
The cursed Singaporeans – Part 3

This group needs no introduction or explanation. They are the so called Pampered, Mediocre, Expensive and Timid jobless Singaporeans. Very qualified, very experienced, some still fairly young, but cannot find employment in their home city that employed more than 1 million foreigners, because they are Singaporeans.

They can only fend for themselves by trying to be self employed in jobs that amount to under employment relative to their qualifications and experience. Many still have responsibilities to support children, family and parents and a mortgage to service. They must be cursing for wasting money and time getting that degree or diploma that they don’t need as a taxi driver.

This is what the saying goes, 吃不饱饿不死, eat not full but not hungry enough to die. And they have, yes, 30 or 40 years to be in this state of limbo. All their qualifications and experience going to waste!

Think carefully and don’t turn away. In this very expensive city when everything needs money, to go on in life without a proper job or income for 30 or 40s is no joking matter. We could be seeing a revolt of the silver hair, or seeing many of them turning into beggars if things are not changed. No job, no money, no savings, no children or children unable to help, all struggling to keep themselves alive.

And many are now faced with a more frightening and real situation, finding enough money to pay for a medical insurance they don’t need, did not want, cannot afford to pay, but it is compulsory for life man! There is no running away. Are they expected to pay for life? Yes, paying an insurance scheme for life! So many idiots could not see the implications of this paying for life thing.

By the time they are 70 or 80 they would not have a single cent left in their Medisave Account, not even in their CPF account, except those that are mandatorily held back by legislation or arbitrarily decided by their keepers.

The oldies are going to need a lot more money to live on as they grow older and older. Is this real? Can this be true? Only the destitute in the charity homes or those abandoned can be exempted from paying.


  1. In the good old days, oldies could be a story teller sitting at the five foot way on a stool in Kreta Ayer area. And people would pay 5cts to listen to story teller like Lei Tai Soh.And he could live on the daily collection.
    Nowadays, you cannot. Mata mata would catch you for obstructing the free flow of traffic.
    What could one do nowaday to earn some money to pay cheng hu?

  2. "By the time they are 70 or 80 they would not have a single cent left in their Medisave Account, ..."

    Last year was faced with the dim prospect my twilight years and homeless. Estimated need - at least $150K cash, possibly over $200K and debts free. CPF is out of question, since I cannot withdraw my CPF to cover my need, unless I mati first. I am not sure, can withdraw something like $40 monthly. Can you survive on $40? I can't survive even with $400. I am fiercely independent, lead simple life, cook myself and never even been to Starbuck or whatever. Between now and my twilight years - I need cash, roof over my head and daily needs. Most likely for medical, which stoopid Medisave or whatever will never cover.

    Whom do you blame? Not the PAP, but Sinkies. Sinkies have consistently voted over 80% for the PAP, now they regret and blaming the 61%.


  3. Should not be a problem if cursed Singaporeans remain at 40% or less of all voters.

    If cannot, PAP can just convert some more foreigners to citizens to keep it below 40%. Simple, tio bo?

    As govt, I think they can see a bigger, clearer and better picture than what RB and other bloggers can see.

  4. "I am fiercely independent, lead simple life, cook myself and never even been to Starbuck or whatever."
    JC September 10, 2013 2:24 pm

    Like that and money still no enough?

  5. The idea of running universal healthcare as a force insurance is all wrong. Who knows whether PAP will keep increasing the premium at one hand, and increase hospital bill, then back to increase premium again.

    Like that PAP forever making $.

    The correct way should be a pool money system, whereby a budget is allocated to health based on previous year healthcare expenditure.

    Also medical cartel must be broken.

  6. I see the way PAP sucks up money from people and not letting us know where and how the money goes is not much different from CHC's way of handling their money from members.

  7. It's almost a few years since the general election. How do you rate the government?
    a) They are doing a fine job.
    b) They are doing their best in a difficult situation.
    c) Failing in many areas.

    My vote is C. If people keep voting for the same regime, nothing much will change - basic needs will remain unaffordable and jobs will be replaced by foreigners.

  8. At the end of the day, if it is possible, sinkies especially pmets are better off migrating to malaysia where they can easily get a mnc job and can still afford a freehold landed house and a nice suv.

  9. .....in Singapore......you tell me .....you can write write .....talk talk....complain complain....until the cow come home ......what for....... any use........the most important is your pockets MUST got $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...... not just asset rich......

  10. The likely principle to be applied to the Medishield Life is the COE principle. You know what that means.

  11. In no time, Sinkie land will land another No1, for having the most graduate beggars on the streets.

  12. The Day for Sinkies old and young to beg for mercies is not too far away if the 60+ % remain blind to the developments over the past years.
    Many do own cars, houses and are even in good paying jobs such that they are proud of themselves. It is a very sad thing to note that these 60% Folks have turned blind to the plights of the Other 40%. There is no guarantee that the 60% will not become part of the 40% soon. They(the 60%) could and will be replaced by imported aliens and the ever rising costs of everthing will soon make their(the 60%) lifestyle unsustainable.
    Me will not be surprised to see graduate beggars and graduate security guards, taxi drivers and retail staff. In fact, some are in such position already.
    Sad to see that after some four decades of indenpendence, Singaporeans have come to such a state.

    BUT, me am not surprise at all when I see the Same Situation happens to a man. He builds himself a great name and have it wrecked in his twilight years. The Fate of the Land mirrors that of his Leadership.

    Lamentable indeed.


  13. "Very qualified, very experienced, some still fairly young, but cannot find employment in their home city that employed more than 1 million foreigners, because they are Singaporeans. "

    What to do?
    It's happened.
    Boh pian lor.
    Vote Opposition to get jobs for our children who are jobless PMETs.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. redbean:

    >> cannot find employment in their home city that employed more than 1 million foreigners, because they are Singaporeans.

    That is just plain wrong.

    >> they have, yes, 30 or 40 years to be in this state of limbo.

    ..or decide that is NOT an option, then get off arses and do something -- i.e. directed, methodological activity, constantly monitored, with measurable results. (Management 101, fuckers)

    >> No job, no money, no savings, no children or children unable to help, all struggling to keep themselves alive.

    Then who is to blame? [insert name of object/ person/ situation/ celestial deity/ demon to blame].

    After finding the nasty culprit responsible, the task is still there to deal with one's own shit. Blame-seeking is a waste of energy and time, and a fool-hardy exercise on those whose resources are already limited. Please lah, wake up and play smart.

    >> So many idiots could not see the implications of this paying for life thing.

    Just like CPF, it is a form of TAX. There is nothing you can do about it. Just pay, and get on with it. Once it passes into law, no one has a choice but to comply.

    >> The oldies are going to need a lot more money to live on as they grow older and older.

    Yes, so it is best to start as soon as possible if you are young. If you are a broke-assed oldie, Singapore still has a "safety net" built in. It is called Filial Piety Law

    Got "can-do" spirit?

  16. KNN Matilah. You talk like a smart alec. You think everyone as smart as you?

  17. Matilah is smartest amongst alecs,
    unfortunately he does not empathize the born weak, poor and sickly.
    He only looks up at the successful and down on the downtrodden.


  18. Actually the more mistakes they made, they better the chance for present rulers to lose the next election. I hope they can continue to make more mistakes - more floods, more adulteries, more corruptions, more uncivilised aliens taking over jobs here, more unaffordable housing and cars etc.

  19. @515:

    >> unfortunately he does not empathize the born weak, poor and sickly.

    So? Got problem?

    >> He only looks up at the successful and down on the downtrodden.

    No shit? Got proof?

    Anyway, relax...Hang in there...it's Friday
