
Putin’s gambit backfiring

It was touted as a great manoeuvre that put Obama on the defensive, like a cornered man. Now the Americans are up to their tricks again, like they did in Iraq and Libya. All they need is a license to take one step and they will walk a mile. In Iraq, they first went in with the WMD inspectors who insisted that everything should come under their microscope, even Saddam’s pubic hair. Sure the Iraqis objected and that gave the impression that the Iraqis were unreasonable. And the rest is history. In Libya, the UN only authorized the western powers to keep a no fly zone over Libya. But they went ahead to bomb the daylight out of Libya and Gaddafi. They murdered both leaders and Assad is next on their wanted list.

So, what is new in this Putin gambit? The Americans and their two lackeys in Britain and France as usual went on to interpret everything to their advantage, agreed or not agreed, in the meeting between Kerry and his Russian counterpart Lavrov. They now wanted to impose all kinds of unreasonable terms on Assad to comply and failing which will justify an attack. So, what is so clever about Putin’s gambit?

Putin has in a way accepted that it was Assad’s fault, and so his chemical weapons much be destroyed while his enemies’ chemical weapons remain intact. The Americans, the Brits, the French, Israel and all the rebels will be allowed to keep their chemical weapons, in a way admitting that they are not guilty.

How clever is Putin to fix Assad up? If he is sure that it was the rebel or anti Assad’s forces that used the chemical weapons, why did he not do anything about it but willingly surrendered Assad to his enemy? It reminds me of Gorbachev and his glasnost that led to the breakup of the Soviet Union. Putin’s stupid gambit could lead to the breakup or downfall of Syria. He is showing a pair of weak hands while facing a bunch of treacherous gangsters who have a penchant for killing civilians and children and dismissing them as collaterals.

Now he must make up for it or else Syria and Assad will be history.


b said...

They just realised the tickets sale for the previous show is not enough so they need to stir up more shit. Make peace not war and do not send other people kids to die for this kind of stupid games.

Anonymous said...

Just say that war has to happen
if not in Middle East, then it will be Asia.
Which One do you prefer? Pick your choice

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This I must agree. The Americans must have wars, either in the Middle East or in the western Pacific or in South China Sea.

The USA is a warring state! Make no mistake about this and everyone should stop deluding themselves that it is a peaceful superpower.

Anonymous said...

it is not a matter of which do you prefer. it is a question of when. after the middle-east, it will be the south-china sea.

Anonymous said...

Putin was out foxed and conned by the Americans in Iraq and Libya and his reputation as a tough guy was demolished. Now he is making an effort to repair his damaged ego but looks like he is on weak ground. Syria is his last foothold in the Middle East. Losing Syria means the Russians would have to pack up and go home.

Anonymous said...

South China Sea, against China? Not likely, no pow chiak, only kachau.China is not a sitting duck.

Anonymous said...

There you go again , with yout half-baked analysis and simplistic arguments. I suppose you wil describe the opinions of better informed analysts like Tom Rogan and Michael Cohen of the Guardian and those of the New York Times as silly. Your poor opinion of the ST wil no doubt lead you to pooh-pooh Jonathan Eyal's piece on 16 Sept. as a figment of his imagination.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't.

Putin played a good hand. It may look like his gambit "backfired", but I look at it another way.

Putin's move play a role to FORCED Obama to re-think and seek other solutions.

Assad's notoriety as tin-pot-dictator-in-residence is not as bad (until the recent Arab Spring) as bat-shit crazy "old-time" fuckers like Saddam Husseien or Gadaffi. Also Syrian oil production isn't anywhere near that of Iraq or Libya.

If Putin didn't do what he did, the situation could be very different now.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

All you westerners cannot stand Asians taking an opposing view against yours. What is so great about Eyal's opinion? It is just another opinion. Asians don't take your craps blindly any more.

I am more appreciative of RB's view than your, what's that, what is your view?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:52, you tried to sound like you know a lot. In fact you are showing that you are just another empty twit coming here to attack RB. Why don't you tell us something that sounds sensible instead of attacking RB? Everyone has an opinion and let's see how clever is yours.

You are zero, zilch!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon, you have been calling me half baked and simplistic. So you must be some expert with great credentials in political analysis. Why don't you tell us how great you are in this field. Maybe we will take you seriously.

Now why would you be so upset when I exposed the hypocrisy and duplicity of the Americans? You American, some American intelligence organisation employee or from the American community?

To me, if you feel that you need to hide behind anonymous to come here to whack me, and so afraid to show yourself, you are just another creep. And I will be laughing my guts out if you are a westerner, a really low one.

Anonymous said...

RB, you should be proud that this good for nothing is here everyday to read your sermons to fill his empty brain, if he has one. It shows that you are superior to him and he needs to come back for more and more.

And don't expect this boy to stand up like a man to tell you who he is. You said it, he is a creep, creeppppy!
