
Hawker Centre cleaning – Politics is about scoring political points

It is amazing but not surprising that the cleaning of a hawker centre and who should pay for it could drag on for months and wasting so much of Parliament’s time and the time of Ministers and MPs.

Should not this be a simple case of administrative procedures? The cleaning of a hawker centre is not something new and has been going on for years. All the precedents are there as to whether the hawkers should pay or it is part of the cost that the hawkers have been paying monthly.

is this dragging on and on, and after yesterday’s Parliament session it does not seem to end and many more months of scratching at each other will go on. Is this an in thing, to bitch over such issues in Parliament when it should have been settled over a few meetings in the Minister’s office or in the Town Council?

But of course, this is all about politics, about scoring political points, about integrity, about being honourable, about bitching in Parliament over an administrative and procedural matter, and about everything and about nothing.

Should the Speaker of Parliament tell the contending parties to sort it out over a meeting outside Parliament? Or should the issue continue to be aired in Parliament to see who is the more honourable one or who has more integrity over this matter? Or is Parliament a venue to see who is better in debating?


  1. Vivian was simply brilliant in his debating skills in parliament. This is his talent. Should ask him to coach the schools debating team.

  2. Soon we may get a new ministry THE MINISTRY OF HAWKERS!

  3. Dont laugh, since there are plenty of talks about hawkers in recent days, we may get a new ministry.

  4. If I remember correctly he was in the champion debating team so watch out. Anyway my advice is- get a life

  5. I think this is too trivial to be debated in Parliament. It is a waste of MPs time and national resourses. Why pay ministers millions just to take punch at opposition. Should not they be working hard to improve Singapore and its citizens?

  6. A degree course in hawking coming up?

  7. U meant degree course in HAWKER ENGINEERING?

  8. When Philip Yeo was in EDB, Singapore was bragging about operational HQ, R&D Hub and etc.

    Now, no more Philip Yeo;
    We are talking about hawker food as our next economic platform for employment opportunities.

    I don't know what to say.
    Standards are dropping fast.

  9. Proving a point by referring to internal notes? I also have my own internal notes that prove beyond a shadow of doubt that a certain minister is lying through his teeth.


  10. someone said recently that "we must get the politics right", is this why we are seeing all these politiking ?

    are good policies becoming secondary to politics ?

  11. "We must get the politics right" ... or PAPig is screwed.

  12. Anon@8.53am

    Their type only good for the gib of the gab.

    Besides this, nothing else in the grey matter for excellence.

    That's why so many liars, ooops lawyers of their type in this profession.

  13. What's next ?

    Where is this negative labelling of opposition MPs so readily highlighted by the state-controlled media company in large print, front page reminiscent of the Hougang by-election on the day of third rally leading to ?

  14. Vivian looked very good as a debater in Parliament. But an issue like this in Parliament was quite disappointing. He won the battle but lost the war.

    All the ministers were so quiet when Vivian was debating in style. What were they thinking? Holy shit, shut up and sit down? Or, well done boy, you are scoring big by tearing down the opposition?

  15. The way Vivian spoke and his body language in parliament is very likely to cause the pap to loss many votes to the opposition....not gain more votes...

  16. This Vivian is so eloquent that he made that guy who could not speak in public to shame. What's that guy's name? Was it Goh Keng Swee or something like that.

  17. Won a battle and lost the war.
    Aptly said.
    Parliament meetings are for National Issues and Daft Sinkies do expect ministers to know it; no matter how daft they are.
    Does Vivien get it?

  18. The party still thinks it is clever to score brownie points in parliament. The population is no longer the illiterate uncles and aunties. Substance and seriousness are what the people are looking for.

  19. You are absolutely correct in saying that this is too trivial to be debated in Parliament. What is the guy doing? He's even gone out of the way to put together a whole dossier on the issue.
