
When the police cannot protect the citizen, who will?

‘The police came down took our statements separately and this is what Officer Lynkamillah told me:

1. They cannot arrest Sonuvabitch because it's not in the rulebooks, despite having assaulted a girl.
2. They issued me a medical form to go to the hospital for check ups. Best part? I HAVE TO PAY THE BILL! No compensation whatsoever.
3. I have to go down to the central police station to speak to whoever I need to speak to in order to pursue the case IF I wanted to. Which means at the moment there are no investigations whatsoever and they cannot charge Sonuvabitch for anything.
4. Since Sonuvabitch holds a pink IC, the case would take about a year before anything is done.

Excuse me?
That is the biggest insult I've heard all night. I was assaulted and nothing can be done. I put my trust in the police because I thought they would protect a normal citizen like me. Never have I been more wrong. The way Officer Lynkamillah was so apathetic and not the least bit apologetic, about not being able to haul Sonuvabitch's ass to lock up, really disappoints me.
And I quote them, "You will not be arrested if you or your friends punch Sonuvabitch back."

The above is posted by a Etterorua Red in The Real Singapore in her post, ‘I was punched twice by some guy and police said they can’t arrest him.’ The two girls were insulted by a stranger who made them up to be prostituted and insulted them by taunting them for $20. She slapped him and got punched twice. Called the police and regretted for wasting her time.

If the police are not there to protect innocent citizens from being beaten up, who is there to protect the citizens? Is it now a sport to beat up Singaporeans and walk away? Just make sure it is not grievous hurt and it will be fair game. The police will come if summoned, take down the statements and you got to say thank you to them. You have to pay for justice by engaging a lawyer to sue the attacker, provided you have his particulars and the money to pursue the case. For the not so rich Sinkies, tough.

What is happening to this City? Can the citizens feel safe any more? Can anyone blame her for saying, ‘I have lost complete faith in humanity and in the police?’ What do you think? Should the citizens be protected from assault, from being beaten up?

Would we be facing a situation when the bullies would say, 'I beat so what? Sue me lah, sue me lah!'


  1. May be that is why many young people no choice but to join gang for protection lor

  2. Actually hor, even bullies don't anyhow assault people one lah.

    Sometimes those assaulted are also partly to be blamed, for not being smart enough to avoid one in the first place.

    For instance, in the above case, why can't the girl just ignore the taunt and move away? Why must slap the guy? She is asking to be hit back what. Stupid, tio bo?

    Remember, prevention is better than cure. Especially when there is no cure.

  3. That's why one must be street wise.

    If you are street wise, you can survive or even prosper in any type of place under any type of govt. And Sinkieland is definitely not the worst place and PAP not the worst govt.

    I think about 43% Sinkies are street wise.

  4. Now I see why WP is the strongest opposition party. Because they are "street wise".

    And "Let's move on" is a street wise saying. Now I also know why Low TK is the leader of the strongest Sinkie opposition party.

  5. Japan: Radioactive water from quake-hit plant likely leaking into Pacific

    Japan's nuclear regulator says radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima power plant is probably leaking into the Pacific Ocean, a problem long suspected by experts but denied by the plant's operator.


    Don't you think it's lucky for Singapore that Japan's Fukushima nuclear accident happened?
    Before the pro-nuclear PAPigs had a chance to influence Sinkies into accepting nuclear power into Singapore?

    See also:



  6. This is something that many sinkies experienced.The Police wants you to "gong gong lan lan" so they can have a easier time.Please organise one protest at HLP to bring attention to this problem.

  7. Our police is world class, one of best in the world. THEY WILL PROTECT U .............

  8. I'm a firm believer in self protection. Relying on the government to "protect you" might only work sometimes -- but RARELY in extreme conditions or scenarios which happen on the spur of the moment.

    We have to protect ourselves, and look out for each other. Singaporeans need to be more accommodating to their fellowman -- unfortunately this is not a cultural trait in Singapore. Singaporeans seem more comfortable mistrusting and fighting with each other. They are like CHILDREN, and lack the emotional maturity required to form the basis of an "enlightened" society.

    This is why Singapore needs a strong, authoritarian government -- the people simply don't like nor trust one another to form bonding relationships based on MUTUAL RESPECT for each other.

    Have you seen how Singaporeans will cut you off in traffic, in a queue, or just simply walking? WTF. If you say something, they want to start a fight with you. and then someone will kena hammer...and no police is there to "protect" the loser in the fight (who might be the one who started the shit anyway).

  9. Many years back,went to Clementi to lodge a report of assault and threat with offensive weapon.One IO Chee Eng Thiam,I still remember the name,ask me not to talk cork when I gong gong ask him whether there is a doctor in the police station when he ask me to go medical check up.He think I am trying to be funny but I am a suakoo and is really innocent.
    Instead of having my case look into, I kenna F by the IO.
    Even my classmate ,a TP,who accompanied me there agreed that he should not be so rude.
    That was my experience as a complainant.
    But to be fair to the present officers,esp.the NPCOs,they are more tactful and competent.
    Be understanding as there are cases that they are unable to take action,not because they dun want to.

  10. So pitiful.
    After getting into trouble, gotmore trouble with the Police somemore.
    What rotten luck!

  11. How can you expect the police to protect you when they can even allow a crippled terrorist to escape under their watch?!

  12. Not one but 4 high profile cases since 2004 of escape to Malaysia, caught there by Malaysian Police and brought back.

    1. 2004 - Child murderer Took Leng How.

    2. 2006 - One eye dragon gunman murderer.

    3. 2008 - Terrorist Mas Selamat.

    4. 2013 - Police Officer Iskandar.

    Looks like not that difficult to escape from Sinkieland leh.

    So who next?

  13. Kesian nya!

    Orangx2 Singapura.

  14. 'police are not there to protect innocent citizens'

    - this is a myth. the truth is the police are there to protect the rich citizens/companies/foreigners even if they are in the wrong not innocent citizens. this is a sad place.
