
Western hypocrisy - Killing the Syrians is playtime

 Looks like we will be firing Tomahawk cruise missiles into Syria, dropping bombs over their cities, and we can watch them live on TV with a beer and sandwiches. Maybe hold a party and pop a few bottles of champagne. This must be the greatest real life entertainment on earth, better than Hollywood. This seems to be the mentality of westerners when they talked about the impending invasion and bombings of Syria or any country the Americans and the western powers have chosen. It seems that it is their right to do so, that their reasoning, justifications, intelligence reports, fabricated or truth, do not matter, cannot be questioned.

Put it the other way, if another superpower and its allies are going to do the same to UK or Japan or another pro West country, would the western media write with so much comfort, and so casually like it is a non issue? And there are international laws to abide by, the resolutions of the UN, of the Security Council, which to the Americans are inconsequential. They are the judge and the executioner, the self appointed policeman of the world. They decide who is right and who is wrong and how they will deal with them. Period.

In an article by Hans Blix reposted from the Guardian in the Today paper, he questioned the rights of the American to act so unilaterally, as the policeman of the world and showing their middle fingers at the UN and world opinion. And what is at stake, chemical weapons. No, not chemical weapons but used of chemical weapons. The Americans and the West alleged that President Assad used chemical weapons against the rebels. They are not going to listen to the UN, presumingly an independent source or neutral to the civil war that have sent their officials to investigate the incident. The Americans and the western powers have judged unilaterally, using their own evidence. Assad is guilty!

The real culprits attacking the civilians could be anyone, Assad or the Americans and the western powers. The treachery and deceit of war are not so simple and cannot be taken at face value. Who is being framed? Who would benefit from this accusation is clear. It is the Americans and the western powers that can use it to attack and invade Syria. This alone is enough to tell the story and the truth. The Americans and the West are thinking that the Middle Eastern people and the people of the world are stupid and would accept all the shit they throw at them.

Chemical warfare is moral obscenity! Then who are the people arming the rebels with chemical weapons? Who are the people providing chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein to use against Iran? Who are the people providing chemical weapons to Osama and the Al Qaeda and the Talibans?

Why not ban chemical weapons totally and forbid any country to have them? Who do you think has the biggest arsenal of chemical weapons and producing and stockpiling them? They are hobbyists? They are spending all the money and resources, scientists and experts, all for fun, not to use them?

These are the same obscene people who talked about chemical weapons as moral obscenity. How believable are they? No need to guess who. And they are going to use their moral obscenity to attack Syria to kill more Syrians than those killed by the chemical weapons.

How much more and longer can the world live with this American and western hypocrisy? And they are claiming that they are not going to topple the Assad regime, not to tip the balance in the battle on the ground. Who are they trying to deceive? And their allies are singing the same tune, refusing to question if the chemical weapon attack got anything to do with the Americans and the West. Who is there to arrest these international gangsters? At the moment no one and the Russians too have to eat humble pie if the American led attack goes ahead. The Russians too cannot protect Syria despite Putin and all the tough talks and its interests being violated.

While the Americans and the western powers think they can hit Syria and Syria unable to hit back, Syria might as well take on a single country like Turkey or Israel and throw everything it has on one target. Turkey looks like a more attractive target to extract heavy casualties and damages.


  1. RB, I went to turkey two years ago. A beautiful country with friendly people. Pls don't bomb turkey lar.

  2. WHY WAR ......Listen to BETTE MIDLER "FROM A DISTANCE" first......

  3. Plus Obama can get away with more bullshit "legalised" murder and violence than Bush can because:

    1. He is more "hip"

    2. He is a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

    3. He is a "cool dude" who after being elected went on an ass-kissing mission to the Middle East, tending to be more pro-Arab and less pro-Israel.

  4. Bomb Isreal. The US using chemical weapons during Vietnam war.The Vietnamese still suffer.What moral they have.

  5. Make peace not war. People, especially those elites, should learn to live a simple life. Do not send other people children to die so that they can have a few more dollars to spend. God has provided enough for everyone. People must learn to like each other putting aside their differences.

  6. "Pls don't bomb turkey lar."

    Agreed. Don't bomb TURKEY because we need TURKEY for Christmas.

    "Make peace not war."

    Make love not war. Where there is love to be made, the war happened in the room privately not publicly.

  7. america just dealt with egypt after libya. after syria, it'll be iran. then turkey. turkey's secular generals will most probably do their bidding. once the middle-east is all under america's thumb (under israel's thumb actually cause america is a vassal of israel) they will go for the big, fat, juicy lucy which is china. of course, america do not want to conquer china. all they want is to weaken it. but i can assure you they will do it - by hooky and by crooky. but can't blame america. it is just policy. and when that happens it won't be muchies and beer. it will be an open air banquet with fireworks for us spectators.

  8. You guys got a soft spot for Turkey. But what should you do to a country that is the key player in the conduct of war in another country, this case Syria? Turkey is thickly in the plot to remove Assad and is the staunchest supporter of the insurgents and American attack.

    Any country that thinks it can conduct war on another country must be prepared to have war in their own country, like 911. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

  9. if turkey goes along islamist lines, it'll be in trouble with america as was egypt under the muslim brotherhood. if the secularists takes over again, then no problem for turkey. anyway, news reports today says the last chemical attack was by the rebels. there was an accident. they didn't know how to handle that stuff which was supplied by saudi arabia. and where did the saudis get that stuff if not from the us. the rebels are supported by and partly are alqaeda and jihadists and salafists. it seems us (israel) don't give a shit supporting their 'enemies', the alqaeda, as long as the syria becomes a divided and weak nation. that is their aim, nothing about democracy or helping the innocent. anyway earlier in the rebellion chemical attacks were by the rebels. and the us and the western world chose to close both eyes.

  10. It seems like Putin has heard my suggestion. Turkey is safe. Putin has issued an order for a full scale attack of Saudi Arabia should the Americans attack Syria.

    They have reliable evidence that the chemical attacks on the rebel was actually due to a mishandling of the weapons sent to them by Saudi Arabia. And without knowing that they were chemical weapons, they messed it up and it went off.

    Now Putin is so angry that the Russian armed forces have been put on full alert for an attack on Saudi Arabia. He is telling the Americans, what they can do, the Russians also can do, to take on American allies one at a time.
