
Kishore – Count our blessings

This is what Kishore said in his article on Saturday of the 48 years of nation building and how successful we have become. We have a lot of achievements, a lot of blessings and also the inevitable weaknesses due to what we are. Every nation has the same two sides of the coin except whether there are more blessings or more weaknesses. There is nothing to be apologetic for praising the Govt for what we are today. The material achievements are there for all to see, with warts and all. In many things we have outdone many countries in many ways and yes, we are the envy of many. We have our problems, still manageable and tolerable. But small problems if not nip in the bud could easily snowball and a mole hill can become a mountain if we are reckless and complacent.

Kishore ended his monologue with an invitation for rude comments to remind him of the obvious that he had missed out that could make this city continue to be great or starting a downward spiral to ignominy. What is so obvious that he is not seeing is perhaps something that is too close to him. He is after all the Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.

Singapore will miss the presence of a strong, robust and dynamic leader that allows it to punch above its weight. The answer is so obvious. For all our money and wealth, our infrastructure and system, they will be nothing without a strong leadership that is recognisable and well respected in the international arena. I don’t see anyone in that shoe anymore. There will be none for at least the next 20 or 30 years. We may be wealthy as a country, but we will not be able to impress or speak and be listened to. You need dynamism, charisma, wisdom and the acknowledgment from other leaders to be able to lead and be respected.

From the current slate, what we have is mediocrity. We will fade away and just be another rich kid in the neighbourhood and nothing else. Empty in the head but driving flashy cars and with some money to throw around at best. That is, provided we did not let the economy runs into a halt, that we did not let a nation in the making becomes a hotel with no ownership and everyone is ripping it apart for his/her immediate vested interests.

What else can be more obvious than a vacuum that cannot be filled for a long time to come? Do we have any leader that is respected, revered and thought highly of by world leaders in the immediate future? Do we have anyone who could look at the whole rather than bits and pieces and have the ability to piece everything together for the greater good of country and people? Or instead we have people who are running the ship aground?

What kind of future can there be when the best hope is to get views from the laymen and women, the aunties and uncles, to guide the country going forward when the million dollar talents have run out of ideas and knowing not where to go or what to do?

Would there be anyone be rude enough to tell Kishore the obvious?


  1. You can tell Kishore what or all you want but does it really matter?

    I can tell that the basic problem with Sinkies is that they are unable or unwilling to do things that really matters.

    Really matters for those Sinkies who are suffering under PAP, that is.

    Of course there are also Sinkies who are happy and satisfied under PAP, so you must see the big picture, and which what the smart Kishore is telling all those daft Sinkies.

    If Kishore is not smart, how could he have been Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, tio bo?

  2. Kishore "Count our blessings".

    Why you so thick skinned ah?
    Maybe Kishore was addressing the PAPigs.
    Maybe he was not talking to Singaporeans.

    Maybe Kishore was telling the PAPigs to be grateful for their million dollar salaries.
    To count their blessings.
    And not expect even more of the same.

  3. Kiss-Ass?
    Who is this Kiss-Ass?
    How did he become Dean of the Senile School of Pubic-Lampar Policy?

  4. Wah, Kishore invited people to make "matilah Singapura" comments?

    Now that in itself is awesome :-)

    I don't agree with this fella much, but in this case I'm 80% on the same page as he is.

    But I'll go one further than Kishore -- you shouldn't only count your blessings, you should take full advantage of them. They are there for you to use, in fact for everyone to use.

    And to ensure the place keeps on rocking for a long time to come, the number of everyone must increase from the 5.5million it is now to around 10 million.

    Double the people, double the awesomeness.

    Got math?

  5. "Do we have any leader that is respected, revered and thought highly of by world leaders in the immediate future?"

    Just get rid of our million dollar weeds that is choking the life out of our garden city.
    Get rid of the white weeds and 100,000 flowers will bloom in their place.

    GE 2016.
    Time to apply the weed killer and vote wisely.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Singapore is at the point where they don't need such a large government anymore. Can become more like Hong Kong, perhaps even more "light touch" than Hong Kong.

    With the vast amount of collective private wealth on the island, all you need is a small government, a well-trained military and a robust rule of law. The rest -- leave it to the free market and allow meritocracy to flourish.


    1. Right!
      Make Sinland into a Sick Star Hotel.

  8. What Singapore should do is to build a shrine for foreign leaders to pay homage to and draw divinity sticks for divine wisdoms to solve their problems.

    They could also seek for advice and guidance in govt. Just visit the temple, go down on their knees and shake the container of divinity sticks. Ask sincerity and they will be blessed.

  9. Sure we can meet. Come down to Holland V, if you dare, motherfucker. Bring your boxing gloves ;-)

  10. 11.44am, u are not matilar so why u replied for him. Unless u are gay and itch to have your ass fuck by 11.29am? Come on lar, go pay someone to do it lar and not get a free ass fuck. Haha

  11. Happines central.

  12. I think this Kishore has missed out the fact that not everyone out there earned as much as him, live in big house, drive a nice car. Many still stay in rental flats or homeless, sleeping on broken mattresses, not enough to eat. Watch the movie ' Elysium'. There are two classes of people - One very rich and one very poor. Any pancake has two sides. Do not count the blessings yet until one has fully explore the other side.

    Increasing erp, coe, gst will only make those on the poor side even more worst off. They will just simple pass the increased costs to the consumers.

  13. RB! I think whether to count one blessing or not depends on one position in society, for the 60% that do well, I think they should count their blessing, Tio Bo? For the 40% struggling and those with some may be social justice and FairPlay, they do not count their blessing Tio Bo?

    Like matilar who belongs to the 60% and kind of kinky type waiting to be ass screwed also wanted people to bring boxing gloves for I do not know for whatever for, would count his blessing too, Tio Bo? Haha....

  14. Anyone from LKY camp, his credibility is questionable. He is not speaking from his heart but his paycheck unless he is blind/brainwashed.

  15. "What kind of future can there be when the best hope is to get views from the laymen and women, the aunties and uncles, to guide the country going forward when the million dollar talents have run out of ideas and knowing not where to go or what to do? "

    This is called a CONsultation.
    CONsultants are people who borrow your watch and charge you a million dollars to tell you the time.

    In Singapore, we pay our CONsultants a million dollar salary.
    In exchange, they tell us it is not their job to look after us.
    If we ask for help, they say we have a subsidy mentality.
    We built up the country and our CONsultants tell us we have no talent.

    We will probably have to pay our CONsultants even more salary after GE 2016. Or else our CONsultants will say they cannot guarantee they will stay honest.

    This type of stupid bargain.
    60% of Singaporeans still think it's value for money.
    No wonder Kishore is telling the PAPigs.
    "Count our blessings."

    Our CONsultants are truly blessed with having a 60% majority of stupid people.
    $200 CPF top-up before General Elections.
    And the 60% say "Wah! I feel so rich. CONsultans so good."
    Never thinking the CONsultants will reward themselves with a million dollar salary after the General Elections.

    Paying Singaporeans a minimum wage is raiding the reserves.
    Paying themselves a million dollar salary is NOT raiding the reserves.

  16. >>338pm

    If you look at the trends, the 60% used to be from the 70%. As time goes by, more will suffer under papaya ruling. They will sacrifice anyone to maintain their lifestyles.

  17. 3.49 pm, I think matilar belongs to the class whereby he get his climax only if pain is inflicted on him while being ass screwed. From past post this dude also practice incest too torturing his poor mother and sisters, he is an animal.....

  18. It really amazing that hong kong, japan, taiwan, south korea grow at such enormous rate faster than SinCity after they become a truly democratic state, whereas SinCity still behave like a communist and monarchy state disguised as democratic state. And here we are with some lackeys of old farts humming how lucky we are, of course we know the "we" actually refer to sycophants and lackeys by been paid and fed well for been YESMAN of PAP.

    See how many great companies comes of japan, south korea, taiwan (sony, nintendo, samsung, LG, HTC, etc) ? Still we didn't lose out because we have Temasek, the one who leverage BUY HIGH SELL LOW WITH ABSOLUTE ZERO CONSEQUENCES OF INCOMPETENT GOVERNMENT.

  19. Hi RB you got bash by barrie again. This time the allegation is very serious.

    He is accusing you of Islamophobia.

    1. Where and when there are religions, there are problems

      Unavoidable daa.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The problem isn't that the PAP gahmen is incompetent ... (it is).
    The problem is that we have an incompetent electorate who don't know how to vote wisely.

  22. Silk Road by rail linking China with Europe

    The new silk road by rail is starting to transport boxes of computer to Europe from China.

    Less need for port call when containers can be sent via trains.

    Is Spore unique geo-location getting less and less unique in decades to come?

  23. Let's count our blessings that the Fukushima nuclear disaster happened BEFORE the PAPig arseholes had a chance to introduce nuclear energy into Singapore.

    Radioactive Water Spills Over Fukushima Barrier, Flooding Surroundings



    See this Singapore PAPig pro-nuclear website


  24. Sorry, It's Not A 'Law Of Capitalism' That You Pay Your Employees As Little As Possible

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/companies-need-to-pay-people-more-2013-8#ixzz2bfuq16F1

  25. Ho Ho Ho...

    You caught Kishore balls licking his way to a future presidency yet again.

  26. TODAYonline 12 August

    [Averting a mid-life crisis]

    "Goh Chok Tong is Emeritus Senior Minister of Singapore.

    This is excerpted from a speech delivered at the Marine Parade National Day Dinner last night."


  27. STForum 12 August

    [National Day Parade shows S'pore is home for everyone]

    Johnson Lim Teng Kok (Dr)

    ... reminded of what former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew once said:

    "There is a glorious rainbow
    that beckons those with the spirit of adventure.
    And there are rich findings at the end of that rainbow.

    "To the young and the not too old, I say
    look at the horizon, find that rainbow, go ride it.
    Not all will be rich;
    quite a few will find a vein of gold
    but all who pursue that rainbow will have a joyous and exhilarating ride and some profit."


  28. Bangkok Post

    Letters to Bangkok Post

    "Dear Mr (Tony) Blair, I understand that you are expected to join our forum on political reform next month along with Kofi Annan and a few other leaders.

    Realising that you are probably unfamiliar with the way we do things over here, I thought a few pointers might be in order."


  29. "The problem is that we have an incompetent electorate who don't know how to vote wisely."
    Anon August 11, 2013 10:39 pm

    Not really lah. Our best alternative is not ready to be a competent government.

    So please don't get confused because the electorate can only vote but cannot be the government.

    And how can the electorate choose a not ready alternative, you say lah?

    It is as good or as bad as choosing me because I am also not ready to be head of government.

  30. Hi Veritas,

    I don't engage with things that are beyond reasoning like mad dogs.

  31. /// but all who pursue that rainbow will have a joyous and exhilarating ride and some profit." ////

    No need to remind us.
    We all know who got rich here in Singapore.

  32. LKY (being poetic)

    >> find that rainbow, go ride it.

    This is what I've been trying to tell my fellow Singaporeans -- Singapore is awesome. Got get a slice of the "action". Me? I'm right there, man!

    >> all who pursue that rainbow will have a joyous and exhilarating ride and some profit.

    Translation: If you can rock, Singapore will be awesome!. This is factually true. The harder you rock, the more awesomeness you will experience. This is also known as "meritocracy".

    Every once in awhile, I have to agree with Harry Lau Lee.

    w00t w00t!

  33. The Star MALAYSIA

    [The grass is greener across the Causeway]

    " On paper, the island republic may seem better off than Malaysia
    but life in the ‘little red dot’ is far from being a paradise."


  34. @1152:

    re: The-grass-is-greener-across-the-Causeway -- article (opinion) in The Star.

    Please lah, there are plenty of HOT locally born and bred Singapore chix -- more than enough to make your dick stand at attention in the best display of patriotic honour.

    Typical Singaporean complainer:

    >> To go to Cold Storage in Holland Village from your Jurong condominium, you have to take a bus with your wife and two kids to the MRT station. Do you think that is fun? Imagine your return trip – you will be carrying heavy bags filled with groceries.”

    Kotek. Shop in Jurong lah. Take taxi back to your condo. Or shop online -- which is better for folks like me who HATE people bringing their kids to supermarkets (please leave the little shits at home!).

    If you have to, buy a collapsible shopping trolley, you motherfucking cheapskate.

    >> On paper, Singapore seems better off than Malaysians but life in the “little red dot” is not a paradise.

    At least you can have a life...a good one.

    Life, is what you make of it. Motherfucking passive, victim-of-circumstance cunt.

  35. Matilah, many people are trying to find that rainbow and working very hard for it. Not everyone will find it and many will not. Good for those who can and can have a very good time.

    There are many that would not find the rainbow no matter how hard they tried. It is like entrepreneurship or being a successful businessmen. Some of the successful like Matilah will sneer at those who could not find the rainbow and keep telling them to find it.

    Be realistic and reasonable. Not everyone is born to be that smart or that lucky or that well connected. Many have rainbows planted on their laps.

  36. Matilah is successful? I think he is bitter - everyone in his life (especially his ex wives) treated him as a hotel so he is advocating the hotel idea to sinkies in the hope everyone ends up as bitter as him.

  37. This man tells us how good NUS is but his children study overseas. sell koyok but cannot sell in-house.
