
Would you be ashamed if you are overpaid?

This is a loaded question and the answers varies, depending on one’s background, one’s philosophy if there is one, depending on one’s moral standing or one’s ethical standard, or depending on one’s propensity to corrupt, and many other things, including how much one is being paid.

This question has been thrown at many CEOs. Are you overpaid? None of them said they are. Everyone claimed that they are underpaid and could do with a few more millions. It is subjective of course. But when one is overpaid, or grossly overpaid, there is no need to ask the question. One knows and everybody knows.

Now back to the shame question. Could anyone really feel ashame of himself or herself for being overpaid for doing nothing or doing too little, or for being incompetent?  How could anyone be overpaid for doing nothing or sitting down whole day to drink tea and read newspaper? What, the company has too much money to spend? No shareholders to demand an explanation or a sacking? Sure, if it is your grandfather’s company, like the Ah Sia kia. Who is there to say anything? It is his Ah Kong’s money what? Or it is OPM.

Seriously, has there ever been people who are so thick skin, so immoral, so unethical, to collect humongous pay and do practically nothing, and feel right and proud about it? Don’t they have some principles, some sense of right and wrong, that taking so much money is wrong if one is not contributing an equivalent of work for the money taken? Would such people feel any pricks of conscience? Or maybe they don’t have any conscience at all. Heheh, who cares, as long as there are people or organisations willing to stuff money into their pockets, legally of course.

The question in the title of this article is foolish. Shouldn’t be asked at all. I can think of a good answer if asked. ‘If I am being paid that kind of money for doing nothing, then it simply says I am smart and you are daft.’

No sense of guilt. Yes guilt, which implies more than just ethical considerations or shame.


  1. I better be overpaid if I'm expected to allow an idiot to lead me into oblivion.

  2. EyesPakJiaoPasteStampSinkieOctober 13, 2013 9:21 am

    RB: // The question in the title of this article is foolish. Shouldn’t be asked at all. I can think of a good answer if asked. ‘If I am being paid that kind of money for doing nothing, then it simply says I am smart and you are daft.’ //

    Rb, somebody didn't do nothing hor! Don't anyhow "undermine and slime him" He is "so innocent" At least he was seen waving to huge crowds albeit with his "foolish" grins and his trade-mark "equally lao tu" ( super old fashion ) 18th century "tai-gor-tai type" of extinct dinosaur long discarded spectacle frame. Hope his mind are more contemporary, unlike his hair style and glasses. Btw, besides waving furiously to the "enthusiastic crowd", he was also very busy and had to work hard for his few million dollars salary "sweating" under the tropical sunset humid heat inspecting guards of honour. Moreover, he had to do quite "boring" work sitting for hours in the open glare of the world like a "statue" looking at some "childish" sketch show which often looked more like an "amateurish flopped cartoon" production but with huge budget. Lastly, before he left for more work back in office, he had to work hard again for his milions by shaking hands with many Singaporeans all so eager to be seen having a "rare" handshake with such an "accomplished and distinguished" hard working selfless altruistic patriot who put country before self. I believe in times of war, he would not hesitate to volunteer his children or his grandchildren to be the first at the forefront of the front line to defend this nation which has "overwhelmingly" given their support so that he can toil day and night doing hard work such to earn a miserable few millions a year for such high value high level sacrifices for the nation. You must know the job is "not easy" and often can be "bored to death". So please don't say they should be "pai sei" take the humongous pay. They could have made much more doing even less if they not doing national duty. A few millions is just a few peanuts only, actually.

  3. RB, I don't really know what is the problem when 60% has no problem Tio Bo?

    1. Hi Anon@9.30.

      This elected one not 60 over percent. Just one third thru the whisker.

      Maybe cannot win without the five boxes of unaccounted boxes.

  4. So many people collecting so much doing so little. That's why money not enough.

  5. People can only feel convicted of shame. When they know what is RIGHT and WRONG.

    If they have no idea of this concept or have it backwards or wear it inside out. Then it is very easy to feel proud even when they are wearing nothing except their undies or doing stupid things like give closed door speeches to people who they cannot even reveal.

    Darkness 2013

  6. Hi Darkness, you have been in the dark for a long while.

  7. @ October 13, 2013 9:20 am
    So if I'm not overpaid, then we better vote Opposition is it?

  8. Q: why did the PAPigs wear red T-shirts for National Day 2013?

    A: After sucking blood for so long, you mean you won't turn red meh?

  9. Yes, I make sure my work gains many time my salary the company paid me. I refuse doing Ali Ba Ba works.

  10. Motto of PartyAgainstPeople

    "As long as you believe you are right, there is nothing to be ashamed of"

    - The right to exploit sinkies
    - The right to give themselves millions without the accountability, transparency and responsibility
    - The right to accuse innocent of being communist as like in operation spectrum and coldstore
    - The right to lose million and billions and sinkies paid for those loss, where profit is for dynasty family to control.
    - The right to use Shitty paper and media at expense of tax payer money for propaganda and praise own party

    No wonder those clowns are always right .

  11. If you don't comopensate people well, there is a greater chance that they will become "corrupt".

    In a meritocracy, high pay is a measure of achievement and ability.

    |Basically, ALL OF US are paid what we are WORTH. OK, so you get outliers and exceptions, but generally speaking, if you want to EARN more, you have to make yourself WORTH more.

    People are not EQUAL. A $1mil pa CEO earns about $3k per day. His jaga jamban/ custodian/ janitor earns $3k a month. When you understand what their various jobs entail, you'll understand why one is paid 300 times more.

    Got "value-adding" skill set?
