
Tan Chuan Jin acted against discrimination in job opportunities

Tan Chuan Jin at a TAFEP organized conference on fair employment practices spoke out against employers discriminating against Singaporeans in SINGAPORE! Can you believe it? It is unbelieveable but it has happened for many years, and is still happening, with many Singaporean PMETs being forced out of their jobs while employers, ‘such as foreign managers hiring(hired) from their own home country’. How could this happen and go on for so long is really sickening. No? Many daft Sinkies will say it is ok. Let the best man take the job.

It is good that Chuan Jin has taken some actions and promising more actions to come, including legislation, to stop this outrageous practice against Singaporeans. The practice must be put to a stop immediately. It is not about enlightening employers and make them think more progressively, change their mindset. Such acts border on being criminal. It is regressive thinking of third world mentality bullying their adoptive first world citizens.

A few things Chuan Jin can do immediate. Send a directive to all ministries, stats boards and GLCs to stop such practices. Submit monthly reports on their PMET recruitment of foreigners. Make it mandatory that all the HR directors and managers are Singaporeans, and they are to report to MOM should the CEO instruct them to recruit foreigners in preference of Singaporeans. And there should be some quotas on foreigners at PMET levels. Jobs that do not need foreigners should go to Singaporeans first.

And the granting of employment agency licences to foreigners has to be reviewed and be limited. These are job and business opportunities for Singaporeans and do not need foreign expertise. The foreigners can tie up with Singaporean employment agencies and operate and service their clients in their home countries. The pie can thus be shared between Singaporeans and foreigners.

There should be regulations to restrict foreign companies to employ not more than 50 percent of their staff from foreigners, especially at PMET level. Critical GLCs like GIC, Temasek and banks should have succession plans in place to ensure that the reliance on foreigners is not for perpetuity. Singaporeans must be groomed to take over these institutions to look after Singapore’s national assets.

These are only for starters. The Govt has to put Singaporeans first in this high cost city when not having a good job and income is impossible to survive. Being underemployed and unemployed as Singaporeans living here is a harsh life sentence of indignity.


  1. Just empty threats only. No real action leh!When is he going to walk the talk! Another 4 years?

  2. Actually, through legislation and enforcement, it is not that difficult to stop discrimination in job opportunities for Sinkies.

    Problem is, the govt will also be discouraging those foreign talents from coming here, and which the govt also does not want that to happen.

    So any strong action on this is a double edge sword, and also not clear which way is the worse cut.

    So at the end of the day, it must be some sort of compromise, meaning the action may not be as strong as what those displaced and jobless Sinkies hoped and wanted.

    Ultimately it also boils down to whether PAP can still win majority seats to form the government.

    And PAP does not even need 93% seats to form government. Even with only 60% seats, PAP can also form the govt without the opposition! If it can happen elsewhere, why not here?

  3. The real foreign talents would not be detered and will be welcome. The cheap non talents may still come as there will be employers looking for cheap alternatives.

    The disgusting part is intentional discrimination to bring in their own kinds. This must not be allowed. This is as good as 'invasion' in a way, getting rid of Singaporeans, forcing Singaporeans out of jobs.

    How can this be allowed? Can this be allowed in GLCs?

  4. Discrimination against Singaporeans?
    Eliminate the root cause of the problem.

    Vote out the PAPigs in GE 2016.

  5. No country in the world allows this to happen. No citizens in the world would accept this thing to happen in their country and to them.

  6. "The disgusting part is intentional discrimination to bring in their own kinds."
    Anon May 21, 2013 9:15 am

    How to prove it is intentional? Maybe there is really not enough of Sinkies who can or are willing to take up those jobs or at that kind of pay?

    So tell those employers to raise pay to attract and employ Sinkies? Can or not?

    Remember, we don't even have minimum wage law in the first place.

  7. He should also reveal which tribe is discriminating Singaporeans most.

    Who want bet with me. I bet No 1 is

    FT Indian

  8. So who is being disciminated and who dicriminate who?

    Now everyone say Singaporean Chinese are racist but who is the real racist?

    Can Tan Chuan Jin please clarify else there will be small elements of minority clowns who like to accuse us racist because we are whiter.

    Also there are some Singaporean Chinese clowns in the FAZ saga (recent there is Indian girl insinuate us racist)that keep stabbing our own tribe, saying "mea culpa"....

    To these clowns who have low IQ and never study, I like tell them "FUCK YOU"....

    These self righteous Chinese clowns are scumbag of our tribe.

    If they are really anti-racism, they should stick their head out like me and many others.

    Go and fuck FT Indians.

  9. Hi Veritas, you are getting too excited and your views are too strong. You may be accused of inflamming anger. Cool down please.

  10. Does Microsoft have R & D in Sinkieland? Or is it only sales and technical support?

  11. Does Microsoft have R & D in Sinkieland? Or is it only sales and technical support?

    Sales and tech support office only.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I know MS Beijing do alot of development work, but the core technology is only allow to be held be MS Seattle.

    Also MS is not a good place to work. It fire or pressure bottom 10% to leave. This shit system is started be steve balmer who is a market guy and dono anything about engineering.

    Many engineer hate balmer.

    MS under balmer has a lost decade.

    Also if you are Chinese dream long long going big tech. Its not so easy. They prefer Indians. Even eastern european and not preferential.

    I will blog why is it.

    MS and other big tech engineers blog and forumed complaining big tech is getting too much Indian.

    They wonder why USA do not hire Chinese, or eastern european who are equally as smart and easier to work with.

    I will give all reasons in my blog

  14. All FTs are in the position taking charge of recruitment exercise, and any action today is considered too late....Our authority is a sleeping tiger!

  15. All FTs are in the position taking charge of recruitment exercise, and any action today is considered too late....Our authority is a sleeping tiger!

    Its not too late. But PAP does not have the political will. Also now most senior managers are still Chinese and they are still screwing Sinapoporeans, until the day the got kick out.

    If PAP implement a H1B visa, and allocate base on countries, these FT problem will be fix.

    Even H1B visa is consider reactionary in USA, we went much much further in screwing our people

  16. A sleeping tiger is better than a paper tiger. At least when it wakes up it is still a tiger.

    What kind of tiger is this, sleeping or shitting tiger?

  17. Right now Singaporeans face a crisis. In engineering, the "shortage" of Singaporean workers depending on interpretation can be very real despite we produce the highest proportion of Science/Eng/Maths graduates in the whole world.

    Everywhere in the world, liberal arts are having the biggest enrollment, in SG, its hard science biggest enrollment.

    We have world class university and why today 90% of our engineering graduate cannot find engineering job and all bosses complain they cannot find engineer?

    This is a failed policy that creates an unbridgeable structural problem.

    1)having FT policy means boss can hire a 20 years experinece engineer from a slum, no need to train and pay low salary.

    This policy effectively screw our young people.

    2) When there is fewer Singaporeans graduates being trained by industries, there are fewer Singaporeans veteran and companies will want even more FT.

    Eventually all of our graduates will not be employable. And FT will capture every department.

    3) The post graduate department in local University discriminate our own student prefering FT, giving FT free research grant. The elite technical workers will not have Singaporeans, but FT.

    This is a big problem and is shows the wickedness of Singaporean professors.

    NO OTHER UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR hates their own students like what Singaporean professor do.

    We need to repent. PAP NUS NTU all need to repent. If Singaporeans students, one of smartest students in the world according to PISA is so stupid after they graduate from NTU/NUS, it is the professor fault.

    They should harakiri.

    If our students are good but professor discriminate them by getting FT students, that show that NUS/NTU fuckers are asshole.

    The professor should harakiri also.

    Our society got many problems. We have too many wicked people on the top. I think we will have disaster if we don repent.

  18. Root cause of the problems is traced to our inept government which allowed things to boil over and watch while things got worst. Remove enough of them in the next GE and solutions will start flowing. They need spurs in their hide.

  19. Thank God daft Singaporeans are not able to reproduce fast enough to replace themselves.
    Otherwise, PAPigs will be in power forever.

  20. I think it is just all wayang.

    After the horses have bolted and disappeared into the horizon, then they pretend to realise that there is this discrimination problem after (sidelined) Singaporeans start to use their votes to register their anger during the recent GE and BEs instead of complaining to walls.

  21. RB, you still think those MIWs will improve people lives? THis TCJ talks big only. He has no real intention of helping his own people. He does not even know what is happening in the first place. He has everything served on a silver platter for him and he thinks that is the way it works in this small island. He has forgotten that he is chosen to be brainwashed into a kind of stupid make believe 'meritocracy' system of Lee Conyou. He should learn more from WP leaders. Maybe he will do some wayang prior to GE2016 to win some votes but hope the people not so daft to be taken in again.

  22. Chuan Jin is one of the better find. Anyway everyone is watching and with social media around, what he said and what he did will be posted and the truth cannot be hidden.

    Think he is serious, but how much he can do is another thing. Like housing, what more can be done when the rice is cooked?

  23. Chuan Jin is part of the problem.
    Grandfather wrote so many books to teach all these new Ministers what to do.
    I dare Chaun Jin to do anything new or different from what Grandfather has written down.

  24. It is better for the Soldiers in the Cabinet to go and wayang in the SAF where they can give orders and all the uniformed boys will have to obey.
    In the Private Sector, the Ex-army commanders do not enjoy blind obedience and that poses much problem to people who are only good at mock-up and theoratical practices. At war zone and if they are at the frontline, there is no guarantee these generals could fight. The Private Sector is not much different from battle ground.

    Ad said by many, problems are created by the Leaders and the Leaders have to help the Ex-soldiers to solve them. It does not mean that by showing certain plans, problems will be solve.
    Chuan Jin has to act and let his actions and the Result prove and show its effectiveness.

  25. In situation like this, it is a big challenge to a young man. He has to make his decision on what is right and wrong, on what should be done, can be done or cannot be done. It will shape his character and his career.

    A tough one if he has to take a stand to be his own man.

  26. 'Chuan Jin is one of the better find'

    Did he vote against the 6.9m white paper? I do not think he and his comrades have any balls to go against the regime. They are just lap dogs else will not be selected for minister positions.
