
The COE system is the best ever

I am so glad that the COE system remains practically intact with a couple of minor changes that have nothing to do with me, or neither would they affect my chances of getting my COE whenever I need to buy a car. You see, what I have is money. And I simply tell the car dealer to put in as high a bid as needed. Money no problem. And I know very well that I need not pay for the exorbitant bid that I put in. Bao chiat one. And I am very sure I will be paying the lowest possible that those losers can afford to bid for. This kind of bidding is really the best. And I need not bribe anyone to design such a wonderful system that favours me, the rich man.

Who cares if the premium goes higher and higher? I can afford what. Psst, don’t tell the losers that no matter how much I bid, I always pay the lowest, like them.

And also, LTA decided not to levy extra for my 9th or 10th car. Now if I buy my 20th car, I still pay the same low and very affordable COE. I hope the clever people in charge will keep this system for as long as they can. It is flawless really, near perfection I would say. Only the losers who cannot afford to pay or bid higher would be complaining. Not me for sure. I love it. Keep it up! Good work.

Thank God we have so many brilliant people supporting such a perfect system. I don’t think anyone can ever think of a better system than this. It is so good, so efficient that they can’t improve on it anymore. Should submit a patent to protect its copyright in case other countries want to copy it.

Now who dares to say this system is no good?


Anonymous said...

Losers, or rather those who think they are losers, should be 40% or less of all voters.

Because some losers may not think they are losers, so if I were PAP, this is also OK.

Anonymous said...

They are still losers, but if they think they will lose less under PAP govt than under WP govt, it is also OK.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why LTA want to make piece meal change to include the engine power into the coe bidding.

Now, there is more confusion!! Why create uncertainties among car owners?

If there is nothing GOOD/MUST change to benefit car owners, why change!

Please lah.........

Anonymous said...

"If there is nothing GOOD/MUST change to benefit car owners, why change!"
Anon September 11, 2013 10:27 am

I think you ask that because you are not the transport minister.

The said...

Whatever changes made to the COE scheme (a very scheming one at that) must not detract from the main objective of maximizing revenue from suckers, oops, potential car owners.

Anonymous said...

Pay them millions a month and this is what they can come up with. Please lah! What so smart about them. The market has been suggesting all these measures all this time. Nothing new lah!

Anonymous said...

ANON 10.36am ........

of course I am not the tpt minister.......

if you vote me as your tpt minister, there is no coe.....

ha ha ha ....cheers......

The said...

rb - how about starting a new thread on Syria and the new Russian proposal.

With the Russian proposal, Putin is seen as a world class statesman and Obama a world class warmonger.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

"The COE system is the best ever"

Absolutely. This is a government's dream scheme.

Frequently the govt imposes a tax to "regulate" behaviour...i.e. to DISincentivise certain actions: e.g. discourage the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, make sure people don't gamble too much, fuel tax to discourage waste. Speeding fines are imposts to discourage dangerous behaviour. Fines for littering, spitting and pissing in lifts discourage "anti social" behaviours.

The COE was originally designed to limit the number of cars -- to discourage/ disincentivise "selfish" ownership of private vehicles. To say this market is "inelastic" is a gross understatement.

The COE is one havoc tax which behaves in the opposite way: the HIGHER it goes, the more people want cars. One car not enough? No problem, buy another...or 2 or more. No problem. Just pay the COE.

Now they are extending the tax to the engine power of the car. Cat A < 1600cc, 130bhp. Alamak. BMW Mini Cooper is 1598cc but whacks out 163bhp. Hyundai Veloster: depends which model you choose. Point is, nowadays many 1600 cc "fuel efficient" have engines perfectly capable of delivering around 140-150 bhp, with turbo/ superchargers even more. LTA is very smart to capitalise on this, as they know many Singaporeans are petrol-heads who like to drive F1-style.

COE is a dream-tax. You have a dream, Singapore govt will tax its realiasation.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi The, I thought not many people are interested in the Syrian crisis. Ok, let me put down my thoughts on the latest development.

agongkia said...

Dun expect those Chialeowbee to be capable of coming up with any better idea other than to suck anythings that come by,like a vacuum cleaner.

Cannot let them know my intention to cycle to work by my motor bicycle from east to west after my COE expire.Otherwise they will tax COE on my bicycle too.

I have a better idea on this COE and many will be happy but cannot reveal here as this idea can increase the 60% into 90 % ,which may disappoint many of you.
Cannot play play.

b said...

'COE is a dream-tax.'

- Unfortunately, this revenue does not flow back to the people but into the pockets of the selected few elites. In strict sense, it is not a tax but a con scheme because a tax has to be redistributed to the people in terms of welfare and building infrastructure etc.

- the rich will not mind paying the coe cos they treat it as paying a 'tax' which is still cheap (10k per year) compare to rich tax in many first world country. The middle and lower class are the ones being screwed with coe. They have to pay this 'coe' for everything that they buy including bread and public transport.

patriot said...

COE is a money making scheme. Period.


b said...

'Healthcare in Brunei is charged at B$1 per consultation for citizens....For medical assistance not available in the country, citizens are sent overseas at the government's expense.' (wikipedia)

They have oil but we have coe, erp, gst, stamp duties, levies and still cannot have $1 healthcare?

Anonymous said...

Of cos the COE is the best system - the best system to screw and shit on own naive citizens that still continue to vote for them again and again blindly. Stupid voters enable greedy government.

b said...

“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Anonymous said...

The only question that really matters:
Is our old fart dead yet?
It's unlikely the PAP gahmen will change anything until he dies.