
Knock knock, who’s there

Hi, it’s your friendly MP. Please open the door.

Yes MP, what can I help you?

Oh, is this yours?

What is that?

It’s a diaper?

No, that’s not mine.

Then what about this pad?

No, not mine either. Thank you and good day.

And the MP moved on to the next door. Knock knock, who’s there. It is really tough and labourious job to be an MP. The latest chore is to carry a piece of soiled diaper or sanitary pad going door to door looking for the owner. And the more capable ones would have to deal with little puppies put to sleep prematurely and pricking the conscience of dog lovers. There are plenty of expensive and pedigree stray dogs that need attention and tender loving care out there.

What else is expected of our talented MPs with a string of degrees and being top professionals in their fields? Catching snakes or catching spiders or chasing wild boars and monkeys straying into housing estates? Checking longkangs for mosquitoes is also an important part of a MP’s duty too.

Now who else, with all their high qualifications and income would want to be a MP and to do this kind of work? The pay is good though, $16k for a part timer. Cannot hiam right?


  1. Road Sweeper Not By ChoiceOctober 27, 2013 8:47 am

    Bunch of useless twerps!

    Please don't spoil my Sunday having to think about them.

  2. RB,

    Many of them possess Master of Public Administration from Harvard U's Kennedy School of Government, courtesy of yours and tax payers $$$$$ and funding.

    Means many highly trained and qualified in public administration, not unlike the circus seen in the recent US budget debacle, federal government shut down and unprecedented debt level in history.

    Don't you think Sinkie would be glad if they just self-limit their duties to catch sanitary pads litter bugs and not "masak masak" with SinkieLand's public finance using the knowledge and training learned from Uncle Sam's institutions while on tax payers $$$$$ to further doll up their paper qualification display wall with "branded" atas expensive good to have but likely "not practical trophies".

  3. Come on, if they do their jobs well, the place will be cleaner, no litters, no diapers or pads all over. It is an important and necessary job like cleaning hawker centres.

  4. in this self-proclaimed high tech cuntry ... why not use high tech procedures?

    should consult the only (i think so!) soil-scientist NSman to conduct test procedures on these SOILED pads to identify the OWNERs

    or they should display these in our cultural museums to entice more pubic awareness

    1. Aiyo, need two and a half year to test soil for knowing what caused the disease,

      Then billions dollars research funds also not enough.

  5. Think every ward may have different types of litter bugs.

    What about Geylang? What kind of things people might litter there?

    RB, maybe you should ask the Lui admiral to use his "mine-sweeping" skills learned during his naval days to carpet sweep the ground any soiled item in his GRC?

  6. did ... the esteem mp;

    stomp her feet and asked those residents;

    "does this iPAD belong to you?", or

    "angmoh roti, nu a ah"

    .... omfg, $15,000 a month to wayang

    what cunt i say .... except


    1. Have resided in my estate for thirty over years before the foreign talents came in.

      Now walking the dog in the mornings git to side stepped these ipads, condoms and what else on the perimeters of the blocks daily.

  7. omfg .... when will this be the theme for another award-winning media corpse film???

  8. Our highly educated PAP MPs got no choice.
    Pick up tampon and diaper litter.
    Ask PM Lee as a PAP backbencher for the list of our Singapore assets.
    Ask how many more man-years to go before the list is made (ha ha) public for Singaporeans to scrutinize.
    Ask PM Lee why the Election Office reports to the Prime Minister Office? Ask whether there is a conflict of interest in this arrangement.

    So you see.
    PAP MP got very little choice.
    Pick up tampon and diaper litter.
    Serve Singaporeans by asking PM Lee some difficult questions in parliament.

    Where is the loyalty of the PAP MP?
    Is it to protect Singaporeans first or to protect PAP first?

    What does your boss expect in return for paying you a very high salary?
    Your loyalty or your "expertise"?

  9. Why things happen these ways? Where are the roots causes? Our dreams of a gracious society, my foot!

  10. Actually quite a good match up.

    Nicole Seah trying to educate the next generation via free tuition at MacPherson void decks.

    Ms Tin trying to educate the adults and old people to have good social and cleanliness habits.

    Both doing great works for the estate albeit one paid $0 for her voluntary work and the other paid $16,000 per month for her MP duties.

    Let voters decide what they value more in terms of long term contribution to society.

  11. Heard from friends staying in the west "very quiet in the western front" unlike the east. RB, is it true?

    East side seems to see a flurry of activities every week.

    Seems to be "battleground" already shaping up early .......

  12. Rb,

    What if there are a lot of inconsiderate urination along corridors and stair cases?

    How to catch? Go ask around which rascal kkj did it?

    Any suggestion beside install CCTV? That one the zero year of education lau ah mah also know.

    You want consult the MP?

    Maybe she knows also?

  13. We have so many Generals.
    That is why we need so many NSF.
    If we stop National Service.
    What will happen to all our Pro Alien Generals?
    A small professional army of 30,000 does not need 300 Generals.

    Do you think a small island like Singapore requires;
    5 mayors
    1 Prime minister
    1 Executive President
    99 Members of Parliament

  14. Sophisticated equipment to teach oldies how to cross the road safely. Next, sophisticated equipment to teach old cock how to cock and have fun.

  15. Tin Tin is trying to catch up with Nicole Seah in terms of voluntary work. Long way to go i say. Nicole is miles agead. Tin does not realise that when you get paid $16k per month, it's no more voluntary work anymore. In fact much more is expected from you. Carrying a soiled diaper around is worth maybe only $1k ! Wake up, kiddie Ling !

  16. Lucky someone didn't throw a condom which struck her in the face.

    Then she would have someone's cum and cheebye juice (or Santorum)all over her visage.

    Apart from being probably a personally traumatic experience, it is very unbecumming for a Member of Parliament.

  17. @October 27, 2013 10:13 am

    EAST IS RED ....

    dong fang hong ...... that where the revolution begin???

    oops .... am i a marxist???

  18. Yes! 东方红! East is red!

    SinkieLand's biggest Red Light is in the East!

    SinkieLand's Red Hot babes stay in the East!

    SinkieLand's East is seeing red.

    Red flags, red lobsters, red inks and red carpets for red hairs beans in the red, red East.

    Welcome to 2016!

    Welcome to the East!

    You may see many Red faced beans in all whites! :))))))

  19. How about getting them selling condom to lower the number of HIV cases in Singapore?

    Some of our social workers are doing it anyway...

  20. Please lah.Look positive .Its a good job especially bringing the "red" to some residents.
    Those Pantang one will surely shout SUAY because they believe they will miss touching their 4 D or ToTo for the month but there are also those like one that I know,Mah Tee Lah who would love it and may even ready to admit and claim its his especially if he think that that mei mei is offering her used item for auction to help the people.
    Ask Matilah,to see its true.

  21. Wa paing, how can you comment on things like that, very toucing, so sincere, no wonder they need more more people while the mp's run up and down looking for tappons thrower. That's productivity, ladies and gentleman, its so enlightening that we have such hard working mp's, very soon all your problems will be solve but 1st they have to come down and start looking at them.


  22. WP already working the ground in the East. Let the pappies sleep till 2016 zzz . GRCs that will be falling like ten pins ....Marine Parade GRC, East Coast GRC, Tampines GRC...prediction 100% accurate.

  23. Just another publicity stunt that went terribly wrong. Maybe she tried to enter the contest of Top Ten stupidest ministers on earth.

  24. Don't like that say lah! Must give people chance ........

  25. WIth China rising and usa diminishing, LKY and gang time is almost over. Chinese educated WP will be in a much better position to win the next GE.

  26. Sure or not? WP MPs only Teochew uncle Chinese gd. Try talk Chinese to Mohd or Pritam?

  27. SinkieLand every month also got leeches and dragulas very 饿! Now taxi fare also increase. Siao liao. Mrt packed like sardine, buses peak hours also cannot get up, COEs cost more than one arm one leg. Like that where got choice, you tell me lah? Only remote choice and very poor substitute is "bus" #11 and bus #8. No prize for the right guess. Sinkies surviving and working in SinkieLand very JiakLat and demoralising. Like that own survival long run also worrisome, how to bring babies to this world?

  28. A very well paid part time job with nothing better to do than go around picking up used diaper? Still that is doing something productive for the constituency than the MP who did nothing but wrote "Hard Truths"?


  29. Rb: /// What else is expected of our talented MPs with a string of degrees and being top professionals in their fields? Catching snakes or catching spiders or chasing wild boars and monkeys straying into housing estates? Checking longkangs for mosquitoes is also an important part of a MP’s duty too. ///

    Attend block parties sing Theresa Teng's song lah. Theresa Teng voice, singing skills and songs unparalleled. But those crooned by those Auntie type MPs and Grassroot Leeders sucks, really sucks. Totally, utterly and absolutely spoiled the lyrics, music and songs. Every single word they sang makes one resent and disrespect them even more.

  30. Rb: /// Now who else, with all their high qualifications and income would want to be a MP and to do this kind of work? The pay is good though, $16k for a part timer. Cannot hiam right? ///

    Where got cannot hiam?

    Zorro hiamed Sinkies until " bo jit ki sai!"

    Zorro hiamed Sinkies " very expensive, very jiaklat, very slow " with his rebuke for Sinkies to wake up and better be " cheaper, better, faster - his fu-k up CBF"

    Hiamed Sinkies until " ka na sai" but his " upturn the downturn " fu-k up awful song is worst than the howls of ghosts and wild wolves!

  31. Rb: / Knock knock, who’s there /

    "Oh it's your friendly neighbour auntie, no worries, we are not wolves in white, or white leeches or dragulas. We won't eat you up or suck your blood. Pls don't worry. We here to help you. We on your side. You can trust us. We are more honest than the scorpions, kinder than the poisonous snake, less predatory than the tigress and as harmless as the Nile River crocodiles and the African Savannah Desert lioness. No worries. We are good people. Like angels and fairies. See! We are dressed in all whites. Very good people. Pls open the door."

  32. Remind me of a papaya candidate who tried to pick leaves to prevent ponding

  33. @October 27, 2013 1:25 pm

    to run road ...


  34. @October 27, 2013 3:12 pm

    they claimed to be visiting the east ...

    what the fuck .... how cUm i neber see them around???

    talk cock sing song

  35. @ Oct 27 3.12 pm

    // WP already working the ground in the East. Let the pappies sleep till 2016 zzz . GRCs that will be falling like ten pins ....Marine Parade GRC, East Coast GRC, Tampines GRC...prediction 100% accurate. //

    Frankly, Tampines GRC is not winnable, at least for now.

    Two, formerly it was contested by NSP in GE 2011.
    To expect a GRC ward to vote like PE during Jan 2013 BE in the event of a 3-way fight is almost next to impossible.

    Three, in a GE, opportunity cost is high, very high. Though WP has built up over the years but comparatively its machinery and financial muscle is even lesser than the 8% representation in parliament as compared to the incumbent. A 3-way fight most likely would end up splitting the votes and not what happened in PE BE Jan 2013. There are many differences between the concluded PE SMC BE Jan 2013 and the next Tampines GRC GE 201x. In PE BE, the might and advantages of the incumbent could not be fully employed and deployed. Whereas because it was just contest of a relatively small ward with one single constituency, it played to the WP strength and exaggerated their actual relative prowess vis a vis the incumbent. In an actual full scale GE fight, WP is unlikely able to mobilise the full resources needed to fight in Tampines GRC. Moreover, resources needed to take Tampines GRC alone would be many times PE. And the risks and opportunity costs are much higher than in PE. To throw in so much resources and yet unable to win or get substantial votes would be a big if not fatal blow to the morale, financial and other resources of a relatively small party like WP.

    Next, would they have so many quality candidates? Answer is likely to be no. Many good potential quality candidates are unlikely to throw caution to the wind and root for WP simply because the big picture strategy they adopt is rather selfish and myopic, thus they are unlikely to go far in the long run. They would even have problem hanging on if the incumbent up the heat as they did in recent months events. Thus, there is a limit to the growth of their resources and netting the pool of good candidates out there. To muster 2 good teams to contest in their own turf in East Coast, Kallang Moulmein GRCs itself would already be a problem. To branch into NSP turf in Tampines and Marine Parade GRCs is as good as committing tactical blunders and suicides.

    ..... to be cont'd

  36. ........ con'tn of 8.59am

    Due to time constraint, brevity would be adopted.

    The central theme is to win a simple majority in any ward, even if it is by the slimmest of slim margin of just 2 votes, if it happens.

    Just like in soccer tournaments, ultimately only the winning teams matter. In contest of power, not winning a ward or any ward could be life and death for the party going forward unless they are building a base. After some tries, political parties have to win. Not winning means they would likely end up been discarded by the tide of history and into the dustbins.

    Thus, WP only chance of staying in the game is to muster all they could in constituencies like East Coast, Kallang-Moulmein GRCs, Joo Chiat SMCs which they have chance of winning. Tampines and Marine Parade GRCs may not even be in their 2nd liner targeted focus. Going by WP and Low Thia Khiang's past strategies, other than existing wards they are sitting on, they are likely to put their team A members in East Coast, Kallang Moulmein GRCs and same candidate in Joo Chiat if it is not absorbed into a large GRC. Second stringers again would be deployed to secure future bases in likely wards such as Pasir Ris Punggol GRCs, SKW SMCs. Nee Soon GRC would be a toss of coin depending on who and what they have and decided accordingly.

    PE SMC was contested by WP themselves in GE 2011 but Tampines and Marine Parade GRCs are not. To venture into others' turf and at the same time much larger in scale is unlikely to produce the same result in PE 2013 Jan BE. Moreover, can they afford the candidates, the manpower and the resources for such a massive projection of power in a national GE? It would be a big risk. Opportunity costs is very very high in the short and long term. Better to concentrate on what is winnable first and to further , fortify and consolidate their existing bases.

    Coming back to their big picture strategy, it may take a mountain to move it though it is likely to prove a short-sighted one down the road with 20/ 20 hindsight, if ever there was one.

    The incumbent is not likely to do SinkieLand in but are they forsaking the interests of some Sinkies for expediency and convenience sake? A good opposition is not one that takes care of only its backside but would look after the long term interests of the nation and its people. Sinkies though daft would understand WP's inability to contest all seats but sinkies would unlikely forget that given a choice, no matter how difficult it is, they chose not to adopt a common united front strategy nationally. That may prove to be their own undoing in the long run, their marginalisation and even eventual demise, though it does look impossible from current perspective. To win wars, it is not just weapons and relative strengths alone. The strategic behaviours of potential allies, enemies, real allies, real enemies and the ground make up the rest of the equation but not insignificantly. Perhaps, MP Low Thia Khiang should spend a few nights re-reading and study thoroughly the concepts in Game Theory, the famous prisoners dilemma theory and the Nash equilibrium concept to think holistically and comprehensively where WP, his, Sinkieland and Sinkies long term interests and right strategies are. Don't forget, they have always claimed that Sinkieland needs effective checks and balances and effective co-drivers. They should ask themselves honestly after so many years and so much support given by the people, have they effectively discharged and carried out what they promised during election time? Have their fulfilled their promises of providing effective checks and balances despite the support given? Are they alone, in the first place, able to do that? Are the task and burden too heavy for them to go alone and solo? Are they too selfish to admit that and share the burden and tasks with other opposition representatives in SinkieLand for the sake of suffering Sinkies and potential future to be suffering Sinkies?

    ..... to be cont'd

  37. ..... continuation of 10.15 am

    In the foreseeable future, the rest should form a united front less and without WP ( if they are still not willing to do so ) and forge ahead unitedly for the sake of providing real check and balance function for the benefit of current and future generations of Sinkies, if they are not already rendered extinct down the road.

    It is probably their only real chance of securing some base to fulfil the function of their own choice of being opposition members, which is to provide checks and balances to ensure that common Sinkies and common folks interests are not forsaken and overlooked by the powers and big businesses in the scheme of things.

    WP strategy seems to suggest that they have the next 50 years to slowly achieve the aim of effective check and balance while in the mean time their own backside is safe. Realistically and quite possibly, the window time frame is getting shorter and shorter and it may not be more than another between 2 to 7 years. WP may be doing Sinkies and SinkieLand a big DISFAVOUR and a FATAL BLOW by their current strategy of not adopting a common united front to achieve the aim of providing effective check and balance in SinkieLand political landscape.
