
Discrimination by majority rule

We are still hearing a lot of angry discriminatory remarks being hurled every where about how the majority ill treated the minorities. I must say that there are policies that are discriminatory in nature. There is no denying that discrimination by the majority against the minorities exists everywhere and in every country. The difference is only a matter of scale and severity and also the reasons behind it.

There is some discrimination in govt policies towards the minorities in some areas for sure. To understand why it happened, one needs to understand the history behind some of these discriminatory practices and the necessity of it all then. One point that separates the discriminatory practices here from other countries is that it is not discriminatory by virtue of race or religion per se. The historical circumstances dictated that some policies were necessary as a matter of national security. Please feel free to disagree but let me explain.

During the days of Malaysia, our number one enemy was Indonesia. There was Confrontasi, with bombings in the streets and with commandoes dropping into Johore and if I can remember, in East Malaysia. It was war in a way, or the threats of war. There was hostility between the two countries.

Then we were separated from Malaysia in a not too amicable way. Malaysia became enemy number one with the hostility from Indonesia dying off. There were a lot of suspicion and mistrust and verbal warfare and agitation by the politicians.
These historical backgrounds led to the crafting of some policies that were discriminatory by any count but the reason was not racial or religious to begin with. Our relationship with Malaysia went on a roller coaster ride with a few ups and many downs. This in a way imprisoned the security mindset of the policy makers till today. We are having a lull, a good respite in our relations with Malaysia for the last couple of years. How long would it last and how quickly the relationship can turn sour is as fast changing as the weather as the source of acrimony between the two states is still there, and is unlikely to be removed for a long time to come.

Despite the so called discrimination, the country prospers in all fields and life is good to all the citizens, to a matter of degree. There is relativity involved with some doing much better than others and with some feeling that they could do much better without the discrimination. The reality is that life has improved for the majority and minorities and the economic pie is bigger to share around.

The composition of the population remains fairly similar from the days of independence. The Chinese are in absolute majority with the Malays, Indians and Eurasians forming the smaller minority groups. The circumstances leading to the migrants arriving in this island were mainly economics in nature. They came to eke out a better living and with many, particular the early Chinese and Indians, planning to return to their motherland eventually. The thought of permanent residence or becoming citizens were the furthest from their minds except for some who married the locals and had sunk roots here. The rest is history, and today they are citizens of this flourishing and modern city state.

The Chinese became a majority by chance, with no preconceived or preplanned intention to do so. It could be either way. The Malays could remain the majority with the rest as minorities. The Indians actually stood a better chance to be the majority by virtue of their closed association with the British colonial masters. The British were used to them and dependent on them for their administrative assistance and labour. If the British did not freely import the Chinese coolies here, the racial composition could be Indian majority and Malay minority or vice versa, and a trinkle of Chinese presence.

What would Singapore or Singapura be like if the absolute majority were the Indians or Malays? In all probability, Singapore would still be as prosperous as it is today, by fate or predestination. If the absolute majority is Indian, then it could be a mirror image of Mumbai or Kolkatta or another Indian city, an Indian PM and many Indian cabinet ministers and MPs. If the Malays were the majority, Singapore could be another image of a Malay city or state and the composition of the govt is likely to be Malay PM and Malay Ministers and MPs in the majority.

Now the interesting question, would the majority of an Indian or Malay state be less discriminatory as the Chinese majority state today? This is hypothetical of course. Would the Malay or Indian majority be as generous as the Chinese to their minorities? Would the Chinese as a minority plus the other minorities be hurling accusations of discrimination against the majority ruler? Would they be treated as fairly as the minorities of today’s Singapore?

What kind of Singapore would it be like? Would there be less or more discriminations on race and religion? What kind of economic opportunities would there be for the Chinese minorities?

PS. I hope we are mature enough to discuss this issue without resorting to name callings and behaving like mad dogs. Should this discussion go down the longkang when the insecure and extremists come in to mess up the discussion I would not hesitate to close down this thread. In a way this is a test on the maturity of the bloggers here, a small representation of the masses at large. Are we ready to discuss such issues?


Anonymous said...

In Singapore, there is no discrimination because PAP govt practise meritocracy strongly, tio bo?

And PAP also believes people with great merits or talents (doesn't matter Sinkies or foreigners) should be well rewarded. Should be lah, or else what's the point (WP for short)?

Therefore those without merits or talents, be they individuals, companies or even political parties, will not matter lah. And of course will also suffer, be sidelined or even eliminated lah.

Because of meritocracy, that's why Singapore is so stable, peaceful and prosperous.

Anonymous said...

Carry balls well is also a talent because it will be well rewarded.

Or go with the flow (learnt this phrase from one PAP loser), will also be well rewarded.

Anonymous said...

when we recruit FT, we have to be careful.

They must be true talents that we really short and need, not when singaporeans can do the jobs........

Anonymous said...

The too Bo brigade is at it again. Mine, mine, oh dear.

Anonymous said...

...not when singaporeans can do the jobs........

But can singaporeans do the jobs at that kind of pay?

Or can Singaporeans "go with the flow" or "carry balls" with their FT boss? Or to put it more nicely, can "click" or not?

If cannot, as a FT boss, why blame me for discrimination for not recruiting Singaporeans?

Anonymous said...

"Now the interesting question, would the majority of an Indian or Malay state be less discriminatory as the Chinese majority state today?"

Is this another way of asking what would Singapore be like if LKY was never born?

Anonymous said...

"Now the interesting question, would the majority of an Indian or Malay state be less discriminatory as the Chinese majority state today?"

That's a hypothetical question. WP leader Low Thia Khiang said he doesn't like to answer hypothetical questions.

I also don't like because such questions don't really matter.

And smart politicians only ask or do things that really matters.

Anonymous said...

This is a kopitiam. Or you mean you are a smart politician?

Anonymous said...

For bloggers, what really matters is visitors buy kopi kau kau for him/her.

Even if that means posting hypothetical questions on his/her blog.

Anonymous said...

"This is a kopitiam. Or you mean you are a smart politician?"

Maybe I'm not a smart politician. But I'm a smart PAP politician.
Maybe I'm Tin Pei Ling.
Maybe I'm representative of the new PAP standard of government.

Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

Anonymous said...

ANON 9.26AM ........

As a FT employer, you have the basic duty to be a good corporate citizen.......

Being a good corporate citizen you will consider Singaporeans first in job openings, of course on the right terms of employment......

Anonymous said...

what RB is implying is simple.

if s'pore under indian or malay majority, the discrimination against minority races will be worse than if it is under chinese majority rule; just look at malaysia, indonesia, or burma, thailand.

what he is ultimately saying is the Chinese is the superior race, the best, the kindest, smelling of chrysanthemums, etc. that's what his blog is all about. that's all. no need to write long, long, rb.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


You have it backwards lah.

"Discrimination" is a personal, individual activity/ decision/ choice. i.e. it is NOT one group discriminating against particular individuals of another group.

It is ONE individual discriminating against any member of another group.

For e.g. in WW2 Nazi Germany, Jews were discriminated against. Although this was official "policy" there are several case of INDIVIDUAL Nazi Germans helping and aiding the survival of Jewish persons. These people made the conscious choice to not follow the Nazi Party line. At the end of the day, every individual is responsible for his decision s and actions -- be they conscious or "automatized".

>> There is no denying that discrimination by the majority against the minorities exists everywhere and in every country.

When that is done by "legal" means, it is called DEMOCRACY. Democracy is the force of the many. That is why democracy must be "guided" to ensure that the minorities are not trampled by having their minority rights out-voted by the mob majority. This is the result of individuals succumbing to "group think" and acting as a collective -- actively discriminating between "in-group" and "out-group" members.

The main draw back of a "guided democracy" is of course the rise of totalitarianism and dictatorship. However even pure democracies do produce totalitarian states and dictatorships. Political systems are chaotic, non-linear DYNAMIC systems and sensitive to initial conditions and small changes, which are mostly random.

Politics is a result of our mammalian-primate nature. We are social animals equipped with symbolic language which allows abstract thought of exceeding depth and complexity -- traits which distinguishes us from our biological monkey-cousins. Abstract thought and language develops CULTURE, which to me forms one component in the initial conditions from which society and the political-economy spontaneously evolves.

In the individual brain, these cultural traits are encoded into neural correlates and various schemas which describe to the individual "self" (an illusion) the individuals own sense of identity -- i.e. bunches of neurons "wired" together in "circuits", constantly reinforced by the subjective experiences from interaction with the external environment so that these "circuits" become very strong. This is why cultural aspects are so difficult to change, and can endure for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Individually, we are hard wired to discriminate. To do so otherwise, one must make a CONSCIOUS EFFORT to identify our automatic discrimination, and find out the underlying, often deeply hidden reasons why we do so. If enough people do this and they are effective at encouraging others to do likewise, then only can culture change...slowly.

Anonymous said...

This is something for the govt to worry about.

Currently, we are able to live in harmony among the major races in Singapore.

I am not sure I can say the same if we convert tooooooooo many adult citizens from other countries as Singaporeans.

We should not stop new citizens, But, we must be selective and must be at a comfortable number.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Back to redbean's "interesting question":

>> Now the interesting question, would the majority of an Indian or Malay state be less discriminatory as the Chinese majority state today?

First, the correction: It is not a Chinese-majority STATE. The State itself is secular and non-racial. Chinese are the majority in the context of POPULATION. The State doesn't discriminate along racial lines, it is the individual persons who do. You need a human brain to do "discrimination", The State is essentially just a CODE of basic laws on how the nation and its people are to be governed, and what their rights are.

What levels the field and lessens the prevalence of discrimination is education and economic status. In Singapore, there is a HUGE "middle class" of educated and economically secure people. Families are more or less intact, there is peace and prosperity, and RELIGION rarely appears in the political realm, in fact it is disallowed.

Even though there are various ethnic groups, there is a sort of "umbrella" culture; Singapore culture which transcends and incorporates the various ethnicities of Singapore. "Singlish" is a bona fide creole language -- a local variant of Standard English.

Generally speaking, Singapore Malays are not Islamic jihadist nutjobs and Singapore Indians scoff at Indian caste system as an embarrassing artefact of their historial ethnicity. Thus as long as there is no religion (Islam, for instance) and no intra-cultural divisions (i.e. the Indian caste system), it wouldn't make any difference if Indians or Malays formed the majority population in Singapore -- given that economic opportunities and education levels stay the same as they are now.

Veritas said...

"Now the interesting question, would the majority of an Indian or Malay state be less discriminatory as the Chinese majority state today?"

Is this another way of asking what would Singapore be like if LKY was never born?

I think LKY is more racist because of his mestizo background and if other pure Chinese like Lim Ching Siong ascend, it will be much better,

Pure Chinese is known to be the least racist people in whole universe. Look at China and how China treat the minorities, even Islamic Chinese willingly integrate to Chinese culture than to Arab Islamic culture.

Many people do not know that a lot of Tibet and Uyghur rather identify themselves with Chinese because we are good rather that separatist because they are shit.

I will blog more on this.

Perplexed said...

The minorities of Singapore should look at how the minorities in Malaysia are being treated by the majority, and count their blessings. Or look at how India treat its minorities. That is really compare apple to apple.

Apparently there are some discriminating policies within defence, home affairs and immigration for the purpose to keep peace at the existing racial mix. Apart from these, all else are special privileges given a group of minorities.

Failure to get employed by a Chinese-owned business is usually being brought up as discriminatory practice but it is actually for pure economic reason. If a business entity in Chinatown selling things to mainly Chinese-speaking customers, how can one expect the boss to hire a minority who does not speak Chinese fluently to join its sales staff? In the same vein the Chinese in Singapore do not accuse Mustafa Centre for being discriminatory when the majority of its workers are non-Chinese not in line with the racial mix of the population.

Anonymous said...

We have NO problem living in HARMONY in Singapore among the majors races, in fact, I have a few best friends from other races.....

Veritas said...

The minorities of Singapore should look at how the minorities in Malaysia are being treated by the majority, and count their blessings. Or look at how India treat its minorities. That is really compare apple to apple.

Apparently there are some discriminating policies within defence, home affairs and immigration for the purpose to keep peace at the existing racial mix. Apart from these, all else are special privileges given a group of minorities.

Failure to get employed by a Chinese-owned business is usually being brought up as discriminatory practice but it is actually for pure economic reason. If a business entity in Chinatown selling things to mainly Chinese-speaking customers, how can one expect the boss to hire a minority who does not speak Chinese fluently to join its sales staff? In the same vein the Chinese in Singapore do not accuse Mustafa Centre for being discriminatory when the majority of its workers are non-Chinese not in line with the racial mix of the population.

Malaysian may want to stop putting "keling" word in dictionary.

Also please allow apostasy and do not "monopolize" the word Allah.

Anonymous said...

Mr Veritas,
Now can you please elaborate on what is a "Pure Chinese" ? Poor Dalai Lama still not converted and forever on the run! As for the Chinese Muslims, Tibetens, Uyghurs, its, " head I win, tail you lose:"!
Tell these to the Hongkies, they will flick your ear if not your balls!

Veritas said...

Dalai Lama is having problem because of advocating Independence. Same with Uyghur.

I give you a explanation of Uyghur problem first.

Xinjiang has a lot of other Muslim, excluding even Hui Muslim like 1.5 million Kazak.

Very few Kazakh say Chinese discriminate them. Also there are Uyghur in northern Xinjiang like Turpan, Urumqi...etc.

They have very few problem. Only those in the south has problem. The problem in Xinjiang happen in south of Tarim basin.

Reason, those Uyghur in north are integrated. Northern Xinjiang were mongol land and Chinese migrate into it.

The Chinese like Uyghur so much that china refuse to flood south of tarim with Han Chinese. We could easily flood it 30 million like what we did ot village Shenzhen.

We want Uyghur to be majority of their land.

But because there are few han Chinese, economy cannot develop, uyghur cannot integrate and radicalism creeps.

The solution is to flood uyghurland with han chinese and it will become rich in 10 years time because we are hardworking people.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Perplexed, welcome to the blog and your comments.

And Veritas, you are very well read in these issues. Just moderate your views by not coming through too strongly to verge on racism. That will make your views more palatable and easier to accept.


Anonymous said...

As much as I enjoy your articles, not recognising the Eurasians as a existing minority group is discrimination itself.

Anonymous said...

This is a sobering topic for reflection. Count your blessings.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Haha, my apologies anon 1:13. I think the Eurasians will be treated well no matter which group is the majority. I did not offer to put them as a majority for discussion as their numbers were always pretty small. Maybe things will change with the influx of foreigners and inter marriages.

Under the British the Eurasians were locals first class.

Under this govt, initially they thought they would be discriminated and a big number migrated to Perth. They missed the opportunities as those remaining will know that they will not be discriminated. In fact the govt has gone all out to bring them back into the main stream. They must be represented though their numbers are small.

And being small they do not threaten or offend anyone and are welcomed by everyone. The Eurasian boys have an exciting time growing up as they are mostly charming and good looking and the darlings of the girls or all races. So are the girls: )


The said...

/// Now the interesting question, would the majority of an Indian or Malay state be less discriminatory as the Chinese majority state today? This is hypothetical of course. ///

Not really hypothetical. Just look across the Causeway for the answer to this question.

Anonymous said...

Money does not discriminate.

Which race or which group don't need or don't want money? Even bloggers also want money, kopi money, tio bo?

So if got money, where got discrimination? Or feel discriminated against?

So PAP govt is smart. Go for GDP, go for money, then nobody will feel discriminated if they can make money, or got money.

If 43% Sinkies can do that, very good already.

Get another 17% foreigners who can do that, and make them citizens and PAP can have 60% mandate already, tio bo?

LDW said...


I do very much agree in more representation.

As a Eurasian myself, there isn't any discrimination apparent to me with regards to government policies. Just sometimes our existence, though pretty small, isn't always acknowledged.

Discrimination from the societal majority, however, is definitely not non-existent. Though, I understand the focus here is on discriminatory government policies instead.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter Eurasian or not, if you can make lots of money or have lots of money, you won't feel discriminated.

Discrimination where it really matters means you feel deprived, you feel poor, you feel you suffer, as compared to others.

And smart Sinkies who can make lots of money will not feel discriminated.

Anonymous said...

Not just smart Sinkies, smart people everywhere who can make lots of money will not feel discriminated.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi LDW, welcome to the blog. The sheer numbers cannot be denied and often missed being mentioned. But generally I think the govt has nothing to want to discriminate against the Eurasians. And the Eurasians blended in with the different groups quite comfortably and often viewed favourably as well.

Big or small has its advantages and disadvantages. The fact that we used English as our main language to communicate actually puts the Eurasians in a much better position than the Chinese especially who have to struggle with Mandarin and dialects.

Socially I have no problem with Eurasians and I don't see anyone from any racial groups having problems with Eurasians either.

The demography will eventually be so well blended that many Singaporeans or Eurasians will have mixed bloods along the way.


LDW said...


I do not believe money is really all it is about. I am fortunate to leave comfortably but still experience discrimination.

Do you know how it feels like to be scoffed and laughed at because you speak Mandarin with an 'angmoh' accent that you can't help? To be bullied in school because you are an 'angmohlang' (or however it's spelled)?

Smart Sinkies? I am fairly certain at least one Malay person, 'smart' and thoroughly qualified for a job post has been left out of it due to not being able to speak Mandarin or something of the sort.

LDW said...

*live, not leave

Veritas said...

I do not believe money is really all it is about. I am fortunate to leave comfortably but still experience discrimination.

Do you know how it feels like to be scoffed and laughed at because you speak Mandarin with an 'angmoh' accent that you can't help? To be bullied in school because you are an 'angmohlang' (or however it's spelled)?

Smart Sinkies? I am fairly certain at least one Malay person, 'smart' and thoroughly qualified for a job post has been left out of it due to not being able to speak Mandarin or something of the sort.

The opposite is true. The ang moh discriminate Singaporeans. The ang moh is upper class here. How can lower class discriminate upper class?

b said...

I think it is ok for us to have as many FTs as possible so long as everyone can afford proper housing, transport, education, medical and be able to find proper jobsand be happy. It is very dumb to ask us to accept more foreigners when our resources are already stretched to the maximum and the gov pretending to be blind, deaf and putting in the wrong policies. It is not that we are asking for big houses and big cars like the americans, we are only looking at very basic housing and modest family cars.

Anonymous said...


Most angmoh are good just like most ordinary people are good. Only the few elites are bad whether they are anhmoh, ahnehs, ahbeng or not.

LDW said...


I am NOT angmoh. I am mixed.
And most certainly I do not view other Singaporeans as lower than me.

Veritas said...

If you go Australia/USA, prepare to face shit when you cannot speak English. In France, prepare shit if you cannot speak french.

Go Brazil, prepare to get shit if you cannot speak portuguese.

I think if you cannot speak majority language, prepare to get some slur. I do not see why Singaporean chinese must be singled out for this?

LDW said...

Well, last time I checked the Blacks also speak English. But aren't quite treated that great.

Anonymous said...

that's a beautiful reply LDW

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

LDW, my experience, being scolded by NTUC Fairprice aunties for nothing. One at Cold Storage was so quarrelsome that eventually I reported on her and she nearly got sacked when her supervisor viewed the tape and saw what actually happened.

So there you are, I being discriminated by bo tak cheh aunties. So what I do is to keep them at a distance. You need to find people you are comfortable with and not get messed up by people that have nothing to do with you or in your life.

In life there will be people who are very comfortable with you but some will dislike you for no reasons. Often it is not discrimination but chemistry or actually the fault lies in that asshole.

Anonymous said...

"would the majority of an Indian or Malay state be less discriminatory as the Chinese majority state today?"

Perhaps it will be better if the indian or malay is the majority here. Most chinese will have already migrated (often to a better place such as Oz or Nz) and most likely ended up better off living in a first world country and leaving this island for them to fight among themselves instead of giving the G the chance to screw them front and back now.

Veritas said...

And eurasian are upper class here. They are over represented. In fact, the peranakan, eurasian, sri lanka tamils are over represented here compared to Chinese in upper class, who can you say SG Chinese is racist.

Edmund W. Barker
Eunice Olsen,
Benjamin Henry Sheares,
Christopher de Souza, MP
Michael Palmer,

if we put Jews under "ang moh speaker", then the list go longer like

David Marhall
Jacob Ballas (boss of vickers ballas)

Also many Chinese/Indian/Malay took white woman wife and these mestizo are now elites.

1) Kenneth Jayaretnam
2) Philips Jayaratnam
3) Lucy Tay (Tay Eng Soon daughter)
4) Yacob Ibrahim's 2 children (Yacob wife american)
5) Mah Bow Tan's children (Ma's wife Ang Moh)


With so many elites marry white people, the eurasian mestizo are shitting on local peasants. Now there are people who claim Chinese discriminate them.

Those Eurasian who claim Chinese racist must be mad.

LDW said...


I've never had problems in supermarkets actually, nor do I experience these sorta things often. Surely sometimes people are having a bad day/are grumpy. But not all the time.

LDW said...


I do feel you are making large sweeping generalizations.
For the record, my family and I are not 'elite'. Just normal Singaporeans. And I don't wish to discuss further.

Veritas said...

When I enroll in Primary one, PAP make every lesson conduct in English. The mestizo look like smart kid, understanding everything.

I am from Hokkien background. I do not understand a single thing in class. My teacher treated me as a stupid boy and a big disciplinary problem.

Then mestizao perankan bastard Kuan Yew and Keng Swee invented another wicked plan. They invented streaming and kick all the native speaker to Mono lingual stream (EM3) of today after pri 3, stripping of lesson content to make sure that make sure that these native speaker will not have the chance to develop.

The mestizo are teacher's pet. They speak a kind of funny english and have an arrogant air. I am Hokkien and I am treated like a gangster if I speak hokkien.

Mestizo are worse than self victimized feminist. He cannot stop screwing Chinese and other native. They then complain they got discriminated.


b said...

RB, most likely those aunties are suffering from menopause just like matilah suffering from mid life crisis.

Sometimes, discrimination is a sign. A sign that it is time to go find some greener pasture. One does not have to die in the same place one was born. Many malaysian chinese made good that discrimination and are now very successful outside malaysia. Sinkies, on the other hand, has been so domesticated by the party that they gradually losing the ability to fight and hunt and provided for themselves.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I have to agree with Veritas about our primary school experience. Me too Hokien dialect speaker. Never know a word of English when I stepped into class. Ya, kena treated like stupid by the dumb teachers.

Those were the days when many Chinese kids were discriminated for not being able to speak English. Si beh cham, all looked so dumb, could not understand, could not read and yes, everyone laughed when we were made to read out loud in class. Could not make the 'r' sound and humorous was an understatement. We were the jokes of the class.

Dah, never felt discriminated. Did not know what that meant. Too young and innocent and stupid to know. They said ignorance is bliss : )

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi b, there will be silly people everywhere. If those incidents and I was from another race, some may claim it to be discrimination or racism. But basically these are simply assholes. No need to sweat the small stuff over them.

Just walk away from them and let them live their miserable existence.

Veritas said...

LKY as prime minister of the independent state of Singapore installed the British colonial administrator, Stamford Raffles, as its founder.

It marginalised the island's intimate link to the Johor-Riau sultanate and the larger Malay world.

See this

The writer is not wrong. But I would like to discuss a lot deeper so that Singaporeans know the truth. The writer mentioned Riau Sultanate.

The person who destroyed Riau Sultanate is not LKY, but the family of Tememgong, that reign in Johor today.

Tje Tememgong family is instrumental in hosting Stamford Raffles, usurp Sultan Hussein and facilitate the Anglo Dutch Treaty, which carve out Islamic Malay archipelago.

In short, they are Malay traitors and poodle of British.

Also Singapore history has more to do with Indonesia than Malaysia. Most of the time, SG was under the influence of Indianized empire like Sri Vijaya or Majapahit.

The rise of Malacca sultanate brought Malay peninsula out of Indonesia.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong.
My PAP friends tell me LKY founded modern Singapore.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The idea that Stamford Raffles founded Singapore originated from the British. They went everywhere with their gunboats, planted their flag and claimed that they had founded the land, ignoring the natives who were the real owners of the land. Think USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all the ex colonies.

Anonymous said...

Singspore before PAP is already relatively prosperous.

I use the word relatively before the word prosperous, to compare with other places in the 1950s. For example, you may be poor in Singapore, but you will become relatively rich when you go to Timbuktu.

After PAP came to power, Singapore is more prosperous, relative to before PAP came to power. Which is also true, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

The sun never sets in the British Empire Days.

Because if it is night in one place, it will be day in another place of the British Empire.

Anonymous said...

Actually the British colonialists were very smart and efficient.

Why? Because in the places where they ruled, they were only a small minority of people, as compared to the natives population.

Yet they can manage to rule over the natives!

So a lesson can be learnt here for the future of Singapore, even if real local born Sinkies become a minority. Just like the British, they can still rule over the majority of foreigners here what, tio bo?

No wonder PAP not scared to get more and more foreigners because PAP can still rule over them and the Sinkies!

Anonymous said...

Before PAP, many Singaporeans owned land and big house.
With PAP, most stay in highrise with no land and ownership of the property.
5 decades with PAP, many Singaporeans can only afford dove cages with some not even able to buy any.
Can Sinkies understand?

Anonymous said...

@ ANON: August 31, 2013 9:13 am
You are wrong.
Actually hor ... according to my PAP friends;
Before LKY and PAP,
all Singaporeans live in slums.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

'So a lesson can be learnt here for the future of Singapore, even if real local born Sinkies become a minority. Just like the British, they can still rule over the majority of foreigners here what, tio bo?'

Definitely boh tio. In those days the natives were ignorant, weak, disunited. Today, the foreigners are smart, united, that's how they dared to discriminate against the disunited Sinkies in Sin City.

With their sheer numbers and unity in purpose, a minority Sinkie population will have serious trouble even to fend for their own existence let alone controlling the foreigners.

Be afraid, be very afraid. Don't be complacent and swallow snake oil without thinking.

Anonymous said...

when the british left singapore, the island state had the 3rd highest gdp in asia. so the pappies didn't make much a difference.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The chap chengs are the largest growing "ethnic" (if that is the right word) group in Singapore, due to all the fantastic and productive inter-racial fucking that is going on, thanks to the govt's open borders policy.

For e.g.: all the Aussies I've helped emigrate to Singapore, who came as young single men and women, have hooked up with local boys and gals, got married, bought property...and about half have produced chap cheng kids. Those who have grown up ALL speak and write Mandarin, and comfortably switch between Singlish and Standard English as their muse dictates. Strangely though, not everyone of them have "Eurasian" on their NRIC. The trend is that they take the "race" of their father -- so if he's European, the kid is European. If the dad is local, the kid's race on the NRIC is Indian, Chinese or Malay. These kids precisely fit the definition of "Eurasian": One parent Asian, One parent European, but only few label themselves that way on the NRIC.

As I've said previously: NATIONALITY i.e. being Singaporean trumps ethnicity. In modern, present day Singapore, there is virtually no racism amongst Singaporean locals -- especially amongst the young ones.

From a biological point of view, mixing up the gene pool makes for "stronger" genes -- redbean has already alluded to the mere "cosmetic" benefits...however that is not guaranteed. For e.g. my baby sisters are drop-dead gorgeous (aka "jambu batu" in local "buaya" parlance), I am most definitely not. However they're reserved, serious, goody-goody, and I am boisterous, loud and can't wait to get drunk and fuck/ eat a pussy, drink some more and fuck a different pussy -- preferably the first pussy's female relative or best friend or mother. As far as personality goes, I leave my siblings in the dust, and as a result have much more fun and freedom.

People often ask me what my race is. I tell them human race. That shuts them up instantly.

Anonymous said...

South Indians did not migrate here to discriminate against anybody and neither form triad societies to harm the law abiding local people. Most Indians came here for religious economic reasons teaching and learning from other races, since the time of the Sri Vijayapahit Empire and the Chola Empire. Although Singapore and it's ASEAN neighbours had immense Indian Cultural influence on the local people here and the region. In language such as Sanskrit, food, music, fashion. The Indians let the locals here and the region have their free reign and never imposed fear, brutality and control over the locals. But brought about willful transformation from the locals, through education, religious and cultural information from the Indians till today in modern times. Therefore the South Indians who came here had no idea of discriminating others. But rather to be discriminated by others who were inferior and felt threatened by the intellectual superior Indian mind. By the locals, who were given free reign by the Indian's non discriminatory forefathers who came here to settle and civilize the people of ASEAN and East Asia, mainly through Hinduism and Buddhism, through love and peaceful means.




Anonymous said...

Singapore is part of Greater India.
The name Singapore itself is Sankrit. The Indians have had thousands of years of influence throughout South-east Asia. And don't forget, India gave China Buddhism.

Read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_India

Veritas said...

Singapore is part of Greater India.
The name Singapore itself is Sankrit. The Indians have had thousands of years of influence throughout South-east Asia. And don't forget, India gave China Buddhism.

Read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_India

The whole SE Asia other than Philippines are part of Hindic civilization until the advent of Islam, and on a lesser extend the expansion of Vietnam empire after her independence from China.

There used to be caste system in SE Asia. Fortunately, Islam and Confucius Vietnam kick caste system out. Caste system is racism, and I hope FT Indian will join hand in hand with Singapore to fuck caste system.

First of all FT Indians must fuck Citibank @ CBP. Only then, FT Indian will have hope.

Average Sinkie said...

"Despite the so called discrimination, the country prospers in all fields and life is good to all the citizens, to a matter of degree. The Chinese became a majority by chance, with no preconceived or preplanned intention to do so.

Now the interesting question, would the majority of an Indian or Malay state be less discriminatory as the Chinese majority state today?"

Wow, talk about hypothesis. Are you trying to imply that Singapore will not be successful as it is today if it's ran by an Indian/Malay Majority?

Anonymous said...

Veritas said...

The whole SE Asia other than Philippines are part of Hindic civilization until the advent of Islam, and on a lesser extend the expansion of Vietnam empire after her independence from China.

There used to be caste system in SE Asia. Fortunately, Islam and Confucius Vietnam kick caste system out. Caste system is racism, and I hope FT Indian will join hand in hand with Singapore to fuck caste system.

First of all FT Indians must fuck Citibank @ CBP. Only then, FT Indian will have hope.
August 31, 2013 2:12 pm

Obviously you are not well versed with SEA history. Ask any Pinoy historians and they will educate you the truth on Pinoy history..................




The caste system was only practiced among the Indians but did not import their ideas of the caste system into the South East Asians mind here. A fine example would be the predominately Hindu majority in Bali island.
You should be admonished for your ignorant racist views in a multi racial Singapore environment. Trying your level best to brain wash other innocent readers, like a communist would do so.

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

The caste system was only practiced among the Indians but did not import their ideas of the caste system into the South East Asians mind here. A fine example would be the predominately Hindu majority in Bali island.
You should be admonished for your ignorant racist views in a multi racial Singapore environment. Trying your level best to brain wash other innocent readers, like a communist would do so.

Only Southern Philippines were slightly Indianized. The Luzon Island remain largely animist is today the core of Philippines. The Indianize part are places like Mindanao, Sulu, and the further stretch of Indianization go is Visayas. How Indianize they were? I believe very little. Wikipedia put the Indianization of philippines as Hinduism in Southeast Asia gave birth to the former Champa civilization in southern parts of Central Vietnam, Funan in Cambodia, the Khmer Empire in Indochina, Langkasuka Kingdom, Gangga Negara and Old Kedah in the Malay Peninsula, the Srivijayan kingdom on Sumatra, the Singhasari kingdom and the Majapahit Empire based in Java, Bali, and parts of the Philippine archipelago

But I will still accept part of your view of Indianize philippines.

SE Asia does had a caste resident. Bali still has a caste system TODAY, as Indian culture is not completely wiped out. Stop telling lie.

Other than that Champa (S Vietnam) had caste system. Java and Cambodia did have a caste system.


Indian culture got a lot of caste shit inside. Be careful when you import them. Only China manage to rid itself of caste system while importing Buddhism. Islam and COnfucius kicking out Indus is the best thing SE Asia ever had. Else we all in caste system.

Look at citibank you know how shit up is caste system.

And careful if we import high caste indians. They are bad elements and keeper and pimp of devedasi.

Anonymous said...

Veritas said..........

Indian culture got a lot of caste shit inside. Be careful when you import them. Only China manage to rid itself of caste system while importing Buddhism. Islam and COnfucius kicking out Indus is the best thing SE Asia ever had. Else we all in caste system.

Look at citibank you know how shit up is caste system.

And careful if we import high caste indians. They are bad elements and keeper and pimp of devedasi.

August 31, 2013 7:28 pm

If India practices caste system (although now being eradicated by law, and lower castes being given top national positions). Than it's people like you who practices racism and communism depriving an individual's free and responsible thought of mind today.
Does Bank of China or UOB employ any Malays or Indians in senior positions ? Only democratic minded FT banks like Citi bank, Japanese banks and others, value the high quality of the Indian mind. Their employment in these FT banks are all based on meritocracy, trust, benevolence, loyalty and honesty of an Indian banker.
If one were to look up the classified ads for employment. You would notice several ads advertising for only Mandarin speaking employees. Why is that so, when every one Singaporean and FT child studying here from kindergarten till university is educated in the English language. Also the working language officially is in English. So are not these adverts racist like yourself ?
I agree with you that the caste system should be got rid off, and one can witness amendments being made to eradicate this silly system in India. Although the Indian culture is deeply embedded in our South East Asian cultures from Burma to Cambodia to Thailand to Philippines to Malaysia to Singapore to Indonesia till today. In languages, names, food, music, art, fashion and religions. The caste system is definitely omitted by the South East Asians of various religious backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

Veritas said.............
"Look at citibank you know how shit up is caste system".

No FT banks and even Citi bank would want to employ people like you who speaks in Singlish and broken English. Only the value added banks would employ well spoken English and multi lingual qualified Indian bankers. So just quit being envious of these worthy Indian bankers please. It will do you lots of good for your health and mental state of mind.

Veritas said...

No FT banks and even Citi bank would want to employ people like you who speaks in Singlish and broken English. Only the value added banks would employ well spoken English and multi lingual qualified Indian bankers. So just quit being envious of these worthy Indian bankers please. It will do you lots of good for your health and mental state of mind.

Indian will run citi into shit. That is not my business, if Citi set up shop elsewhere. If citi open shop here, I will bark and bark.

India IQ is only moronic 82. Just the Zhejiang province of China is 115.

A single province of China got more talent than entire India. Indians math IT and all natural science sucks so big time. See this for maths olympic results.

China No 1. Why Citi never hire Chinese?

Also there are smart Eastern European who will want a job in Citi, why no white man?

The reason is fucking Indian caste system that your shit mouth and mind still support.

The best thing for you to do is to join me fuck caste system. It will do you no good. In fact many Indians told me privately that they hate high caste Indians.

Also I knew high caste Indians. Its amusing to see them that contort painfully in their face when I broach the topic that Islam is converting Dalits and these Dalits will eventually wage Jihad on India.

Indian Brahmins don reproduce, Dalits will have lots of baby. And Hinduism is doom demographically.

I am not fighting entire for Chinese. I am fighting for all humanity, for Indian as well. I hope to see your religion got reform and survive. Don get me wrong.

Anonymous said...

people who are insane looked normal. you talk to them, they sound normal. it's only after you've listened to them for awhile then you realise that they are anything but normal. veritas reminds me of such people.

Veritas said...

Just to tell you where did I get all these info of India. A lot of it is from your rebel IIT grad in forum. These people love Hinduism more than guys in Citi. If these rebel IIT can have their way, India will have hope.

I agree that SG has a caste system. Today, Singaporean Chinese are discriminated, and to a larger extend SG Malay. I am advocating to build a socialist state. Only a socialist state can prevent us from becoming India 2.0.

Today, a lot of SG elites look down on SG poor. Every SG person shit on someone lower, thanks to the teaching of Kuan Yew. In social meeting, everyone compare wealth and many people deliberately make those who cannot make it materially look bad.

This is already caste system.

India got into shit because Indians like to look down on one another. If Brahmins can marry Dalits, there wont be any caste system.

Today in India, you can get entire family lynch for intercaste romance. India is the most shit place in planet, because Indian has not mercy, they look down on people.

Please embrace socialism with me. We build a just and equal nation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says............
they are anything but normal. veritas reminds me of such people.

August 31, 2013 9:53 pm

I totally agree with you and that's the reason 'veritas' can't get a job in Citi bank for his insanity. Now he reckons that he is a 'barking canine'.

Veritas said...

Singaporean not welcome in citibank. Only Indian ok. So you are right, I am angry. I am angry FT Indian shit racism and shit on singaporeans.

Singaporean Chinese are such hospitable host that let Indian impose racism on us. nevertheless indians are so ungrateful, and even accuse us of racism.

Anonymous said...

we don't accuse you of racism, veritas. as you said you are a racial realist. only a nutcase will come up with such a term.

Veritas said...

The nutcase India will be Islam in 50 years. Serve you right.

Anonymous said...

india was ruled by muslim mughal emperors and delhi sultans in the north and by the deccan sultans and nizams and nawabs in the south for hundreds of years. we have no problem with that. it is racists people like you who have problems with other races and religions. if you don't feel so safe, go back to china then. but of course you won't. you're having it better here than you would in china. action speaks louder than all the words you have spit forth.

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

You seems to have no problem with Mamood Ghazi? So heartless. Nevertheless many in India are like you. They will join the enemies even though their relatives are raped and killed.

Thats how Mughal ruled India.

Also long time ago, the holy river is Indus, now people along Indus are pakistani Muslim and the greatest hater of India. So the holy site move to ganges.

The lost of Indus is the greatest insult to Hindus and it is karma of caste system. Its like China losing yellow river and Germany losing Rhein.

Nevertheless Indian wont repent. Its good that you open minded Indian don mind being ruled by Islam. Now Indian low caste start convert in mass. Then there will be no caste and even best Islam is going to wage Jihad within against Hindus,


Anonymous said...

Mr/Ms Veritas, You are indeed a racist and not a nutcasey 'racist realist' as you claim to be. There are many races and religions in India. All races are considered Indian and all religions are accepted. Most times the religions from outside evolve into Indian ways. We accept all and are not afraid of other races and religions and do not propagate hate as you and this blog are doing. Our current PM is a minority Sikh and not a Hindu, even though Sikh terrorists killed our Hindu PM. In fact M Singh was PM twice! The head of our ruling party is Italian. India is big enough to accept anyone and not afraid to lose its identity or even change its identity. If you think the Chinese in S'pore are good enough, there's no need for you to be afraid. Only guilty people are afraid. Will S'pore accept a Muslim PM if Muslim terrorists killed your PM? Will you allow a new citizen to be head of your ruling party? I very much doubt so. You are too afraid and not confident at all. Grow up and be a Man, not a whining baby. I think people like you are too soft being pampered too much by the easy life in South-east Asia. You are very unlike the true Chinese in China.

Veritas said...

Lee and his wife Kwa Geok Choo were married on 30 September 1950. Both speak English as their native tongue. Lee started learning Chinese in 1955 at age 32, before that he was illiterate in Chinese

This is wikipedia say about mestizo peranakan Kuan Yew. Singaporean Chinese is able to banana non Chinese Kuan reign for so many years, so how we compare against India?

In current cabinet, there are 4 Indian out of 15 minister, an grossly over representation. Tharman is even slated as a successor, despite SG Chinese got so much shit from Indian.

The FT Indian still ungrateful.

And in SG you Dalits can take Chinese woman. In India, the best way for intercaste marriage is for lovebird to commit suicide and reincarnate.

Not only you never repent, you failed to see how good SG Chinese is towards minorities.

Anonymous said...

Lee Kuan Yew looks Chinese, he speaks Chinese, he eats Chinese food. Heck, his name is Chinese. We know his lineage and which part of China his great-great grandfather is from. It is understandable that he knew Malay when young as in those days, if a Chinese had been in this region for at least 2 generations, they speak the lingua franca which is Malay. And that is no longer the case now due to Mr Lee's pro-Chinese policies. He is not a Mestizo, he is 100% of Chinese blood. Mr/Ms Veritas you are really distorting your facts to suit your agenda.

Mr/Ms Veritas, you said, "The FT Indian still ungrateful". You sound like a Chineseputra of Ketuanan China. The Malays in Malaysia are always telling me to be grateful for being able to live in Malaysia and to go back to India if I wasn't happy.

Anonymous said...

This blog promotes hate? This blog allows the racists and extremists to expose themselves while they pretend they are not and accused others of hate and racism.

The truth is in their postings and their views. I think RB knows it and is watching very carefully how this thread develops.

Veritas said...

If Chinese is really racist, peranakan LKY will not have a chance, same as David marshall.

Even the Jews have a chance here.

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Anon 8:01pm
This blog promotes hate against foreigners especially of non-Chinese race and more specifically Indians.
Some commentators like me are against this hate and are arguing against this hate. But this blog has commentators, people like Veritas and Matilah. We are against such hate that is prevalent in this blog and the comments of readers like Veritas, etc. We are watching very carefully at the blog postings of this blogger and the racist comments that the blogger allows in his blog.

Veritas said...

Kuan Yew mother Chua Jim Neo was the eldest child of wealthy Hokkien-Chinese businessman Chua Kim Teng and Neo Ah Soon, a Hakka (family) from Pontianak in Dutch Borneo. There is a lot of mestizo there.

Also peranakan tribe see Kuan Yew as one of their kind.

Kuan Yew mother even speak to the press down playing Chinese identity. She publish a cook book titled "peranakan cookbook" not "Chinese cookbook".

Kuan Yew grandmother from semarang. Also a hotbed of bastard.

A lot of Peranakan keep chinese family name, no big deal.

I am a little sympathetic, not fully to Malay dilema in Malaysia. If Malaysia is to import FT Indian like LKY does, soon it will have caste system. Indian caste system must be contained, while although not the original intention, the malay jingoism will ensure malaysia prosper, while lky caste system will bring us down.

Veritas said...

I am not against any minorities. I am against caste system and racism. The only place which promotes racism is citibank.

Veritas said...

There are too many minorities who spread lies that Chinese are racist, despite the fact that in all Chinese dominant state, the minorities are always treated best.

Don believe see India.

I am here to fight these lies.

There are alien who spread racism and caste system, abuse our taxi driver and in turn accuse Chinese of racism when we voice out concern. I am here to inform

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says................
You are too afraid and not confident at all. Grow up and be a Man, not a whining baby. I think people like you are too soft being pampered too much by the easy life in South-east Asia. You are very unlike the true Chinese in China.

September 01, 2013 2:47 pm

I agree with you and Veritex is suffering from an inferiority complex against the well qualified English speaking INDIAN nationals, in CITI Bank and other jobs in this island. Besides the well educated white collared Indians, there were are also the hard working blue collard Indian engineers who built houses and roads on minimal wages for the wealthy lazy people like Veritas. The Indians sympathized and accepted numerous down trodden Chinese escaping from Madman Mao to settle in India. Similarly in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia. Now it is typical of Veritex piggy and his Clones to reveal their ungratefuleness towards the genuine Indians here...........




Veritas said...

you support caste system?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This blog has provided a platform for everyone to express freely their views. So far fairly decent with some extremist views popping up now and then.

When has not been touched were the scenarios of a Malay or Indian majority Singapore. What of Singapore will it be? What kind of economy, political system and society?

Still waiting for some serious attempt on such hypothetical possibilities. They may happen in the future just like Europe will all become Islamic countries in 50 or 100 years time.

Veritas said...

I hate people attacking Chinese with lies, and not introspecting on what their own tribe did.

When I see that, I will defend my tribe.

Anonymous said...

RB, there are many racists coming to your blogs to accuse you of being racist. Beware of these nut cases. They the extremists but calling other people extremists.

You can smell them everywhere they go.

Anonymous said...

RB, you are joking if you're asking what s'pore will be like if it has a malay or indian majority. the govt has made it its policy to ensure chinese majority stays above 75% through immigration from china and malaysia. and they have ensured that it remained that way for the past few decades despite higher birth rates from the malay community. the reason why most commentators here don't comment about your hypo is because there's no need to. it is a no brainer question. the real reason why you put up such a question is because you know rabid racists like veritas and some others will propound your racist views for you supporting their arguments with twisted logic and distorted facts. you do not dare put up such arguments as you've already identified yourself and can easily be called up for questioning should somebody lodge a complaint against you. the other anonymous commentators think they are invisible so they think they are free to comment their racist views but i'm sure the ISD knows who they are. it is only a matter of time or timing. you have run this blog for a long time and you know how the 'resident' commentators will react and what they will say. you are using them for your own agenda. you are a sly fox.

Veritas said...

RB, you are joking if you're asking what s'pore will be like if it has a malay or indian majority. the govt has made it its policy to ensure chinese majority stays above 75% through immigration from china and malaysia. and they have ensured that it remained that way for the past few decades despite higher birth rates from the malay community. the reason why most commentators here don't comment about your hypo is because there's no need to. it is a no brainer question. the real reason why you put up such a question is because you know rabid racists like veritas and some others will propound your racist views for you supporting their arguments with twisted logic and distorted facts. you do not dare put up such arguments as you've already identified yourself and can easily be called up for questioning should somebody lodge a complaint against you. the other anonymous commentators think they are invisible so they think they are free to comment their racist views but i'm sure the ISD knows who they are. it is only a matter of time or timing. you have run this blog for a long time and you know how the 'resident' commentators will react and what they will say. you are using them for your own agenda. you are a sly fox.

Do you know what is hypothesis? And today many has hypothesize India is going to be very Islam despite Hindu elites conduct Gujarat pogroms, and many other discrimination.

What wrong to hypothesize?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The hypothesis that I suggested is more like an academic exercise to look at the possibilities. Singapore's history had taken many abrupt changes from the days the British took it from the Sultanates to being a Japanese colony, to Malaysia and now independent.

Everything is fluid and subject to changes and many possibilities that people think will not happen could happen. A Muslim France, Spain and UK very possible.

Anonymous said...


Are You sure Europe will be islamatized in 100 years?

You sure the wars in the Middle East and Afganistan are not attempts to weaken Islamic civilizations?

Veritas said...

not wrong to hypothesize.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 10:29,

Don't worry about me. I am very sure ISD is reading everything I posted and everyone else. This blog has been in existence for nearly 10 years. If I am a racist and stirring racial hatred, they would have invited me for tea long ago.

As for those racists and extremists who are pretending to be otherwise, don't worry, ISD will be reading their posts as well and who knows who will be invited for tea. The ISD are professionals and would not be misled by one or two posts or people posting under anonymity.

They know who is doing what and who they are. That you can be assured. I am in the open. It is those that fear to identify themselves that are the dangerous ones.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 11:27,

The White Europeans think they are smart by trying to terminate the brown people, inciting wars for them to kill each other. And if this is not enough, they will send in their bombers.

What the Europeans did not see is the mass migration into Europe and America. They can't bomb their own countries right? And the reproduction statistics is that they each couple will produce 8 to 10 children. The European couples will produce one or none each. The theory of geometric progression is at full play in Europe. Europeans will be a minority in Europe as early as the middle of this century.

Anonymous said...

Instead of engaging in a mature discussion, the inferiority complex are showing up and they are attacking RB as racist instead.

The lack of intellect is natural.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When they keep calling you racist, some assholes will think you are. But you need to tone down your views as they are too frank and naturally they will think you are racist. Let's hope there are intelligent people who can see through this branding and know who the real racists are.

Anonymous said...

Veritas is racist alrite.

That is why he begs with a superior

He probably realizes that his so called
inferior Race is able to outwit his self claimed superior Race.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

As long as there is race, each and everyone of us is a little racist in a way with some more and some extremist.

We should not deceive ourselves to think that we are angels and others are racists. This is pure hypocrisy. But between a racist and one who is proud of who he is, the difference can be very thin. If everyone that is proud of his race is a racist, then you will have a lot of racists around.

People are first self, family, race and whatever. Everyone must be proud of himself or be at least self respecting, be proud of his family and his race. How can one be not proud of himself, his family and race? Such creeps are either suffering from extreme inferiority complex or a disgrace to himself, family and race.

The aborigines and natives are also proud of who they are. So are they racists? A racist in the negative sense is one that discriminates against others based on race and even attacks others on the same ground. The Germans were racists when they killed the Jews. The White Americans were racists in the way they treat the coloured people.

The genocide they did to the Red Indians could be racism but more for economic and social reasons. They killed them for their land.

To be proud of one's race could be chauvinism or simply pride of self or of what one is. It can of course borders on racism when this pride translates into hatred for others.

Veritas said...

Veritas is racist alrite.

That is why he begs with a superior

He probably realizes that his so called
inferior Race is able to outwit his self claimed superior Race.

I fight racism and caste system. You can call me socialist.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:13 said this, 'I agree with you and Veritex is suffering from an inferiority complex against the well qualified English speaking INDIAN nationals, in CITI Bank and other jobs in this island.'

You can't even read properly or type correctly and hide under anonymous to say 'Veritex' got inferiority complex. You don't have inferiority complex, that I am sure. You are just simply inferior to Veritas.

Anonymous said...

dear RB
muslim europe is a scare tactic used by rightwingers, fascists and neo-nazis. they used the same tactics to make europeans hate jews many decades ago. studies by universities have shown that total muslim population will never surpass 10%. here's a couple of articles from reputed organisations.



either you are foolish enough to fall for the fascists' propaganda or you are one yourself.

Anonymous said...

Mauritius is an island off Africa in the Indian Ocean. It became an Indian majority nation due to immigration.

I've been to Mauritius. It is a beautiful land and the people consists of many races who live harmoniously with one another without any social engineering by the government.

The 2012 Ibrahim Index of African Governance ranked Mauritius first in good governance.

According to the 2011 Democracy Index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit that measures the state of democracy in 167 countries, Mauritius ranks 24th worldwide and is the only African country with Full Democracy.

Perhaps, Singapore would have done better if the majority of its population is Indian. Just my humble opinion. Indians overseas seem to handle democracy well.

Anonymous said...

Here's a bit more fun facts on Mauritius from Wikipedia:

"Statistics on ethnicity are not available because such questions were removed from the population census. The people of Indian descent (Indo-Mauritian) follow mostly Hinduism and Islam. The Franco-Mauritians, Creoles and Sino-Mauritians follow Christianity. A minority of Sino-Mauritians also follow Buddhism and other Chinese-related religions.

According to the 2011 census made by Statistics Mauritius, Hinduism is the major religion at 49%, followed by Christianity 32%, Islam 17% and Buddhist 0.4% in terms of number of adherents."

Anonymous said...

Mauritius is a good example for S'pore to follow. We should scrap the race category in our ICs. Move forward, RB & kakis! Shed your racial baggage! It'll only pull us down further, and divide us. I'm glad the young Singaporeans I talk to are not so encumbered by race. There is hope for the future once you old folks are incinerated.

Anonymous said...

Another fun fact about Indian immigrant majority rule in Mauritius from Wikipedia:

The government of Mauritius provides free education to its citizens from pre-primary to tertiary level.

Since July 2005, the government introduced free transport for all students.

For the year 2011, government expenditure on education was estimated at about Rs 11.7 billion, representing 12.5% of total expenditure.

Chinese majority rule in S'pore you can get this, RB?

As a former British colony, students in Mauritius too take the Cambridge O and A levels and their pre-school consists of 3 years.

Veritas said...

Mauritius has very serious caste problem. Look at Muaritius chat room you find low caste, high caste, Blacks cursing one another. Without importing Indian, Mauritius could be a paradise.

China during Mao's time had free educatio free healthcare too until Deng Xiaoping took it down. Today, China is reinstituting free healthcare.

Singapore perverted system of ultra-capitalism is due to Kuan Yew. All Singaporean support free universal healthcare and free education. When PAP goes, we may go socialist. We shall see.

HK and Taiwan already has universal healthcare.

Also when we look at Hindic civilization we must look more than Mauritius. Look at India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal. Everyone is racism and even Islam has caste in Hindic civilization.

SE Asia already experience Hindic civilization before Islam. Result is everywhere there is caste system until Islam and Vietnam give Hindic civilization a kick.

Nevertheless, I admit Mauritius is few place where Hindic civilization does better. Its an exception rather than norm. And its performance is not stellar either. Nominal GDP just 9k per capita, but not too bad either.

Anonymous said...

Chat rooms everywhere are full of cynic whiners, including in China, Taiwan, Hongkong and especially in the Chinese majority Greater India Malay Archipelago island state of Singapore, and most especially in this blog. The happy people are enjoying the sunshine outside, not in front of their computers. According to the Happiness Index which gave a very low grade to Chinese majority run S'pore, Mauritius, an Indian majority island nation is the happiest place in Africa and mind you Africans in spite of wars, slumps, famine, are happy people. Indians in the subcontinent, the countries you mentioned, don't do as well as they are bogged down by their traditions and set ways. But put Indians far away from the subcontinent, they'll do good, as the Indians in Mauritius have shown us. I think if Indians were the majority in Singapore, they would have ensured since decades ago that every S'porean family would be living in landed property, as each family needs banana trees at the back of their house. Bananas, coconuts, mango trees and perhaps a well too. Hahahaha!

Veritas said...

Mauritians do not have war like Africa because it is far removed from continental Africa, of 2500km.

If we want to compare similar independent insular economy (forget about French and UK overseas territory where they received large transfer), I would suggest places like Iceland, Bahamas, Costa Rica, Grenada, Seychelles, where Mauritius lag in terms of peaceful, and social development. Iceland top all index.

All insular African countries are peaceful and placs like Seychelles are far better than Mauritius. Seychelles are blacks. Of course UK and French oversea territories like Reunion, Mayotte are even better.

All these countries has landed property and various form of social assistance as well and their economy is more stellar than Mauritius. Mauritius is not shit but is a lot below average.

If you want to find out about Mauritius caste system, google it. It is very serious and that is what Indians have imported.

Nevertheless I have to admit Kuan Yew and PAP have give us shame. They deprive us of universal healthcare and landed properties and make a bad name out of Chinese.

Nevertheless, despite of all exploitation, all economies held by East Asians are far more advance than all other civilizations except western.

Veritas said...
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Veritas said...

But I do not know what is there to be proud of in Mauritius that keep you talking about it.

Its a low wages economy. GDP per capita even lower than Malaysia. Also Malaysian and Thailand have free healthcare, landed property.

We should praise Malaysia and Thailand to the sky by your standards.

Anonymous said...

Go to Mauritius, Veritas. You will fall in love with the place. Don't stay in hotels. Live in people's homes and travel on public transport. Introduce yourself to the headmasters of the schools there. Say you are from Singapore. They'll ask you to give talks to pupils in classrooms. It is a free and easy open society where strangers converse not just say hi to each other. Many Chinese there too. You will not want to come back.

Veritas said...

My friends from Mauritius are migrating to SG like crazy and say SG good talking bad about Mauritius.

They say lots of corruption there, no economics opportunities. SG is everything good. They told me I am not able to appreciate SG.

There are plenty of Mauritius scholar here that went way back early and mid 90s in NTU. I do not know a single person going back.

I am not saying Mauritius is bad. It is mediocre. Of course apple to apple sychelles is better, and iceland is best. All are insular economy. I am to admit mauritius is one of the better case of Hindic civilization, even though it is still extremely racist and casteist.

Nevertheless I am happy that Mauritius can proof that Indian civilization are at least function-able. Good for you. But why mauritius is functionable? I believe because its caste system is not as strong as India.

I hope SG can learn some of things in Mauritius like universal healthcare and free education. Not possible with wicked Kuan Yew though.

Anonymous said...

One thing good about Mauritius. In another 100 yrs it will still be the same Mauritius.

Anonymous said...

I've got a niggling feeling, Veritas, that if we're discussing the merits of Timbuktoo, you'd be claiming to have friends from there too.

Anonymous said...

Veritex are your friends the type of people only you can see and others cannot see? or hear.

Anonymous said...

Veritas has yet to realize that a shit and sick society need not be born out of the Caste System.
Sin is a shining example of such a society.
In any case, woes betide such sick society.

Veritas said...

You will find one or two isolated mad man shitting in streets everywhere. Majority in India shit on streets regularly. India is a shit place. People are drinking from acquifier polluted by shit.

I will write further about India's shit mentality. It has a lot to do with wickedness of India culture.

Anonymous said...

In India the poor will shit in the streets in the slums due to lack of toilets and they shit at places where most of them shit for example in drains. But the above videos show well dressed Chinese, even young pretty ones shitting at MRT platforms, brand new glass elevators, tactically shitting at a bus stop bench. I can forgive the man who shat at the busy HK street because he's probably just a country bumbkin that came down from the countryside but not the others. The others, they shit and left their feaces behind. This shows they don't give a shit (pardon the pun) about other people. Reminds me of the book the Ugly Chinaman, something about black face and black heart. Even animals, like cats would dig the ground first before shitting and covering their shit with sand. I think the British and other races were a civilizing influence on the Chinese coolies that came to S'pore. If not I fear this island would have been covered with shit. 5000 year old civilization, my arse.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:04pm.
i'm glad i and veritas are not the only ones left reading this thread.
I'm Indian alright and I don't go around tooting India as the greatest civilisation or have the highest IQ or say that the minorities in S'pore are lucky that the Chinese are the majority here ad that if S'pore was an Indian or Malay majority island, the minorities would suffer. When you say such things in your blog post, be prepared for some Chinese-bashing. So the best policy is not to say such stuff, especially when you live in a multi-racial society. All cultures and religions are against people who self-praise their own selves and self-praise your own race and culture. If your race and culture is very good, there's no need to self-praise and there's no need to bash other races and cultures. If you are good enough, other races will praise your race. If your race and culture is so refined and great, heck the whole word would no about it and appreciate it. No need to blow your own trumpet. People like RB and Veritas lack this sensitivity when they talk about race. So please don't blame me for bashing them. Need to knock some sense into their heads.

Anonymous said...

actually i wouldn't really give a rat's arse if they want to praise their own race or culture. everyone has his or her personal fetish. just don't bash other races, cultures and religions. you can touch your own private parts and do whatever you want with it anything that gives you that 'high', just don't touch mine.

Veritas said...

You are wrong. In terms of GDP, today Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia is poorer than India. No one shit on the street.

I been Pakistan, I never see anyone shit on street. Woman baring their vagina will be lynched. Only in India, you can still see women vagina in public.

And long time ago when China was much poorer than India, before Deng ascend to power, people do not generally shit on the street, not in the city.

Today India can have the top MNC. They buy themselves android, iphone, TV, computer internet. But they just cannot buy themselves toilet.

Anonymous said...

see, indian bashing again. this guy never learns. the poor shit on the streets in india because they have no toilets, can't afford. the WELL-DRESSED 'EDUCATED' chinese as the youtube videos have shown, shit in modern glass elevators, on brand new mrt platforms, at clean public bus-stop seats. etc. you can't seem to see the difference, veritas.

there is really no point in arguing with you. you are too thick-headed and i guess you won't change.

my grandmother used to tell me this story about a farm mouse who heard the farmer and his wife planning to buy a mousetrap. he told the chicken, the lamb and the cow who all said, 'sorry, got nothing to do with me. but i sympathise. i'll pray for you.' that night the wife heard the mouse trap shut but it wasn't the mouse, it was a snake. she got bitten and was sick. the farmer killed the chicken to make soup for the wife. many people came to visit. he killed the lamb to feed them. then the wife died. the farmer killed the cow to feed the people who came for the wake.

to people like veritas and RB i have this message: we are all involved in this journey called life. we must keep an eye out for one another, chinese, indian, malay, eurasian, etc, and make an extra effort to encourage one another. when one of us is threatened, all of us are at risk.

remember: each of us is a vital thread in another person's tapestry. our lives are woven together for a reason. one of the best things to hold onto in this world is a friend, chinese, malay, indian or eurasian. don't play racial politics. it'll only further divide and weaken us.

what i've said about the chinese i apologize. i did not mean the things i've said. i just wanted you to have a taste of your own medicine, to let you know how other races feel when you bash them. that's all. goodbye. for the moment.

Veritas said...

I hate racism and caste system. The local Indians were quite assimilated and we do not generally have any problem.

The FT Indians that come give problem. I have to inform Singaporeans. If I hurt you sorry. Hope FT Indians will join us fighting caste system and racism.

Anonymous said...

I hate to sit to shit n
never like any to lie(down)
to eat, not even baby(milk
sucking not included)
In Sg, almost all Races
sit to shit.
That is y there are lots
of spine, leg n ailimentary
Plse install squat pan

Veritas said...

So sad. No Indian want to fight caste-ism and racism with me.

Anonymous said...

I am reading this thread and watching two racists pretending to be objective and non racists. BTW, anon 4:56, who has said that if there is an Indian or Malay majority, the minorities will suffer?

Are you imagining things or you are showing your racial biased and think that such situation will be the right outcome?

Anonymous said...

anon. 8.54 am
go and read RB's post again and read the comments thread. if you cannot find 'the chinese are superior' and 'the other races are inferior' rubbish, go back to school and learn some english. i got no time to point them out to you. anyway, i suspect you are RB. typical. after shitting in the glass elevator and leaving a mess, you come back, pretend to be innocent and said, 'who go and shit here?'

Anonymous said...

Why are you insulting the Indians and Malays thinking that when they are majority they will discriminate against the Chinese minority?

You are sick. I believe they will treat the Chinese and other minorities better than the Chinese treat the current minorities.

You disagree?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Finally a fresh view surfacing. So many are trapped in their own prejudiced minds and unable to break out from the 'box'. They could only see negativity.

In a different context, a different set of circumstances, the cosmopolitan Indians and Malays could turn Singapore into something else. Why not? Why can't Singapore be a better place under a different leadership or different majority?

Don't be stucked in stereo typing any racial groups. The possibilities of the human minds and human beans cannot be fathomed.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Indian majority rule would be heavenly. Certainly there will be Full Democracy. I think the Indians will not demolish the privileges the Malays had in the Constitution or try to erase Malay heritage and history from modern Singapore. I think the Indian rulers will put up a statue of Temenggong Abdul Rahman who was kind enough to allow the East Iindia Company to set up shop here. The Indians are more confident and are not afraid of bogeymen. The Indians will certainly have no problems with our neighbours, having been here for thousands of years and having a great influence on this region's culture. They will allow full democracy and freedom of speech. Straits Times will be 100% independent. Also there will be no 'race' category in the ICs. Education will be free and so will public transport for students, the needy and the aged. There will be universal healthcare too. And no GRC too and no redrawing of the constituency boundary lines every 5 years. All the discriminatory policies which RB supported and argued for in this post saying they were for practical reasons and not racist reasons would never have seen the light of day if the Indians were the majority.

Veritas said...

Do you mean a caste system?

There is only phoney democracy under Indian and rape is a weapon against dissident. Ask what Indian did to manipur and kashmir. Did Kashmir allow to vote as per UN mandate? And Indian Hindus hate Muslim. The top leaders of Indian advocate killing of Muslim, in Gujarat 2002. These Muslim killers are still holding sway of power and are immensely rich. Indian Hindus hate christian. There are organize pogrom and official discrimination against Christians today and its getting serious each and everyday.

Talk about Indian democracy, don bullshit.

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

go and read RB's post again and read the comments thread. if you cannot find 'the chinese are superior' and 'the other races are inferior' rubbish, go back to school and learn some english. i got no time to point them out to you. anyway, i suspect you are RB. typical. after shitting in the glass elevator and leaving a mess, you come back, pretend to be innocent and said, 'who go and shit here?'

RB has never say anything close to that. Stop being ridiculous.

Below is from me.

BTW there are certain facts we need to admit. For example, you think Ashkenazi Jews have high IQ? This is nothing but fact. I always admit Ashkenazi Jews have high IQ and that does not mean that I am racist.

I say Indian IQ is 82 and Indian shit on the streets. Many countries poorer than India door not shit on streets. Indians like to look down on people as per caste system. Indian like to burn wife to get more dowry. Indian like to kill love bird for intercaste romance.

Indian army conduct rape against minorities muslim in kashmir. Indian army conduct rape against woman in manipur, who is closely related to chinese. India is a land of rape.

That does not make me a racist. I am stating a fact. In fact, you wicked Indians nationals never repent your sin. Anyone who ask you to be good will be deemed racist. And you fake democracy, but in reality, rape and murder and conducted against minorities.

Anonymous said...

You cannot compare Singapore with India or any countries in the subcontinent. You must compare Singapore with another immigrant dominated country far away from India, just like the Chinese S'poreans are far from China. One good example is to compare with Mauritius which is an island off the coast of Africa. It has an immigrant Indian majority population just like Singapore has a Chinese dominated immigrant country. I will not quote hearsay or chat room talk or what my imaginary friends say. Here are facts and statistics. No doubt, Singapore has far better statistics but Mauritius is a freer nation and a happier one.

I present to you the following facts not to say bad about the Chinese in Singapore or to say that Indians are superior. I'm just saying that Indian immigrants have made quite a success out of an immigrant nation they've dominated population wise, that is Mauritius. RB asked his hypo question what if other races were the majority in S'pore. I'm saying perhaps, just perhaps, an Indian majority could have made S'pore successful too, not as economically successful as the Chinese (not so many number ones) but I think Singapore would be a happier place, with full democracy, free education, free healthcare and free transport for the young, the old and those in need. That's all. Please don't get your knickers all atwisted.

Here are the facts:

The 2012 UN Happiness Report ranked Mauritius as the happiest nation in Africa.

Healthcare is free for all citizens of Mauritius.

Transport in Mauritius has been free for students, the disabled and seniors since July 2005.

The government of Mauritius provides free education to its citizens from pre-primary to tertiary level.

The 2012 Ibrahim Index of African Governance ranked Mauritius first in good governance.

According to the 2011 Democracy Index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit that measures the state of democracy in 167 countries, Mauritius ranks 24th worldwide and is the only African country with Full Democracy

in 2012, Mauritius scored 57 and is ranked 43rd (of 176) and 3rd in Africa among the least corrupted countries.

According to The Heritage Foundation the trials are fair and the legal system is generally non-discriminatory and transparent.

Statistics on ethnicity are not available because such questions were removed from the population census.

Mauritius is ranked high in terms of competitiveness, investment climate, governance and freest economy, the Gross Domestic Product (PPP) estimate was at $20.2 billion and GDP (PPP) per capita income over $15,591 in 2012, one of the highest in Africa.

Mauritius has an upper middle income economy, according to the World Bank in 2011.

For the fifth consecutive year, the World Bank's 2013 Ease of Doing Business report ranks Mauritius first among African economies and 19th worldwide out of 183 economies in terms of ease of doing business.

According to the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom Mauritius is ranked as having the 8th most free economy in the world, and the highest score in investment freedom. The report's ranking of 183 countries is based on measures of economic openness, regulatory efficiency, rule of law, and competitiveness.

In 2011, Mauritius was ranked third in Africa in the Human Development Index and 78th out of 187 countries worldwide.

Mauritius's GDP has grown faster than 5% annually for almost 30 years.

Mauritius have increased per capita income from less than $400 around the time of independence to more than $6,700 today.

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

Mauritius an island 2500 km away form continental Africa is rank high among African nations. Nevertheless, Seychelles is still better run and its dominated by blacks. Seychelles has free education and democracy, a better economy than Mauritius without the caste system and racism imported by Indians.

Singapore, Chinese dominated state, top the world in many metrics and the most serious racism is imported by Indians. Our caste system is imported by Indians.

One thing make Singaporeans shameful is our lack of democracy and ultra capitalism. But EVERYONE predicted this will not be the case as soon as Kuan Yew went see his creator. In short, once Kuan Yew died, Mauritius will not have anything to brag over SG, not even democracy or socialism.

And you want to compare poor Mauritius of $8,800 GDP vs SG of $51,000, GDP? A lot of my Mauritius scholar friend say that SG is a good place.

There are no Chinese dominated state too far from China other than SG and probably pseudo-state Taiwan. Taiwan is very high up on democracy and has universal healthcare.

You want compare compare Taiwan with Mauritius? Who say Chinese cannot run democracy? Taiwanese run it much better and we do not have much racism and we have absoutely zero caste system.

Anonymous said...

Well, we'll wait for the old man to die then. But I doubt it'll change. In fact, things got increasingly worse after he stepped down as PM.
You cannot compare Mauritius with Taiwan. Taiwan is so close to China. Anyway Taiwan was undemocratic during the Chiang family rule. And I'd hardly called the Chinese immigrants in Taiwan just like I wouldn't call Malays who boated their way from Johor and Riau immigrants to Singapore.
Anyway, the people in Mauritius are very happy as I've seen on my sojourn there and as attested by the UN Happiness Report. The statistics are not as great as S'pore but nothing to be sniffed at.

Anonymous said...

Veritas, I checked out your claims on Seychelles. According to Wikipedia, Seychelles has highest income inequality in the world, as measured by the Gini index. It's GDP per capita last year was $14,301. Mauritius was $15,591. The previous president of Seychelles, France Albert René, first came to power after his supporters overthrew the first president James Mancham, a Chinese, on the 5th of June 1977 in a bloody coup d'état and installed France Albert Rene as president. He ruled under a dictatorial one party state communist system and was responsible for systematic torture and other human rights abuses involving opponents of the government until in 1993 when he was forced to introduce a multi-party system. He stepped down in 2004. According to the Democracy Index, Mauritius ranks 24th worldwide and is the only African country with Full Democracy

Veritas said...

Thats y I am not saying Mauritius is bad. I am saying it is average. By all account of GDP per capita, Seychelles won Mauritius.

In PPP and in Nominal.

I use nominal because a lot of PPP GDP is rigged. Anyway, both nominal and PPP mauritius is behind Seychelles. Sychelles HDI is highest in Africa.

Its inequality is terrible. Its a fact.

Anonymous said...

2012 Democracy Index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit ranked Mauritius 19th, and improvement from its 24th position in 2011. Only 25 countries in the world were accorded Full Democracy status and Mauritius is one of them. The rest were mostly West European nations and Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Uruguay and the following countries which were behind Mauritius: South Korea, US, Costa Rica, Japan, Belgium and Spain. Taiwan did well. It was ranked 35. Singapore was 81st in position.

S'pore's GDP might be 3 times higher than Mauritius but I did not see slums there, nor do I see old people working. I don't mind having a much lower GDP and even a lower salary if i don't have to pay for education and healthcare and transport like in Mauritius.

Once the belly is taken care of, Democracy is very very important for a human being. That is why I salute Mauritius for attaining full democracy status on par with Western Europe, even beating some First World nations.

Just to digress 3 days ago I was watching Australian TV, the leader of the opposition was invited by a government school to give a talk in its hall and it was broadcast 'live'. I await for the day this can happen in S'pore. I hope I'll still be alive. However, with the GRC system and the gerrymandering, I think the future for democracy in S'pore is very bleak. It will be almost impossible to dislodge the ruling party. Even if they get 40% of the votes, they will still win 60% of the parliamentary seats.

Veritas said...

Democracy get its life after each passing of despot nowadays. 40 years ago, China's Mao was a dictator who can do whatever he like. 30 years ago, Deng Xiaoping was also a dictator but his power was curb by gang of eight.

20 years ago, Jiang Zemin was just first among equal. His successor Hu Jintao has less dictatorial power and must follow the system. Today, China's Xi Jinping run the country largely under a framework.

The dictatorial power decreases after each non violent power transition even in a non-hereditary despotic state.

I don think Lee Hsien Loong has that much power compared to his father. His successor will have even less. Eventually Singapore will have true democracy and even socialism.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the Asian tigers and imitation tigers, they all went that way from dictatorship to democracies. But you look at the people of these countries, Veritas. Koreans, Taiwanese, Thais, etc, they are so vociferous, not afraid to die, not afraid to go to jail in their demos and protests and opposition against the dictatorships or govts who fool around with democracy. Singaporeans are so apathetic. I look upon them and I despair.