
A support the White Paper Rally

Now, would it be interesting for another group to organize a rally in support of the Population White Paper at Hong Lim? We can use the two events to make some comparisons, the organization, approval/permit application, speakers, turn out etc to see if the people are in support of the White Paper or against the White Paper.

I think organization and approval should be a piece of cake just like the one organized by Gilbert, no interference and everything will go on smoothly. As for speakers, very likely the pro White Paper will have more important and dignified speakers that will draw a bigger crowd. A lot of great names are flashing through my mind. The turn out would likely be at least 10,000, double or triple the protest Rally.

How about it? Would someone like to take on this initiative? It will be interesting, definitely, and we can also see the coverage given to the event in the main media and over the air.

The more I think about it the more enthuse I am over the potential of this event. I may go for the chicken rice or better still if someone will to donate some abalone porridge. And that will be nice.


  1. RB, I fully support your recommendation. I think sinkie need to show that they are the 60% and support the 7 or even 10 million population. There are just so many opportunity for a larger population so sinkie can punch above its weight in international affair. With 10 million population we can raise our ns army to over one million. Tell me who dares to mess with any country with a million strong army other than the nuclear states of course which can reduce any country to Stone Age.

    Sinkie just failed to see the benefits and kpkb all day long. Raymond, do u agree?

  2. Get Raymond to organise.

  3. Raymond Raymond and Raymond where are u when we needed your input most?

  4. Raymond is only good at making police reports.
    His masters are only good at suing people and telling us that everything is also not their job.

    Pay them million dollars so that they can scold us for having an entitlemnet mentality.

  5. Oh please. I am but part of the silent MAJORITY. We may not be as vitriolic, but make no mistake. We VASTLY outnumber the little party you had at Hong Lim.

    We don't cry empty slogans, we don't make politically-charged speeches, we don't stir emotive rebellions not because we can't, but because we think with our heads, not with our hearts.

    We, the silent MAJORITY, have and will always do right by Singapore. We have and will always be the collective buttress of Singapore's economic, social, and political structure.

    So, what have YOU done for Singapore lately?

  6. Eh Raymond, if you believe you are the majority, why so scared to show your face?

    Be like RB here, be proud of yourself. You malu, scared meh? Got kuci kuci or not?

    Obviously you are very ashamed of yourself and want to hide behind that name. Pathetic fool.

  7. Raymond:

    >> We, the silent MAJORITY, have and will always do right by Singapore. We have and will always be the collective buttress of Singapore's economic, social, and political structure.

    Eh folks, this guy is RIGHT lah. Please show some sense into at least giving the man his due, even though you don't agree with him.

    You fuckers neglect the huge support not for the PAP necessarily, but for their policies which allow many people to remain "upwardly mobile".

    I say again -- I'm no PAP fan - I an A LIBERTARIAN... but not one of those cocksuckers from the CATO Institute who fawn all over Singapore for the islands "economic liberty". In that sense, I have and aim to continue to take FULL ADVANTAGE of the PAP government's reasonable record of "economic liberty" and accumulate as much filthy lucre as I can and remain as apolitical as I need to be.

    Sorry to be a wet blanket to you "democrats" -- but I'll remind you that Singaporeans are essentially ECONOMIC CONSERVATIVES and the PAP speaks this language -- loud and clear.

    Please grow up and handle the truth lah. Then you can fight a better fight -- if you choose to. However, it is unlikely that you will win against CAPITAL and the people who produce and manage CAPITAL.

    So don't waste your time. Get off your lazy loser arses and go make some money.

    No money, no talk. Understand?

  8. Put it this way lah.

    If and when one gets to benefit and enjoy the System, it is not wrong for one to support the System. However, it is no good reason or ground to say that others critical or unhappy with the System are trouble makers and or are misfits.

    Be proud of your suxccess and enjoy your richness but there is never the need to be conceited by jeering at others.

