
Fake degree holders – Get out while you can

The Philippines Embassy is warning its citizens here to submit only genuine degrees and certificates and avoid being caught with their pants down. It seems that they have been given notice that the MOM is coming down hard on fake degree holders. If this be the case, it means that all the embassies must also been notified of the next move by the MOM.

For those fakes currently under employment here, it may be wise for them to get out while they still can. The easiest thing to do is to submit their resignation and return home as soon as they can. Any day of delay will increase the risk of them being detected, caught and charge in court. The sentence could be $20k fine or up to 2 years of imprisonment.

The window period for those who are here under fake qualifications is closing down fast. They must know how efficient the Singapore govt is when they made up their mind to go after the culprits. They are damn good. The real Singapore talents when tasked to do a job will do it extremely well. Get out you still can and do not hesitate or waste a single day here. Never think that you have been here for many years and you can get away with it. Trust the Singapore talents to do what they are good at.

Good luck. And this will also apply to those who have converted to citizens or PRs using fake qualifications. You will be caught. It is a matter of when. When the Singapore govt means business it is business. You have been warned. Just because things were slack before they can be taken as slipshod and did not know what was happening. When time to be efficient, you bet they will be very efficient. Our car park attendance is a good example of how good they are.


  1. Singaporeans not that efficient or good lah!
    Standards actually quite low.
    Otherwise, why we keep voting PAP every 5 years when what we get in return is so lousy.

  2. Sinkies are so daft that they can only go to the third world countries to compete. They are being ousted from home ground.

  3. RB: "When the Singapore govt means business it is business. You have been warned. Just because things were slack before they can be taken as slipshod and did not know what was happening. When time to be efficient, you bet they will be very efficient. Our car park attendance is a good example of how good they are."

    What if they are efficient in collecting money stuff such as parking offences and bringing Singaporeans to task? The proof of pudding is in its eating. When come to foreigners, their tails seem to be between their legs and their two tiny peas up in their throats. They have guts to flush out fake qualification foreigners meh? Bully own people World #1.

  4. I think the punishment is inadequate.

    If you get something by pure fraud and deception -- with the full intent to defraud, that makes your status ILLEGAL, by your own conscious choice.

    In Singapore the punishment for being an illegal worker is ROTAN.

    You cannot have open border, open economy and free markets if there is no RULE OF LAW, which can slam its iron fist down hard when it is required.

    It is up to every citizen to be vigilant.If you know that someone is a FAKER -- report the motherfucker, and make sure the authorities act.

  5. MOM needs to haul up a few as an example immediately. It is like shaking the tree and the loose ones will start to fall.

  6. Send out a directive to all the companies to verify and confirm that the qualifications of their foreign hires are genuine. Make the CEO sign for it and be accountable if they are fake.

    MOM shall then review and do checks on the returns. See if the CEO would dare to be so cavalier in hiring and submissions.

  7. @ RB 10.11am

    Well said.

    Kopi sar buey x 2,000 cups

    :) :)

  8. This one I catch no ball. What is kopi sar buey?

    kopi 3 (sar) cups (buey)?

    From the overpaid & under-worked PMO of Singapore.

  10. Simple solution: Just make them do O and A level exams. I do not understand why these foreign trashs do not need to take an internal exams while sinkies, armed with local degress and certs, need to do one when getting employed in a local firm. Are sinkies treated worse than foreign trash?

  11. @ September 27, 2013 4:15 pm
    "Simple solution: Just make them do O and A level exams."

    It's not that the PAPigs don't know what to do.
    It's that they want to flood Singapore with poorly qualified FTs.
    And displace and disadvantage Singaporeans.
    It's a deliberate policy to screw Singaporeans.

    You ask why?
    That's the wrong question.
    We don't care why.
    We only need to know that Singaporeans (including our children) are being screwed.

    The PAPigs are definitely not on our side.

  12. >422pm

    Just a old habit to ask why. The reason is because most voters are stupid. Just give them red packets before election and they reverted back to their same bad habits of voting for the pro alien party.

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

  13. @ 5.01 pm

    It may not be that most voters are stupid. Could be some are not well informed. Its up to politicians and their supporters to reach out to these voters.

  14. Be not alarmed or surprised that Sinkingpoor is the fake degree acceptance capital of the World!

    They are so bewitched by cheap labour that those asses in the ICA and the MOM, abetted by unscrupulous employers who are complacent because it is expedient, don't bother to check. All these lapses entirely at the expense of citizens.

  15. /// Could be some are not well informed. Its up to politicians and their supporters to reach out to these voters. ///
    September 27, 2013 7:06 pm

    60% of our relatives and friends voted for the PAPigs.
    Maybe it's up to the 40% to each convert one PAP supporter into an Opposition voter.
    Then 40% becomes 80% in 2016.

  16. Most of us are aware of the fake degrees flying around - from China to India and to The Philippines, but only one does not know - the authority in-charge. Uniquely Singapore!

  17. RB, I think you have superb photo-taking skills. Your banner pic is quite awe-inspiring! Certainly that alone deserves and worth kopi dua x 5,000 cups :) Hurry hurry, do your part for our nation! Do your part for our great patriotic uncle RB! Give him the motivation and encouragement to continue his patriotic efforts to pull our nation from the abyss of bottomless burning hell. We have already received the message and we believe we have understood it quite well. But this is not the kind of lives we want. The elites can keep such lives for themselves. We certainly need "A New Deal", a new refreshing deal!

  18. Thank you Anon 11:43. Just keep the kopi coming. Need the caffeine to boost my energy. My fingers are getting heavy : )

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