
International websites to apply licence

The new MDA regulations have extensive coverage on international websites that report on Singapore news and have Singaporean visitors and needing them to apply for a licence and put up a bond of $50k. This means that an African in Africa that set up a such a site will have to apply for a licence fee from Singapore. So would an Eskimo in the Artic. If not, I can presume that their sites will be blocked or the editors PNG or arrested on entering Singapore.

Reuter online reported, ‘The MDA identified sg.news.yahoo.com, a service run by Internet giant Yahoo! Inc (YHOO.O), as among 10 sites that would be affected by the new requirement, based on criteria such as having 50,000 unique visitors from Singapore a month over a period of two months.

Yahoo! declined to comment when contacted by Reuters….’

So eventually CBS, CNN, BBC or websites all over the world that reported on Singapore and met the two conditions would have to apply for licence and put up a bond. Would they? Should they? Of would they show their middle finger?


Anonymous said...

RB, I thought the 50000 is a bond not a fee?

jjgg said...

Just wondering...if CNN publicise $S/USD on a daily basis..or report SES movements daily...Singapore news??? Subject to licensing?? So will there be a total blackout? No more weather forecast? The mind boggles...

Anonymous said...

Maybe, just maybe, maybe one day MDA Sg will be policing and monitoring all the news reporting all over the Cosmos. It will be the most powerful organization in the Cosmos.

Anonymous said...

Your mind boggles but this is making me bonkers!

Anonymous said...

It is another form of ERP but in the communications industry.

It should also apply to international websites wishing to reports news about Singapore......

Uniquely Singapore, indeed!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks anon 9:14. Amended.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what would be the likely outcome if all websites provide favourable news about Singapore and PAP? Would the Minister even think of asking them to pay?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Oh, I still think there will be a fee when applying for a licence, though not mentioned. Unbelieveable if it is free.

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen, We welcome you to the People's Republic of Korea. Have a nice day.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I had to double check my calender to ensure that today is not April 1st. Then I had to pinch my genitals to ensure that I was alive and awake.

The levels of insanity and inanity displayed by the Singapore government in this instance is both staggering and embarrassing.

Not to put too fine a point on it; these folks and their weird epistemology are running the cuntree, with the silent consent of her people, no less.

No longer a "free press", it is now the "FEE press".

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Does the statistics requirement of 50,000 IPs confers MDA the right to check/validate on the visitors or is the proof left to the website to tell MDA?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

It really doesn't matter. The whole idea from the very beginning is all fucked up.

This cannot be allowed to gather legs. People need to get their "defiant" game-face on ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Is money an issue for international websites?

If it is, then it is better that they rather don't report Singapore news or have Sinkie visitors.

Just like if Sinkie opposition money no enough to contest elections or do whatever as opposition, then better they don't become opposition. Better be a blogger or commentator for blogs. It's much cheaper or even free.

Anonymous said...

I may got the money and form a political party but will I be able to find at least 87 credible and willing Sinkies under my party to fight PAP at elections?

Credible means at least better than Ah Lian or Ah Beng standard. Best if can be ministar or PM material so that if can win, is also ready to form alternative government.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Credible means at least better than Ah Lian or Ah Beng standard.

This is stunning bigotry at it's finest. Class warfare amongst Singaporeans.

Anyway, what are the metrics, how do you measure, what is the fixed reference, and what are the units of measurement of the "Ah Lian or Ah Beng standard". Is the scale logarithmic or linear, what are the dependent and independent variables?

Motherfucking idiot!

Anonymous said...

PM Lee and his cabinet is of course better than Ah Lian or Ah Beng standard.

And they are also currently the best available PM and ministar material.

I say best available, not best, hor.

Veritas said...

I will remember your remember when posting comments.

Edmund Lim said...


Anonymous said...

@ May 29, 2013 10:22 am

"PM Lee and his cabinet ... And they are also currently the best available PM and ministar material."

I disagree.
They are the problem now.
They are not the solution anymore.

"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to become the villain".
Batman, The Dark Knight.

Quote was in reference to Julius Caesar.
Caesar as a young man saved the democratic Roman Republic from being invaded by barbarians.
Unfortunately, Caesar did not know when to say goodbye.

And over the years, Caesar went on to lay the foundation for Imperial Rome. A system of emperors much like the Chinese emperors and dynasties.

Anonymous said...

Guys wait a minute. We do already have a self-styled, no porn, cyber sheriff, aka rear admirer luke. So, why can't we be policing all the news agencies around the cosmos.

There is good money to be made. $50K deposit will work out to be a monstrous sum, if all the global news agencies are affected. The interest alone will stagger you, just like the deposit on our bus/MRT cards. Who need to be productive?

Anonymous said...

Other than Singaporeans writing in Sg. Those writing elsewhere will be showing their middle fingers to MDA lah.

bond said...

I agree with super blogger RB and super talent matilah.

People must learn that under current rulers we are even worst than NK. Getting complete morons to rule will be better than this bunch of anti- freedom elites.

Anonymous said...

This mda wants to shut us off completely from the rest of the world. Maybe it is time for usa to colonise this country and take over the elites assets they desperately need. Rather be colonised by the americunts than to be bullied this way your own kind.

Anonymous said...

LKY: from third world to first

LHL: from first world to third

Anonymous said...

Too many nasty news on singapore these days. Only way is to shut the news down completely. Btw, will they pay 2.5% or 4% interest on the bond? can go international court or not? does this breach the constitution law?

People should seriously think about changing the existing public servants. They are getting from bad to worst these days. Maybe getting too well paid is the issue.

Anonymous said...

This is a stupid idea. All these international websites reporting about

Singapore have the option NOT to report any good news about Singapore but

ONLY negative ones. Wouldn't this ultimately be detrimental to Singapore?

Anonymous said...

"RB, I thought the 50000 is a bond not a fee?"

$50,000 is as good as a fee because it is up to PAP's interpretation of whatever wallaby law they can think of to benefit themselves.

Anonymous said...

First, they threw out FMSS to distract the attention away from AIM. Then, they thought CHC would get people's attention. The Todds made a bigger impact. Next, SIM intern got lots of eyeballs. And now, MDA throws a bone for us to laugh at. We have still 2 days to go in May.


Anonymous said...


MDA = More Demoncratic Act


Anonymous said...

PAP is really out of touch. Didn't they know that April Fool's Month is over last month ? , and still want to fool the public.

Anonymous said...

Guess this is in response to the may day protest. This bunch of people there thinks they are gods. People must learn to kick them out of power and millions dollars pay.

Anonymous said...

I think Singapore's press freedom ranking will drop further, maybe to 161 out of 160 countries.

The next step may be licensing those coffeeshops that have too many customers talking about Sinkapore.

It is going to be another nail in the PAP's coffin come 2016 if they think this is going to stop the rout caused by negative news on the internet.

Anonymous said...

I think they will make internet inaccessible during the election period.

IMAGOD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Do not forget the $200k penalty. This one can bankrupt a lot of blog owners.