
Japan spreading white lie

In its attempt to show the world that Japan is willing to talk to China and that China is the one that is unwilling, the special adviser to Shinzo Abe, Isao Iljima, has been spreading a lie that he had spoken to Chinese leaders and a summit between Xi Jinping and Abe is on the card. Chinese foreign ministry had rebutted this statement and said that Iljima was in China to discuss about North Korea and nothing to do with any summit of the two leaders.

China’s condition for a meeting is that Japan must agree to a dispute on the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands before any talk can commence. Japan seized the islands from China after a war and is now claiming that the islands were inherently Japanese.

The importance of the islands is not just about resources and minerals. It is national sovereignty and even if there is nothing there, no country will allow another country to seize its territories by force. China could only lie low if it is still militarily a weak country like in the past. Today, China could overrun Japan if needed and would not be lying down or turning the other cheek anymore. It will want its islands back.

The only compromise to this dispute is for both sides to acknowledge there is a dispute but leave it on the back burner. China and Japan both do not need the islands for their economic development for a long time to come and can talk about it in the future when relations are better state. For Japan to push the issue and resorting to underhand tactics and lies like they used to do in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries would not do today. Even the balance of power is tilted towards China and in favour of China. The use of force to settle the issue will be very costly to Japan and a likely defeat given the odds.

China is no longer the bankrupt Sick Man of Asia. It is the second super power and will deal a very bloody nose to Japan if force to. Would Japan be tempted to take on China militarily with the abolition of its pacifist constitution and remilitarization of its armed forces as a big military power? The changing of the pacifist constitution is only a matter of time In today’s report, Taro Aso, the Finance Minister has been accused of sowing the idea of changing the constitution secretly like Nazi Germany without the knowledge of the Japanese people and the world. The rightist govt of Abe is on the march towards remilitarization with the support of the US to counter China’s rise.


Anonymous said...

Damn good analysis ah. I think S'pore should appoint RB as its ambassador to Japan.

Anonymous said...

The mindset of the Abe Administration is the same as those in the pre WW2 cabinet. Aggressive, expansionist, lying through the skins of their teeth, militant and thinking of Imperialist glorification of Japan.

Anonymous said...

Japan leader like Mr Abe is 'building its happines on others misery and pain' (幸福建立在别人的痛苦上).

How can he be so happy smiling plane giving a thumbs-up while sitting in the cockpit of an air force T-4 training jet emblazoned with the number 731 that evoked memories of Unit 731 - a covert Japanese biological and chemical warfare research facility that carried out lethal human experiments during the 1937-45 Sino-Japanese War and World War II.

Why purposely paint the plane in that number?

So insensitive and unrepentent.

But he was warmly welcome by Singapore govt despite that unrepentant.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think Abe did not know anything about 731. He may be too young or too old and having dementia. Or Abe will deny its existence. Not in their history books.

Though those who knew about the barbarity and cruelties inflicted on the victims in Unit 731 are gritting in anger, the Japanese thought it so good to remind their victims of what they did in 731. And the person sitting on a plane marked 731 was their PM

Anonymous said...

The Asian powers should teach Japan how to repent. Starting by demanding Japan to ban all the World War 2 icons and symbols both in and outside Japan.

This kind of thing should be 'automatic' what ! no need to teach .

Why on earth are they using the 'rising sun'flag , a war symbol in a S Korea stadium.

Cannot repent ? many be they are better off mixing with the Pinoys

Anonymous said...

you old men just talk big only lah. never do anything. this incident happened 30 years ago. that time japanese tourists were still rare in s'pore. a group of young female japanese visitors were sightseeing in chinatown. an old chinese woman was by the road, waiting to cross it. when she heard the girls walking by speaking in japanese, she haaaarrrkkk ptui on the nearest japanese girl's face. it was almost 40 years after the war but feelings were still raw.

Anonymous said...

China is so arrogant picking up with japan just to show up their newly acquired power. China is evil nation, a murderer of their own people. China is double-faced nation, telling or playing nice while doing the evil on ghe opposite side. Im chinese but im getting sick of chinese govt. Master of lies.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:36 pm.
Pray, please tell us more about China. The Mainland Chinese that we got to mix with are all praise for their Central Gov and the greatness of their culture and history. They must be hiding a lot from outsiders like us who did not live in China before. Or they may lacked the insights and your horrible experiences You had with the Mainlanders.
Hope You will tell us so that we can be better prepared if we visit China or when the PRCs overwhelm us in population.
Me oso Chinese Singaporean.

Anonymous said...

China and Japan are like a couple forced to live with each other. One side (Japan) will always be a tormentor to China. And China would always be anguish and tormented by what Japan did because it have not got rid of its 'victim' mentality since the Opium War.

It is fated for China to have Japan as its neighbor, and a pleasure for Japan to hurt China's feelings and pride. These two nations are so intertwined with each other that familiarity breeds contempt. Contempt breeds hatred and hatred leads to war.

Their one common destiny is to cross swords again.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:36, you Chinese? Which part of China you are from?

Anonymous said...


不 ,ノー, 아니 No!

Instead CHINA JAPAN S KOREA must press ahead with the FTA among thmselves.

The power of 中日韩 should not be divided

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Agree with anon 8:51. If East Asia can be united, putting aside all the historical disputes for the future, it is going to be a very powerful and successful economic powerhouse that could dwarf Europe and the USA.

The community should include North Korea and Vietnam and effectively East Asia will be a new centre of economic growth and prosperity for the whole of Asia and the rest of the world.

Let there be no war in East Asia.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean/anon 851:

>> If East Asia can be united, putting aside all the historical disputes for the future, it is going to be a very powerful and successful economic powerhouse that could dwarf Europe and the USA.

Nonsense lah. If you want to be successful economically the first most fundamental requirement is DON'T FIGHT. For e.g. it is probably impossible to "unite" India and Pakistan, or even India and China. However if their one-on-one relationships are peaceful, they are able to trade with each other and thus mutually benefit their respective populations in ensuring their continued existence.

Mutual prosperity follows peace. The economics will take care of itself because humans simply need to produce and distribute the shit necessary for human survival in the huge "unnatural" completely constructed environments we call "civilisation".

Unfortunately international fighting is sometimes "necessary" because of politics. Local politicians need to "prove" to their constituents that they, the politicians, are of some "value", so they stir up shit in order to scare their Sheeple into nationalistic fervour, and ride the wave of mass neurosis to boost their own popularity. Thankfully this shit sometimes backfires. Unfortunately, not often enough.

The said...

What white lie - just plain lie.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:36, you are talking cock. Japan has been bullying China and Korea for several decades, even colonised Korea and Manchuria. Go and ready your history book. And stop sucking your pacifier.

Anonymous said...

I think this fella likes to be ruled by the Japanese.