
Need to build more private hospitals

The over utilization of our govt privatized hospitals is becoming a joke when an appointment could be in terms of several months or even years. What kind of nonsense is this? Many medical problems would have died or healed by themselves or could have eaten the affected patients. But never mind. Let’s try to do something positive.

We have a population of 5.4m and a citizen population of 3.31m. The rest, PRs and non residents, make up 2.1m. This is by no means a small number of people. Now you know why our govt privatized hospitals are finding it difficult to cope. Many of these people are really consuming the health services provided by the govt privatized hospitals, leading to high and over utilization.

Perhaps one way to go about improving the quality of healthcare services to the citizens is to encourage the private sectors to build more hospitals to cater to the needs of PRs and non residents. It would be good for everyone, win, win and win solution. The citizens can have better healthcare services from the govt privatized hospitals or private hospitals if they can afford to pay for them. The PRs and non residents can have their private hospitals that are better and well run, to serve them.

And the medical profession can have another big industry to make more money. And more land can be sold to build more hospitals, more employment, more jobs and higher GDP. The MOM may even make exceptions and let them staff with foreigners as this is strictly a foreigners industry. Someone just need to do the sums right, on the cost/benefits to the country for providing such services for foreigners, including good jobs in our first world country and the cost of first world infrastructure.

Have a new directive that foreigners are now allowed in govt private hospitals to ease the bottleneck. They can go to private hospitals. This may ease the jam in public privatized hospitals and shorten the wait for a medical appointment.

What do you think? Think 6.9m coming.


Anonymous said...

Private hospital should be built underground.

Anonymous said...

Same for all the cemeteries for all foreigners die here, all underground.

Anonymous said...

Built all govt buildings underground also. Lead by example.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should build more hospital outside the country like Johore..and or Batam...so that our citizens can go there to enjoy and relax and at the same treated accordingly.

Anonymous said...

we should not just consider building more and more hospitals.....

we must know the types of hospital we need....

the govt should consider building more budget hospitals so as to keep healthcare cheap....

many govt hospitals are now like hotels .......

what patients need is cheap and professionally operated budget hospital stays not hotel standards.....

Anonymous said...

Move the Istana underground.
For better security you know.

Anonymous said...

Since we are willing to spend monies on Operation Blue Ridge in Afganistan, for five years, we can also do it within our neighbouring countries...

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Cannot build budget hospital lah. Remember thrift is not our national ideology. Got money must spend to help the economy. Rich people must go to A class wards and pay for quality.

Higher income people must buy properties from the private developers to make the developers rich and raise the GDP.

No, no budget. Cannot. Count the percentage of C class wards available despite the fees so high for B and A wards.

Lao Ren Yuan Resident said...

What do I think?

I think it's shameful to have to wait months before you can see a so called "specialist" in the government hospital and the cruelest slap of all is that at the appointment date, you don't see a real specialist but probably some Medical Officer masquerading as a specialist and the kicker in the butt is that this MO may probably be some "doctor" from an unknown university from the Philippines or India.

Utterly shameful. They turned down good native young citizens with good JC results into the local medical schools and now they are employing quacks with dubious credentials to fulfill the demand crush of an avalanche of foreign trash gatecrashing into the island. Shows you what kind of "quality" planning that is.

And now those Pinoy doctors and Pinay nurses in these hospitals are getting real cocky too. Be nice to them as at the slightest hint to disrespect, they will call the Cisco security guard who is himself a foreign trash as well to intimidate you.

I agree we should have a separate hospital for them. Staffed by their own kind but managed by us as we are the host. All supplies plus medicines to be sold to them at cost plus markup ++. Since they are sucking our blood by taking our jobs, it's about time we take something out of their pockets. It's going to be profitable because no one, I repeat, no one doesn't fall sick.

Anonymous said...

They are squeezing Sinkies out of jobs, out of the island, now out of the hospitals when Sinkies are sick.

Who are these 'they'?

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps one way to go about improving the quality of healthcare services to the citizens is to encourage the private sectors to build more hospitals to cater to the needs of PRs and non residents. It would be good for everyone, win, win and win solution."

But are those PRs and non residents able to pay? Or willing to pay?

Please note that most PRs and non residents may even be poorer than average Sinkies, you know.

Only a minority of PRs and non residents are able to afford properties like those in Sentosa Cove.

Anonymous said...

It is true lah. The bulk of the PRs and non residents may not be rich, or even talented. Cheaper and younger, yes.

The richer and more talented ones would have prefer Western countries to work or settle in. Singapore however, may be a safe haven for their wealth, but to live daily, NO!

agongkia said...

Dun be another Phua Kay to propose for more hospitals,private or not.

Many of these visits to GP or hospitals are unnecessary and only daft and kiasee Sinkies will wait for appointment and spent unnecessary .

One way to help is to allow those medicine ,especially sinseh herbs,pills to be here without much restriction from HSA.
I just have a shoulder pain last month and consultation ,treatment,medicine and even acupuncture still dun work after weeks ,costing me hundreds of dollars.Press remote control arm oso pain,not to say hug my favourites....

SaiLingkongkak,I remembered last time 2 packet of herbal powder that cost me only RM4 worked for me but they said it contain dun know what mercury and banned it here.

This time I went JB and spent RM9.60ct on this 4 packets of herbal powder....

Now can hug my favorites without any pain.Finger also works like active worms.

Go visit elsewhere for cheaper and reliable treatment and not waste time and money waiting over appointment .

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

All the foreigners are here under employment. Their employers can buy medical insurance for them mah. Since medical insurance can be compulsory for Sinkies, why cannot be made compulsory to foreign workers? Workers no money to pay, company got what.

And Agongkia, why you so silly buying those questionable powders? You live too long oredy? So many bought blue pills and got permanent erection till got to go for amputation.

Don't main main when you full around with your mei meis.

Anonymous said...


Why more hospital, when you cannot find Sinkies to work there? Import more Pinoy, Indonesians, PRC, Myanmar whatever? Than everyone point the fingers at the Garment for too many FT?

I'll take steps Further, why better healthcare or the best healthcare when an average and/or working poor cannot afford it?


Anonymous said...

Don't build more hospitals lah.
Build more Opposition voters first.
More opposition voters = More hospitals

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

JC and all, I am talking a totally foreign industry within the city. It is already here without us knowing but exploiting and robbing Sinkies of their right to public hospitals. When not segregate them and let them come here to work and pay for themselves. We can boost the GDP too.

We can build more foreigners industrial or business parks completely foreign from the top to the bottom, but let them not consume our health care facilities and services and deprive Sinkies of them. It makes 6.9m and more Changi Business Parks less painful while helping with the GDP and those whose big pay and bonuses depend on the GDP.

Like that can or not? Like it or not, it is already here but we are too blind to see. You only get hurt when your next appointment is 2 years down the road. It is as good as telling you to go somewhere else, get lost, no time to see you, no time for you.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I'm all for a fully privatised healthcare industry. Thankfully, it seems to be heading in that direction.

Hopefully in the future, there'll be mergers and acquisitions. Maybe Raffles Medical Group (wow! talk about commercial success story) will buy out Khoo Teck Puat or NUH or any one or a number of those government hospitals -- which are thankfully privatised, which means (eventually) they can be bought and sold.

If the cuntree is going to have such high population numbers (forget 6.9 million, think 9 or 10 million), a privately-owned healthcare system is the only rational choice, if SUSTAINABILITY, HIGH STANDARDS and REASONABLE COST are the objectives.

As for waiting times for non-life threatening cases -- they can be priced in the market. If you are prepared to wait, you get the services cheaper. If you want it NOW, you have the choice to pay a premium. What will happen is that you'll find wait times will DECREASE for those who want a cheaper option. This is because there is CHOICE to get services quickly, so more wealthier (and better insured) patients will no doubt PAY the premium to get treatment thus shortening waiting times for the rest because the queue will get shorter.

Go private. All the way.

Anonymous said...


I totally disagree with you. When you denial anyone the right or access to healthcare; I mean "ANYONE,” you are condemning him to death, in the worst case scenario. No one should make profits from Healthcare.

Many Sinkies complain about owning a car. I always reply, if you cannot afford it, take public transport and stop bitching. However, if you cannot afford or access to good healthcare, I can't tell them go and die? Many oppositions’ Sinkies and PAP supporters would probably say "Go and die".

And many dies needlessly here and everywhere! Amen!


Anonymous said...

Matilah_Singapura said...

“I'm all for a fully privatised healthcare industry.”

If healthcare is privatized, maybe not you but I can guarantee many MORE will die needlessly. Years down the road after you and I departed your loves ones will reap what you sow today. Profit in Healthcare. You are really sick.

I should not have reply, you are really clueless!


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


You replied anyway. You are a fool who cannot control his urges :-)

>> Profit in Healthcare.

Absolutely. More profit means you're doing a better job.

Got meritocracy?

Anonymous said...


Ask this rubbish dump mati bs cow dung shit Matilah:

Got more toxic non-biodegradable cow dung shit to choke up the incinerator?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah will be privatised soon.

JC, you are saying what I am saying but you did not get my drift. Healthcare can be public or privatised. The govt has a responsibility to provide decent healthcare to the citizens, for being the govt and taxing on the people. This is the public part and to privatise it is mean, forgetting what a govt is supposed to do and the meaning of public healthcare.

Healthcare can be a business in the private sector, for those who want to pay for it and for those who set it up as a business. The private sector can literally close the door on anyone who cannot pay.

Public healthway cannot do that unless the govt is prepared to be kicked out for not taking care of the people who voted them to be the govt.

Hope this is clearer.

Anonymous said...


Ask this Mati cow dung how black and soiled he is after spending so long in sewerage pipe, pig sty and heaps of cow dung shit meant to fertilise the endless farms in his arse trailer disert.

Anonymous said...


I dun use foul language in Internet, this is exception.

Fuck you clueless!

Should not have comment!


Anonymous said...


"This is the public part and to privatise it is mean, forgetting what a govt is supposed to do and the meaning of public healthcare."

Been there, Been there, Been there, Been there..... you have not think deep enuff, the complication with Public and Private. Just cannot explain it, too long and will be unreadable...

If you have the time, watch PBS "Frontline Sick Around The World." You may not be able to watch the video streaming, but try different google.... for different sites.



Anonymous said...


I beg you or anyone who wanna know more about healthcare and NOT more hospitals, watch Frontline's "Sick Around The World.” It's just under an hour long. Even as my broadband connection is far superior to what you can get in Singapore, it's near impossible for me to email you.

If you really cannot access it, I "may" burn a copy when we met. As a Bloggers you have the responsibility to know and understand the subjects and your readers will be more inform, rather than yak, yak till the cow comes home.

I said, BEEN THERE and I understand it. Two topics that are dear to my heart, Healthcare and Educations. Both should "NOT FOR PROFITs.”


Anonymous said...

Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?

What happens to a country when its young people stop having sex? Japan is finding out… Abigail Haworth investigates


This is a job for Matilah!
You have a nation of young women to deflower and save from a lifetime of celibacy.

If only PAPigs have this problem.
We would be rid of them in one generation.

Anonymous said...

@ JC 12.15pm

// Been there, Been there, Been there, Been there..... //

Get even, don't get angry.


Take 10 deep breaths.

Anonymous said...

Having seen and read many countless past examples, it makes sense to do good than evil.

Evil people and their off springs, in the end, get what they deserved, whether good or bad .....

Do not intend to curse them. Let nature and divine take its course.

Whatever we encounter happened many times before ......

Things are not that bad after all.

Just keep the hopes alive and be positive, never give up and keep working at it.

Even if down to the last man, we go down not giving up ......

Always believe let nature and divine decide after we have done our best and what we could.

There is nothing to fear in this world, not even death or suffering or torture or anything else .....

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JC, will take a look. And I fully agree with you that healthcare should not be profit making, especially public healthcare. I like to use the example of a contagious virus spreading around. Can the govt afford to say the antidote is not for free? It will have no choice but to give them away quickly and freely.

To make healthcare completely free is not that easy as well given the wide variety of medical conditions and cost of medicine and expertise. What could be done is to provide basic healthcare freely or at minimum charge, the definition I will leave it to the professionals.

They are many other conditions that are difficult to be provided for free or should be provided for free. From an altruistic point of view, an idealistic one, healthcare, healing and saving life should be free. But it is not going to be for many reasons.

Anonymous said...

Hi ... heard russia got a few old aircraft carrier to be decommissioned...y not buy over cheap cheap n refurbish into floating hospitals..n strictly for singaporeans sickers only .. cruise around nearby international waters ...no need pay erp , coe , gst , all other taxes n charges ...it could take off some loads from existing hospitals ...of course its no more an aircraft carrier but rename as SPC (sick people carrier) ...


oldhorse42 said...

Build exclusive hospital for foreigners and staffed by foreigners?

I can imagine sinkie will flock to the foreign hospital because it will be cheaper.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 1.07 pm:
/// y not buy over cheap cheap n refurbish into floating hospitals..n strictly for singaporeans sickers only .. cruise around nearby international waters ...no need pay erp , coe , gst , all other taxes n charges ...it could take off some loads from existing hospitals ///

Fantastic idea!

Sinkies really have talents, Sinkie Talents and Idols.

Why not expand this idea to build HDB flats, Pte condos, landed properties, GCWs ( Good Class Bungalows ), Horse Race course in it?

Like that no worries SinkieLand insufficient space and over cramped sardine packed MRTs.

Multiple birds with one stone!

Can build up GDP with no worries about overpopulation.

More tax revenue, gst, cpf, etc etc .....

One floating mini housing estate can have 50,000 residents. Some more can join them up with retractable connecting platforms or bridges. Multiply by 20 will have 1 million. Multiply 200 easily 10 million. Plus another 10 million mainland with downwards underground and upwards cloud touching construction, easily 20 million population. With SinkieLand high GDP per capita income, easily equivalent $2 - 3 Trillion GDP down the road. Why not?

Want to rock and build an exceptional City then rock and go all the way. No pulling of punches.

With $2-3 trillion GDP, revenue easily 1/2 trillion per year. 20% means 0.1 trillion per year budget for defence. Sinkieland can build arguably the 4th strongest military in asia after china, india and japan.

Eventually SinkieLand would have the largest flotillas in history, maybe even the biggest naval armada ever witnessed by mankind civilisation ........

Sounds good?

Got bold and far-sighted but unfortunately highly paid bureaucrats to take it up?

Anonymous said...

Why don't we colonise the moon, plant our flag there? Build our own rockets to the moon, space flight and space odyssey....or space station above out HDB flats, floating in the air : )

Anonymous said...


"They are many other conditions that are difficult to be provided for free or should be provided for free. From an altruistic point of view, an idealistic one, healthcare, healing and saving life should be free. But it is not going to be for many reasons."

"Idealistic,” did you really mean it? Please lah, watch the video. Frontline's reporter TR Reid asked doctors in many countries: "How many people go broke for healthcare"? "None" - "Never.” In Japan US$10 per night in "C" ward (a four to five person room) hospital. Ten buck! Impossible?

"Difficult to be provided for free or should be provided for free.." I can forgive you for being ignorance about "Free Universal Healthcare."

I am spoon feeding you what you NEED to know rather than making a fool of yourself (sorry no insult intended).


Anonymous said...

You want free healthcare.
You become a PAP MP lor!

You get paid for telling Singaporeans everything also not your job.
You get paid for scolding Singaporeans when they ask for help.

When Singaporeans ask for help, just shout "subsidy mentality" or "where is the money going to come from?"

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Singapore used to have near free medical in the past. Malaysia and many Asean countries are still having near free medical.

Singapore also can have, just find the budget for it. We don't have to pay the price we are paying for the quality of healthcare today.

Change the govt, change the minister of health, and restructure the health care system and infrastructure. I agree, possible to be free. It is just a matter of how much and where the money is to come from and go to.

Just like HDB losing billions and another ministry making billions. It is actually as simple as arithmetic.

Anonymous said...

Can be done. $8 for heart by pass.

Anonymous said...

October 23, 2013 2:47 pm

"Can be done. $8 for heart by pass."

Why NOT?

The name of the game, EVERYONE include the lawmakers get the same what every citizens get. NO EXCEPTION! Are you any different, are you also human too?

If this rule apply to everyone in the NEW Singapore Universal Healthcare than you'll see the different!

Stop ......, go and view the video!!

Anonymous said...

Redbean, keep talking and really you know very little of Universal Healthcare?
Why not watch the video, you and your readers be better inform. At at the same time google "Single Payer".
Should I spoon feed you on Single payer?

Anonymous said...

healthcare costs inclusive of hospital stays, tests, treatments, surgeries, drugs, ambulatory services, outpatient treatments should be free for C class/basic class.....

if you wish to upgrade, you just have to pay.....

someone at the top should seriously study into this and see how we can fund the costs as a nation.....

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JC, even without viewing the video, I will agree that it can be done. It is only how to do it, what to provide, how much to provide in the budget, obviously some things would have to go, and it cannot be like the cover all or provide for all Medishield Life, all and sundry to be covered.

If we are going to continue with the current circus, when 5 to 10 specialists would take turns to look at a patient and send the patient to ten scans and 20 checks in a 6 star hotel environment with the top of the art equipment.

A very decent quality medical service can be provided at very much lower cost can be designed when there is a political will to do it and with a reasonable budget made available.

Anonymous said...

u THINK 6.9m are coming? hullo, they are here already! just add 1.3m, 1.4m visitors each month, and u have 6.7m, 6.8m in this country at any point of time NOW.

the joke is that they r still intending to up the infrastructure for just 6.9m. by then, the no of visitors will have risen to at least 2.5, 3m.

as for the actual resident popn, plse lah, 6.9m is just a Projection. has the govt ever kept to any of its projections? it was supposed to be 5m in 2030. it is almost 5.5m NOW. so by 2030, 10m to 12m sounds more probable. it is likely to be more tho...

even 5 flotillas of ships will not be able to accomodate so many. even going underground will not help.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The fundamentals of providing healthcare services cannot be as complicated than rocket science and there is no need even to go on a trip overseas to know how to do it.

It is as simple as providing a buffett, what to provide, how much to provide, where to get the supplies, who are the cooks, the tablewares, the quality of service etc etc.

It is all a matter of how much, where is the money coming from, and how much to give. Please lah, I have been in many industries before and in top management level. Know your cost and you will know what you can give. There are other factors like free services, free or subsidised drugs etc but these are just ancillaries.

If I need to view a video or make an overseas study trip just to be able to know what it is, then my IQ is as good as zero.

Anonymous said...


You mean you are so smart and able to tok of Healthcare without doing research? This is no ordinary video. Produced at WGBH-TV in Boston, Massachusetts and distributed through the Public Broadcasting. This station unlike any other PBS stations. Produce some of the finest documentary. Fair and honest without bias.


You are like most Sinkies, will not go beyond you limited scope, unlike me I explore and find as much as I possibly can. Internet make it possible and I make full use of it.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

JC, it is not a matter of smart or being a stubborn idiot. If you are talking about a specific or particular model, then I will have to look at this particular model to know what it is. But to provide low cost, decent medical services, the fundamentals of costing and the goods and services to provide are the same. It is generic.

Give me a team of medical professionals, I will be able to design a blue print for a new low cost universal medical health service from scratch, with the inputs from the professionals within the budget.

What is so difficult?

b said...

Healthcare costs, which is part of gov essential spending, should be income related. Kids and retirees no need to pay. Rich people, like Matilah and ministers and LKY, will have to pay more. It does not matter whether private or public so long as citizens are prioritized over pr, foreigners etc.

Anonymous said...

redbean and JC say universal health care can.
I say cannot.
Why cannot?
Because PAP say cannot.

Can Singaporeans ever vote out the PAP?
If can vote out the PAP.
Then I say universal healthcare is possible.
But until the PAP is voted out.
There will be no universal healthcare.

Anonymous said...

I salute redbean for his can do spirit.
His heart is in the right place.
As long as the heart is in the right place, anything is possible.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


With 6.9 million, "SINGAPOREANS", planning the scrap pieces to benefit them also?, Malaysia 2 riggit is indeed something that we can achieve but to accommodate the aliens............I find that difficult to accept.

Placing almost free medical is of course visible, didn't we spent 2 billion on some dome to house trees and plants which is infested by lizards which the NParks still want to monitor.

The PR's have been name and tab as locals, from every mouth in the gahmen, so unless this bubble is burst or perhaps we can really land and colonise the moon, just talk cock will do........


Anonymous said...

aiyah ... it's elememtary

no money .... life is expendable

actually is a master-move ...
need not waste money on treatments that can be put to better use ... taking care of the family welfare

damn ... return my CPF balance!!!

Anonymous said...


"The fundamentals of providing healthcare services cannot be as complicated than rocket science and there is no need even to go on a trip overseas to know how to do it."....."Give me a team of medical professionals'...."

You know it all.... and far smarter than anyone..... G'day. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey PAP fuckers.
The motherfuckers who think if got universal healthcare it means there will be free loaders.

If ambulance transport is provided free of charge.
You think I so free to suka, suka call for an ambulance to go to hospital every day is it?

The only fucking freeloaders are you PAP fuckers.
Wanting to get paid millions for doing absolutely nothing.
When was the last time your oldest serving PAP MP actually went to a Meet-The-People's session?
Who is the real freeloader?

b said...

I think most singaporeans will not vote for pap in GE2016 unless they want to be housed underground with dead wood, leaves and bodies.

b said...

A lot of pap ministers and top civil servants have already bought their second or third luxury high end houses in Oz and Eu which they will flock to during the next GE.

Anonymous said...


Setting up a health care is rocket science, if you can do it with just a team of medical experts, then whobwill man your PR?, your HR?, your trasport?, your machines?, your process?, your housing?, your storage?, your files.....etc etc etc etc etc etc etc...

Anonymous said...

b said... "...It does not matter whether private or public so long as citizens are prioritized over pr, foreigners etc...."

It matter! Ignorance voters destroy not only themselves but other as well. Do you really understands what is Universal Healthcare, beside blindly follow the blind? It will affect not only you but your love ones in your lifetime. Why dun you take your time and find out what other countries doing Universal Healthcare. Learn about the good, the bad and why it cost so much? Understands it NOT "Free", can never be "FREE" and how to pay for it. Further, you cannot have the cake and eat it. Example - charging the S$24.8 million Brunei’s royal family for cancer treatment?

I am NOT against you, you are mild by comparison to most Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

All issues have pointed to one cause: wrong population policy, and we need a team of co-pilots in the governing of our country...

Anonymous said...

October 23, 2013 5:50 pm

Hey Bro, You pretty smart, when did you find out the wrong population policy, lately or few GE's back? Have you taken the trouble, who melted out the populations and economic policies? Itiz just Loa Gow alone or the people that were with him during his watched?

Let's take few steps further, do you really believe you can turn back the clock and return to the populations in the eighties or nineties, further even if the oppositions win in 2016 (miracle) things return to the eighties or nineties? What about the massive HDB, massive buildings and companies infested with past PAP MP, RC and etc beside the FT, PR and New citizens... You really think anyone can put the Genie back to the bottle?

Blaming the PAP is just plain stoopid. It's the VOTERS! You want Swiss gracious living, world class "first.” Bro, I learned a long time ago anything "first" will cost me not only my arm, but my legs as well. And never accept anything free and I really mean it!


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@JC 1154:

>> I dun use foul language in Internet, this is exception.

Fuck you clueless!

Like I said, you are a childish moron who cannot control his impulses ;-)

Anyway, thanks for "rationalising" your (so-called) "exception". I didn't think I warranted that much attention to the point where you compromise your own standards :-))

@anon 1244:

>> ttp://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/20/young-people-japan-stopped-having-sex

This is a job for Matilah!
You have a nation of young women to deflower and save from a lifetime of celibacy. <<

Unlike low self esteem tossers like you and many of similarly deficient fellow Singaporeans -- who can't tahan the fact that it is OK for women to have multiple sex partners, and thus place an unwarranted over-valuation on "virginity" -- I do not like banging / deflowering virgins, nor do I hold them in any special esteem.

I like older, more experienced "dirty" gals -- gals who've had a few cocks in their mouths, pussies and hopefully like a little anal now and then, and can get real nasty in the sack.

Let the virgins fall into their puppy-loves in high school, and discover their sexuality with some nice boy, or girl, if they are so inclined. (Yes folks, your teenage children are probably having sex, and loving it!).

I'd also like to point out another myth: you'll NEVER KNOW FOR SURE if a woman is celibate or not. Anyway, they masturbate as much if not more than men do. But they are so much more discreet about it. :-)

You really need to go on dates more often and expand your knowledge of women, or men...depending on where your compass points. Just a suggestion ;-)

Anonymous said...

Matilah went hypo again....... F##ing jc (target) because he replied him.

Anonymous said...

Hello JC

Just to ask you, who sets the policy, the people or the gahmen??.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JC, unable to view the video but took a look at the British NHS. It is a very good system when users have the comfort of not paying at the point of use or paying very little.

The cost is 100 bil pounds at 2009 or equivalent of 2000 pounds per head. The relative cost to a 5m pop in Sin will be 10 bil pounds or S$20b or S$4k per head annually.

With this kind of money I think the Sin govt could provide better medical services or an equivalent to the Brits.

Sin's Health Ministry's budget for 2013 is S$5.7b. If the budget is S$20b, a national healthcare plan can be worked out and could be as good as the British system. The most serious problem is still the control of runaway cost and a nationalised healthcare scheme would be able to manage this.

What is wrong with the healthcare system is the profit motive instead of healthcare. There must be a political will to do the right thing, to provide healthcare at a bearable cost and not to run it for profit.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean spouting nonsense:

>> the British NHS. It is a very good system when users have the comfort of not paying at the point of use or paying very little. <<

Wahahaha...talking through yer arse mate!

Waiting lists long. Very long. And there are other issues too... like freeloaders coming into the UK to use the system.

Free? Nothing is free lah. Wait until you have to pay UK and Euro-style taxes. If you haven't done so, you have no grounds to even comment lah.

I've been paying Euro-style taxes for 30 years of my life. Count your blessings lah, Singapore!

Anonymous said...

MySingaporeNews Blog presumed makeup:

1) Chairman cum CEO --- Mr Bean

2) Independent Self-Appointed Director cum Director of Communication aka Mouth Piece of Mati-Lah PAPiLah ----- The filthy mouth Mati Mati Lah aka Mobile Google know all guy aka Mouth Talk Testies Shiok Old Dog Mati ( Hokkien Cui Kong LanPa Song )

Everything and anything alsocan, depending on what and when need win argument. Months ago is expats in the 1990s, few weeks later Singapore IC holder for donkey years and of course many what nots as RB said, not difficult to find holes in his "talk big". Few minutes ago he become tax payers of euro type tax for 30 years. Next time maybe he will tell you he was British Queen advisor 15 years ago, if the claim fit his boast! Real funny guy! So "High Classy. World Class mouth piece"!

Anonymous said...


Glad you ask the question. You would expect a simple answer from me? Nope. I am not good in explaining, but I'll try..

If the garment set the policy, forget it. It will never happen. A typical example Dr. Susan Lim cleaned S$24.8 million from the Brunei royal family. In the section "Healthcare Around The World,” Reid (reporter) talk to Taiwan Healthcare official, they picked among many - two US's trained Chinese for the monumental task. They visited all Western democracies, including the US, Japan, Germany... Taiwan system still NOT perfect, fast and cheap for its citizen either Chinese or western medicine. It is under funded, last heard, they have to increase the premium just a little, and no political parties dare to increase the premium.

Will Singapore ever have a healthcare like Western democracies? Never! In Japan US$10 per night at the hospital stay and NO ONE IS ALLOW TO MAKE PROFIT. You cannot have private and public coexist together. One or the other. It may be possible to have two options, not sure. The Swiss system has both private and public options.

The best one I came across is SDP's healthcare proposal, its still for profits and will never work. Many Sinkies will die needlessly, whether you are middle class or rich (can tell you about the rich too, but my piece oready too complex), so others can continue to reap huge profits. Not just PAP but opposition too. YOU and the 20% oppositions did it. You believe in politicians. Just like many still hoping for Tan Jee Say and Tan Kim Lian.

I don't believe it will ever happen. Why? Sinkies love to be No. 1, worlds’ class, first world parliament blah, blah... The Garment while skimming its own citizen, its neighbors’ countries as well. For over fifties years its sheep remains silence. Not possible to change. I repeated many times here. Oppositions are no better than the PAP supporters.

You got to watch the video just to peep into a complex issue. If anyone believes, it's a piece of cake and no rocket science. He's really clueless (Redbean no offence intended).

In conclusion, the more you know, the more frighten you will be. Just watch the video! Been there, been there..

Anonymous said...


"unable to view the video but took a look at the British NHS..." You can if you have the time to bypass the restriction. What you saw is just one system, not even peeping into the complex Healthcare issue. Further, in Japan no waiting time... Immediately for any ailment, so is Taiwan's Healthcare system.

Watch my posting "NOT FOR PROFIT". Can we do it, YES, Taiwan did it and the Swiss too! Will it even happen? NO! You will first need to dismantle the whole fifties years of craps which were inbreed into 99.99% Sinkies! Even you, so difficult to ask you to peep into Healthcrap. You think after looking into UK NHS, you know it all, Right?


Anonymous said...

OK, Still have bit of time to add one more...

You can't have the cake and eat it. With present Healthcare, soon than later many will die needlessly or bankrupt. Needless to say about the working poor or downright poor. Not a chance! There is nothing free! The poor pay nothing (anything wrong?) while the middle classes pay what is "fair" and the progressive the richer pay the most. No exceptions not even the Lawmakers. If you loose your jobs (regardless your fault or not) you are protected as if nothing happens (watch the German section). You never go bankrupt, existing ailments, no sweat. Abuses healthcare, see doctors even for minor cuts? Taiwan system - you will be targeted for interviews. Peace of mind while you go about and make whatever you wanna or kill yourself!

Finally, only CITIZEN eligible. PR NOT entitle and NEW Citizens waiting period - 5 years?? Stopppppp grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers, uncles, nieces’ blah, blah, blah. Can we have the healthcare here? Never! Sinkies are too stoopid to think beyond their nose....


Anonymous said...

Matilar, bend over and open your mouth so JC can do it. Hehe knn

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

JC, every country would design their own system and believes it to be the best. So let them be happy with what they have. And Matilah, I said the Brits have a very good system you are free to disagree. The Brits would not have the system if it is bad.

Sin also have a world best system, or at least they believe so.

In all system, it depends on the intent of the designers. What is the system designed for. If the intent is wrong, even you have all the best talents, you are going to get the result designed for which could screw up the intented victims.

If it is designed for the good of the people in mind, you don't need any professori to teach you how to do it. Any of our talented civil servants would be able to deliver one when the objectives are clear and for the people.

GIGO is still appplicable in designing a healthcare system. You think our 3M turning 4M is really good? Ask a simple question, what is it designed for?

Forgot to add, we used to have system engineers to solve all our national problems. What are needed are clear missions and clear thinking heads.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Actually we have lost track of the intent of this post. It is about a huge number of foreigners consuming our healthcare services and citizens ended up not getting the service unless they are willing to cough out the money.

Why is our healthcare service paid by taxpayers money not serving the interests of citizens first? Let the employers who are benefitting from employing foreigners to pay for the welfare of foreigners in private hospitals. We need to take care of our citizens and our taxpayers' money has to be used exactly for them.

Anonymous said...

Let the employers who are benefitting from employing foreigners to pay for the welfare of foreigners in private hospitals.
RB 8:44 am

The employers are already paying more taxes due to more profits made by employing foreigners.

Just too bad lah, if the PAP govt did not use more tax money to help Sinkies.

But then why need to help Sinkies? If don't help, so what? PAP voted out? Not likely, tio bo?

b said...

>>October 23, 2013 5:22 pm

Hello, I live in a country that offers universal healthcare and it does not start with the letter 's'. I think I know more about universal healthcare pros and cons than many people here.

b said...

'October 23, 2013 9:55 pm - I've been paying Euro-style taxes for 30 years of my life. Count your blessings lah, Singapore!'

- you should convert into a muslim and have as many babies as possible and you will count your blessings when paying euro style taxes.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


I doubt I'll qualify as a Muslim. I drink copious amounts of alcohol, love eating pork, and am an Blaspheming Anti-Theist who ridicules all religions with great delight. So far I've been threatened with violence on 3 occasions -- all in Singapore. 2 times from Catholics, once from a Muslim. Apparently some people have no sense of humour when it comes to their religious beliefs (which are all bullshit anyway).

Currently I'm preparing for my annual "Whore On, Christmas!", an extremely offensive 10 minute bit I perform at end-of-year office parties, and the seasonal soirees of similarly-minded anti-religious friends.

As for paying Euro-style taxes, I've ranted about it for 30 years, but I still end up paying because I really like western culture and civilization (or UNcivilization if you're a critic of western culture), and just accept the high taxes as "sunken cost" of living in a semi-socialist, welfare-state, but having HUGE degrees of PERSONAL freedom.

Singapore is embracing more western-style personal freedoms. And the income and business taxes are still low.

That's why I say: Singapore, count your blessings lah!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I think people prefer private hospitals because private hospitals provides great medical facilities and points you made is good, did get good information.
Private Hospitals In Dubai

Mokbul Hosan said...

"Perhaps one way to go about improving the quality of healthcare services to the citizens is to encourage the private sectors to build more hospitals to cater to the needs of PRs and non-residents. It would be good for everyone, win, win and win solution." RB. Amina Hospital Ajman