in this neo Third World City of no talents. And no one is good enough here to figure out if the certificates are real or forged. "

    One simple conclusion:

    A leopard will cannot change its spot.

    A devil will be a devil in the end.

    Trust a devil and you are 99.99% entrusting your daughters to the wolves and pimps.

    The chances of WOLVES AND PIMPS not raping, prostituting and plundering the chickens, lambs and the coop is 0.00000000001%.
