
Shane Todd case – A test of competence

The Tribunal to reinvestigate the investigation of the Shane Todd death is taking a different dimension. While the objective of all parties concerned is the truth, it has become a test of professionalism of our police force and the justice system. But that is not all. It is also a competition between our very best professionals and their skills in investigating a suicide/murder case against the expertise of the ‘best’ in the US.

Through the process of reviewing what had been done by the police previously, the side representing the complainant has all the information on the table for them to put under the microscope to dissect, and to bring in the very ‘best’ experts they could find that think they have a case to prove and that the earlier findings were wrong or done unprofessionally.

The team that handled the investigation is now the investigated and the defending party, not the merits of the case.  They have to prove their worth, that they are professional and competent, and now, to prove to the ‘best’ from the US that the local team is really professional, competent and pushovers.

The outcome of this case is challenging and a lot is at stake. Can our local talents hold their ground against the ‘best’ foreign talents and indirectly prove the fallacy that foreign talents are better than our local talents? So far our local talents are doing quite well to defend point by point thrown at them, and any inadequacy or inability to fend off the attack will create a big dent in their credibility and professionalism.

Competency is in question and at stake. The credibility of the men in blue is put to a severe test in public. This is like war and they rightly deserve a medal if they could pull through and defend their ground against the attackers. I can only say, do not be cowed by the foreign ‘best’ which look very ordinary so far.


Anonymous said...

One interesting point raised by Shane Todd's family is that the evidence at scene gathered by the police might not have been preserved by the time the police arrived at the scene of crime or "suicide".

Because a professional killer will never leave behind trails. They may even provide trails to throw police offguard.

And did the police dusted for finger prints at scene? Or they may not because the scene looked like it was a suicide, without any signs of struggle, untidiness or blood trails.

Anonymous said...

They may also suggest a hypothetical case that it was CIA that killed Shane and fly a false flag.

Or they can also suggest it was another professional killer hired by another country to put the blame on Singapore.

Or they could imagine that it is all fiction. Shane Todd is alive somewhere having a good time.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The problem with being a satellite state of the USA is that you become beholden to their wishes and whims.

Serves Singapore right for being too cosy and close with the cunts in Washington.

OTOH there the hypothesis of "murder" is VALID, due to the nature of Todd's work, and the more than "coincidental" nature of inconsistencies which in my mind were just "too easy".

Anyhow, regarding hypotheses:

For any hypothesis to be "valid" it must be:

1. Testable
2. Falsifiable

and both the "murder" and "suicide" hypotheses satisfy the above requirements.

Unlike redbean, I don't involve myself with his chosen logical fallacies of (take your pick -- look the up if you don't understand): argument from authority, no true Scotsman, poisoning the well, impugning motives etc. Then there are also cognitive biases that are glaring obvious in redbean's position: Ambiguity effect, band wagon, belief bias, expectation bias, badly interpreting probability, social comparison/preference biases, pessimism bias...and so on. (don't just read, look them up!!)

At least Todd has a family who is willing to create waves to get to the truth, which is the job of good law enforcement -- REGARDLESS of what nationality or sovereign territory they come from, or whatever "reputation" they may have from media, idle gossip or the fucking TV and movies.

Virgo 49 said...

Bro, I had stayed in number 57 for twenty years next to numbered 56 where the victim is found hanged.

How can be murder?? These old pre-war houses are all linked to each other.

Even a small quarrel, next door neighbours will noticed.

They claiming murder that it is in the house or somewhere else??

This is ridiculous as the house is at a cross junction where traffic is quite heavy throughput the day.

Even parking at the street will hold up a jam. They saying killed somewhere and bring the body back to hang that guy??

Or murdered in the house where he rented a unit?

Downstairs is a bridal shop where customers come in and go. Murdered???

Anonymous said...

nah, this is just another case of the olde brit colonial "masters/editors" at the financial times (london) trying again, very hard this time, to teach its former brit colony, the young upstart S'pore, another lesson in not challenging the dominant financial centre position of olde london, england.

Virgo 49 said...

Also unit 54 used to be a shop selling antiques and Buddhist articles incorporating like a museum.

So easy to transfer a dead body into the house??

denk said...

* They may also suggest a hypothetical case that it was CIA that killed Shane and fly a false flag*

some muricun parents are accusing fukus of exactly that

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, you hallucinating again?

Anonymous said...

Congrats Redbean, you've outdone yourself in the field of stupidity.

Mixing the Shane Todd case and the foreign vs. local talent debate just goes to show how much of an intellectual midget you are.

Anonymous said...

Almost everything and everyone has a price. THis case is all about how much money is on the table for the 'best' experts to swing their views. Needless to say, the taxpayers here will foot the bill thru cpf,cov,coe,erp,gst,levy,moe,moh. Guess who is paying for the air tickets and accomodation for the best experts?


Anonymous said...

It cannot be the Singapore govt right? It is the Todd family and the American govt that wanted the case to be reopened. I can't believe it if our govt is paying for all the expenses.

Surely cannot be. We can't be so stupid right?

Anonymous said...

""It cannot be the Singapore govt right? It is the Todd family and the American govt that wanted the case to be reopened. I can't believe it if our govt is paying for all the expenses."

Don't be laughing stock.

So next time how you feel if your son died mysteriously in other country, and you know for sure that your son unlikely to suicide after all he has thing up for sale, prepare to return to his country of origin with new job, then no need for police investigation , just simply quote depression for his 'suicide', how that's for your case ? oh... just put some dummy post it note briefly to say that he is suicide, and thank for all the beautiful done.

Wanna to talk nonsense , just put yourself in other people's shoe first.

Anonymous said...

Please use some critical thinking and common sense

if you observe carefully, for any case to be properly resolve, the number thing is to find the intention of his death, and you find government keep insisting it is depression that lead to his suicide, even though the chance of him suiciding is slim. If that is the case, no need for any investigation for any murder and suicide, just happily quote depression, especially singaporeans are the most unhappy in the world. Don't you think so ?

just because the case is made believe to be suicide, it is suicide ? Just because the gov say that AIMGate is nothing wrong and fully legal, and you conclude there is nothing wrong ?

use some brain ...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Matilah, you hallucinating again?

When do I ever stop? Please, hallucination is my reality.

However, you are perfectly sober. and making all sorts of errors -- to the point where you come across as being better than the FBI and our Singapore Police Force investigators COMBINED.

Now that is what I called fucked up, probably beyond any hope ;-)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Wow, I see so many of my friends are back. And Raymond too, all hiding under anonymous: )

Just got a few scolding from the bloggers here and all malu already.

Matilah, I know you are talking nonsense again. Just watch your Tourette Syndrome. Don't miss your medicine huh. Take care if you want to enjoy your sanity.

Anonymous said...

Dear Redbean

You can't be more mistaken. I see you too have been misled by the way the State had presented the case.

But I'll only focus on your article alone. This is not a contest between local and foreign talent. Not at all.

It is a contest between foreign talent and what is left of local talent (SPF, AG Chambers etc) after they are destroyed by PAP.

I sincerely hope Singaporeans do not view this issue under misguided patriotic sentiments, that would merely be surrender to the PAP sinkhole.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi, I do not question the truth and hope the truth will truimph. I did read a few of the questions and answers and found the doubts that were brought up to create doubts wanting.

I am looking at the professionalism and expertise of both sides. And this lingering 'angmoh is superior' thing still reveals itself in this episode and may cloud the truth from being exposed.

No, I am not being misled by any party or against truth and justice. I am against miscarriage of justice and the use of power to distort justice.

At the moment I am keeping an open mind as to the truth and it is not easy for the govt not to handle this case professionally as the whole world is watching. This is an open tribunal, not a closed door one.

Anonymous said...

A few points.

Born and bred in Singapore. Got the hell out and thanking God everyday for it.

The FBI found out who was behind 9-11 less than 24 hours after it happened.

The FBI uncovered who the Boston bombers are within 48 hours of the event.

I actually have experience with BOTH the Singapore police and the police in the US (not FBI). The police in Singapore are a bunch of bumbling lazy unprofessional jokers. A bunch of losers, many of them aren't even full-time career policemen but are 18 year old pimply conscripts.

I went to a police post in Singapore once to change the record of my official residence.

The person on duty was a 19 year
old pimply conscript and he discovered only after I arrived at the machine used to print the label was broken and didn't know what to do. He had to call his supervisor to get out of the 'fix'.

The problem with Singaporeans still living in Singapore is that you have an inflated and perverted opinion of yourselves which isn't based on reality and exposure.

This is aggravated by the abnormally tiny size of Singapore. Singapore isn't even the size of countries considered tiny like Moldova or UAE. In American parlance, I'd say its a fucking microstate. Its the size of a booger, as an American would say. In Singapore, you people call it pee sai.

In just this essay that you've written in your delusion that the police or army or anything there can be compared to the US or other smaller world powers is a hilarious testament to the delusions of the people stuck there.

You are so severely brainwashed and ill-exposed to the point of insanity that you could even utter these words, dreaming that your tiny, third world, over-crowded island actually summons the same resources as the preeminent nation of the world. Its really so funny...

Do you think its the same to get to the top 5% of 5 million or 5% of 300 million?! Lol. You're a joke. But I'm quite used to idiocy like this from my former country.

Singapore is not a satellite state of the US. Most Americans have a faint idea of what it's about. They're familiar with Japan, China and South Korea when people say they're from Asia.

The happiest day of my life was when I got my Greencard and in a few years once I get my citizenship I'm getting rid of the Singapore one.

denk said...

* sincerely hope Singaporeans do not view this issue under misguided patriotic sentiments, that would merely be surrender to the PAP sinkhole. *

nothing wrong to question sg official *narrative*
but when the *interrogator* is murica
the proper response is *fuck off*
do u think the muricuns would entertain a similar request
from sg, or any other country ?
they'd show u the middle finger !

this has nuthin to do with *patriotism*
people keep rubbishing pap
but if not for the *washington consensus*
we wouldnt be in this shit

if left alone, most japs would choose trade over war with china
ditto ph, sk, oz.

denk said...

12:24 pm

signing off, will be back

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Once in awhile there appears a happy expat Singaporean to give a well earned bitch-slap to the yokel-locals "left behind" :-)

>> Singaporeans still living in Singapore is that you have an inflated and perverted opinion of yourselves


>> Its the size of a booger, as an American would say.

Blow your nose, out comes Singapore! Ouch!

>> But I'm quite used to idiocy like this from my former country.

Have to admit, it is very entertaining!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:24 had an experienced with a 19 year old and concluded that the whole police force is dumbed.

Do you know why the 911 and Boston terrorists were discovered so fast? One hypothetical case, they were CIA operatives being duped to do a false flag. Or they were ex CIA operatives turning against the Americans.

Or the American intelligence were complicated in the whole tragedy.

You better pray to Jesus and claim that he is white.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean 1029:

>> At the moment I am keeping an open mind as to the truth

Err...fucking bullshit and fuck spider lah redbean. Since when have you kept an "open mind"?

It's not in your nature lah.

You are so parochial that anything which appears to you to threaten your kampong-folk such that it becomes a threat to your identity, race, culture and the future of the so-called cuntree you delusionally think you still have.

Open mind? Nope. Still closed. But when you do open it up, don't open too much or your brain will fall out!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ain't I lucky that got brain to fall out. You claimed yours open, what fell out? Did someone say shit?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@redbean 303:

>> You claimed yours open

Now now, please don't elevate yourself to BARE FACED LIAR to add to the less-than-complimentary labels associated with you. You denigrate yourself and the reputation (or lack thereof) of your blog.

I never made such a claim. Liar liar pants on fire :-)

Got self-sabotage?

Anonymous said...

wah, soon to be ex-singaporean and soon to be american says americans think singapore is a booger or pee sai. reminds me of the time a few years back that taiwanese foreign minister called singapore only a country as big as a piece of snot. heheheheheheh!

denk said...

*The FBI found out who was behind 9-11 less than 24 hours after it happened.

The FBI uncovered who the Boston bombers are within 48 hours of the event*

tsk tsk tsk
such innocence !

+Do you know why the 911 and Boston terrorists were discovered so fast? One hypothetical case, they were CIA operatives being duped to do a false flag. Or they were ex CIA operatives turning against the Americans.

Or the American intelligence were complicated in the whole tragedy.+


Anonymous said...

Let me elaborate, pardon my French though. Ex Singaporeans still stuck there have commented Americanization has changed my speech patterns. :)

Your "country" is nothing but a piece of booger, so...I can empathize on some level (because I was stuck there like you once), it's natural for you to cling in desperation anything that comforts you, Internet quacks and delusional fantasy writers included. Doesn't help that people there can't afford shrinks and therapy.

My empathy though present, is limited, because I got the hell out. And once I got out, I couldn't go back, because what one knows, one cannot unknow. What one sees, what cannot unsee.

Singapore isn't even a real country. Do you know why Singapore has such a low "crime rate"? Because it's not a fucking real country. It doesn't have a fucking hinterland.

The whole (total) piece of land you call your "country", is not even the size of a lake in the United States. A fucking lake. An enclosed body of water. There are army base in the US bigger than your whole "country". The whole "country" isn't even the size of the city center of London. That's how ridiculous it is.

The reason crime is low is because its a fake country. It's a mini-microstate. The criminals have nowhere to run even if they tried, LOL that's what all the former Singaporeans and I say when we come together and talk about "old country" and inevitably, the jokes flow.

In real countries, criminals have space to run from state to state and hide here and there because of the sheer size, and number of cities, town and people. Lol. Yet Singapore was incompetent enough to lose and was UNABLE to find a limping suspected terrorist! Yet you have the cheek to fucking compare yourselves to Boston where the terrorist dealt with ACTUALLY committed terrorist acts and was flushed out in a 24 hour shutdown!

Singapore..hahahahahah.. all my ex Singaporean friends and I we laugh at hard. Its such a joke in every way. Its the size of a booger and yet its incompetence is hilarious and the people there are delusional and go around embarrassing themselves to foreigners all the time talking as if they're part of some world power hahahah.

The police of other countries deal with high speed chase on the interstate, criminals on the run who carjack vehicles and take refuge in a house with the owner's firearms in it. This is the shit that the US police deals with as a regular thing, and then I read on the net booger residents think their Clown Police is comparable to not just police in the US,....but FBI hahhaha.

All you need is a bunch of clowns to police your 680sq km and due to lack of executive practice of any real job to do, the people policing it truly became clowns even those who didn't start out as Krusty

Singaporeans boasting about their crime rate to others looks so tragically amusing, I tell you the analogy is like somebody managing one trash can as his total job scope boasting to the person whose job is managing a MNC worth $50 billion.

Wake the fuck up. The sooner you realize that your "country" isn't even a real country (lol) on the global stage and nobody outside Singapore gives a shit about a booger to the point that you got labeled a "snot" by Taiwan, a pseudo-state that's quite small on its own behooven to the US, the sooner you'd stop humiliating yourselves when you say or write about yourself is communicated to the world.

Anonymous said...

Its even funnier how you desperately cling to internet quacks that we in the United States know too well and read about. Whatever internet quack stories spun by fat teenagers living in their parents' basements, you read about OUR news from half the world away, we have much more access (to funny stories and credible analysis alike). So nothing you say can surprise me. Don't even try to sound like you're "in the know" about 9-11 or the Boston bombings over people who live in the United States because of a random internet quack page you read.

It also goes far to show the simple-mindedness and gullibility of Singaporeans. Its the very same quality that's ensured their continued enslavement, therefore I'm not surprised.

The very people who are still there, are the same people who exhibit certain symptoms that allow them to continue accepting their imprisonment and painful lives.

seamo23efc said...

To Anonymous who posted at 3:53am and 3:59am on 20/5/2013, I agree with you. I'm a Singaporean as well, and all you mentioned are nothing but the truth. Kudos to you.

You can read my blog here, which highlights some of the delusions of grandeur Singaporeans hold.


Anonymous said...

Agreeable to the last three comments
Sinkies are too conceited with no idea how vulnerable they are

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi seamo23efc, welcome to the blog.

There are so many controversial issues and events happening around the world, and no one is wiser.

Remember the whole world was made to believe that Iraq had WMD? Colin Powell even swore in the UN that his intelligence was genuine and from reliable sources.

Now the whole world knew that his intelligence was fabricated and YES no WMD in Iraq that the top American intelligence agencies including the nuts in MI6 swore were there.

The rest is history and crimes agains the Iraqis and against humanity were committed and no one is guilty.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Let me add the first class investigation done on the sinking of Choenan by the South Koreans and the Americans and quickly pronounced it was the work of the North Koreans.

And when the North Koreans called for a joint investigation, everything was hushed up and the North Koreans were not allowed to see or touch any of the evidence.

Even the South Korean's own investigators disagreed with the findings. How many innocent South Korean navy men died? The act and the number of soldiers died is enough to go to war.

But of course the South Korean govt knew the truth, that it was false flag and quietly dropped the case. Why was there fear of an independent investigation by the 'convicted' party? Isn't it the same as this Shane Todd's parents call for independent investigation? No, not independent, the deceased's own investigators.

I am not saying what is the truth and hope the truth, whichever way, will come out. If it is murder, may justice be done to the Todd family.

denk said...

* I tell you the analogy is like somebody managing one trash can as his total job scope boasting to the person whose job is managing a MNC worth $50 billion.*

hey would be muricun
in case u haven noticed
sg is a legit property, the god damned usa is a fucking *loot*
robbed from the native muricans [see the difference, 'can n 'cun]

imagine someone staying in a robbed condo laughing at the legit owner of a one room flat , hehehe

Anonymous said...


Your son is DSP police scholar. what he think about the whole case? Got inside info?

Anonymous said...

Gotta "love" the americans when they pick on Singapore or any other Asian country for that matter... Here's a shining example why (Click Here)

Unknown said...

fake case

Unknown said...

Hard drive was never removed from the apartment by the detectives or killers?
nobody mention about the chair in
the middle of the bedroom and the chair was not by the bathroom door where Shane was hanged SOME PHOTOS THERE IS NO ABRASIONS AND ONLY SHOWED THE BACK OF THE NECK THE PATHOLOGIST ONLY SAW PHOTOS NOT THE REAL BODY?

Unknown said...