
No need for so many universities

Why would employers want to pay a fresh graduate who knows nothing, needs a lot of training and hand holding before they are productive? And if a Singaporean, heh heh, there are a lot more of other commitments and irritations and disruptions. And now father and mother also want paternity and maternity leaves.

Why, when it is so easy to get a trained employee with 20 years of experience from overseas and probably cost the same or marginally more? When this overseas tap is turned on at full, there is no incentive or advantage to hire a fresh local graduate.

It makes a lot of sense for Singaporeans not to get the degree and seek other alternatives to get a job, not even getting a diploma will make much difference. Why spend so much money if one wants to be a hawker or taxi driver? Why when most of the jobs can be filled by better qualified and experience foreigners? This is a seriously good and practical advice.

But for a lot of Singaporeans, this is not necessary the case as they are gainfully employed in good jobs, can afford expensive cars and flats and would not be replaced by foreigners. It shows that many Singaporeans are able to compete with the talents of the world on their world and would never be replaced. Isn’t this good news?

For those who are unable to compete, our universities are redundant. And now we have 4 and many more universities that are not fully govt funded, or private universities. It is good advice for parents not to waste their money and their children’s time going for a degree or diploma. Take the easier route, be a hawker, a sales person, insurance or housing agent, or whatever agent. If can’t get a job here, go overseas where the demand for Singaporeans are better.

The whole employment scene is designed for trained and experienced foreigners. And there is no need even to discriminate openly. The foreigners are just too attractive for employment. Now what is there left for Singaporeans? Join the army or the police. At least they provide decent jobs. But be quick before they start to recruit foreigners or PRs as well.

Still thinking of university education?


  1. I could not agree with you more. I think for PMET job, just reserve the jobs for foreigners. Fill the army, police with sinkie, abolish ns, fill agent type of job, taxi driver etc for sinkie. Close down the universities and poly. Education up to secondary schools will be enough. The savings will be tremendous

  2. If you don't have a dream; a strong idea of what you want to be, and why...then chances are you are going to be flailing around trying to always tread water just to "get through" life.

    If you have no passion' or not even a clue of what passion for existence is, you will just be waiting around with yur finger up your arse for "someone" to give you a job or "save" you.

    Good luck.

  3. MS, don't talk cock so early in the morning. How many young people out there really got a dream at that age? You got your dream when you were at that age?

    Maybe you have, screwing the daylight out of your life.

  4. Matilar, wow so early this morning and I presume u already have your daily blowjob and the whore has squeeze the remaking few drops of your juice out of two old tiny. Knn stop wasting people time

  5. WOW, so early in the day and yiou motherfuckers already so negative.

    Enjoy your shallow insignificant lives!

    Me? I'm living the dream. Wet dream :-)

  6. People must learn that university degree is overrated and overpriced. It is all based on a capitalism model to screw people into thinking that a degree equates to a successful job and lifestyle. It is better for them to send their kids to be trained as hackers to hack the gov system such as erp, coe, mom, moh, moe etc.

  7. @332:

    I don't recommend 'black hat' hacking. In Singapore, you will definitely get caught, and the law enforcement will shit on you fro a very great height. Many 'white hat' hackers were former black hats, and they hunt down cyber criminals with great effectiveness.

    As for further education:

    One has to know that there's a distinction between getting an education and getting qualifications. They don't always mean the same thing.
