
Senior’s studio versus single’s 2 rm flats

The latest launch of 2 rm BTO flats for singles came as a pleasant surprise to many singles waiting eagerly for a place to stay and having nightmares watching how the prices have skyrocketed to beyond their reach. Many would not be able to afford to buy even direct from HDB, or be barred from buying because they were singles. Now the latest delivery by Boon Wan, with grants that could make a 2 rm flat going to as low as $16k! This is cheaper than a top of the range bike. Too good to believe, but it is true. It is possible, more real than the $1000 income can afford to buy HDB flat.

With such a good price, the seniors would now have a better option, instead of buying 30 year lease studio apartment at $90k each, correct me if I am wrong on this pricing. Now, which will give better value, a 99 year 2 rm flat of 45 sq m or a 30 year studio of 30-45 sq m? The former is priced at $76k before grant and the latter at $90k also without grant. The studio apartments do come with a lot of features to support the life style of the oldies, like grab bars, emergency buttons and better designs to make moving around easier.

I am an oldie too. I would definitely go for the 2 rm flat with a 99 year lease. At $76k for 99 years, it works out to be $768 per year, without grant. The studio will cost $3000 per year and unlikely to have any appreciation value as the lease will run out soon.

the oldies being short changed? Or let me put it in a positive way, are the singles being given a very good discount?


  1. The oldies are being screwed left, right and center.
    And most are too senile to know any better.

  2. The pricing makes no sense and you are right to highlight them. Grab bars and amenities wont cost that much of a difference. The HDB has some explaining to do.

  3. Alamak, now they have no choice but to increase price Liao. U all very wuliao got good discount also kpkb, knn now those people will get screw lor Tio Bo?

  4. I pity the seniors who had already purchased the studio apartments thinking that they have a GOOD DEAL from the govt............poor thing poor thing poor thing..............

  5. The pappigs are buying the singles' votes. The oldies are too set in their ways and despite being screwed again and again, have been voting and will continue voting to be screwed.

  6. /// they have a GOOD DEAL from the govt. ///

    A PAPig gahmen is capable of giving us a good deal meh?
    Pay million dollar salary to Minister is a good deal meh?
    Best available talent meh?

    Huk Pui!
    Pui! Pui! Puk!

  7. 2rm 99year lease 76K CAN sell to open market

    studio 30year lease 90k CANNOT and must sell back to hdb minus the number of years occupied

    HDB need to explain this anomaly to the seniors or else they may feel shortchanged.

  8. It's okay to screw senior citizens.
    Firstly already senile and stupid.
    So will continue to vote for the "right" party.
    And if dun't vote for the right party.
    Also ok.
    Will die soon anyway. So very little impact. Tio bo?

  9. HI RB
    My colleague just bought a granny flat last year and it was $170k . Compared to another elderly lady who bought hers at $90k about 5 years back. So this current singles at this price was really a little shocking. Looks lile there is a great price to pay for being old.....

  10. Milking the senior citizens is a bad and ugly thing to do. At $170? Outrageous!

  11. Anon 6.49

    Pls give some respects to our seniors................

    We will also grow old one day if we are lucky ...............

  12. "Pls give some respects to our seniors................"

    Respect has to be earned.
    Even when you are old.
    Only people living in Istana are exempted.
    You must learn to carry the balls of the rich.
    And bully the old & poor.
    Otherwise you will not be considered to be of Ministerial calibre. Tio bo?

  13. What I do understand is that if you have bought a HDB flat before, you have to pay the cream-off levy if you sell you present flat and opt for a 2 roomer.

    On the other hand, if you opt for a 30 year lease studio apartment, you do not need to pay the sales levy when you sell your old flat.

    Can someone correct me if I am wrong in my understanding, because HDB rules changes every other day.

  14. Just read a posting and 2 rm BTO in Fernvale is prices between $91k-$122k, Rivervale $107k - $119k, and Yishun $114k - $133k.

    The $76k must be just a batch from another location and the above locations cost much more.
