
Wake up old Sinkies and all going to be oldies

Are the Sinkies still in a stupor? The temperature is near boiling point and they are not noticing it, still happy like hell. After reading the few latest postings on the sum of premiums NTUC is charging and the near to 40% increases annually, with the sum hitting $4000, this is no longer a laughing matter any more. The complainants did not reveal their age but they are likely to be around 50 or 60 to be slammed with such high premiums. I cannot imagine what the premiums for Medishield Life will be like for those in their 70s, 80s and above. Do people really expect someone to be buying medical insurance at 90 or 100 years old?

All you senior citizens out there, if your faculties are still functioning and thinking, and not in a state of dementia, you are in deep deep trouble should Medishield Life be made compulsory. At the rate things are going, if the current premiums and rate of increases are what things are likely to be, you would soon be on your knees begging for mercy, for having nothing left in your savings to pay the robbers. When people are going after your coffin money without giving you a chance to say no, ‘NO, Don’t you dare touch my money,’ you need not be polite to them anymore. Robbers are robbers in any guise.

The Medishield Life is going to be like another Population White Paper that will be shafted down the people’s throat. There can be no resistance from the oldies. Any attempt to fight back is futile. If you want to kpkb, better make it now, and loud and clear, to frighten away the monkeys. By keeping quiet, you are only encouraging them to plan to finish off your savings. You are as guilty as them for emboldening them to do as they pleased.

All the oldies, and going to be oldies, this includes every young person, it is your money at stake. They are coming after your money, the last few dollars you hope to last till your last breath. No, they will finish it before you conk off…. unless you stand up on your feeble feet, wave your feeble hands to tell them you mean business.

It is a very wicked thought to think of making oldies that are out of jobs to pay for a hefty medical insurance that they did not want and have no right of refusal. Who the hell do they think they are? Robbers? Bandits? Pirates? And they are so ruthless that they would not spare the oldies and would not let them live in peace.

Whoever that is working on this scheme, if you are really kind and caring, leave the oldies’ money out of your scheme of things. The oldies cannot afford it. Any design on the oldies’ money only reveals the true intent of your scheme. You can’t be so desperate to even think of robbing the oldies of their last few dollars in their last few years of existence? (I stand corrected if the premiums will be foot by the govt). Please don’t tell the oldies it will be affordable. To the oldies that have no income, everything is unaffordable. I know there are exceptions, with some oldies drawing pensions that could make them millionaires every year.

Would the oldies dare to make their last stand, I mean just standing? Or the legs are too weak and feeble, and the knees are wobbling? Or the mind is gone and they are not able to protect their own interests anymore and are at the mercy of cunning robbers?

Heaven have eyes.


  1. Out of 7 apek and auntie who la kopi with me now,no one know whats going on about medishied la.
    kpkb cant change anything.Even wayang party,the party that stir shit on minority issue ,the HLP protest taikor oso never make noise .

    Everthing fated la.

  2. Heaven have eyes said RB. I think the more appropriate Chinese saying is " people do heaven see" Heaven see all these wicked things done to our oldies will surely punish the evil men in their after lives.
    But the oldies I la kopi with at Bukit Batok are all happy that the ever generous Govt has now allowed them to take out more money from their Medisave account to pay for their medical insurance, leh!

  3. Listen to the expert here lah.


    He said OK woh. So if expert say OK, should be Ok lah, tio bo?

  4. Ya lor. Must trust the experts.

    Must also trust the party which can contest 100% and win 93% seats in a GE lah. Trust that they are ready and able to be govt.

  5. When they go after the oldies,we can conclude that their engineering of sinkies extinction is near complete.Oldies are the true "die die will not run " loyalist of PAP's Harry.They will tell you tales of drowning in well and robbery when generator is down if not for the PAP's Water Tap and street lights.They got their 5 roomer for $60,000.They just love PAP.Now for PAP to collect the lost interest ...is it too much?


  6. YES! oldhorse42 ......

    I am a strong believer of .....


  7. When they are so desperate to go for the oldies' money, you know how bad is their finance.

    A good govt would easily put up some money to take care of the oldies welfare, definitely not taking money from the oldies.

  8. A recent study confirms that there are serious tensions between SGs and new immigrants...........

    The govt better STOP importing immigrants immediately before the problems explode..........

    In fact, I can see that many many many SGs are extremely unhappy to find the whole island so very crowded ........

  9. Law said 1 person is illegal assembly.

    Law said anyhow talk also kenna sue one.

    So Sinkies follow law one.

    And smart Sinkies will spend time to make money, where got time to explode?

    So what problems, what explode...??

    Explode on RB blog?? hahahaha

  10. ...many many SGs are extremely unhappy...

    If 60% vote for PAP, doesn't matter they happy or not.

  11. Many are also unhappy with their job or their boss. But they did not resign or become their own boss what, tio bo?

    By the same logic, many are unhappy with PAP but they also did not vote opposition what, tio bo?

  12. Overcrowding is extremely harmful......it can lead to very very very serious social problems.......

    DONT laugh at it now........

    Unless you DO NOT WANT to have next generation, otherwise your next generation is going to face these very serious social ills...........

  13. Overcrowding is extremely harmful......it can lead to very very very serious social problems......
    Anon September 12, 2013 10:44 am

    Too bad lah, you are not the govt.

    But do you intend to become leader of a party to contest 100% seats at the next election?

    If so, then got hope lah. Or else just blog and comment lah.


  14. Anonymous 10.55am ..........

    Thank you........Sorry, I have to disappoint you. I not interested and don't intend to be involved in politics..........

    The overcrowding issue is for the govt to worry and think about...........

    I can only pity the generations of SGs that are going to face the very very very serious social ills in coming years.........

    Building a nation that is strong and happy is not just housing as many SGs as possible in very high rise flats all over the place in this tiny island......

    1. Bro, no need next generation to suffer the social ills.

      Now already suffering. Opposite my unit rented to pinoys with dubious occupations. Even finance companies debt collectors came knocking.

      To my right, Indian nationals cramped of twenty or more living in flat like dormitory.

      unit above me lives a Brit who hassles my family with his unearthly noises practically every night.

      Assaulted by him and matter brought to courts. SPF wanted to give me a warning letter fir fighting in public.

      The Brit git off Scot free and is still hassles us with his nuisances.

      The govt must be real sick to allow these trashes in.

  15. Please lah folks, the premium is still reasonable.

    Baby boomers are going to such the system dry, so there is really NO Choice but to get everyone to pay up in order to remain sustainable.

    If you will pay 100k for a Fucking car COE, then it is only reasonable to pay a few lousy grand for your own human life.

  16. With so little return on CPF and the intakes from coe, erp, gst, duties, levies still cannot pay for healthcare for citizens? where did all the money end up? is it another can of worms?

  17. Btw, Heaven already given up on humans long ago.

  18. Cannot blame the gov. Can only blame the 60% of stupid voters loh. They are the ones responsible for the shit we are in - unattainable housing, crowded transport, jobs replaced by aliens, stressful education, expensive healthcare etc.

  19. b,

    "Cannot blame the gov. Can only blame the 60% of stupid voters loh..."

    60%, you sure? Have you ever voted for the gov? Did you know most oppositions' Sinkies are no difference from the gov supporters? Sama sama.

    Let me assure you, the days ahead will be very tough whether you are rich, poor old or young. Problems across the spectrum - Healthcare, jobs, housing, transport etc. I believe the number of (cockroaches) FT, PR new citizens are almost equal to Sinkies even before the 7millions White paper down the road.

    Oppositions Sinkies keep repeating ".....2016 before it is too late..." It's olready too late! What are you going to do with these cockroaches after 2016 - if by miracle the opposition form the next gov? Kick them out...?

    Any changes however small will upset the equilibrium and "Singapore Spring?” Meanwhile these cockroaches bring with them their parents, children or whatever adding burden to infrastructure and social services...

  20. Knn Mati lah,

    Whathas compulsory Medishield Life got to do with COE?

    U getting old n muddle headed!


    1. Yah loh they force You to buy medishield and deter the people from buying cars.
      Just because matilah is healthy and clever can talk big. Boaster likes to talk cock like sing song. Few years down the road see if you can still talk big.

  21. b said...

    "With so little return on CPF and the intakes from coe, erp, gst, duties, levies still cannot pay for healthcare..."

    Did you know CPF pays 2-4% while the banks pay less than 1%? Pretty soon when US Fed increase interest rate, that's where the bubble explode. Speculates including genuine HDB, condo....owner will go bankrupt.

    "You ain't seen anything yet"! When that happens, I'll be laughing and Rubbing Salt Into Wounds.


  22. @418 & 539:

    OK, cheebyes, thanks for the feedback.

    Death can strike any at any time lah...even before you're born, you can get aborted or shit out unceremoniously as a miscarriage. And there are numerous ways to die -- the more interesting ones are painful and have a high degree of suffering -- like when your body slowly turns to smelly liquid shit, you bleed from all orifices and you are constantly racked with pain. Or you experience an incredibly VIOLENT event -- like being chopped in half by a heavy, sharp (or blunt!) object, and you don't die immediately; staying alive long enough to become aware of your horrific situation, as you see your viscera strewn before you.

    WOW! What a boss way to go out. Imagine you last experience on earth being one of such abject, indescribable terror, all the horror films you've seen -- M Night Shamlan, Saw, The Ring -- can go fuck spider.

    So yeah, I'm aware of the many possibilities on dying. The probability of death is 100%.

    Singaporeans love the good life. They work hard, are generally financially responsible and savvy, so when it comes to spending, there's no surprise when they always seek out "the best". 30-100k (and more) for a watch? Hah. Many Singaporeans have watch collections lah. One collection can buy a condo or two! And how many school children do you know who carry $1000 iPhones?

    Please lah. The majority of Singaporeans can afford the premium. They're just not happy paying it.

    So go suck dog's balls lah. These fuckers don't have their priorities straight. These are the people you hope you never have to collect money from lah.

  23. Just keep voting Opposition.
    That is out only salvation from the Profit & Plunder Party.

  24. Mati lah talks like PAP and thinks like PAP. Just bcos there are some people collecting expensive watches n some buying ferraris n lambos, the rest of the population must be rich?
    And why are the students n workers working so hard just to buy a good mobile phone get lumped up with those people. Why matilah did not not say they should be paid higher than the mp of tanjong pagar who does not even have to do mps?
    Knn! Mati lah so Pappy

  25. Red bean, is your blog going to allow such vuglar words to be used by such shit as Matilda, do we really need his shit, a person that runs away and keep howling like an ass, he is so brave throwing stones from down under, he compares all his shit with the assies, does he think he's one of them.
    The Old people build this nation with their sweat and blood, something the likes of u can never know, the govt should be taking care of them not stuff more shit up their ass, it is already known what kind of care they would show,÷the ft's are getting it much better, free education, even tao li's mother earns a 5 figure pay just by being a telephone operator.....fair to u "Matilda".


  26. Virgo 49 3.07am ...........

    You are not alone.

    I have heard many horror and sad stories like yours, some were even worst.

    The trouble is that the govt is out of touch with the ground, the people.

    I sincerely hope that the govt can hear people crying.

    Many SGs are push to the limits !

  27. Just treat Matilah as shit and you will be alright. Everyone here knows that he is Jekyll and Hyde. He could talk sense and at times insanity. Just leave him alone as he is not personal except when he attacks me now and then.

    Read only the good stuff. Be selective and questioning.

  28. KNN Matilah, so early you come can scold my friends here. Please lah, not everyone is as thick skin as you, flame proof.

    Be kinder to my friends can? Just like your lingo, not everyone will subscribe to it. We are all different.

  29. redbean:

    >> not everyone is as thick skin as you, flame proof.

    I know. Sucks to be them ;-)

    >> Be kinder to my friends can?

    In your dreams lah.

    >> Just like your lingo, not everyone will subscribe to it.

    Tough shit.

    >> We are all different.

    Even tougher shit.

  30. Hotel Singapore, good meh, stayed there, no big thing le, bald kagaroos can stay in hotels?, strange?, sin can still let wild animals in, just read some adds here, not so bad rb.

  31. I think, Matilda must have had a hard life, so much aggresion, so much hurt, maybe also sexually abuse when young, chin up mat, the gays are behind you.

  32. @153

    You're right about one thing: I've had a very hard life. Much harder than you can imagine or be able to tahan ;-)

  33. >> 4:33 pm

    Only the banks in sinkyland pay so low interest. It is just one of the many way the G shits on own people. My, Au, Kiwi all pay higher interest in the region. You should try to get out of the small island and see the world for yourself.

  34. >>416 pm 'Have you ever voted for the gov?'

    This statement is wrong. The party and the gov are two different bodies. I voted for a certain party to be the government. Obviously you do not understand that. Heard of coalition government? If a certain party dominates the government, under the current setting, nothing can stop them to implement bad policies that will harm the people, future, state etc. You have better to get out of your small island and see the world yourself.

  35. Nothing in living is too difficult for mati lah. If he had a hard life, all others wud have perished.
    Mati lah talk like pappies n lives like pappies.

  36. PiakAhPiakSongSongSeptember 13, 2013 10:24 pm

    @ 1.53 pm

    Yes! His life is full of hard truths!

    His arse kanna piak ah piak by countless hard xxxxs until open flower.

    So he like those kanna bullied inmate squating in a dark corner hiding, even jumping at his own shadow ....... so given what he been thru, it may hv casted him to talk and act like that to overcome such hard past. Pls hv sympatgy on such hard luck being and dont b so hard on him for his ego boosting bs here.
