
Gang rape by Democracy

Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC PAP MP Zainudin Nordin stirs up a storm with "gang rape" quote from an American writer

Democracy in and of itself is not necessarily good. Gang rape, after all, is democracy in action. This statement by Zainudin is causing a big storm in a tea cup. Many bloggers are asking him to apologise. Apologise for what, and to who when he was just saying the plain truth? And this is not even a Freudian slip. Democracy is the rule of the majority in theory but tyranny of the minority that have been elected to rule over the majority in practice.

Now, what truth is he saying? Who kena gang raped in our democracy? The women? Come off it lah. Seriously, the women are not being gang raped by our democracy. No one is being gang raped lah. If there are they should be screaming out in pain right. How can that be? Anaesthesia in the anus or too much KY lubricant? That could take off the pain when being raped. But according to an Indonesian judge, the rapist and the victims both had a good time. The hysteria and screaming in this kind of thinking must be fake. This must be a learned judge.

Isn’t it strange that in a land where people are so ecstatic with just a BJ and would risk everything because of it, rape just could not happen unless committed by foreigners?  It does not make sense. Incongruent. Maybe figuratively speaking ya? More likely many people are blowing to get a little advantage and got raped happily.

And don’t miss the most important part. Democracy in itself is not necessarily good. It must be complimented by a dose of a caring and paternalistic govt that will take good care of the people from cradle to grave, making sure that the people got enough money to pay for affordable housing, to pay for world class medicare, to pay for a good retirement with no fear of high inflation and high cost of living. This part is just my observation.

And good jobs too. Anyone care to be hawkers or drive taxis? You may need a degree, a genuine one from the world class local universities to get into these prized occupations. Can this be considered as being raped? Does the 69 thing got anything to do with being raped? Or the money paid to CPF as akin to being raped?

Sorry, am I missing something? What is this gang rape thing?

Thanks for revealing a state secret.

For the record, Zainudin has clarified that he was only quoting Terry Goodkind. It is not right for the bloggers to put the blame on him.


  1. Aiyah, he only gang raped by Singaporeans, just like how PAP gang raped Sinkapooreans mah.

  2. "Zainudin embarrassed himself by aligning with the wrong camp, like when Bernie Ecclestone managed to compliment Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein and offend black people all in the same interview, saying how he "would love to have a good lady race driver and preferably black and Jewish too, but they might take maternity leave."

    Stephen Pollard, Editor of the Jewish Chronicle, responded to the insinuation on women and religion: "Mr Ecclestone is either an idiot or morally repulsive." Ditto Zainudin Nordin."



  3. "Does the 69 thing got anything to do with being raped? "

    There are 2 interpretations to it. Every matured person knows that 69 is pleasure "wongal" that cuts across all barriers. It's the ultimate joy in the art of Kamasutra.

    The second interpretation is the officially endorsed 6.9 million population target by this regime. The curious thing that why those holy than thou papies chose 69 is rather intriguing. Until one of them declared his "secret" opinion that democracy is somewhat akin to gang rape, the revelation gets clearer. No wonder they love 69! Population also must be 69! Why 68, 67 or 66?

    I'll leave it to your imagination. KNN!

    1. It shld be "Why NOT 68, 67 or 66? Apologise for typo error. Langgar!

  4. Come on!

    Zainuddin is impressed with Terry's Good and Kind Namesake, thinking with good and kind, raping and getting rape are all fine.

    Can You All be kind too whence being rape, bless is the people rule by good men and women who are fine with raping and being screwed. It may not be true that being rape could be enjoyable as experienced by the Indonesia Judge. However, it does not mean that Zainuddin does not enjoy it.

    No langgar actually.

  5. Singapore is indeed a vibrant sin city run by priests and priestesses.

  6. Rape = sexual intercourse between or among non consenting adults.

    1. Consenting adult does not mean free from the Laws.
      Ask those ladies that consented to the SCDF and CPIB Chief.
      Consensual sex is definitely enjoyable, however what comes after could be harrowing.

  7. Whatever lah, must be between two consenting adults.

    And most important, don't get caught.

  8. Most, most, mostest important. Don't lose elections.

  9. Good morning and Happy Sunday to all you losers and entitlement-minded bums:

    He is absolutely right.

    Democracy is overrated -- when it works, it's fine. Most of the time it doesn't -- the MAJORITY trample all over the rights of the MINORITY.

    And in the words of Ayn Rand: The Individual is the SMALLEST MINORITY in the world.

    The FACT (i.e. backed up by evidence) is that he, Zainudin -- one single individual, is being hauled over the coals, castigated, hated on BY THE MOB -- driven by their emotions rather than reason.

    **He has proven that if the MAJORITY is motivated, they will not hesitate in attempting to SILENCE a minority they disagree with.** In other words, he's suckered many people in to prove has point, and he has succeeded.

    Hans-Hermann Hoppe: 'Democracy: The God That Failed.

    In a democracy, the MOB MAJORITY can legally vote -- FOR FREE -- to legally steal the contents of the wallets of the DEFENSELESS MINORITY...or place any sort of restrictions upon the minority by smashing them with a political iron fist.

    This is how WELFARE STATES began in the (failed) western Democracies: the dead-shit losers (mooching bums)voted themselves vast caches of wealth taken from the PRIVATE PROPERTY of successful and diligent PRODUCERS.

    Why work, struggle and personally sacrifice for it when you can legally and collectively STEAL from the rich by just voting their private property and individual rights away?

    Here's another truism of "demon-crazy in ACTION:

    The People Get The GOVERNMENT and consequently The CUNTRY They DESERVE.

    The theory of 'Matilah Singapura' is based on the fact that democracy will eventually destroy Singapore, as The Sheeple vote themselves the unearned wealth of the producers, rapidly IMPOVERISHING the cuntree and everything in in. Total collapse of society.

    Matilah Singapura = Democracy in Action.

    P.S.: I echoed these sentiments decades before Terry Goodkind wrote his 'gang rape' reference, or Zainudin uttered those damning words.

    Please continue your quest on assured self-destruction. To me: IT'S ENTERTAINMENT :-))

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Recent example of "Gang Rape democracy In Action":

    MCA and Malaysian Chinese fucked over by UMNO (backed by a mob majority -- politely known as a "mandate") playing the race-card in aftermath of the recent Malaysian GE.

    Still believe in democracy?

    Actually I do. In the realm of "self determination" the people/ sheeple need to sort out the shit amongst themselves by some means so that they can create themselves some sort of "framework" to govern.

    If the people's culture is all fucked up, then you will get an on-going COMEDY, as is the case of Singapore.

    Please, continue entertaining me. I've already got my revenge by living well :-))

  12. @Anon 10.55

    It shld be "Why NOT 68, 67 or 66? Apologise for typo error. Langgar!

    Alamak Bro,

    6969 ALL SOLD OUT LAh!!!!

    Straight out, System out, I Bet -Out, I-Perm -Out, I-Box- Out,

    All out out out!!!!!!


  13. "Gang rape, after all, is democracy in action"
    by Terry Goodkind

    how about the following ?

    "Reserve raid/Reserve rape, after all, is autocracy in action"
    by Jerry Badkind (whoever he is if ever exists)

    does that sounds familiar ?
    what do you think ?

  14. JOKE:

    Rape is assault with a friendly weapon.

    But PAP politicians are not very friendly.
    Therefore, I was not raped by a PAP politician.

  15. MS, you talking nonsense again. Democracy in Sin is minority robbing or raping the majority. Can you understand this?


  16. Well that is a $16,000 a month statemant or a $960,000 dollars for five years, not including AWS/bonuses etc...Why are they "raping" our reserve."

  17. ".Why are they "raping" our reserve.""

    you heard of legalized corruption, but you never heard of legalized raping ? rape the reserve is as legalized as they want it to be, who to tell them it is not legal ?

  18. @222:

    >> Democracy in Sin is minority robbing or raping the majority. Can you understand this?

    No, it is not. You are wrong. Anyway, I don't really care because I'm living a-ok, and the asshole sheeple get what they deserve anyway. Not my problem ;-)

    Living Well Is The BEST Revenge

    Knn to you. Happy mother's day to your mom ;-)

  19. If they don't fuck with our brains first;
    and make us daft;
    how can they fuck with our reserves and our immigration policies now?

  20. Democracy is a myth and Gang rape is real. Democracy is a term the elites (aka rich and powerful) invented to control the people (aka pheasants) to reduce the chance of any revolution that is not orchestrated by them to take place. The people thought they have a say (aka vote) in who will dictate them but in reality, the same old rulers controlling what and how music will be played. THis world is full of lies.

  21. Living Well Is The BEST Revenge

    - the statement itself is a lie. revenge is never good. living well at the expense of others is never good. best is subjective.

  22. This is how WELFARE STATES began in the (failed) western Democracies: the dead-shit losers (mooching bums)voted themselves vast caches of wealth taken from the PRIVATE PROPERTY of successful and diligent PRODUCERS.

    - you are wrong. those landlords did not work diligently at all- not even a day. they merely drafted laws to their advantages and exploited the people endlessly - most of the times thru violence or unjust laws.


  23. Yes, he was only quoting. There are hundreds of quotes on democracy, but where must he choose this one? Perhaps it jives with his world view. I think this MP is someone lacking in literary skills and trying too hard at sounding erudite by quoting this.

    So, it is okay to quote Hitler, or to quote someone who is on record as approving of Hitler's atrocities?

  24. They made democracy so expensive that only they can afford it.

  25. 'Yes, he was only quoting'

    Yes, and what do you expect the papayas to come up with? something with creativty and originality and improve people lives? the fact that this quote so appealing to him means he is rooted in some sort of questionable moral standard.

    8.27pm> They also made security and stability so expensive that only they can afford it. THats why snake oil salesman best described the papayas.
