
Hsien Loong – Don’t perform will have to go

During an interview with the CNN Hsien Loong said that anyone in his team would have to go if they did not perform. This statement has been quoted by some bloggers as a reason for Boon Wan to go since the MND is losing several billions for building HDB flats for the people. The issue is not that simple as it is made up to be.

How shall a minister’s performance be judged, in particular, like the case of building public flats? Should the measurement be about making profit for the govt or building affordable housing for the people? Or should it be about building enough flats for the people are reasonable prices, not affordable prices, and without having to wait for several years? Or should it be about building enough flats to meet the demands of the people without incurring huge losses.

The above questions are quite straight forward reality. In the current case, the issue is not just about the losses, or is it about the losses? And what is this loss, or is there really a loss? This can only come to light if the details of the costing are laid on the table. Then it could become an issue of productivity, efficiency and taking care of the interests of the people. Or it could become an issue to taking care of the interests of the party.

The factors to be used to measure Boon Wan’s performance can be complementary or be in conflict with one another. And different people with different perspectives or vested interests would want to judge his performance according to their own set of good or right factors.

In this case, the loss of several billions is academic, in a way fictitious as it is a matter of right pocket left pocket. That is why Boon Wan could proudly announce it with a blank expression knowing very well it would not affect his performance. If it would, he could easily ask the finance guy to jiggle the factors and numbers to show a profit instead. It is all about what factors to be used for the input.

So, what should be the pertinent factors to be used to judge a minister or Boon Wan to reflect the real performance and the desired results? Should it be the price or the quality of the flats? Should it be the ability to meet the demand and expectation of the people? Should profit be a factor and if so, how should it be measured and what factors should be used to be reasonable?


Anonymous said...

Well, is our PM performing well....think it must be as our Opposition WP MP are happy with his performance...

Anonymous said...

"LOWERING land cost as a way to reduce new Housing Board flat prices is tantamount to raiding Singapore's reserves."
ex National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan

So I believe the most important KPI for Khaw is not to raid Singapore's reserves but to build up the reserves even more.

Anonymous said...

That means if Khaw reduce HDB flat prices by lowering land cost, he is not performing lah, tio bo?

But if HDB prices increase a lot, will he have to go?

Who can ask him to go, the 60%, the 40%. his own ward of voters, or PM Lee?

Anonymous said...

whether which ministers have to go is up to our pm to decide....

what is most important to singaporeans is that changes in policies must really translate into benefits for singaporeans on the ground level....

look at the property now... everyone will tell you is expensive....record sky high prices, long Q and long waiting time, oversubscribed BTOs, etc......

look the transportation, frequent mrt failures, sardine packed buses and trains, unreliable bus timings, high taxi fares, high COEs/cars prices, jammed roads, etc etc.....

a lot more issues to talk about... the many changing and confusing new educational system...high healthcare costs.....high costs of living.....employment issues......etc etc etc.....

there is really no point having sweet talks at the top only.....

if pap wishes to win back lost votes in the next GE ....they have to start now to ensure that the changed policies really benefit singaporeans on the ground....

sir, now, the ground is NOT SWEET......

Anonymous said...

If LHL not performing well, only Sinkies can sack him by with a vote in GE 2016.

Anonymous said...

My vote goes to Hentak kaki Teo Chee Hean. He has never changed any Ministry he has helmed.
Must award him the Green Energy prize.
Expending the least amount of energy in his meteoric rise to DPM status.

Anonymous said...

He has never changed any Ministry he has helmed.
Anon 11:08 am

He will ask you to think. He even ask a schoolboy teenager to think.

Anonymous said...

Actually Sinkies really need to think.

If they cannot think of how to vote out PAP, at least they must think about how to make more money.

That's what a smart Sinkie will think about. Not only think but also do it.

Anonymous said...

Wishing for the Pappies to change to conscientious beings in the worst hope any Sinkie can bank on.

Anonymous said...

I would say its not an easy task to run a few HBM (hot buttons ministry - ) like mnd , manpower , transport , talents-import ,health etc as any policies from these HBM would always invite controversies reactions from many quarters... even non HBM like ENV sometimes god also joke with u like give u occassional pondings even at hiway like AYE ...or d recent IDA also kena the fire@singtel episode.... so far safer ministry is d ARTS , COMMUNITY , WITHOUT PORTFOLIO etc..

Its like when I after my BMT ... lts about heng or suay where u posted to .??

Back to boon wan .... think he doing a good job so far as he need to strike a fine balance on the property market ... moreever he took over " a patient from the ICU" ...so far no crash yet rite ??? Better not else all sure die one ..... sir, my prayers goes to u tat we have a safe landing ya ...if base on gce o level I give boon wan a b3 so far ...wat do u think???

Anonymous said...

...the ground is NOT SWEET......
Anon October 22, 2013 10:42 am

True lah, ground is not sweet but opposition also not strong and ready to be govt what, tio bo?

If opposition is not ready, of course 60% will have no choice but to vote PAP lah, tio bo?

Or else might as well vote for me as I am also not ready, not even ready to be MP.

Anonymous said...

Just wonder..
Wondering how PM Lee Hsien Loong rates himself.

Yes, base on the Last GE Result, the Voters at Ang Mo Kio, the PM has proven himself to be well like by the Constituents. But, can he fare as well in Aljunied or Hougang???
As the PM, the PM must be a winner nation wide.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Despite you scolding me for making a comment on "performance", here it is, straight from the No.1 man's mouth.

The PAP is under constant scrutiny lah. Not just from angry citizens, but from know and unknowns all over the world.

When you are successful, there are millions who cannot wait for you to fail, and many other millions saying and doing stuff to guarantee your demise.

Human nature lah. Trust it, you can't go wrong :-)

Anonymous said...


From the large number of follow-up comments out of the articles posted by rb, it seems to me that there is really many very very unhappy singaporeans out there.

They have started to speak, they have started to sing, many sing the songs of sorrow, the songs of change.

Is this the new normal?

Is this the new Singapore?

Is this the new way of life in singapore?


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@1206 Hello...

Singaporeans a champion complainers.

The reason the government has to be paid so well, is primarily to deal with Singaporeans complaining all the time. Every little thing, also complain. Call police. Write to Straight Times editor. Kow peh on Temasek Review Erection website. Post Youtube videos...wah piangz...cheng hu headache until blur.

Actually there are many capable people who can win opposition seats. However, when they realise that their Singapore constituents are going to complain and kow peh about anything and everything forever and ever, these good people with great potential say: "Fuck this shit...I dowan to deal with these crazy assholes...I better go and make some (more) money, go karaoke, go for massage, and eventually get a mistress or three".

And so the PAP continues to win by default, the people keep complaining...and they all lived happily ever after.

You see, complaining people get the high-and-mighty government they deserve.

Singapore culture is unique. Uniquely Singaporean.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Ah Lee Baba?
Where are his alleged band of 40 thieves?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, how would I dare to scold you? You talk about performance from the horse's mouth, where?

Sinkies complaining is the safest thing to do. You expect them to run riots on the streets, or take things into their own hands like clobbering that mad cyclist?

Anonymous said...

I find it funny. Everything is approved and designed to make money by Pinky. Pinky and his old fart are the mastermind behind all these. All the lackeys and dogs are just merely paid millions as the instrument to carry their orders. So why didn't pinky and fart who are mastermind will have to go ? Oh... they did go => they GO and give themselves more millions, with billions to gamble, and absolute power.

Anonymous said...

Mati 12.26 pm :
" Singaporeans a champion complainers.

The reason the government has to be paid so well, is primarily to deal with Singaporeans complaining all the time. Every little thing, also complain. Call police. Write to Straight Times editor. Kow peh on Temasek Review Erection website. Post Youtube videos...wah piangz...cheng hu headache until blur. "

Mr Mati, with the way you "talk", one won't be surprised it would be "so sweet" that even the little naive tweety birds on the trees would auto fly down, open up the little doors of the bird cages you set up, fly inside and lock themselves inside there.

Anonymous said...

@ Mati:

" Actually there are many capable people who can win opposition seats. However, when they realise that their Singapore constituents are going to complain and kow peh about anything and everything forever and ever, these good people with great potential say: "Fuck this shit...I dowan to deal with these crazy assholes...I better go and make some (more) money, go karaoke, go for massage, and eventually get a mistress or three". "

Superficially, what you wrote at first glance, seemed so "true".

Unfortunately, it seemed to come from the angle of your perspectives of this world.

To you, looking after the welfare of citizens and voters may not be the "most fun, lustful, rocking, filthy stuff" an old dog like you is interested in. ( RB post 21 Oct 2013 Gintai Lost His Job as Train Driver, Comment 22 Oct 2013 11.49 am, http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=17473688&postID=2486795459553985328)

Obviously, sitting patiently at MPS listening and attending to residents problems may not be your greatest strengths and hobbies :-)

But then you have placed yourself in the shoes of good potential leaders and presumed they would think and act like you.

Anonymous said...

@ Mati:
" And so the PAP continues to win by default, the people keep complaining...and they all lived happily ever after.

You see, complaining people get the high-and-mighty government they deserve.

Singapore culture is unique. Uniquely Singaporean."

Are you saying that it is too troublesome for an elected officials of a constituency to attend to the problems and feedback of the residents?

I believe there are many who would disagree with you.

What are the problems of serving residents of a constituency and the citizens of the country being an elected official?

The primary purpose of an elected official is to serve its people, certainly not the other way round that you hope for.

It seemed from your implied intention that if it is so easy, "good potential capable candidate" like you would volunteer in the first instance to get elected, collect the fat cheques and bonuses but having the minimal to do so you can continue to exercise your self proclaimed filthy mouth wilfully, drink booze and boost ( aka whatever stimulant ) at the sunny beach and satisfy your insatiable lust and hedonistic unrestrained animal like impulse without any care and concern?

Are elected officials' life style suppose to be that way rather than serving the people from the heart?

Is it not the pride and honour of an elected official having the opportunity to serve the people than lamenting that residents would come to him with loads of problems to solve?

Fortunately, there are righteous, caring citizens like RB who does not concur with you.

RB may have stated this reality correctly.

If people don't complain and kpkb in cyberspace, are you suggesting for them to run riot in the street?

I "agree" with your comments in " RB post 21 Oct 2013 Gintai Lost His Job as Train Driver, Comment 22 Oct 2013 11.49 am, http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=17473688&postID=2486795459553985328" that "YOU ARE CERTAINLY AN OLD DOG INCAPABLE OF LEARNING NEW TRICKS".

No one I believe is going to "teach you any time soon" how to serve voters and residents whole-heartedly and selflessly without any grumble and complain because they would have already known you are possibly one of the last few persons qualify for such a role.

Thus, your perspectives in such endeavours may be further from the TRUTH than the distance between the Sun and its most furthest revolving planetary body.

Anonymous said...

Erh pardon me. Is that 90 year old man really performing? By the looks of it, hardly, so how come still no go for so many years?

Anonymous said...

@ Mati 12.27pm

Whichever elected officials who think it is too cumbersome to attend to residents' needs can always tender their resignation and go back to their "original high paying jobs".

Anonymous said...

Young, energetic, caring, sincere, altruistic candidates like Nicole Seah would unlikely mind to fill up such seats in a by election. :)))

Anonymous said...

@ anon October 22, 2013 3:21 pm
//Erh pardon me. Is that 90 year old man really performing? By the looks of it, hardly, so how come still no go for so many years?//

I believe his worth and value is that even if one only needs to bring out his wax replica, even his greatest enemies would likely scared the hell out of his life and scoot as fast as his legs can carry.

Obviously, with him around, other countries are also more deferential.

But everyone needs to go one day. By then, hopefully SinkieLand had already bought enough time to consolidate and fortify its strengths and capabilities to withstand any potential outside intimidation, bullying or even aggression against our national interests.

b said...

The first one that should go is LKY. Because of him we are a tiny small country with no food resources. Because of him, we live in temporary flats and cannot own freehold houses. Because of him, we can only take squeezy and smelly public transport and cannot have a decent car. Because of him, we have to stop at two and import so many foreigners to take over whatever we have built up. Because of him, we have high costs in everything but suffering from happiness, healthcare, mentalcare deficit.

"Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you, I am afraid"

(Read more: Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You Lyrics)

MS: People complain because of fear. The more they complain, the more they fear.

Anonymous said...


LKY would never go. Even in a wheelchair or stretcher, he will still be around. Hey, didn't he said that even from his grave he will rise if he sees things not going his way? So, please don't ask him to go. What comes after he goes into the grave is even more scary, I think.

Anonymous said...

How can Khaw Boon Wan be performing badly when even Mah Bow Tan himself voluntarily stepped down for new blood?

Anonymous said...

"Don't perform" means what?
"Don't perform" according to whose standard?
Singaporeans' standard or PAP standard?

Anonymous said...

"LKY would never go. Even in a wheelchair or stretcher, he will still be around."

reminds me of the novel "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms".
- The Death of Zhuge Liang:

Following Zhuge Liang's death, the Shu forces quietly withdrew from their camps while not revealing news of Zhuge's death.

Sima Yi was convinced by the locals that Zhuge Liang had died, so he gave chase to the retreating enemy. Jiang Wei then had Yang Yi turn around and pretend to strike. Seeing this, Sima Yi feared that Zhuge Liang had faked his death to lure him out, and immediately retreated.

Common folklore tells of a double, or a wooden statue, disguised as Zhuge Liang, driving Sima Yi away in this incident. Another folktale tells that Jiang Wei dressed up as Zhuge Liang. In any case, word that Sima Yi fled from the already dead Zhuge Liang spread, spawning a popular saying, "A dead Zhuge scares away a living Zhongda (Sima Yi's style name)" (死諸葛嚇走活仲達).

That is why Low Thia Khiang says WP is till not yet ready to be government.
Mr Low is scared of a 90 year old Zhuge Liang in a wheel chair.


Anonymous said...

Aiya rb your title "LHL: Dont perform will have to go " , sounds like wat my wife had been nagging to me lately la....Looks like I need go for my work up at some porn shops in geylang to retrain n regain my vigour liao ..


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Thank you all for not just taking the bait, but proving my point hook, line and sinker.

"Singaporeans are champion complainers"

Proved, with very little doubt ;-)

However, don't panic -- just relac and enjoy life in a fantastic island paradise.

Anonymous said...

during my first day in the working place many years ago, I was told by the management, no one is indispensable,if u do not perform u can lost your job.

Does this type of spirit still naturing in our country?

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans can be very hopeful that change is coming soon.
Do not take my words for it, change is certainly on the way. Before end of 2015 that is.

Anonymous said...

Complain, from france to austrailia, yup, all sinkies complain, from the not enough bread on breakfeast to why should i give him tips for the tickets to the can can dance.
Guess, the richer they are the more they complain, my sister was has made a huge bundle in shares and housing kept on telling me not to give tips in american??,geeezes go figure.

Will we see a change in gahmen, they are already finding it hard to get the good stuff, i dun see it happening soon. We're getting the bread crumb-mers, someone just came up recently and brought out the needles of pay again, you call what we have leaders or plain stupid commoners.

There is also in fighting between the old guards and new, all 9f us are seeing the almightly geeting choke in interviews, geeting slam because they said the wrong words.....its getting there, sooner than they think, 2016???, nope, maybe later when the prc's comes in and start kicking them out. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Mati : " Thank you all for not just taking the bait, but proving my point hook, line and sinker.

"Singaporeans are champion complainers"

Proved, with very little doubt ;-)

However, don't panic -- just relac and enjoy life in a fantastic island paradise. "


Anyhow shoot!


Anonymous said...


You are a gone case, long ago.

The said...

Mah Bow Tan should be promoted instead of kicked out. He came up with the ERP system - an island-wide ATM which siphoned off money from motorists to the tunes of billions.