
Foreign visitors to mysingaporenews.blogspot.sg

I just did an analysis of the origins of bloggers visiting mysingaporenews and it is a pleasant surprise that nearly all the English speaking countries are here, from the US, UK, Australia and Asean countries. What is surprising too is that the biggest English speaking country inside the Commonwealth, India, is not one of them. But from previous posts they have been shown to be here before. Perhaps they are using URLs from other Commonwealth countries.

The other notable countries with a big presence here are some non English speaking countries like Russia, Ukraine, France, China and Germany. And France and Ukraine are among the top 5 visitors that include US, UK and Australia.

The US at one time overtook Singapore with the top number of visitors but this has been halved since the verification facility was added. This is a clear indication that the number of spammers coming from the US and trying to mess around is pretty big.

Nice to know that this blog is quite well received internationally.



  1. Of course only English speaking countries visitors will be here because you dun write in other languages.I dun visit a blog that I dun understand the language unless they have nude photos in it.You dun have.
    You should attract more local visitors by posting more local news or those subject that attract Sinkies' interest.I miss that anyhow langgar Gintai's interesting posting.

    1. Dear agonkia,
      Not all ppl like you are so supportive. After I've stopped blogging, there is a Mr Knows-All keep whacking me on his blog. Insulting and bullying fellow bloggers. I don't know what or how did I langgar that joker. Anyway, he also langgar Sg Daily before.

      I don't think ppl in China can assess our blogs. I eas told by a Hongkie that she can't access my blog in China. It's blocked there.

  2. It is goooooooooooooooooooooooood!

  3. Hi Gintai, nice to see you are back. And thanks Agongkia for the support. There are jokers that are out to attack bloggers for whatever reasons.

    Officially I think Chinese bloggers could be blocked. But knowing what internet is and how people can find their way through, they can still get through if they know how. The numbers from China is more than from Germany as recorded.

  4. Gintai
    I intentionally mention you and say you any how langgar to lure you out to find out how you are as you have been missing.Confirm you are fine.
    I think its not becos others like to attack you.Me is one who have to admit that me sometimes like to be naughty and learn to provoke thought like RB and enjoy the thrill of being attack and feel better after being f.I think its a kind of sickness.Seen a doctor but he said i am fine.
    Being attack is not something bad as it shows that you are getting attention like RB.
    Where is that farmer patriot.Happy blogging to all.

  5. The farmer will emerge a greater, stronger and wiser man out of this. Call it woman intuition. Whatever. Let's look at the positive side. A very wealthy, handsome man who is well read and educated is now available. I just hate that bitch who did him in. She doesn't deserve a good and decent man like the handsome farmer. Her lost. I know, I should feel sad for him. But I am happy that he is now available. That I believe is how most women see it in blogosphere.

  6. Women intuition is a very powerful weapon. Bless that man.

    Now everyone is guessing who is the handsome farmer.

  7. /// What is surprising too is that the biggest English speaking country inside the Commonwealth, India, is not one of them. But from previous posts they have been shown to be here before. Perhaps they are using URLs from other Commonwealth countries. ///

    Redbean - the Indians are now all using Singapore URLs lah! The enemies are within the gates.

  8. what do you think of this sudden Medishield Life? Do you think its because of the sudden Asian stock market meltdown together with currencies that they are using this ploy to cover up?
