
Nobel Peace Prize recipient Obama is a joke

They gave him a peace prize without knowing whether he is a war monger or a peace keeper. Now in his second term as the President of the USA, Obama has proven to be just as eager to conduct war instead of peace. He continued to wage wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan only to shift the tension to East and South East Asia.

Now he is thinking of starting another war in Syria and he said he is going to attack Syria with or without the approval of the UN. In other words, he is defying the world and world opinion, just like George Bush. He is going to war in Syria and rejecting international law which needs the approval of the UN. And the reasons given for this new invasion is very similar to Georgie’s WMD lie. This time the lie is that Assad, the President of Syria, has used chemical weapons to attack the rebels.

The truth is still uncertain and in more probability the work of the Americans or its allies to give the justification for an attack on Syria. And the Americans arrogantly concluded that it must be the work of Assad and not themselves. They have already decided, or fixed the issue and no one is going to prove otherwise. They are the white knights, the good guys, going to save the Syrians. They are going to bomb Syria.

Are they? What if there is conclusive proof that it was the Americans and their allies that used chemical weapons? Would this Nobel Laureatte be prosecuted in the IJC for crimes against humanity?
Go view this interesting video, http://2012indyinfo.com/2013/09/08/obama-torn-to-shreds-by-fox-news-over-syria-seriously-a-must-watch/


  1. Because Obama is President of the United States, so doesn't matter joke or not.

    But if Obama really attack Syria, then it is no joke.

  2. I like this one: "Didn't you win the Nobel Peace Prize? Yah, you're the one. Give it back!" Hahaha. What a joke.

  3. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for brokering peace between Japan and Russia's war over territory.

    Teddy was later posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honour for waging war (aka "military valour") with Cuba.

    Moral of story: not just "anything" goes, but everything goes, also can!

  4. Nearly everything in geo politics is a joke, which is why human history is so damn entertaining.

    Syria has had internal tensions for hundreds of years. Syria's part in the "Arab Spring" has been going on since 2011. Of course the government, like any other government will use brutal force to squash civil unrest and active dissent. i.e. the govt and the dissenters have been killing each other for at least 2 years already -- doesn't matter whether there are chemical weapons or not -- in the cuntrees of the Rag Head Camel Fuckers, dictators kill their people and shrug it off as just "day to day business".

    So personally, I don't see what the fuss is all about. But I'm happy to enjoy the show :-)

  5. Poor Obama! Upstaged and out manouvred. Well, it is his last term. Nt seeking reelection. Unlike our leeders who are in office for life.

  6. "What if there is conclusive proof that it was the Americans and their allies that used chemical weapons?"

    Conclusive proof will never see the light of day, whatever and however it is determined. Skewed, doctored and fabricated proof will instead be made to stick the blame on the other side. Just wait and see.

  7. Dunce wori mr preshitend we are on your site. No poke soup served here. Who laughed!!? KNNBCCB.

  8. Think "military industrial complex" and you will understand why America is so keen to go to war once in a while. Big bucks here. And the US military gets to test its latest weapons and at the same time get rid of old stock of ammunition that may be getting defective or ineffective. How much did the US profited from the first Gulf War? US$56 billion, if I remember correctly - paid for by suckers like Japan who formed the coalition of the unwilling.

  9. this article must be a fucking joke too ....

    since when was the nobel peace award not a fucking joke for mankind???

    similarly i reckoned this article deserved a special pulitzer award too

  10. Agree, and you should deserve a prize for being the resident joker of this blog. Redbean is so charismatic to attract such faithful follower to stick with him and visit him everyday.

  11. Well, everything else in Stinkapoor are fake anyway, so why not fake outrage from anon 6.09pm. Nothing new or especially gross really. Well done to Mr Bean for flushing the dregs out.

  12. The Nobel Peace Prize was given to Obama even before the Syria saga came about....how is it considered a joke, I don't really know. Now if Asad kept killing his own people endlessly (even without the use of Sarin gas)wouldn't you do something about the killings if you were Obama? Will you keep talking to the UN while thousands are killed and some are desparately running for their lives!
    I am not an Obama fan but would like your take on what you would do, Mr. Red Bean?

  13. In 2009 when Obama was awarded the prize he was puzzle at why he had received it, the Nobel prize stands for bringing peace through medical, reduction of arms etc.
    Hendry Kissinger won it too during the vietnam war bringing back the troops, cease fire and all that,
    frankly, i dun knw if it's because the americans got a trashing that the troops was brought back?
    At that time when Obama took the prize he was at war was it not??, the question is what the Nobel Peace Prize stands for the joke part is that he was awarded for all the wrong reason. A lot of ppl has call for it to be return, along with the USD 1.0 mil (was it 1.2 mil or something like that)

  14. What about all the other MILLIONS that the good citizens are paying to the people's representatives, should that be returned too?

  15. Obama was awarded peace prize without doing anything for peace. That was the joke that even the Americans were joking about.

    If not for the Americans and the Europeans funding and inciting the rebels there will be no resistance and no killings.

    Would you support the Americans if they incite a group to form an armed resistence movement against our govt and some got killed in the uprising?

  16. Couldn't agree more Mr Bean, it's a bit (actually a lot) like premature ejaculation.
    Jokes aside, I think it is the novelty of the first black president in a profoundly racist system that won the 'Nobelist' over.

  17. President Hussein Obama will be visiting Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines to bolster ties.
