
No country, no govt, no citizen – bo cheng hu

The pathetic incident of this guy spitting at two young women at Woodlands Interchange, grabbing one of them and harassing them, is what this country has turned into, bo cheng hu. This guy went spitting at one woman after another several times each and everyone, including SMRT staff could only watch like a despicable circus act. No one could or would stand up to stop the abuse and humiliation of two women in broad daylight, in a crowded place.

How could such a thing happen in a first world city? I can offer only a few reasons. Everyone was so civilized except the guy who spitted at women, or everyone was so selfish, so afraid or did not know what to do or whatever. Chivalry is dead. Manhood is dead.

What happened could be like this. The guy could be fierce, but from the video, any medium built guy could knock him down. He was no big hunk, more like a grown up boy. Anyway, the women could also be foreigners. The people watching also could be foreigners, or most of them. Any Sinkie there, maybe a few. Even the SMRT staff in uniform could be foreigners.

So you have a group of foreigners in a little corner of this island watching something unpleasant happening. What to expect them to do? They are foreigners, no ownership. This is not their country, it is not their business to get involved. Why should they? And as for the Sinkies, the women could be foreigners too, so why should they bother?

The point is that there is no ownership. This island has so many foreigners that every other person is likely to be a foreigner. And at an interchange, the likelihood that the majority are foreigners is even higher. It is a situation of no country, no govt, no citizens. Anything can happen, who cares? No one will step forward to help anyone in distress, to defend or protect lives or properties. It is nobody’s business.

When there is a country, a citizenship, ownership, an identity, belonging, then there will be kampong spirit, to help each other, because we are a family, the people of a country. In a rojak situation when everyone is likely to be a foreigner, when none can identify with anyone or anything, this is what could happen. Apathy, alienation, distinterest, not my business, nothing to do with me. No one people one nation, no stand up for Singapore. This is the same as the foreigner cyclist threatening the Sinkie driver in the middle of road. In a country when the national identity is strong, the cyclist would not be seen walking or cycling again if he dared be so rude and aggressive to the citizens. In some countries they would mow him down and it would be his fault for being there. He was not supposed to be there. He did not belong there.

We are looking every bit like a failed nation. Yes we are just a city with no identity, not a country or a nation. Nobody cares for anyone except when their interests are directly affected.


Anonymous said...

The thing is, if you knock him down, the police will charge you.

Anonymous said...


My goodness why upset bean?

This is Sinkieland. I can barely hear his voice as he cussed at the lady. He is a Sinkie that I know.

I bet everyone will blame it on the FT, PR, new citizen and the PAP!


Anonymous said...

Maybe true lah, Woodlands interchange got a lot of foreigners.

Some more, also don't know how the woman had provoked the guy into spitting at her in the first place.

Although spitting is wrong, I think need to hear both sides also lah.

Anonymous said...

Maybe both sides are at fault, but two wrongs don't make a right.

Anonymous said...

Cannot always blame PAP.

Sometimes need to blame the opposition and Sinkies also.

Because the fault of PAP may be due precisely to the fault of Sinkies and Sinkie opposition.

For instance, had the opposition been strong and ready to be govt, PAP may have performed better to serve Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

...a lady was queuing up for bus service 950 at the interchange. Another person, a Singaporean, suddenly cut queue and went in front of her. She then asked him to queue up behind her. The person claimed he was already in the queue earlier but went off to buy a drink at the shop nearby before returning to the queue. But nobody saw him.

When the bus came, all the passengers in the queue went up the bus. But the person spit on the lady multiple times before going up the bus.

Sia wrote, “Everyone complains. He pushed the lady down the bus and spit saliva on her face multiple times (estimated about 10 times).”

The spitting behaviour is likely to be that of a transexual.

Anonymous said...

this is just the beginning....

this is what you get for trying to house too many people on this tiny island Singapore.......

this is social ills 101 for you....

you may be able to house 6.9M or even 10M population, but we must be prepared for increase in social ills such as this....

no way to avoid this....no way to escape....just too many people in a tiny place....


Anonymous said...

From what I see the spitter is a S'porean. He works in S'pore and lives in JB. Most of the other passengers, including the two ladies, are Malaysians who work in S'pore and live in JB. The SMRT staff, especially the Indian ones, I'm very sure are Malaysians. I hope the spitter will kena rotan for behaving like a hooligan. I hope the newspapers will print his face big, big for all the world to see. Hopefully he and his family will feel shame. The most striking thing besides the hooligan's behaviour was that nobody did anything to protect the ladies. They could have at least restrained him and pinned him to the ground. I agree with RB. If all of those people in the video were S'poreans, the SMRT staff would not have just stood around and the victims would not have just stood still and kept quiet.

Anonymous said...

Isn't spitting in public against the law ? I hope this turns into a police case... $500/spit lol. Plenty to go around.

Anonymous said...

must ask a doctor....what happen if the saliva has HIV/AIDS in it....will the poor woman get it .......no joking matter .......

b said...

That is what will happen when voters entrusted the country into the hands and legs of wolves in white.

Anonymous said...

Life in Universe 25 or
Death in Utopia

>>These gangs would burst into pointless and sporadic violence. Females stopped reproducing and even started attacking their own young. Mortality rose phenomenally. Roaming mice either attacked or attempted to mount others, irrespective of relation or gender, cannibalism and other acts of depravity consumed them. These were the feral ones. Then there were the ‘beautiful ones.’

The ‘beautiful ones’ withdrew themselves ever so quietly, removing themselves from the sick society. Solitary pursuits began to define them; eating, drinking and grooming among others. No scars on their back or hairs out-of-place, these mice behaved like a separate race. They saw the world through their narrow scopes, as they tossed, turned and tried to cope.<<

Anonymous said...

Will saliva spread AIDS/HIV? Must the woman go for blood test?

Anonymous said...

they are not called:

PUKI MAT ... for nothing,

give them an inch they will act more garang

mak puki

some may get angry but it a fact!!

Anonymous said...

Redbean has pointed straight to the heart. Whatever is happening in Spore today is a projection of our collective consciousness - there is no ownership in Spore.

Go to 170 bus terminal at Queen St,if the same incident happen, will you help knowing that they are FT?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr. Chua, what you just said is so true. It is sad that this country under this "not the most highly paid lawmakers" has brought us to the "Fifth World" and not Third or Fourth of which most of our new PR/Citizens come from. Bo Cheng Hu

Anonymous said...

In their country, spitting at the face of minority is a way to spite them knowing the minorities would just take it quietly.

Anonymous said...

Bo Cheng Hu.....

Bo Cheng Hu.....

Bo Cheng Hu.....


Anonymous said...

In Taiwan, when a ns man died, thousands came out in protest. In sinkie land when a ns man died nobody come out as it has nothing to do with them except the family who lost a son. No one resign to take responsibility either so RB you are so right.

Anonymous said...

And the saddest part of all is all the commentators in the internet say they will beat the crap out of the spitter if they were there but when they are there they like those onlookers at the interchange will not do a single thing. The same goes for everyone here including RB. LKY & son over the long decades have slowly shrunk our balls till they are about the size of a pea.

TracyTan said...

Excellent article, Redbean. Thank you

Virgo 49 said...

Bro, after fifty over years under the PAP, Singaporeans already became lame beh lamb beh.

Always think these incidents/accidents would not happened to my children or my family lah.

When that happened, it is too late lah.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Please lah redbean, you don't know the whole story.

Anyway, as usual you've let your imagination run amok -- I suppose that's "roadside storyteller's" job :-))

Judging from his accent and broken English, our anti-social and unhygienic anti-hero is probably Singaporean, maybe Malaysian, ethnicity is probably Malay.

The SMRT staff are completely useless. This is just a small matter -- an altercation between a few people. If it were more serious -- like a fire or "security incident", these useless SMRT staff/ security might as well light up cigarettes and drink kopi; incompetent dullards that they are.

Inferring from my observations of the video, watching body language and listening to whatever discernible speech:

1. The guy was probably psychologically "primed" already -- i.e. he harbours repressed anger, boiling under the surface, instantly "triggered" by a small external incident.

2. Immediately the hapless woman/ women perceived to be the "trigger" is subjected to the full eruption of the guy's repressed negative emotions.

3. As his angry mood increases, he unslings his backpack, you can see the tension increase in his upper body, notably the shoulders.

4. His chin is up -- a sign of hostility, and you'll notice heightened defiance after he shows he's quite capable of hitting the woman before turning his attention to the stupid SMRT "security" guy threatening "Don't make me hit you!".

5. At this point, he is at the most dangerous. The women can count themselves lucky they weren't hit. In his "fake" attempt to hit the woman, he takes a big swing, with closed fists. Had he hit the woman, he might have broken her nose, jaw, cheek or eye socket.

6. The cops are likely to take this quite seriously. This fella is in a whole heap of trouble.

7. This is a clear case of assault and threatening violence. There is no doubt about his intent. If caught and gets a stern judge, it looks like rotan for this fella.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...



Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Steady lah Matilah. Clap, clap, clap.

Oh, Tracy, welcome to the blog. Just bear with this guy who knows everything without knowing anything : )

Matilah, did you read what happened by someone who was there?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>>Matilah, did you read what happened by someone who was there? <<

No. Got link? Please post.

I just watched the video a few times, stopping in places and slo-mo to more closely observe body language as best I could from a hand held handphone recording.

>> Just bear with this guy who knows everything without knowing anything <<

Better pay attention to redbean. I write opinion, mostly rubbish. If you take me seriously, your head will explode :)

However, I'm great company. I have morning coffee at Tanglin Mall, and frequently get drunk at Dempsey or Holland V around dinner time. So, if you're looking for some scintillating and charming male company....I'll be in Singapore next month and again in Dec. ;-)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

There is quite a detailed description of what happened posted at TRE. And a clip of the incident was in the news. That's why I came to know not the whole story.

The family members or boyfriends of the girls are not going to be happy about what happened to their loved ones.

Anyone wanting some charming male company in the form of Matilah kee chiu.

Anonymous said...

Don't pray pray with Matilah, RB. He got doctorate in pangsaikology one.

Anonymous said...


curious .... okaylah, i beri the kaypoh lan not kaypoh chee

u r a puki mud???

Anonymous said...

@ Matilah
"The cops are likely to take this quite seriously. This fella is in a whole heap of trouble."

I hope they will not just say ... "Not happy? Please contact your own lawyer. This is just a civil disturbance. Nothing to do with us police."
"Entitlement mentality. Everything also call police."

Anonymous said...

"One nation, one cuntry, one Singapore"
48 years of nation building.
PAP. Well done.
Come. I clap for you.

Anonymous said...

Wah! Security at the bus interchange very good leh!
Anybody watching the video can see so many effective looking staff standing around doing the security wayang.
Just like so many Singaporeans standing around while our population continues to increase to 6.9 million.

Odysseus said...

As usual, laying the blame at the foot of non-locals. Sure, if this happened 15 years ago this shameful incident would have transpired in a different way. Yeah right.

Equator said...

Why are you not pushing the point that the travelling public has the right to expect safety during paid passage! SMRT has provided no protection what so ever, what if he had been waving a knife or other weapon around? Where is the security personnel? What about nut cases with weapons or bombs, this company should be fined millions for lack of security!

Anonymous said...

Equator, I think for the company, the fare paid includes transport only, security not included hor. To add security, the fare has to go up lor

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Odysseus and Equator, welcome to the blog. Please don't ask the govt to help you. You will have to pay for it.

What lacking is the kampong spirit, the unity of a people, the pride of a people and nation, social and civic mindedness.

We have become what kind of society and what kind of country when everyone is about himself and how much he can scoop before the door is closed.

There are some elements of safety to be provided but how? This is like rioting by an individual albeit the SMRT with so many staff and in their premises, should do something rather than standing around as if it is none of their business. Oh we have called the police. Like you said, someone could be chopped to pieces if a guy runs around with a parang.

Anonymous said...

Ask govt to help, not only we have to pay for it but they'll charge us extra for the service. Any opportunity they get to vacuum your money, they'll do it.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> What lacking is the kampong spirit, <

No, it is still there...in the form of Facebook, LinkedIn and Kickstarter.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ya it is there, just hang a banner on the roadside and tell the people about it.

Please lah, don't be so superficial like them.

Kampong spirit is built over generations of staying together when everyone knows each other in and out by growing up together. It is not something that can be willed overnight with strangers.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Uncle dun anyhow scold me ok, can or not? ten-Q ah!

I'm merely pointing out an observation in a rapidly changing world, where the social order as we know it is going...I dun know where, no one knows where.

Truth be told, I can't stand social networks, I agree they are superficial and also mindless for the most part...but through gritted teeth I deal with them. These days, if one is globalised, it is unavoidable.

You can't fight change lah. Both good and bad result from changes. Somehow, sooner or later all of us find a way to deal with it, or we are going to go nuts, and become as irrelevant as a dinosaur very quickly.

Most of the KPKB on this blog (and others) comes from not having the ability to deal with rapid changes. It freaks people the fuck out. Our species has evolve to adapt to SLOW changes in our structures and orders. Rapid changes evoke the "fear response".

Anonymous said...

This spitting individual.
If you want fast police action.
Maybe just call police and say there is a political protester.
I think the response time will be very fast.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 11:24, you are a real Sinkie. You know how things work here.

Matilah, you are too presumptious. Everyone of us is coping quite well. But we do not want to go down the road of self destruct and we want to keep the bad elements out, the bad changes out. We are telling the govt this is what we want or what we don't want.

The right thing is called feedback. The wrong thing is called noise.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Your use of language just gave you away ;)

>> Everyone of us is coping quite well. <

You cope with cancer, or a disability. To keep your job you cope with a difficult boss.

Coping is dealing with unpleasantness and soldiering on, the best you can...

Like I said, you still go around with dark clouds over you -- sure you cope with that.

Me? I like roses and sunshine, a happy spirit with an optimism the self-help gurus try and sell you for thousands of dollars.

I keep telling y'all: relac lah, there's nothing to worry about if you live in Singapore. But y'all still come across as glum and pessimistic.

Oh well, it's down to personal choice I suppose ;-)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I just said heheh to JC. All old people have the right to grumble and be grouchy, for the right or wrong reasons. We are grouchy ok.

I can just post all the nice nice things for everyone to read. It would then be like going to church. Come to think of it, it would not be a bad idea. I could start my own church and make a lot of people happy and hopeful: )

But it could be very boring and deceiving. The sheep will be misled.

Anonymous said...

It is surprising to see that few people are interested in hearing the other side of the story, or the man's version of the incident.

First, the video clip showed clearly that the man insisted on calling the police to handle the unpleasant situation. He asked twice "where is the police" (at 2:10s).

Second, the man appeared confident that the woman in blue was at fault as he shouted "you are the wrong person, I tell you" (at 1:51) and "you ask her why, what is the problem (at 2:00s)".

Third, I don't think the man had an real intention to split saliva in the woman in green (at 0:22s) and he seemed simply use this very GESTURE to express his anger.

If the man's weapon had been saliva but not a gesture, the woman in green may have wiped the saliva from her face in a different way and fought back verbally to protect her dignity, as a normal person would do.

Third, the SMRT staff are general fair and if the man were really guilty as most readers expected, the SMRT staff would for sure have been stopped the man from repeating his aggressive gestures. The staff must have their reasons not to do so. It is too earlier to blame SMRT staff.

It is better to hear the explanations from both parties before making a comment on the moral conditions of a society.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Reported today that the culprit is remanded at IMH. And the charges are criminal intimidation, attempt to cause bodily hurt, more than just creating a public nuisance. They forgot to charge him for sexual harassment or molest for grabbing at the women and pushing at her chest.

If they found him mentality insane and a danger to public safety, they could just lock him up in IMH until he is well.

Anonymous said...


View this video your heart boils. He has an axe to grind against Singaporeans. ICA should ban him from coming into the island. He is a threat to public safety.

Anonymous said...

IMH ....

omg .... acts due to mental problems?

if only they had admitted JBJ to IMH too .... he might had died a happier person n not hatred even on his deathbed

Anonymous said...

@October 24, 2013 3:09 pm

AIDS can be transmitted thru saliva?

@October 26, 2013 10:23 am

mentally incapable?? aka

NO CHARGES .... free man