
China trembling in fear

The Philippines have announced more effort to counter China militarily in the South China Sea. Other than announcing that it will increase its military budget, it is now seeking funds from other countries, it has acquires more military hardware, the latest are two big navy ships from the Americans. It has also announced that it will be moving it armed forces to the Subic Naval Base to be nearer to the islands in dispute so that it can react to the Chinese presence. The fighter aircrafts and warships will be able to engage the Chinese faster in the new base.

Philippines also has the backing of the US and Japan and should present a very formidable challenge to the Chinese forces in the area. The Chinese must be shivering in their pants. The strongest military power of Asean is flexing its muscles and telling China not to trifle with it or would face a military challenge by the latter.

With such a strong and concerted effort to strengthen its military forces and fighting capability, it is only a matter of time before China pull out its presence in the South China Sea or risk being attacked by the Philippines. The writing is on the wall and China better take heed and move out. The Philippines is serious and means business and will go to war with China.


  1. “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    I read that during the Japanese attack on Singapore in 1942, General Yamashita pulled a bluff on General Percival and caused the British to panic and surrender.

    So don't be daft and fall for the bluff.

  2. Wah. Gotta hand it to the Pinoys: they have big balls but even bigger mouths.

    Big mouth has 2 distinct advantages:

    1. Can suck Uncle Sam's dick -- "me ruv you rong time"

    2. Can talk big to China

    Putang ina mo! 他妈的你的母亲!

  3. CHINA is too BIG for any forces.........Tired of living can try try..........Otherwise can just talk talk only......but after a while pls shut up!....

  4. This is stupid. Look at how they handle Hong Tai Tour bus hijack sitaution. They can't even handle one lone gunner and yet talk cock about challenging China. As usual only Singapore Government think highly of Pinoys and employ them. They are really a bunch of idiots.

    1. I was about to mention this. Still remember the image of a police man holding a 'ghost pistol' in his hands..

  5. "As usual only Singapore Government think highly of Pinoys and employ them."
    Anon July 29, 2013 11:07 am

    Not really lah. It is because Pinoys are the best available and in the numbere required for the jobs that they are employed.

    If Africans or even Eskimos are the best available, I am sure PAP govt would have employed them too.

    Remember, we get the best foreign talents available from the whole, wide world, based on meritocracy and regardless of race.

  6. I repeat, best available, not best hor.

    No use being the best if he/she is not available, tio bo?

  7. Pinoys will use shock and awe cold call marketing, irritate you with those damn accent and refuse to hang up.

  8. Fight with CHINA?......Must be tired of living........

  9. Wonder whether the Chinese in the Philippines ready support their own country, or just for show to stay in power .

  10. Wonder whether the Chinese in the Philippines ready support their own country, or just for show to stay in power .

  11. Wonder whether the Chinese in the Philippines ready support their own country, or just for show to stay in power .

  12. There is a Chinese saying to the effect that one must check who is the dog's master before whacking the offending dog.Since it is a Chinese saying, China must know and use it.
    It is not that China fear Pinoy country.It does not want to offend the dog owners.

  13. oldhorse, you are partially right. You only have to watch who is the dog's owner if the owner carries a bigger stick than you. When you think you carry just as big a stick, you don't have to look at the owner.

    You just whack the dog when the dog barks.

  14. Small dick now number two super power.

    What is the point of having a big but useless dick?

  15. Impotency can be overcome-d

    with Viagra(US).

  16. When the products are still inferior goods, what for?

  17. Aiya big dick needs Viagra but small dick don't need still can have the largest world population, so which is better? Big or small? Tio Bo?

  18. There is no free lunch in the world, the pinoys will not get the advanced Ageis combat systems, or F-35 jet fighters, from the US for free even if they 're-invite' the Amercians back.

    Military deployments & exercises need $$$ who is going to foot the bill ?

  19. 狐假虎威 Hu Jia Hu Wei can be used to described the Pinoys in the Wispers of the Chinsese Wisdom:

    A big tiger caught a fox in the forest and was just about to eat it. But suddenly the fox said,” wait a minute! You must not eat me! I was sent by Heaven to rule the animals. How dare you want to me! You must know by eating me, you will violate the command of Heaven. If you don’t believe me, just follow me to see whether the animals are afraid of me.” The tiger thought for a while. Then, he tiger decided to follow the fox and prove his words. Of course, the animals were afraid to the tiger, not the fox. But the tiger thought they were afraid of the fox, so he let the fox go. He did not realize that it was him that the animals were really afraid of. “Hu Jia Hu Wei” means a fox borrows the tiger’s power or influence. It means: relying on another’s power to bully or frighten others.

  20. In the Case of China,
    no tiger or lion is going
    to be of any use.
    It is made by Heaven to
    be a dragon. No Earthly
    being is able to frighten
    the Chinese in the World.
    The West got to pay
    obeisance and respect
    to all Chinese anywhere
    in the World.
    The Reason is very simple;
    all Chinese who passed on
    are sent to the West(西天).
    There is where the Chinese
    get the greatest satisfaction.
    Get it!

  21. Would USA risk a war with China over a shoal claimed by the Pinoys.

    Biden came to Singapore and said US would co-operation between India and Asean.

  22. Would USA risk a war with China over a shoal claimed by the Pinoy????

    US Vp Biden came to Singapore and said US would boost co-operation between India and Asean.

    US wants India,Japan and Asean on her side ,blind also can see right?

    But China is now the largest trading nation with countries in Asia.

    So is TPP US reply to isolate China economically as China is excluded in the talks ??

  23. They live in a big house of IF. They don't that that one cannot live in a house of IF no matter how big it is. I read this moral during my pre-U days.

    IF they get the funding. IF.
