
47,000 voices heard in National Conversation

47,000 people of all walks of life and ages participated in the National Conversation that was conducted over one year. Thanks to these 47,000 people, the concerns and worries of the people are now heard by the Govt. This is quite an achievement as the same concerns and worries were all over the place over so many years, especially in the internet and even in Reach, but somehow they were not heard or no one took much interest in them.

Hsien Loong is now going to address the concerns in his National Rally Speech and there are high expectations that things will happen with some major changes in the Govt’s thinking and policies. It can only be good for the people as changes cannot be for the worse.

The good thing about the Natcon, despite spending one year and 47,000 people to confirm the obvious is that more people are starting to think country and people and their own well being. And since it is the Gov’t’s initiative, with so much manpower, money and resources committed, something positive has to be done to make it meaningful and money well spent. The Govt also needs to show to the 47,000 people that it is listening and sincere in wanting to change to improve the lot of the people. It is also an important shift in Govt attitude towards a people up policies and a move away from the top down policies of the past. It is also important that the Govt should be seen to do what it preaches, this time listening to the people and trying to meet the aspiration of the people and not the agenda of the Govt or not what the Govt thinks is good for the people.

Now everyone is waiting for the fine details to see how far and accommodating the Govt is towards endearing to the people.


Anonymous said...

It is goooooooooooooooooooood for govt to go slow and reorganise, to see where are we now, what needs to be done, where we want to go and the duration to take us there .......

Our society is moving tooooooooooooooooo fast, we are not moving together, many citizens cant catch up, many left behind, many are..........slow down !!!!11!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Yes, in some areas we are just moving too fast and risking a crash or running over the cliff.

Time to reflect and consolidate the gains and patch up the holes and damages created along the way.

agongkia said...

Dun keep expecting good news.Sinkies should contribute good ideas that benefits the country and think what they can do for the country than expecting what the Garmen can do for them .

NatCon is for the purpose of allowing Sinkies to air their grievances ,reduce stress and shows that the Garmen care.
It does not mean every Sinkies in Natcon can think better.I dun have a chance or lobang to go Natcon .
Do not think that all ideas are practical.Of the 47K who attended ,many 1 or 2 concern are genuine ,practical and can fine tune.
If any proposal is turn down,it does not mean that the Garmen is not accommodating.

A good Garmen is one who can think far ahead for Sinkies,not just trying to please Sinkies.
So far I see PM Ok what.

Natcon too often is a waste of money.
Those with good ,genuine and practical idea can contribute by coming to MY SINGAPORE NEWS.Debate here.Why encourage unnecessary spending on so many Natcon.

But Uncle Red Bean cannot be the judge here.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

For me the best approach is "wait and see". No one has hinted at any concrete policy changes. All which is known is "there will be changes"...so far talk only.

However, I am going to hatam gask buta and guess:

1. GST increase
2. Stricter means testing for healthcare
3. Increase in Medisave contribution
4. Increase in employee CPF contribution
5. Increase in tobacco and alcohol tax.

Here in Western Australia, a new budget was just past. One of the items was a $4000 per year per child school fees for 457 Visa holders (foreign workers) who send their kids to our public schools.

Singapore might adopt something along those lines. In that way you "de-incentivise" foreign families from emigrating to Singapore, and the figures of immigrants will then tip toward couples and singles without kids. Once they are in Singapore, they can fuck their brains out and produce as many children as vaginas will allow...and thus increase the birthrate, which would make PM Lee smile. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Please be more careful with the use of the language.

We should NOT use the phrase "the government".
The correct phrase is "the PAP government".

A WP government may do things differently from a PAP government.

We must make distinctions.
What is high and what is low.
What is "PAP government", and what is "WP government";
What belongs to PAP and what belongs to Singaporeans.

Please do not conflate PAP with Singapore and Singaporeans.
Please do not confuse PAP problems with Singaporeans' problems.
PAP is not Singapore.
And Singapore is not PAP.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks for your comment Anon 11:16.

At the moment, when the 'govt' is mentioned, it is the incumbent govt. I think that is understood, the govt of the day. Agree that the govt is the PAP and the PAP is not the country but just elected representatives of the people.

I am using the words freely and not in a precise manner. Still everyone could understand, I think.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean, please lah.

The incumbent govt is the PAP. And it has been drummed into "reality" by Lee KY, that it is accepted as FACT already:

The PAP is the government and the government is the PAP

But..(also fact) The Sheeple Get The Government They Deserve, which by their monopolistic actions in the given geographical territory deliver the type of CUNTREE in existence.

In the Singapore context at least: The government IS the cuntree. Remind again: this only applies to Singapore and cuntrees like it -- i.e. one party state which has the territorial monopoly on law, regulation and taxation.

So to all the wishful thinkers out there -- you are at liberty to think that "the PAP is not Singapore", and I wish you well in the self indulgence of your self delusion.

For me, I'm a pragmatic sort -- I go with the facts and with the evidence:

The PAP IS Singapore.

Got agreement? No? Too bad for you ;-)

Anonymous said...

2016 election


Anonymous said...

My wishlist:
Heavy subsidise on infant care n childcare
Can use medisave pay clinic visit buy cap at $60 per triip to prevent abuse
Ka ka give 80k housing grant to first time buyers plus hdb lend them100% loan to buy for 1st timers only
Give a special hardship angpow to the needy singaporeans say $800 each to tide over the current tough times
Waive all pub n tc arrears n outstandings for those 4 roomers n below
Give each poor family a free $100 smrt voichers for next 3 years
Also waive their childrens school fees n free text books
Again abv is my prayers to god of mercy.
Om mani payme hum ...

Anonymous said...

When they allow medisave for clinic visits, you know the fees will soon be raised to unaffordable.

Anonymous said...

Why are you guys getting so excited?
You seriously think PAP will implement any policy that benefits Singaporeans?

PAP is talking about new policy changes. Why?
Because PAP leeders cannot sleep because they are worried about Singaporeans?
Because Singaporeans are voting Opposition.

How do Singaporeans get policies that really benefit Singaporeans?
Vote Opposition.
That's how.

Anonymous said...

"Now everyone is waiting for the fine details to see how far and accommodating the Govt is towards endearing to the people."

Sinkies cannot expect too much lah. Don't forget it is still a PAP government, you know.

Wait till WP is ready to become government lah, then Sinkies maybe can expect more. LOL

Anonymous said...

PAP cannot anyhow reverse policy just because they are losing popular votes mah. This will be an admission that Opposition is getting more powderful.

So must pretend to have a NatCON.
After NatCON, then can reverse policies and say they are "listening" to the people.
Very malu to reverse policies because the Opposition is getting stronger.
Otherwise old man in the Istana will not allow HIS policies to be anyhow be reversed. You must know who is really the gahmen of Singapore.

b said...

Let us just wait and see what the 'brilliant' gov can come out solving the problems they created.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

As long as the changes are good for the people, we all close one eye and don't ask embarrassing questions. Then everyone happy.

Anonymous said...

What ESM Goh Chok Tong said: "Singapore is at a turning point and needs to change to avert a mid-life crisis."
What ESM Goh means:
PAP is at a turning point and needs to change to avert a mid-life crisis.

What ESM Goh Chok Tong said:
"Otherwise I fear that Singapore will begin to go downhill."
What ESM Goh means:
"Otherwise I fear that PAP will begin to go downhill."

What ESM Goh Chok Tong said:
"Singaporeans must ... support the Government in areas that will ensure Singapore's long term success, even if it involves certain sacrifices sometimes."
What ESM Goh means:
"Singaporeans must ... support the PAP in areas that will ensure PAP's long term success, even if it involves certain sacrifices sometimes."

What ESM Goh Chok Tong said:
'citizens recapture the ruggedness and can-do spirit of earlier generations."
What ESM Goh means:
"PAP Ministers recapture the lower salaries and can-do spirit of earlier Ministers."

Anonymous said...

just like what many citizens who questioned the need for 5 mayors for this tiny island called Singapura

Now why do we need 2 DPMS?

DPM draw a higher salary than a minister, aren't we wasting public funds when most of the countries very much larger than us, dont see need for 2 DPMS!

Since the PAP minister's pay scale is the highest in the world, we need to cut down unneccsary posts so as to save public funds right?

Can the rally also address the issue of Singapore Mayor salaries, how much are they drawing ?

Why the need of 5 mayors when cities bigger than SG only has one, the most another assistant Mayor since thay have a local govt??

AhKong65 said...

47,000 people of from all walks of life and ages made their voices heard in this National Conversation .
@ The high cost of living
@ The high cost of medical care
@ The high cost of HDB housing
@ The high cost of education
@ The jam-pack public transport
@ The elderly issue
Yes, the government has to do " more " and can do "more " if she " wants " to keep these cost down . Our country has enough in our reserves after all these years for the government to juggle with . No need to continue to be so niggard and save .... for the next generation and the next generation and for some rainy day . All our government needs is to be prudent , good care in the management of resources ; economy and frugality .
Finally these concerns and worries of the average citizens in the National Conversation are being look into by our government is a welcome news ..... but why only now??
You mean our government is not aware of all these issues . All these years of increases in the cost of living and the noises from the ground each time the " bar is raise higher " are not heard by the government ?
Yes, we are moving too fast , many cannot catch up many falls through the cracks and are left behind to face their own destiny .
There is this wishlist and reality check .... Singaporeans can be hopeful that going forward they can expect a fairer and a more equal society from the National Day Message . With all the " we will do " being said , the government now has to show the citizens that she is reassessing her position , reviewing her direction , refresh , think and plan ahead ; and more importantly feels for the our concerns and hopes . However , all this is easier said than done ....说就天下無敵 ; 做就有心無力.
ESM Mr Goh said yesterday that some policies which served Singapore well before. needs an update or overhaul to serve the larger younger generation who are better educated and has higher expectations from the government . Let us see how many of these talks has indeed change into reality before the next GE in 2016 .
Well , Matilah is right this time , " wait and see " just what our government is going to do .

Happy National Day , All The Best ; To A Better Future .

Anonymous said...

"Why the need of 5 mayors when cities bigger than SG only has one,..."
Anon August 12, 2013 9:20 pm

For the same reasons why Sinkie ministers are the highest paid in the world lah, which is of course even higher than US President Obama!

More pertinently, you should also ask why the strongest Sinkie opposition is not even ready to be govt.

The answer will also answer all your questions.

Anonymous said...

Why so many DPMs, mayors and officer bearers? They are treating the govt as their private company to promote, pay and reward using our money.

Anonymous said...

ministers paid millions asking for free ideas? These 47,000 should be paid a $1k each.