
Gintai lost his job as a train driver

One of our regular bloggers that stopped posting after his long story of his conversation with Shanmugam posted in his blog has lost his job as a train driver with SMRT. He worked 18 years in the company and is still fit to drive maybe for another 10 years. Was he dismissed, sacked, asked to resign, asked to leave, or whatever term you called it, he lost his job. He is a full blooded Sinkie.

This is what Gintai said of his experience as a train driver,

‘For almost 18 years, I live, sleep and breath within the train system. I worked almost every day including off days unless I was on courses or on leave. I can’t even recall when was the last time I reported sick. I work with all kinds of odd hours with bizarre reporting timings and rotating shifts with rotating off days. Almost everyday, I had to remember my train timings, places (depots, stations and different platforms etc) to take the trains and worry about my train schedules. If I miss taking the train, the handing over driver will need to continue driving the train. With few misses within a short time-span, it’s out you go. That is one example of many where I was always pre-occupied with trains – even in my sleep; over the last 18 years. I had to force myself to sleep if I were to wake up at 4am the next morning to prepare for work sleep or no sleep! The train must be launched from the depot! No one will understand what I’m trying to say here except the 400 over train drivers in the system whose job is to move millions of passengers regardless of rain or shine, flooding or ponding, lightning or thunder!’

And this is what his India Indian friend had to say about his abrupt departure.

‘My FT Indian friend Manish had this to say, “… India maybe 3rd world country but it seems that Singapore is poorer than India in all respects now. If they can’t take care of a person who served 18 yrs loyally, then it’s curtain down for them where human values are concerned. You take care my friend.” PS: Reproduced with permission.’
It is so regrettable that an experienced train driver with so many years of dedicated service and loyalty will have to be let off. Nevermind, they will train another foreigner to take over his job if they cannot find another Sinkie to do so. Welcome to the unemployed PMET club.

Gintai should give his friend Shanmugam a call. Maybe he will be able to fix him with a better job now that the govt is talking about Fair Consideration Framework to consider Singaporeans first in job offers. Looks like Gintai did not benefitted from FCF.
I feel sorry for Gintai. Hope he will get a job soon. If not he can join Gilbert Goh and speak up in Hong Lim Park for the unemployed PMETs. This group of Sinkies is growing in strength daily. And thank God the govt is working very hard to help them and get them a job.


Gintai_昇泰 said...

Thank you for your kind concern. I really appreciate it. I'm sure by now the cyber world is aware of my current status. I don't think I would want to go back to SMRT any more. It's quite disappointing that they did not offer me alternative post in such a big organization. Loyalty and dedication meant nothing these days. This is Singapore and we are different from others. Sigh!

Anonymous said...

RB: It is so regrettable that an experienced train driver with so many years of dedicated service and loyalty will have to be let off. Nevermind, they will train another foreigner to take over his job if they cannot find another Sinkie to do so. Welcome to the unemployed PMET club.

Whether SMRT throw out all SINKIES also bo pian tio bo?

Can Sinkies do anything?

Can Sinkies make WP stronger and ready to be govt?

If cannot, and whatever it is, Sinkies also bo pian, tio bo?

KPKB got use meh?

WITHER WHAT ...... ?

Anonymous said...

Gintai should count himself lucky he lost his job now and not earlier.

And by his own admission, he could even with overtime earned up to $6K per month. Wow, not bad as a train driver.

How many blue collar Sinkie workers, working in more difficult and higher risk jobs, can achieve that with overtime, not forgeting the cheap foreign talents readily available?

Anonymous said...

"Looks like Gintai did not benefitted from FCF.
I feel sorry for Gintai. Hope he will get a job soon. If not he can join Gilbert Goh and speak up in Hong Lim Park for the unemployed PMETs. This group of Sinkies is growing in strength daily. And thank God the govt is working very hard to help them and get them a job."

The Pig’s overwhelming GREED is on autodrive to destroy Sinkieland. One by one, the stupidity of their policies and implementation is showing up and with the Internet, they cannot control such news.
The Pigs will end up in the abattoirs someday

Anonymous said...

RB // It is so regrettable that an experienced train driver with so many years of dedicated service and loyalty will have to be let off. Nevermind, they will train another foreigner to take over his job if they cannot find another Sinkie to do so. Welcome to the unemployed PMET club. //

Wither SinkieLand?

Perhaps a common SINKIE will rise, a man with a heart for common SINKIES, a man of courage, a man who does not succumb or be seduced/ MASTURBATED by the incumbents, a man WITH A MIND OF HIS OWN, whose wisdom comes from his awareness of the common SINKIES, WHO WILL NOT prostitute himself for the dollars in exchange for his conscience and morals.

Anonymous said...

Not surprise that long serving staff are terminated by employers nowadays in Sin for the slightest reason.
The Bottomline and profit are the Only Concern of any commercial organization. And as every entity and activity, including festivals, government departments, charity organizations and everything else are COMMERCIALIZED, what can workers and consummers expect?

Now that the Open Door is wide open for Foreigners to work here at much lower pay and rate, there could be many suffering the Same Fate as Gintai.

Do Sinkies realize the perilous situation with regard their employment?


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that Gintai lost his job recently.....

I am sure Gintai will be strong during this period and soon be rewarded with another job.....

Gintai is very correct to say that loyalty and dedication meant nothing these days.....

Why do we end up like that .......

Sad sad sad ...........

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


There are jobs for train drivers in Australia -- the Pibara (iron ore) area. Suggest you get on the net and apply -- before you start getting negative thoughts, let me first say that you don't lose anything by trying, except perhaps an hour of your time.

Pay is AUD200+ per annum, on FIFO roster (Fly In, Fly Out) 2 weeks on 2 off. Another suggestion: Drop your pay expectations by $50k during the application process to "out compete" the mat salehs for the job. You'll still make 150K + working only 6 months of the year. You can fly to Singapore during your 2 week breaks -- and still have plenty of money left over.

Mining companies pay huge bonuses too, plus life in the desert ain't so bad -- self-contained aircon accommodation which is cleaned by cleaners and the food is superb. Depending where you go, they might even have gym, pool and squash court facilities, plus it is only for 2 weeks at a time.

Get one of these gigs, and you can give SMRT the Two Fingers they deserve.

Best luck!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

There will be a long queue of talented foreigners waiting to take over his job. This is the reality expressed by Matilah. The better foreigners should replace the not so talented Sinkies. FCF just give the Sinkies a fair chance on paper.

Anonymous said...

So Gintai must had worked for over 10 years under ex MRT CEO Saw Paik Hwa but only less than 2 years under the new CEO Desmond Kuek, tio bo?

With this episode, I now understand Saw Paik Hwa better. At least Gintai didn't lose his job during her time.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I just found one:

Job Ad Today: Source: http://skilled.nga.net.au/bin/fnt_info_page.cfm?JobID=42133

Locomotive Driver/ Train Driver

SKILLED is a workforce services company. Our people are employed on a permanent or casual basis across a wide range of industrie
Heavy Haulage Locomotive Drivers
SKILLED Rail Services are the market leaders in providing employment solutions and Locomotive Drivers to the rail industry. Due to the rapid growth within our industry, we are currently seeking “ Expression Of Interest” for jobs based in Port Hedland and Seven Mile to employ suitable, qualified Locomotive Operators.

- Minimum 3 years experience as a qualified Train Driver
- Current Train Drivers Qualifications (Locomotive drivers certificate)
- Willing to operate in the Yard and then trained onto Mainline
- Dedicated commitment to safety
- Current drivers licence
- First Aid Certificate is optional
- Ability to pass pre-employment medical and drug and alcohol tests

In return SKILLED we offer you:

- Ongoing Casual position- Excellent pay rate
- Excellent pay rate
- FIFO 2/2 roster
- Paid Return Flights from Perth to Pilbara only. Flight reimbursement (Subject to Location flying to & from)
- Accommodation in a new Camp
- Meals and Uniform provided

We offer excellent conditions, rate of pay, allowances and a genuine commitment to your safety and career development.

If you’re up for the challenge and want to take advantage of the great rewards on offer please send your current resume and 3 contactable referees by clicking on the “Apply now button” below.

Be part of a team that is committed to your safety. Be SKILLED.

- Excellent pay rate
- Excellent pay rate

Anonymous said...

@ PAP Running Dog
"Can Sinkies make WP stronger and ready to be govt? "

Dear Sinkies
It's not about us making WP stronger to be govt.
That is the WP's job.
It is about us voting for Opposition to give our non-PAP Sinkies a chance to be govt.
This is our job.

We cannot make Gintai be a better train driver.
That is SMRT's job.
We can give Gintai a chance to get a job.
That is our job.
By voting Opposition in GE 2016, we give Singaporeans a chance to get a job.

Anonymous said...

Employers CARE ONLY the total cost for each appointment:

(S) True Blue Sinkies = Basic Wage + 18%CPF + (loss of 20 days service/p.a. for NSmen)

(F) Foreigners = Basic Wage + Levy

(F) is always lower than (S).

For foreigners its easy to pay lower. When the lower pay is compared what they get in their country of origin, it is excessive.

Gintai_昇泰 said...

Thank you for taking the trouble to show me the way. I'll check it out.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Although my monicker attracts the ire of some bloggers (they have "Matilah" issues), in reality I am a "never say die" guy. Back against the wall, I will exhaust all possibilities. If I lose, I'll go down swinging -- never quietly or "graciously".

The FCF is another piece of government BULLSHIT designed to appease the gullible, uncritical and personally irresponsible. At the end of the day, the folks in government are at least smart enough to realise that "you can't fight the market".

Wages in Oz are already high -- average ~ 5k per month in Western Australia. Even lowly McDonalds pays $19 per hour (more on weekends) + 9% super (like CPF, only not a Ponzi Scheme).

Because wages are already high, you can offer yourself for LESS and still be OK. Play the same game as foreigners in Singapore :-) i.e. compete by offering employers "bang for buck". Of course the locals are not going to like it...well, that's just TOUGH :-))

Anonymous said...

"Gintai is very correct to say that loyalty and dedication meant nothing these days.....
Why do we end up like that ......."

How did we end up like this?
Maybe because 60% of us voted for PAP?

Hey Gintai!
60% of your family, relatives and friends voted for PAP.
That's why I say, all of us better convert the 60% of our friends, family and relatives who vote PAP.
kpkb here not enough.

Must convert PAP voters into Opposition voters.
Your patriotic duty is to convert only one PAP voter from amongst the many friends, family and relatives you have.

If 40% of us did this.
There will be 80% of us voting for Opposition in GE 2016.

Anonymous said...

S Pass holders compete with citizens in their prime.

Dependants of FT with long term social visit passes compete with citizens in their teens or semi-retirees who just want some part-time income to supplement the main income from their major bread-winners.

Exotic "PRI-KS" competing with SinkieMen screwing their gals and wives big time while they in NS and In Camp Training.......






Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

If Australia were to open its leg as wide and welcoming as Sin, many Sinkies would not mine going there and leave this place to the new immigrants. We can switch places.

Think so easy to get to Australia?

Anonymous said...

Was at CPF Board the other day!

Know what?

A few PRs in the queues to contribute minimal token CPF!

What for?

You tell me lah?

What the G doing about all these phantom workers so the employers can qualify for the silly MOM headcount ratio to hire foruiners.

Is the G sleeping or doing their job?

Got KPIs?

Anonymous said...

Btw, the Q was only like less than 10 persons and more than 50% PRs lining up to contribute minimal CPF to qualify as one "Phantom" worker head count?

Make sense?

Got Justice?

Anonymous said...

I feel bad, will not rub salt on his wound. But I will speak my mind. I stumbled into Gintai’s blog. during the MRT Train Seat Spat incident. Wrote a long piece (Anonymous says: 24/06/2012 at 22:49) why senior need the reserved seats. It had nothing to do with graciousness nor privilege. We need it PERIOD!

I cut-and-paste Gintai offending passage below...

"There is no written law to say that someone seating on the reserved seat must give up her seat to the old or pregnant passengers. The signage is there just to remind passengers to practice graciousness by giving up your seat to those in need. But that has become a right. The old and pregnant have forgotten that it’s a privilege and not your right to the reserved seat. You can’t do anything if that person refuses to give up his seat to you...."


Gintai replied: "Thank you for your comments. You got some good points there." No Western civilize societies will accept the above passage and replied!! I not only have good points but, if he and Sinkies cannot understands it than, I have no compassion for their suffering now under the PAP.

I may further add he now he will join the 20% opposition as a former die-hard PAP supporter.

Yam Seng!


Anonymous said...

What is MOM going to do about this?

Sleeping on the job again?

Drunk and intoxicated again?

In slumber land when the FIRE is already burning at the door?

Got any Walk the Talk?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10.57 am .....

Is the issue of using phantom workers very common on the ground......

I personally heard friends talking about phantom workers....

I didn't know it is so easy to cheat in Singapore....

Anonymous said...

@ JC : / I may further add he now he will join the 20% opposition as a former die-hard PAP supporter. /

Only 20% meh?

1st generation old guards supporters 20%:
1980 84%
1984 64%

2nd generation supporters 20%
2011 60%
2016 ?%

Now should be 40% lah!

Anonymous said...

20% ( die hard opposition supporters ) + 20% ( 1st generation supporters ) + 20% ( 2nd generation supporters ) = 60% lah!

Anonymous said...



60/ 40


40/ 60 lah

Got "$$$$$$ want bet"?

Anonymous said...

Don't wait until you lose your job before voting for Opposition. Vote Opposition to keep your job.

Anonymous said...


"If Australia were to open its leg as wide and welcoming as Sin, many Sinkies would not mine going there and leave this place to the new immigrants. We can switch places. Think so easy to get to Australia?"

I prepared a long bare knuckle rebuttal to "Albert Lim Totalitarianism in TR Emeritus.” for your blog, but decide not to post it. However, my closing passage from Rumpole of the Bailey fit the topic..

May I end quoting section of Guest essay by Rumpole of the Bailey in Yawning bread:

"Singaporeans chose this Government"

We should not blame the Bishop; we certainly should blame the government for clinging on to its totalitarian ways; but most importantly Singaporeans, Catholic or otherwise, should blame themselves. It is they who chose this government. They who do not dare to violate its unjust laws, such as the ones restricting their constitutional right to peaceful assembly. Voting once every five years is not enough..."


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JC, Gintai's reply on the give up your seat in the train is a statement of fact. It is not a law and cannot be enforced. That was why some oldies got whacked by the younger commuters when they demanded for it. Until it is a law, it is just a reminder to be courteous to the oldies like me and the pregnant ladies.

The FCF is something like that oso. Swee Say will sweet talk nicely to the employers to be nicer and fairer to the Sinkies. Enforceable, what are the penalties if they refused to obliged? Maybe cannot hire foreigners for a year.

Anonymous said...

Before Internet, SINKIES ARE treated MORONS.

Kept in the Dark and feed them cow dung.

That’s why so many SINKIES NOT aware of their “dirty tactics” and “holy khaws” status.

Their Chief ANGEL/ SAINT even promised to resurrect like Jesus Christ (when he is being lowered into the grave) to save SinkieLand!

Got Brains?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Think so easy to get to Australia?

Fair question, even if it is from a wet blanket ;-) Like I said, you lose nothing by trying. If you don't try: just shut the fuck up and allow others to do so.

Of course it is not "so easy" to get into Australia. However it is EASIER now than it has ever been -- re the 457 Visa Program. Australia is competing for labour-- the "right" labour or else the economy will die.

If you go to the mines and the oil and gas industries, you will find an international workforce: Indians, Africans, Middle Easterners (Halal chefs in high demand), Pinoys, Irish, Canadians and now even Iraq vets from the USA -- who apparently cannot find work in America, despite their "service to the nation". All on 457 Visas.

Of course locals kicked up a stink when Julia Gillard was PM. However there's nothing the government could really do. Mining and resources companies are THE BIGGEST taxpayers, so government backed off. Now new PM is Abbot -- he is PRO migrant workforce.

Yes, competition is keen. But in WA alone, there's a requirement for 30,000 workers over the next few years -- still plenty of opportunity to come over, make your pile, then fuck off home -- even though you will be offered PR after 4 years.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Re: specail seating on trains:

It is not written law, but it is BACKED UP by law -- contract law.

By embarking the train you implicitly agree (i.e. enter into voluntary contract) to certain conditions which only apply whilst on the train. Once such condition is that if you are able-bodied and below a certain age, you are required to give up "special seating" to those who "qualify" for such seats -- i.e. pregnant women and the elderly.

Anonymous said...

October 21, 2013 11:07 am

Have you ever voted for the PAP?

It doesn't matter how one massage the results. Using Singaporean's pasts general elections, example: 1968 the PAP obtained 86.7% and opposition 13%. More or less I took an average 80% voted for the PAP and 20%.voted for the opposition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singaporean_general_election,_1968

I am the 20% that never voted for the PAP. The last GE result - 40% opposition and 60% PAP. The 20% combine
die-hard opposition plus 20% former die-hard PAP supporters + 40%. Gintai can now be the 20% former die-hard PAP supporters.


Veritas said...

PAP GLC and civil services are shit hole la. Your only chance to survive there depends on whether your boss let you suck his cock. All government employees are eunuch.

I know it because I used to be one of them. But the different between me and others is I dare to use hokkien vulgarities on my reporting officers. I give them shit and insult them for 3 months before I left.

During my last 3 months, all the senior managers avoided me like crazy. Everytime they come to me I shouted at them point blank. When I met managers in corridor, I will walk straight into them hoping to knock them down. They avoid me like crazy.

My colleagues to me to "cool down", "like that no use one", "don get yourself into trouble", "leave people a good will and who knows you may meet"...etc

I told my colleagues I don buy all these shit from you cowards. I told them that because of eunuch like you, all managers dare to shit on subordinate. If there are just 5% of veritas in the population, the elites and management will tremble.

Gintai, did you do what I did?

Anonymous said...

I think Matilah has a point about contract law.
But like every law or contract in Singapore.
Who is going to enforce it?
Do you think PAP gahmen is going to enforce any laws to protect Singaporeans?

You can call it contract law, framework (eg FCF), criminal law or moral law.
Anything you want.
Who is going to enforce?
You think MOM's Tan Chuan Jin will enforce it?

Simple way is to vote Opposition.
Then you get PAP Ministers suddenly interested in getting your feedback and opinion about how to do their jobs better.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Contract law is enforceable in Singapore.

However it is up to the slighted party (e.g. the pregnant lady or the elderly commuter) to register a complaint, and identify/ apprehend the anti-social asshole. Not so easy. However if there's a cop or SMRT security on the train...no problem.

SG.GOV style: if no one complain, then it is a non-issue.

Anonymous said...

"SG.GOV style: if no one complain, then it is a non-issue."

And that is why i vote opposition.
Then my problem becomes PAP gahmen's problem.
This is how you get service from a PAP gahmen.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Please lah, there is no law that says commuters must give up their seats to the oldies and other needy passengers. It is just a plea.

If there is a law, then there must be a penalty like if you use the emergency button wrongly you can be fined $5000.

Matilah, don't imagine things. The poster says, 'Please' give up your seats. Even when the word 'Reserve' is used, so what? What is the offence?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


If you want it enforced, then you have to go out, gather evidence and make a complaint.

AFAIK, the sg.gov is very efficient in applying its laws once a complaint is registered.

Frankly I think the FCF is bullshit -- most people will just whine and whinge, but very few will actually gather evidence and make a formal report. And once your name gets out that you are a "whistle-blower", that could affect your chances of future employment. Unless you have exceptional skills and talent, no potential employer is ever going to take on a "trouble maker".

Facts of reality and human nature. Yeah, I know, sometimes it sucks and there's no justice.

What to do? Keep Calm and Have a Beer!

Anonymous said...


I strongly disagrees with you. Law or no law! It's down right wrong NOT to give your seat to someone who need it more than you. I still give my seats to old ladies and always refused to take from them (old ladies, men and pregnant ladies) when offered.

Not only I gave my seat to old timid men and ladies, and always asked the young ones to give up seats for them too!

It's not about "right or wrong" but as human we try to help "Everyone" in need, if we are in the position to help. Without hurt oneself or other! Remember the Golden Rule? That's why I always consider myself different from many Sinkies. Sinkies are sick and self centered!


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Please check with lawyers and/or SMRT and/or the courts.

AFAIK the Rule of/ by Law is strong in Singapore. And say what you like about the politicization of the courts; the one thing they do do VERY WELL is enforce contract law. (which is why so many rich foreigners LOVE Singapore. Their assets are SAFE)

Veritas said...

When I was in civil service, I was the one who dare to shit on the management during meetings. I got a lot of ecstasy from doing so, and it heal the psychological damage I got from civil service.

The best way to achieve healthy mental state is not to stooge, but to take justice on evil doer. Many of these scum are actually coward. One thing they fear most is someone mallu them in the meeting.

Unfortunately, none of my colleague support me. These colleagues got bullied and they psyche is not about justice. The civil servant and GLC employee has shit mind. All the time, they want bad fortune to fall on others so that they may be able to hide one side and lead a peaceful life. Or they will shit on others to move to the top.

Our public and GLC employee deserve 100% of the shit due to their shitty character. If there are 5% of veritas in SG, I tell you the evil doers will tremble.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Haha JC, what you are doing is about graciousness and generosity. It is also about good upbringing and education. The issue at hand is whether it is a law and can one be prosecuted in the court of law for not giving up the seat.

Ok, I know this issue is quite engrossing. I have yet to receive a cup of kopi this whole morning.

Anonymous said...


By the comments here, it seems that there is a lot of very unhappy singaporeans out there.

Is this the new Singapore?

Is this the new normal?

Why why why ???

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

P.S. redbean:

It is not an "offence" not to give up your seat when required, because, as we all agree, there is no formal LAW requiring it. It is a breach of contract. Contract is struck when you buy your ticket (intent to use service) and further strengthened by you, acting on your own freewill, boarding the train (implicitly agreeing to comply with certain "conditions" stated very clearly).

There is a No Durian law on public transport. $500 fine. However some people still carry them. Can smell lah. However, most cases, no one complains. Live and let live lah.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


I am (generally speaking) very happy Singaporean. I don't bother asking why people are unhappy. It is they who should be asking themselves the question ;-)

Anonymous said...

One months pay for 18 years of loyal service. A symptom manifest from a cold uncaring society. How's this for contrast:



Anonymous said...

For the Mati man:- Ha Ha Ha.
Disclaimer: I am not a member of the Ha Ha brigade but enjoyed a laugh at people big noting themselves and making a complete fool of themselves in the process.

Anonymous said...

"By the comments here, it seems that there is a lot of very unhappy singaporeans out there."

Singaporeans are not unhappy.
We are united in wanting to vote out the blood-suckers.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Different cuntrees, different laws.

Singapore system is far better than Australia because it doesn't impose over-regulation. Asutralia is over-regulated. I have lived here for over 30 years, as an employee and a business operator. Regulation has decreased in recent times, but it is still more regulated than Singapore.

More regulation means more costs, means higher prices to be paid by customers.

Anonymous said...

Matilah 12.02 pm.......

people are not stupid....those who read your comments here will know whether you are unhappy or not......you need not to say .......cheers.....

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> I am not a member of the Ha Ha brigade but enjoyed a laugh at people big noting themselves and making a complete fool of themselves in the process.

Me too! Funny dat eh?

Anonymous said...


Rather than replying, I urge you go to "Guest essay by Rumpole of the Bailey in Yawning bread"


"Singaporeans chose this Government"

We should not blame the Bishop; we certainly should blame the government for clinging on to its totalitarian ways; but most importantly Singaporeans, Catholic or otherwise, should blame themselves. It is they who chose this government. They who do not dare to violate its unjust laws, such as the ones restricting their constitutional right to peaceful assembly. Voting once every five years is not enough..."


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> those who read your comments here will know whether you are unhappy or not

Wah piang ah...you can read people's minds and the future ah? Fantastic leh. Got 4-D number or not?!? What other "super-powers" do you possess?

Anonymous said...

Matilah 12.16 pm ......

this wed first prize 4d number is ..... 0000 .....must buy ......cheers....

Anonymous said...

To a psychologist, this Mati shit hole sewer dweller is not only a schizophrenic!

He is also an attention crying retard infant in an adult body.

Must have been through some extreme childhood torment .......

Now he is taking his so called "revenge" ........

To make himself appear "happy"!


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, did SMRT contractually demanding the commuters to give up their seats? I don't think so. I think this giving up of seat is a matter of civility, courtesy, and epediency, good manners, good ethics, this kind of things. This is different from no drinks, eating etc allowed in the train. That I think is part of the contract.

Anonymous said...

This Mati guy's defense mechanism is kicking in. Suppose he will take his revenge by telling everyone he lives well. Fact is, if you do live well you need not boast.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean: I already stated my opinion. Take it or leave it. You want to un-befuddle your seemingly confused mind, just pick up the phone and call SMRT, and then for clarification call up Minister Tuck -- who is being paid much more than me to comment on matters of the SMRT ;-)

For more debates on contract law, please go have a drink at the Singapore Cricket Club where you'll meet many of Singapore's best legal minds. Drinks at the SCC are your best bet, because these fuckers won't charge you. If you call them in their office, they will :-)

Anonymous said...


"..It is not an "offence" not to give up your seat when required, because, as we all agree, there is no formal LAW requiring it...."

Let say, I am standing alone beside a lake, a person drowning. I could reach out and pull him up. There is no law require me to help that person. Should I do it? Another example, you are standing on the curb too close near the road. Unknown to you a car heading toward us erratical driving, should I pull you away the direction the car heading toward us?

If you are that person, I'll probably pretend I never notice. There is no law require me to help you.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> To a psychologist, this Mati shit hole sewer dweller is not only a schizophrenic!

Really ah? Are you a psychologist? I can tell you're not, but I thought I'd ask anyway ;-)


>> Fact is, if you do live well you need not boast.

WOW! It's a FACT? No shit. I didn't know that! Clever you!

Anonymous said...

GIntai would have been fired long ago just by the mere fact that he was blogging. But out of public sentiment at that time, it was not done so immediately. As soon as things cool down, they start acting on it. So, no surprise there. Did they give him a good reason for letting him go?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@JC 1232:

>> There is no law require me to help that person. Should I do it?

Who knows? These are questions of personal morality. You have (some) free will and are an autonomous entity. On the spur of that moment, only you can decide.

However after the fact, everyone will judge your choice, and you personally. That's just human nature ;-)

Anonymous said...


Let me share an encounter early this year. I was in MRT and two AngMoh - husband and wife sitting on one of the reserved seat. I asked for that seat. He looked at his wife and graciously stands up and let me have the seat. I say "Thanks" (I never say thanks to Sinkies, when I demand the seat). We got off the same station and while walking in the tunnel passageway. We meet again. He turned to me and said, "I too a senior," and much older. He looks much younger for his age. Immediately, I apologized, say sorry and explained about Sinkies. Damn sickening "Gintai" types of Sinkies.

In my previous postings, I gave up the seat to younger "senior" - need the seat more than me. The question, who need the seat "most" me or you or someone else?


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

JC, agree with you. I always say thanks to the young to show my appreciation when they let me have the seat. It is all courtesy. Courtesy begets courtesy.

I have seen some oldies or not so old demanding for the seat in a bullying manner. Quite obnoxious. That could be the reason why some kenna whacked.

Eh Matilah, I don't have to go to Cricket Club to know about contracts. Uncle read Law of Contracts in my younger days. This matter is elementary. You don't even have to bother about offer and consideration.

I don't think they can fire Gintai for blogging. Blogging is not an offence, it is freedom of expression. Unless Gintai blog about stuff that are detrimental or demaging to the SMRT.

They cannot even dismiss him for talking to the minister. It would make the minister very malu.

Anonymous said...

"Giving up seats" is not a PAP core value.
If you want to sit, you better have money.
This is the PAP core value.
If you are a millionaire, you are entitled to sit anywhere you want.

It's not how old you are.
It's not how needy or sick you are.
It's about how rich you are.

Of course PAP cannot say so publicly.
So they say 'meritocratic".
But actually meritocratic = rich.
Based on the PAP-English Coxford Dictionary.

So open your eyes big, big.
The next time you vote PAP.

Anonymous said...


you are really good.....I can see that you are very busy commenting rb articles......

rb should give you an award......how about it ......cheers ........

Anonymous said...


This was my posts in Gintai blog try to bookmarked every posts and make sure I am consistence:


Anonymous says:
24/06/2012 at 22:49

By chance I came across, “MRT Train Seat Spat between the young and old ladies.” Your posting and readers’ comments flabbergast me. It seems we forget the main issue, “Courtesy.” Regardless whether the old lady speaks good or not a word of English has no bearing what has become of our society obligation. She is “OLD” and everyone in that train has a moral obligation to give up their seats without prompting, whether be the reserve seats or other seats. Why “reluctantly gave up her seat,” is this not the right thing to do beside moral obligation? You and your young punk may have forgotten you too will get old and need that seat whether you like it or NOT. What if that OLD lady should fall, chances she may never walk again or worst still die.

My dad passed from heart attacked after a fall. His last words to me while still lying on the floor, “I cannot walk again,” hound me till today. I dunno if your parent or grandparents still alive and if they are, better makes sure they have a seat if they are traveling in public transport! Unless, you could careless whether they Live or die! Don’t tell they never listen or whatever. Old folks are usually unreasonable, since time in memorial. They have their reasons and mainly not to burden or trouble anyone. The old lady maybe out of line doing or saying what she did. The problem would never had occurred if brain dead’s Singaporean show a bit of courtesy and caring, don’t you think so?

I am a senor and “demand” a seat near the door. I knew the consequence should I fall. My mother-in-law and my late wife’s aunty also had falls now, semi-bedridden. When I was young, I “ALWAYS” gave my seats without prompting to “ANYONE” who need it more than me. Regardless if they are old, pregnant, young male or female. Be courtesy help anyone who needs it, if we are able. While driving taxis for a short spell, I never collect fares from the sick old folks. No one ever thanks me and it does not bother me one bit. No one expects someone like me exists in Singapore. My taxi’s colleagues think I am sick, am I? Money, money that is what everyone cares huh? Sure I lost time and petrol for the journey. So what? I feel good inside and that what matter most!

As I continue to read the comments. I am stun really stuns! What has our sick society turn out to be? If we progress from a third world nation to “First,” I am sorry we are still in the third world. While we berate the “AngMoh” or “garment” (BTW, I am no AngMoh or PAP lover). My experiences as I travel, the “Asians” are most backward. I always open or keep manual doors open for anyone who happen to be within second coming in or getting out. The “AngMoh” always “Thank me,” but never from Asians!

Most comments were off topics except one that I like “newball ” he or she says there are a few teenagers do give up their seats without prompting. I always smile and say “thanks you” to anyone. I NEVER say thanks, if I have to prompt for the seat from young folks. Don’t think us old folks are selfish or unreasonable. We need the seats whether you like it or not.

BTW, I NEVER accept a seat from old and young folks, if I feel the kind they needs it more than me. I am not an ANGMOH, but a Chinese’s Singaporean. I never imposed my ideas or religion on anyone, but practice what I preach. A little kindness here and there makes my day goes better.

Anonymous said...

@October 21, 2013 1:13 pm

"Giving up seats" is not a PAP core value.
If you want to sit, you better have money.
This is the PAP core value.
If you are a millionaire, you are entitled to sit anywhere you want.

Hey, hey Sinkie, what have PAP got to do with courtesy? You, like so many oppositions Sinkies blaming the PAP. You are no different from the PAP. You means the PAP and not your parent, teachers never teaches you about social ethics and behavior?

Even today, whenever I came across seniors picking cardboards etc. I always drop a few bucks, sometime buy food for them and only once I got a word thank. I still continue to give.

A passage from Rumpole of the Bailey in Yawning bread

"We should not blame the Bishop; we certainly should blame the government for clinging on to its totalitarian ways; but most importantly Singaporeans, Catholic or otherwise, should blame themselves. It is they who chose this government. They who do not dare to violate its unjust laws, such as the ones restricting their constitutional right to peaceful assembly. Voting once every five years is not enough..."



Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

JC, Matilah has been saying over and over again. The people deserve the govt they elected.

oldhorse42 said...

I am really surprised that Gintai lost his job. I followed his blogs. I find his posting entertaining but not provoking like RB Unlike RB though, he did not ask for kopi.

I do not think he was sacked because of his blogging activities. But then he is a long service officer or a confirmed officer, it is not easy to sack a confirmed officer.

Inquiry would have to be held. Some one outside his Dept would be appointed to chair the inquiry.

He was also a trained investigation officer from CID. I am sure he could be deployed as as investigator in SMRT if the management wanted to retain his service.

Be what it may, I wish him all the very best.

Anonymous said...

look at the number of comments here....

it seems to me that there is really an increasing number of very very unhappy singaporeans out there ......

the reason.....I know..you know......

this is the new normal..... this is the new Singapore.....this is the new way of life .....


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Oldhorse, yes, Gintai writes very well and I think his fellow drivers enjoyed what he wrote about his circle of friends as well.

Oh, for the kopi, I only ask since it costs everyone nothing. It is OPM. If it has to come out from anyone of your pocket I would not ask at all. It is just incidental. I help the advertisers by channelling some visitors to their adverts and they must be happy too. Everyone wins, everyone happy, no one loses. You guys just work you fingers a little more.


patriot said...

It is so very heartening to read and find many here to be righteous, kind, courteous and very well versed with the finer points of Laws. Enforceable and 'non-enforceable Laws' and there are also seizeable and non-seizeable Laws to boot.

Contracts may require signature and or organization stamp but not those for reserved seat or for saving drowning victim. Btw, me had seen a few heated fracas whereby onlookers added fuel hoping to see traded blow. So, there is also no shortage of ugly folks in Sin.

Anyway, please do good whenever possible.


Anonymous said...

@ 3.32 pm" Btw, me had seen a few heated fracas whereby onlookers added fuel hoping to see traded blow. "

You mean here or outside? What kind of place were you at? I believe it depends. Geylang probably yes. That's why no matter how good the food is over there, some people would totally avoid the place. Mb patriot & AGK la kopi over there at times ........ but better don't la too vigorously in case spilled out later kpkb pain cos kena the fragile skin ....... oh ya remember patriot used to la kopi with mati also if what he divulged previously is the case ........ stir ah stir, stir ah stir, fingers kena also very sticky, i mean the kopi

b said...

I think we all know why he is sacked. It is too obvious. They have been doing this kind of things for many years but there was no internet and blogging then. Many of such stuff were unreported. Will another 12% daft voters become wiser in GE2016? We will only know then.

Anonymous said...

On hindsight, one is probably equal to at least another few hundred converted votes. Though painful for the victims but change often come at a price historically. In elections, people have to kuay kuay wait 5 years unless rulers decide Christmas come early and get a few more kick out to get internal consensus mb. Is this a case of " killing " the rooster to warn all the other monkeys? But how to "kill" off another 20%? Somebodies bluff might be called ........ then. Meanwhile, collateral damage and carnages abound. What will be will be ........ change is not cost free. Change often entails a big price tag. Someone has to blink in the end .....

Anonymous said...

Maybe also could be " bitter meat tactic"?

Anonymous said...

The short sighted greedy elitist scumbags are operating on self-destruct mode ultimately for SinkieLand. They think they can jump ship before it sinks with the millions paid as salaries with hard earned tax payers $$$.

Forruiners discriminating against Sinkies blatantly in our very own SinkieLand are bane rather than boon to the country. Jobs are taken from Sinkies, infrastructure are literally falling apart and overused due to the indiscriminate open legs , social fabric is getting thinner by the day, job market and wage structure are completely screwed up to the unbelievable disadvantage of Sinkies. Hopes and aspirations are being destroyed. Common identities in nation building are arguably disappearing month by month. Why are so many Sinkies uprooting while they can? Good luck to those joining the retiring wealthy Elites. It would be interesting to see who would be the daft ones "caught out when the music stops".

Anonymous said...

The biggest shit blown out by all the elitist fans is none other than calling the 3rd world trashes seeking jobs here at cheapo pay forruined “TALENTS”.

Anonymous said...

Foreigners taking jobs away from Sinkies. How can we remain silence and do nothing? Our rights need to be defended in SinkieLand. Any other developed country flooding their job markets with potentially billions of cheapo labour from 3rd world? Any country open their legs so big and many times worst than the cheapest prostitutes.

Virgo 49 said...

bro, you forgot, foreigners under the mercy of the boss or superiors who can be a dud.

Seldom talk back or point their mistakes and embarrassed them as being round holes in square pegs and G.O.N.
(good for nothing)

virgo49 said...

Also claiming Work fares as subsidized by the tax payers.

Now employers best of both world. Where can go bankrupt.

Govt or tax payers pay wages to their employees on their behalf.

Some more want to have make up pay paid by taxpayers when their employees go for in amp training.

Stupid policy by the PAP. Using peoples backsides for their faces

Anonymous said...

Heard so many times! Sinkies are just losers. SinkieLand is the only developed country with a bunch of cowards and niang niang qiang who can’t fight for their own rights but have high paying useless government that let outsiders "fixed" Sinkies in their careers under their very own noses, prostitute Sinkieland and Sinkies to foreigners for them to have a go at Sinkies in SinkieLand with impunity. What kind of Fu-K type G is this? OMG! Still paid the world's highest salary. SinkieLand must have become insane!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When rulers treat their citizens like shits, it is only inevitable "real shits" will hit the fan, overwhelm and bury the cronies in due time.

Anonymous said...

Took a taxi many years back.

The uncle was so mad at this "ridiculously selfish, cocky" government.

He went on and on as if they are his biggest enemies and those that he wished to cook their flesh and feed them to the lions if he can.

For a while after that, I could not understand why that uncle has such rage for this so called super talent government.

But in recent years, it is not hard to realise why?

With situations on the ground getting worst by the day, it is only a matter of time the gravity of the ill treatment and much pains suffered by the people suck the hell out of the perpetrators and hit them with a knock out blow in one go. Maybe 2016, maybe sooner, who knows?

Anonymous said...

Everyone will be out of power someday.

Wait till their own be it their children, some other family members etc get treated so shabbily. It has already happened.

Many ex-power elites already suffered and now they realised how shit that is. Arguably many are those that gave their votes to the other 3 TANs during the last PE in 2011.

It can only get more pronounced the next time.

Maybe high time to take the last helicopter out for those no conscience heartless greedy devils before the liberators of Sinkies dawned on SinkieLand.

Anonymous said...

Sadly many Sinkies still daftly believe the Pigs and Dogs will look after them

Anonymous said...

It is a forgone conclusion many millionaires MIWS will "bolt" at the first sign of trouble in Sinkieland.

Sinkies will be screwed by then and have to start all over again, not unlike the 1950s. Dun think much would be left when SinkieLand implode in the future.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the G is more interested in PROFIT$$$$$$$$$ than protecting the rights of citizens.

Anonymous said...

Worry Not!

Fear not!

Fret not!

Tomorrow will be better.

Justice has a funny way of finding its path.

Likely will be sooner than later.

Anonymous said...

I share the anguish of the injustice suffered by our fellow Singaporean.

Someone must be sick to the core or in slumber land BIG TIME to let this happen under his nose.

Or was it done to instil fear in the rest?

Are Singaporeans so easily "khawed" into silence?

History many times have proven otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Change is in the air.

For our children's sake.

Many parents have raised their children with their blood and sweat.

What is going that extra mile to bring about a good future for them.

Current generation are already suffering.

Would it be possible for next generation not to be so and in far worst situation than their parents now?

For our future generation, change is coming! Change we must! Change here we come .......

Have been washing my necks every day. Am prepared to sacrifice myself for the sake of our future generations. Am prepared for myself to be "beheaded". Otherwise why wash my neck clean clean every day? Are we living in 5,000 years ago tyrannical era or 21st century Sinkingpore?

Anonymous said...

Without Singaporeans driving our trains, one day the foreign drivers can drive the trains to wherever they want, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

In ancient time, when an era is a goner and no hope, heaven will send many signals.

Let's see if some more events happen between now and end of Jan 2014?

Maybe some more big floods coming next 3 months?

Maybe non stop rain for one week?

Maybe massive train breakdown?

Who knows when the left hand already dunno what the right hand doing?

Anonymous said...

Someone is so happy to give our jobs to some aliens

Anonymous said...

Think the legs need open wider lah ...... GDP not growing fast enough

Anonymous said...

Not enough lah to just depend on one vice to grow gdp.

Should also prostitute any one willing to do so to add one more leg to gdp growth.

Must grow at all cost mah

Anonymous said...

Sinkieland already have 2 world class casinos via this gambling vice.

Really should also make the other vice aka Prostitution also a world class name.

Greed got boundaries meh?

Anonymous said...

It could happen.

Anonymous said...

Right, right, right!

To avoid others eat our lunch, that's why need open legs mah!

Leilong leilong, open legs hum, good good, cheap, cheap, cum cum, all welcome.

Anything also can.

Can grow GDP?

Anonymous said...

I've followed Gintai blog for a long time, when it stop, i stop too, per chance i happen to read an article in tre which lead me to rb, then after a brief e-mail from him i'm now following him.

We can know what and why Gintai was remove from his job but unless he himself says it all will be pure speculation, through his simple presentation he has led many into his views, those veiws of his were shared by many, its very sad that perhaps his blog may be to his own undoings, but whatever it is i do wish him the best and may he never stop giving us views.

Matilah does have a point, long have we kept quiet on issue as simple as a seat, we blog about it but few actually do anything about it.


Anonymous said...

Every time I get angry, I make it a point to convert a PAP voter into an Opposition voter.
Not difficult lah!
60% of our friends, relatives and family voted PAP.
Don't get angry. Get even

Anonymous said...

@ 10.37 pm 21 Oct 2013

Can anyone confirm this "Kaki" is also Mati in another disguise? This mati guy like to "f-ck" with people's brain. Beware of his 3 year old childish cheapo "tricks".

Anonymous said...

Anyway, this Mati guy claim himself very sharp brain blah blah blah as in many, many self-evident posts ......... But the point is this blog about Gintai losing his job and just because some quirk very eccentric living in the secluded mountain type old, dying hermit digressed to MRT seating, they latched on it big time like hungry dogs given some pig bones to play with, totally forgetting the issue on hand. This Mati guy most of the time , if not always, is all over the place with his totally distorted logic but as in all things good or bad, even cow dung attracts some living things to it, think the flies. As can be seen, huge chunk of comments, some super long some more digress all day talking about mrt seats. It is another pertinent issue but can start a tread on it right. Wonder how Gintai feel people with so called very analytical brains talking almost non stop about mrt seats when posting under Gintai lost his job. Though still mrt related but totally two different issues.

Got pass GP or any essay writing test?

Have gone out of point massively lah!

Sad, sad, sad.

Pathetic standard.

Especially this mati guy ........

Anonymous said...

Like everyone have said dun get angry get even.

I'm closing to be 60 years old, i dun think i can say what matilah does.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@1014 Kaki:

Suffice it to say many of us here are of similar vintage.

If you haven't lived in a Singapore where you could smoke in buses, cinemas, airliners, or drank Green Spot from the old frosted glass bottle, or had a beer at Tivoli in Orchard Road, or Chong Pang Village, or camped at Changi and sung "Sausolito" by the Western Union Band by campfire, or remember paying 10¢ for roti prata and 5¢ for a cold drink, fantasising about banging that super-sexy minah -- Anita Sarawak...then you are, IMO, a "youngster" -- who doesn't know shit about the EXPERIENCE of growing up in a cuntree changing from 3rd world to 1st.

If you grew up like me -- playing chatek and kuti kuti, catching guppies and toads, struggling on $2 "pocket money", and thinking $10 ang pow was hot shit -- then you can understand why I would think Singapore in 2013 is a very motherfucking awesome place!

I've had a dirty mouth all my life. You can't teach old dogs new tricks, so it is unlikely I'm going to change anytime soon :-)

Anonymous said...

Matilah must not change. Mati mati must be the Fun Matilah. Even if You have to die as a matter of nature, die slowly, the slower the better. Those who love You will at least have more time to relate with You. Much of the Crowd here must be Matilah's fans though the Author is certainly drawing followers.
Mati lah, tapi mati pelahanx2. And please do not change to a lustless angel.
It is best that You remain a 'cheekopek'.

Anonymous said...


Gintai's plight has taught me a lesson. If you drive a train, don't blog or should I say if you blog, don't drive a train. Maybe it's not like that. Let me try again. If you want to drive a train and blog, don't meet up with a Minister. No? Ok...one last time. If you want to drive a train and blog and meet up with a Minister, don't ever start giving closed door speeches in the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS). Please close the door behind you. Let's see if Gintai is a fighter or he takes his undeserved dismissal lying down.

fish 'n' chips

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Your pleas are unfounded. I am a cheekopek, dirty old man with a dirty mouth and twisted mind -- I cannot change (for the worse), because I really, really like myself just the way I am. The only thing which motivates me is how to be a dirtier old man and improve my ability to write more filth, but at a higher standard.

However is is unwise for you to single me out as a cheekopek. Singapore is a city full of like-minded cheekopeks, a great many of them far wealthier and better resourced than lil' ol' me.

I do not have my own private "gentlemen's mess", although I am invited frequently to some pretty darn amazing ones.

You'll also notice the plethora of Hotel 81's and Fragrance Hotels all over the island. These places are primarily used for FUCKING purposes.

Ergo, it is reasonable to assume that cheekopeks abound in Singapore. Yes, you might be one, or your father, or grandfather, or uncle.

And why not? Singapore is full of babelicious chicks, many of whom are eager to bang and be banged, their moist chee byes opening up like flowers in the morning dew. (chey ba, poetry sial!)

Got erection yet?

Anonymous said...


There is an article (22 Oct 2013) in TRE: "New SG immigrants from China file police report" PRC not give "reserved" sets the senior!

Clearly the kettle calling pot black, Sinkies don't give their seats to it own Sinkies how on earth can you expect PRC to give up their set to Sinkies? Sinkie doesn’t give a damn, Period!

Even Gintai thinks it's time to remove the "reserved" seating for those whom it needs it. Whether, PR, Sinkies, FT or whatever, there are many people travels in public transport, whom it needs not by choice but necessity.

Blaming the New Citizens, PR FT or even the PAP have no merits. Sinkies are really sick!

As a senior, often gave my seat or find another seat to anyone who need it more than me.

Anonymous said...

Hope Gintai finds closure through getting more details for his termination but am not hopeful the management team is compassionate or gracious enough give him the closure and hope for going forward

Anonymous said...

Today ST news, SMRT axes blogging train driver " Gintai". Generally, the publics see it a biggest mistake for him to meet up with Minister, Shanmugan otherwise he will be still driving the train.

Anonymous said...

PRC is thinking they are big fuck, come to here and dont bother to learn to speak our local culture dialect . Sinkies go for holiday in other countries, still bother to lesrnt and speak their country local dialect.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Gintai has been a train driver for 18 years. Has he got into an accident, has he caused any death or hurt to any commuters? Is he really a danger to the public?

For 18 years, he must have driven millions of commuters in his train, safely. Why is he suddenly a safety hazard that must be dismissed from train driving?