
Doesn’t matter if Town Councils are politicised or not politicised

This seems to be the views of Warren Fernandez and Han Fook Kwang in their articles posted in the Sunday Times. Warren Fernandez wrote, ‘Most people, I believe, are not overly bothered whether town councils are political entities or not. Whatever the set up, they just want to be assured that the place will be well run.’ And this was Han Fook Kwang’s contribution, ‘As a Straits Times poll published last Wed reported, most residents said they were not interested in the politics of estate management; they just wanted their neighbourhood cleaned.’

I agree that the findings are normal. It is just like the citizens do not really care who won the GE and form the govt as long as the country is well run and the people’s interests are taken care of. Generally the majority are apolitical, apathetic to politics, disinterested, and want to be left alone to live their lives while the govt or town councils take care of the environment.

The people do not care if the town councils or govt are politicised. Should they care? Why do politicians want to politicise town councils? The answer is obvious. The politicisation of town councils or any institutions is to serve the interest of the politicians. Period.

Han Fook Kwang asked a pertinent question. When town councils are politicised, is there a conflict of interest? A non politicised town council or institution will work for a stated mission without the entanglements of politicians and political interest. Politicians exist for their own vested interest and political interest. The non political interest of govt or govt link institutions may be compromised by the very politicisation of the institutions. And when there is a conflict of interest, the political interest often takes precedent. And often, the political interest will cloud the interests of the institution and the people it is duty bound to serve. Tiok boh?

Would it happen, has it happen, that politicisation of town councils or institutions has compromised their reason of existence and the good of the people they are taking care of?

Though the people may not be interested in the politicisation or non politicisation of town councils and institutions, they cannot ignore and be not interested in such a development as their interest is at stake and often compromised. It is thus not a matter of the people not being interested. The people must be educated and be informed that it is in their interest to ensure that town councils and govt institutions are not politicised. Failing to educate the people on this important point and allowing the people to be misled into a state of dullness, thinking that it doesn’t matter is irresponsible.

It is in the people’s interest, like it or not, to prevent town councils and govt institutions from being politicised even if in practice it is easier said than done. It is like the sacrosanct aspirations of freedom of speech, protection of the rights of citizens in the Constitution, they must be in the Constitution to protect the people. They cannot be rewritten out of the Constitution just because the people are not interested, do not mind. It matters!


  1. Sorry. But I think this post is worth repeating:

    Corruption - Wisdom from Star Wars, Clone Wars

    "Corruption is what happens when someone in power puts their own personal gain before the interest of the people they represent.

    So it's the result of greed?

    Yes. A leader sacrifices moral integrity for the sake of money or power. Entire star systems have collapsed into chaos. A revolution because their greedy politicians got caught up in a cycle of bribery and blackmail while their people suffered.

    Does that mean most government officials are corrupt?

    Well, no. But the point is that temptation is always there. And citizens must be vigilant so corruption can't take root. The deadliest enemies of a society dwell within its borders. And from these internal threats the people need to be protected

    But if you don't trust your leaders, isn't that treason?

    It's every citizen's duty to challenge their leaders. To keep them honest and hold them accountable if they are not.

    How do you do that?

    By exposing corrupt officials for what they are. Lasting change can only come from within."
    Ashoka Tano
    Star Wars Clone Wars, Season 3, Episode 6, 3:06-4:13 minutes


  2. Hi RB, page 47 Sunday Times with Han Fook Kwang and Warren Fernandez photos already used for the Pee And Poo doggie pee and poo board for my sweetheart to pee and poo on it.


  3. People must learn that there is a sinificant difference between staying in a 4room flat and a 2room flat. It is not like what traitors and propaganda people like Han and Warren have written.

  4. Really? It doesn't matter?

    If Town Councils politicisation is not important, why did PM Lee have to threaten Hougang residents years ago, that if the opposition wins Hougang, rubbish will pile up to the 3rd storey? If Town Councils were not politicised, would that have to be an issue if the opposition wins Hougang?

    I would have thought that Town Councils, by right, should be just doing the job of taking care of the estate whoever is elected to take charge of the constituency, and not to serve only the partisan interest of the ruling party. If not, then it does matter immensely if Town Councils are used as political tools to threaten and hold hostage the rights of residents to choose whoever they want to represent them in Parliament.

    Bootlickers will always try to trivalise important issues and make them irrelevant, but citizens have to analyse the consequences of what they are trying to do. We have taken lightly too many changes over the years and found out only too late to cry foul. What is the point?

  5. >> ‘Most people, I believe, are not overly bothered whether town councils are political entities or not.

    Steady lah Jo. How come this hack of a writer can self-appoint himself to speak on behalf of "most people".

    No wonder the Straight Times is a national joke.

    One wonders whether this dynamic duo can actually take the penises in their mouth out long enough to put together some words which actually have some substance.

    Hack writing motherfuckers. Probably need the newspaper gig so bad. Lucky they have friends in the wrong places.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
