
Beware of anonymous bloggers and websites

This is the main topic of discussion in the ST forum page on Saturday 20 Jul. Do not trust bloggers that post as anonymous, or blogs that are owned by anonymous owners. In other words trust only those you know who is behind the blogs or when the identity of the owner is known. Would this also apply to articles in the main media when the name of the writer is not stated, like from the Editor, from the PMO, from the Ministry of Dounce?  Some may not even say that it is from the editor.

Superficially it may sound true that an article or blog with the owner identified is likely to be more composed and less capricious in what is being posted. Then again, there are many blogs with owners living in no man’s land and letting everything flies, right or wrong, truths or untruths, blasphemy, defamation, scandals, anything goes. And on the other hand there are many very serious bloggers blogging under anonymity and making very good sense. Even using a nick is posting in anonymity if no one knows who is behind that nick.

I used to pose as redbean without identifying myself until I signed up as a writer with Asian Correspondents. I do not see any difference in what I posted then and now. The style and content are still the same. What I am trying to say is that it is the person and his intent and not whether the person is posting in his real self or incognito.

Another forumer in the ST forum by the name of Tan Ying San also warned of websites run by anonymous owners. Then he quoted, “there have been reports of foreign agencies setting up websites to promote certain causes and regularly editing entries in Wikipedia to favour certain viewpoints (CIA, Vatican and Howard’s office ‘edited Wikipedia’”. He went on to say that ‘Many less discerning Singaporeans believe whole articles on such websites simply because parts of them are true and the message resonates with them. They forget the best liars do not lie completely.’

Tan Ying San has an important point here. Many undiscerning readers are unwitting made to believe what they read, sometimes over an article, sometimes over a long period of time reading a certain viewpoint. A very good example is the anger and hatred for countries the Americans have painted as bad or evil, like North Korea, Iran, Myanmar, China, Russia and a whole lot of others. People are just reading the American slanted views from American and western media source, NYT, Washington Post, Guardian or Reuters, AP, Agencies, Fox, CNN etc etc and will eventually think like them without realising it. That is why China and North Korea are so hated by unthinking Sinkies till today. The mentioned of North Korea will send the blood pressure up as if they are enemies of Singapore and are about to launch a nuclear strike on the island. Daft can be acquired or programmed by others with the victim unknowing or did not understand what is happening.

It is thus very important to know the source of the information, who wrote it and what is his agenda and motive. Know the author or owners of blogs and websites helps and is better than not knowing who is behind them. The important thing is to be discriminating and thinking and questioning and don’t be a literate fool, being fooled all your life without knowing it. North Koreans bad, Americans good. North Koreans killer, Americans not killers. North Koreans for war, Americans for peace. You have been programmed and conned.
How many of you trust the main media or information coming from the govts or official sources?


  1. @ redbean:
    " What I am trying to say is that it is the person and his intent and not whether the person is posting in his real self or incognito."

    I agree.
    If you write and talk rubbish.
    Nobody will visit your blog or website.
    Does not matter whether you are anonymous or not.
    It's the merit of what you say or write.

    "The internet is the real meritocracy.
    Not the fake one that is found in Singapore."
    You don't have to know my name.
    Just ask yourself.
    Is what I'm saying truthful or not?
    Did I make you stop and think?
    Investigate and decide for yourself.

    The puppet masters do not want you to stop and think.
    They just want you to read the "right" things from the sources that they control.

  2. The internet is fertile ground for tio booers.

  3. "How many of you trust the main media or information coming from the govts or official sources?"

    Does it really matter?

    What really matters is at least 60% Sinkies with voting rights trust PAP to be the govt every election because the strongest opposition is not ready to be govt.

    Till now, no amount of main media or Internet media have changed that, tio bo? I mean in Sinkieland lah, other countries don't say.

  4. The movie Rocky VI is arguably the best of the six Rocky movies Sylvester Stallone ever made.
    This Rocky finale tells the story of Rocky in the twilight years ... trying to finish some unfinished business in his life.

    This 2 minute youtube scene below is where Rocky applies to get his professional boxing license re-instated.

    Rocky here reminds me of Singaporeans like redbean and people of his generation ... people like me.
    And the Commission of Boxing that Rocky faces reminds me a lot of the PAPigs.
    Don't you feel like Rocky in this scene when the PAPigs keep increasing your CPF withdrawal age limit?


  5. Tio. (Correct)

    Internet media cannot change WP to be a stronger opposition or create a opposition party stronger than WP.

    Or make PAP lose its deposit in a by-election.

    But whether it will make Redbean and the like minded contest as opposition in 2016 remains to be seen. Or will not be seen?

  6. Tio booer at work 10.42am. I rest my case.

  7. I'll tell you who can't be trusted: those pro-PAP presstitutes working in SPH and Mediacorp: the Chua sisters, Han Fook Kwang, Shaun Seow and the others.

    They are afraid now, because ad revenue in their tv and print business is declining (look it up), and it is those anonymous online sources which have exposed the PAP govt's misdeeds. No longer can the state-controlled media shape the narrative.

    Online anonymity isn't cowardice or a sign of deficient reliability. Rather, it is one's best protection against the repressive regime (lawsuits).

    It's like a condom for safe sex, or a firewall for a server - an insurance against the malicious forces of the regime out there.

  8. SPH is now into REITs.


    That's where the money is.

  9. So it's money after all.

    So opposition better know how to get lots of money first. Got money, then will become strong to get supporters and reward them. And also strong to get enough smart Sinkies to join and contest 100% of seats at elections.

    Only then will 60% Sinkies look up to them so they can win their votes to become govt.

    Therein lies the root of the matter and solution.

  10. It's the money after all, whether in business or politics.

    A company cannot be strong without money.

    A political party cannot be strong without money.

    A Sinkie cannot be happy and satisfied without money.

    Money is the root of all problems and also the root solution to most problems, especially Sinkie problems.

  11. They are saying it is about power. When desperate they might bluntly tell their supporters that it is all about money. Together we prosper at the expense of the losers. You are with us, for the money, or you are out with the losers.

  12. @ July 21, 2013 12:51 pm and 12:57pm:
    "So opposition better know how to get lots of money first. .... A political party cannot be strong without money."

    So are you saying PAP has a lot of money to reward its supporters?
    So how did PAP accumulate so much of the money?
    Has there ever been a public audit on source of PAP funds?

    What exactly are you implying?

  13. If a political party money no enough, how to conduct political activities? How to contest 100% of seats at elections? You mean these activities don't cost money?

    And if a company is able to go into non-core business to get more money, why not?

    So it's all about money after all, tio bo?

    Anything bo tio (wrong) stating the above?

  14. @ July 21, 2013 2:03 pm

    /// And if a company is able to go into non-core business to get more money, why not? ///

    Are you implying PAP owns business units that transfers the profits back to PAP to fund political activities?

    /// So it's all about money after all, tio bo? ///

    Are you saying PAP is all about money?
    Are you saying this is money politics?

  15. Anon 12:51 pm is implying that money is important and even crucial, whether in business or politics.

    Of course one can also imply 101 other things.

    If someone asked "How come you so rich?"

    Are they implying that you got your riches dishonestly?

    Or just asking how you got your riches?

  16. So how did PAP become so rich?

  17. Don.t those cursed tio booers ever give up. Bo hoo hoo. A crying shame. The tio bo brigade. Or is it tio boh? I'm confused.

  18. Just wondering. Can opposition parties do business (non core) to make money and become rich?

    Is it legal?

    Any smart Sinkies (perhaps lawyers) care to enlighten?

    Assuming legal, can they even be able to make money doing business?

  19. Voices, TODAYonline

    [More civility needed online]

    from Jeraldine Phneah Jia Lin

    "I refer to the letter, 'Avoid the politics of hate' (July 13),
    and second the opinion
    that people should not confuse democratic participation with the right to revile those who do not hold their point of view.

    The Internet has tremendous potential to be a platform for different minds to come together,
    to critically discuss pertinent societal issues.

    The Internet is also a platform where people can exercise active citizenship
    by sharing their ideas on current affairs and drawing attention to certain disadvantaged groups or social injustice.

    However, if people are unaware of how to disagree publicly
    and let their emotions make them irrational or choose to deal low blows instead of arguing with reason,
    the Internet could become a divisive, rather than a unifying, platform."


  20. The brain washing exercise had been implementing many many years ago, and they are continuously doing it to date with the ST, however with the present of internet, genius and alternative opinions are available nowadays. It is not difficult to find out who is doing the cover up and misleading to retain power and who has lost the truth of people.
