
Dependency Syndrome in Sin City

Sinkies have often and regularly been bashed for having a Dependency Syndrome, always depending on the Govt to do the right thing or to offer a little charity.

This sickness is deep and widespread, from the bottom to the top. The worst affected are those right at the top, thinking and living dependency instead of being self reliant.
No, don’t get me wrong. The people in general are very hardworking and are depending on themselves to make a living or to eke a living. Look at the oldies parading the roads and those in the foodcourts? They know that they have to depend on themselves, not the Govt. Some even got their savings ‘gantong’ or confiscated in the name of ‘for their own good’. So they continue to struggle to live on. Self reliant, though they could live a bit better if their CPF can be released to them and not held at ransom by all the minimum sum schemes just in case they need to use them.

Yes, the sickness is affecting the people right at the top. Still don’t get it? They want sports talents, where do you think they are looking? Of course they are looking elsewhere for foreigners to bring us the medals. Is this not dependency on foreigners?
And sports is only a very small part of this Dependency Syndrome. The whole economy is dependent on foreigners. Our population growth is also dependent on foreigners. We cannot reproduce, so bring in the foreigners to make up the numbers. 6.9m to be made up for by bringing in more foreigners.

Now we can’t even create jobs for ourselves. We need the foreigners to be here to create jobs for us. We tempt and invite millionaires and billionaires to be here and hopefully they can drop a few morsels from their tables for us. We hope that they can create jobs and opportunities for our people, open doors for us.

Is this not Dependency Syndrome then what is? Why are we so dependent on foreigners for everything? Why can’t we be self reliant and do things for ourselves, create jobs for our own people by ourselves?

Coveting thy neighbour’s wife and talent and belongings? We do not want to work anymore if we can bring in foreign talents to work for us. The Govt has shifted from having go getters going out there to fight for jobs to one that is praying that foreigners will be here to help us. It openly said so. We need foreigners to create jobs for us.


Anonymous said...

Inequality is real, it’s personal, it’s expensive and it was created. Today, 1% of Americans are taking home nearly 20% of the country’s total income and own nearly 35% of the country’s wealth. This didn’t happen by accident. As former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains, we allowed it to happen.

We can’t have a prosperous economy without a strong and prosperous middle class. Inequality can be fixed. So, let’s fix it.

a new interactive website from the Economic Policy Institute, explains the causes of and solutions to income inequality.

"Read the correct things".

Anonymous said...

"The incentive for politicians to keep people poor so that their political support can be bought will persist if problems related to political campaign financing are not resolved, said academician Bridget Welsh.


Anonymous said...

Is the PAPig gahmen dependent on foreign talents or is it Singaporeans?

Anonymous said...

"Words to Start a Stampede: New York Apartment for Sale"

Does this article sound familiar to Singaporeans?


Anonymous said...

"It openly said so. We need foreigners to create jobs for us."

The root cause is the opposition did not do their job to be able to replace PAP and do a better job as government.

And Sinkies cannot expect foreigners to do the job of a good opposition or to replace PAP, tio bo?

This is solely the responsibility of Sinkies, especially those cowpeh cowbu Sinkies.

Cowpeh cowbu no use, just do it. Or deserve it.

Anonymous said...

That the strongest opposition party is WP and Low TK is the leader says a lot about Sinkies.

Need to say more?

Anonymous said...

The Sing govt's best contribution to the economy is creativity in sponging on foreign talents on everything, like a parasite and enjoy the ride.

Anonymous said...

Ya lor, that's why WP was even attacked in Parliament over such a mundane matter such as hawker center cleaning.

That also says a lot about Sinkies, both PAP and opposition.

Anonymous said...

That a talented Sinkie blogger like Redbean remain just a blogger says a lot about Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

Would any media offer him to write a column on local matters?

Anonymous said...

"Would any media offer him to write a column on local matters?"
Anon July 10, 2013 12:01 pm

While being talented in blogging and writing is necessary, it is not sufficient.

To be sufficient, may need additional credentials, eg being ex MP, Presidential candidate, CEO, , successuful businessman, chief editor, top civil servant, or even pro PAP, PAP activist, etc etc.

Is Redbean under any of above categories? Or what category?

Anonymous said...

Do u hv application form?

Anonymous said...

I think it is by invitation only.

Anonymous said...

I think there is also no application form to be PAP candidate to contest elections. Not sure about WP.

Anonymous said...

@ July 10, 2013 12:40 pm
To be sufficient, may need additional credentials, eg being ex MP, Presidential candidate, CEO, , successuful businessman, chief editor, top civil servant, or even pro PAP, PAP activist, etc etc.

The only criteria that is not compulsory to be a PAPig candidate;
is 'to have a heart in the right place and a desire to help & serve Singaporeans".

Anonymous said...

If the politicians do not depend on You, why should they care about You.
if You are not dependent on them, why did You vote for them?

Anonymous said...

Another social failing in Sin Sickty:

Young students "working" as "Sugar Babies" to pay their way through uni.

Imagine some could be your daughters, nieces, cousins, sisters, grand daugthers, grand nieces ...... etc etc

During my time, it was like about 20% of current Uni fees.

Over how many years only even hyper inflation also would not cause such a huge jump!

Presumably uni fees were JACKED UP year after year since char tow time for what arh ...... ?

Take from "Singaporean students" to pay for 3RD WORLD DEVELOPING COUNTRIES low educational standard foreign students' yearly 2-way air tickets, generous scholarships, lavish lodgings and big monthly allowances, free books allowance, school fees, transport etc etc ..... ?

In this aspect alone, it "shows" some are "SICK" in between their ears and "shows it". Otherwise, why do such things to the children of tax paying parents who probably slogged like shit to bring the children up to uni from baby.

Like that any wonder TFR keep dropping? Who want to subject own off springs potentially to "educational bias and policy price discrimination"?

I support sending at least 40 more voices into Parliament but not those "pussy cats that see mice also dare not confront them, much worst if happen to be dogs or even baby dogs also scared ..... "

Anonymous said...

Leeches are parasitic by nature.
Without your bloods, they will not be fat.
Dependence is part of nature anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ng Kok Lim's latest

[Good quality of life need not come at high cost of living]

"I refer to the 4 Feb 2013 Straits Times letter
'High cost of living comes with good quality of life' by Ms Tan Lin Neo [1].

Ms Tan found Singaporeans’ lament on high cost of living puzzling
given the hundreds and thousands who throng condominium show flats and travel fairs."


Anonymous said...


Written @ 2.06 pm

Should be only 4, not 40 or 400 or 4000. Mathematically not possible!

Fat fingers mistake! Lucky not key in stock market lot size. Sure kee siao lor ......

Apologies for any unnecessary excitement! False alarm lah.

b said...

'We need foreigners to create jobs for us.'

- sinkaland never has an unemployment issue and so why the need to create jobs? already plenty of jobs given to malaysians way before this wave of open door policy to foreigners. really wonder whether he is hidding something from the people. the only explanation and reason for the wide open door policy is they have lost a substantial amount of the monies in the reserve.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

It is like the chicken and the egg. The more people you want, the more jobs you need. The more jobs you created, the more people you need.

There have gone crazy without knowing that up to a point it must stop and grow sideways or in other ways.

Anonymous said...

Chicken or egg, egg or chicken, people or job, job or people, redbean or greenbean, greenbean or redbean, ccl or cbl, cbl or ccl. CCL, you are very right, here have gone crazy and must know that up to certain point it must stop and grow sideways or in other ways like up there, get it as big as hot air balloon with hot air, nothing but hot air. Just like hot air balloon, up there is nothing but 99% hot air. There are idiots along the way, but not every one is. Hot air balloons are having a field day here. It's gooooooooooooooooooood!

Anonymous said...

It is goooooooooooooooooooooood!

Anonymous said...

Virgo49 or Virgo69, 69Virgo or 49Virgo, Oldhorse42 or 42Oldhorse, Oldhorse or Oldhose. It is goooooooooooooooooooooood!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

It is not possible to have progress for the masses without taking on some casualties.

Not everyone can or is "entitled" to survive in times of massive and ever quickening change. Some will be relegated to the dustbin of history. It is inevitable. Some can be helped, others are mostly beyond help.

Inequality is to be welcomed, not feared. Inequality is the fuel to innovation, and innovation is necessary for progress.

It is OK to have "dependency syndrome". However, don't expect too much milage from it. Sooner or later even the most charitable person will tell you to wake the fuck up, and they'll withdraw their support.

As for foreign money -- Singapore need that. Huge amounts of local money is tied up in housing -- i.e. "consumption" not investment. Singapore needs capital to feed the economic engine, so it makes excellent sense to woo as many multi gazilllionaires to Singapore as possible, make them feel welcome, and encourage them to plonk down millions on their homes as to ensure that they are "serious" and will probably be here for the long-term.

Singapore's domestic economy is service based and not at such a level yet where it can chug along on its own ensuring sustained wealth creation and growth. Singapore still needs FOREIGN capital, and lots of it. And that is unlikely to change for sometime yet.

You have capital, means you'll have jobs, economic growth, and a bright future to look forward to.

The alternative is: No Money, which means no honey and no talk.

Anonymous said...

Obviously can see MS struggling when he try talk in economics lingua. Maybe mr history cum engineer can offer him some crash course. Learning economics from reading wikipedia would only get more knots twisted in one's air and some meat filled coconut.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Like I said, I only barely made it past PSLE.

My economics is always to make sure you have enough money for booze and blow jobs.

Cuntrees like Singapore have high GINI Coefficient. People tell me high GC is "bad" because there is "less equality". I no understand. I like high GC because easier to make money, free labour market and usually less regulation -- i.e. you can do anything. High GC means to me the cuntree is more "meritocratic" which means the smarter you are and the harder you are willing to work means chances are you will make more money and get to keep what you earn.

So to me that is "good". I like high GINI Coefficient cuntrees. Usually they are rocking awesome places.

However losers and haters will always try to sow their negative spirits, and because they cannot tahan to lose, they become real assholes -- trying to make anyone who has a modicum of success feel "guilty". But I no understand ekonometrics, so therefore I'm largely unaffected by their "chim" theories and philosophies.

Sometimes it pays to be ignorant. Anyway, I'm having lots of fun here. I dun know why so many people complain about Singapore. Even David Beckham thinks that it is an awesome place.

Paul Krugman got Nobel Prize in ekonomoconics..he dun like Singapore or any Asian Tigers. Always saying things like "sure crash" and "unsustainable". Yet if you just look at the carpark of many condos you will see Lambos, Maserati, Audi, Ferrari, McClaren...what the fuck is Krugman talking about. He hantam in 1994. Now Singapore rocks even harder and is infinitely more awesome.

You see lah. Ekonometics like Paul Krugman got very "chim" magic -- so he win Nobel Prize. But I think his ekonometics is like Harry Potter -- pure fiction. Only difference is Harry Potter got Emma Watson.

If I want fiction I prefer to fantasise about Emma Watson's vagina than concern myself with Paul Krugman's "chim" theories in ekonomagics.

Anonymous said...

@ MS 12.00 pm

>>>>>If I want fiction I prefer to fantasise about Emma Watson's vagina

Ha ha ha. Well said, MS. You may not be a fan of real economics but certainly RB and community here surely would not compete with you for the Nobel Prize of your specialised field aka eCONDOMics lah.

Anonymous said...

@ MS 12.00 pm

>>>>>Yet if you just look at the carpark of many condos you will see Lambos, Maserati, Audi, Ferrari, McClaren...

MS, here you are, potential winner of another new Nobel Prize aka MS EGO-nomics. RB, now you know why our SINKLAND welcome foreign talents with wide open ......... arms lah! They probably share the same addiction and obsession of EGO-nomics. Any wonder why we have so many EGO-NOMISTS in SINKLAND?

Anonymous said...

@ MS 12.00 pm

>>>>>My economics is always to make sure you have enough money for booze and blow jobs.

RB, our gahmin must be drooling liao. Potentially, here we are getting as real as it can be in the awesome presence of a potential Nobel Prize Laureate in SINKIELAND. Shouldn't the gahmin hands out an instant pink card so that our potential 1ST EVER NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATE in 3 new fields aka MS eCONDOMics, MS EGOnomics, MS hEDONomics can fulfil the requirements to represent SINKIELAND? Sounds gd, RB?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Wah. Some people are delirious today.

Eh ji bai, I orleidi got pink ic lah.

Had the pink ic since I was 12 years old lah -- I've had it all my life except for the times I had to exchange it for SAF 11B.

I like my hotel to be full of rich folks. It helps balance out the dead-shit losers with the negative attitudes and hateful emotions, who won't get off their arses and make something of their lives, instead complain day and night abut how "unfair" everything is. Fuck them in their anuses with a 6 foot wet gala lah!