
The mysterious disappearance of blogger Lucky Tan

I just visited Diary of a Singaporean Mind blog and read Lucky Tan’s last post on 14 Mar. And there were nearly 400 comments left behind by his ardent followers. Some were worried of his whereabout and his well being. Some were speculating that he was FeedmetotheFish. Some continued to post as if Lucky was still there.

What is clear and undeniable is that Lucky Tan has not posted again since that last article on 14 Mar. Lucky simply disappeared from cyberspace. In the case of Fish, his brother came into his blog to announce his peaceful departure from this earthly place. No one offered to say anything on Lucky’s behalf.

Where is Lucky Tan now? What had happened to him? Does anyone out there know anything about him and can keep blogosphere informed and kill the suspense? Someone must know Lucky and his whereabout.

For those who do not know him, Lucky is one of the vociferous writers in blogosphere and has a very big following for his insightful and thoroughly research articles. Many are feeling his absence and wish that he is well and will come back and continue to post and share his thoughts with all in social media.

Lucky, if you are reading this, please say something. Or anyone who knows of what has happened to Lucky, please tell. In the meantime we can all wait and pray that Lucky is well. The Darkside is ominously hiding behind the corner and making people guessing.



  1. Lucky maybe a long time and popular blogger. However, he has been playing mysterious all the while.
    As mysterious as the way he has chosen not to blog, at least for the time being.
    Must say he has his right to his privacy.

  2. Let us respect his privacy and not disclose or reveal anything about him.

  3. Redbean, like you I have been missing Lucky's blogs too!
    Just pray that all's well with Lucky!

  4. .
    Lucky is definitely not fish as their style of writing is very different. Lucky like singapore note have very insightful mind and do a lot of research before they post

  5. I share the same observation. They wrote differently, in topics and style.

  6. Hmmmm, now that you mention this, the same is happening at Yawning Bread. Wonder what happened to Alex as there was no activity on his blog since his last article on 10 March.

    Is there an Operation Coldstore on bloggers?

  7. Hi rb,
    Let me make a wild guess. It's AIM related.

  8. Blogging fatique as well as shots from the internet brigade could have cause too much stress.

    Few bloggers have staying power. Younger ones tend to give up faster.

    Much credit must be given to all yhe social/political bloggers for victories of Workers Party in the GE 2011 and subsequent By-elections. Without the bloggers, Alternative Parties are hopeless. So, if more stop blogging like L Tan, Yawningbread and Singapore Recalcitrant now, Pappies can sit tight in their high office.

    If Bloggers well supported by readers and commenters gave up due to whatever reasons, Sinkies will lose much. The Rulers are kept in check more by Netizens than by the Alternative Party Politicians.

    Every retirement by the social/political bloggers is a great loss to our nation building.


  9. I think I should give up also if you guys did not buy me kopi: )

    1. RB,
      I will buy you coffee forever if I can meet you every time. Not only coffee but a simple meal forever. I may not be rich but paying few bucks for your coffee and simple meal in a coffee shop - not the XO type of course is not a problem. Why? Cuz I'm not only your follower but also respect you for using your full name and publish your photo on your blog. You do not like many bloggers hid behind pseudonyms or nicks without their picture shown. Except those who aspire for public office or affiliated to a political cause or party, nearly all independent non-partisan social political bloggers - including myself are not as transparent as you.
      That's a fact which I observe in the blogosphere. As such, my respect accorded to you. For that, buying coffee for you is only a small pittance! What's the big deal for an unsung hero like you?

  10. Social media has lost Fish, Gintai, now Lucky and probably Alex Au. The pool of active bloggers is getting smaller. It can be quite tiring to keep blogging daily. A lot of work and energy to keep on writing.

    1. RB,
      You forget to mention this outstanding blogger http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ASingaporeanInAustralia/~3/PZBayb7v7Zw/final-chapter.html
      He's also disappeared from blogoland.

      Don't worry I'm still alive and kicking. I'll be back maybe in 5 yrs' time when I go on semi retirement. Yes, I'll return to blogging to pass my time in my retirement days. I can't think of any other pursuit other than blogging and reading.

      From my experience, it's not easy to keep churning out articles on a daily basis. Perhaps you shld slow down a little by posting an article each weekday. Take a break on weekends. In that way you won't feel "burnt-out!" Then only you will last forever and your followers will keep growing. When "the tree is huge, it will attract big winds!" The Chinese saying meant that as you become influential you will surely be on the radar. It takes lots of guts and courage to stay firm on your convictions. May God help you.

  11. Maybe he's had a spell of bad luck.

    >> Lucky is one of the vociferous writers in blogosphere and has a very big following for his insightful and thoroughly research articles.

    Hey redbean, you should learn from this guy! ;-)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. He is well missed. Hope he is well and just taking a break. I think the ruling party is eliminating all the bloggers before next GE.


  14. >>220pm

    Research is overrated. Just look at the sky and you will know whether it will rain or shine later. Just feel the wind and you will know whether you will win a war.

  15. I think LT is one of the gay bloggers.

  16. the same can be said of Singapore surf . as what happened to it , your guess is as good as mine.

  17. Maybe some minister, despite their over dignified pay, is at wit's end to appease the populace and have gotten their fat cat lawyers to write "shaddup or else" to those "noisy" bloggers.

    Lesser noise and the daft lower mortals will think all is well when our leeders gone done what ostriches do?


  18. Lucky Tan sure has a large following and his silence will be missed by many.

    Hope he is well. We need his insightful views.

  19. Well at least now we all know one thing for sure. Lucky was either never invited or declined to give a strictly invitation only, closed door talk in the school of Rajaratnam.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what has happened to Lucky.

    Chin Leng. Maybe one day both you and I will be invited to give a closed door talk in the school of Rajaratnam as well.

    Yes, you have all guessed right. This is a cryptic post. One where the perceptive reader will have very little problems seeing plans within plans.

    Darkness 2013

  20. Wow, I never knew the National Conversation has gone to the extent of inviting dissident bloggers for brainwashing. After that they just disappear from cyberspace.

  21. Lucky disappear , the Fish has left us and Gintai also gone. Now RB also threatens to close shop if we do not buy him coffee, To forestall that from happening, I now click furiously at the advert sites and turn the pages on his blog. Now my fingers hurt and my ball slice, Things I have to do to keep RB in play.

  22. Singapore is a small place and it is a matter of time before he surfaces again, if he is well and good. Don't let your imagination runs too wild for now.

  23. So many meaningless stuff appeared in his blog and the only way is to go cold turkey and return after some time.


  24. Why does Sg need Rajaratnam and Lee Kuan Yew Schools?

    There are so many in there no better than a SMRT Train Officer but collecting pays ten times and more. This is a mockery.

    The Internet has drawn many intellects and patriots to contribute to nation building. Some do it namelessly(anonymous), some put the best pictures of themselves to ensure that they are no clandestine materials. They all have one thing in common; to do their best for a home country. They need not be paid a cent for putting their integrities to the test and voluntarily place their heads on the chopping board.

    As for L Tan or anybody else, nothing untowards is likely to have happened other than mishap. There are too many vocal dissidents in this tiny island, some in Blogoland and plentiful at everywhere else.

    Yes, lawyer letters were sent, but not all will be intimidated.

    Me suspects that there were more bloggers that have gone inactive because of giving up their hopes on the Rulers and some with all, the Ruler and People.


  25. My guess likely is lucky has left us that is left earth to a better place. It's unusual of him to disappear as it has not happen before.

  26. Hi Gintai, all you need to do is to flip open the advertisements in this blog to buy RB kopi. The advertisers will pay for the kopi. You only need to spend a couple of minutes going thru some adverts.

    No need to pay yourself. Only the advertisers pay. Neat.

  27. It will be sad if Lucky Tan has decided to stop writing. A few years ago there was another blogger called Mr Wang and he has also stopped.

    Truth be told, the last 2 years have been relatively turbulent times for Singapore. A lot of things have changed. People were able to write a lot of stuff about the status quo because there were a lot of things that have been well known for a long time.

    After a period of disruption, it can be quite difficult to get your bearings back. You never know where you really stand. It is so difficult for me to really say whether the PAP is changing or whether they are just wayanging. And even if they are changing, it is equally difficult for me to comment on what it is changing into.

    Alex Au is not an anonymous blogger. If he has disappeared, we will know about it, because his friends will blog about him. So we can assume that there is a 377A court case going on, he is probably following that case very carefully, thinking about it, lying fallow, not wanting to shoot his mouth off for whatever reason until a more appropriate time has come.

    There will be a small period of peace and quiet, but not for long. The Malaysian election results will soon be in, and people will be watching for signs of what will happen in 2016. I'm sure that many people in the opposition camp will realise that the planning for what would take place in 2016 would be going on right now. You can expect them to be more careful and on their guard against shooting their mouths off inappropriately in the run up to 2016.

    Individual bloggers shouldn't matter. They can come and go. What is more important is that we have a system, a conveyor belt of bloggers and their voices, such that there will always be talented people who will step up and give us good copy, good opinion. The old timers will inevitably drop away owing to fatigue or whatever. Blogging for 10 years in a row is pretty exhausting, and not only that, one day you will run out of things to say.

  28. Like I said, we all need to work towards giving closed door talks in the school of Rajaratnam.

    Do you all see there are so many questions and so few bloggers left to seek answers. But I have a feeling some bloggers will always be there to ask those questions.

    Whatever comes....let it come lah. Police after all are not Gods. Neither is Davinder Singh. Or for that matter any minister.

    They are just humans like you and me.

    Darkness 2013

  29. Hi 7-8, welcome to the blog. Many of you here have shown concern with the disappearance of bloggers mysteriously. What I can say is that as bloggers we also have responsibility to ourselves not to venture too far and fall over the cliff.

    One of the things that I would not do is to attack any luminary personally or cast scandulous remarks at them. This will surely invite the dark forces to make their entry.

    What every concerned Singaporean can do and should do is to discuss on issues and problems facing the country and people. No one, not even a dictator, can find fault with you for saying I don't agree with the policy. Ok, I stand corrected on this. In extreme dictatorship or totalitarain state, just disagreeing can get one into serious trouble.

    We have come a long way from that. Even the Govt is agreeable that they are not gods and that many decisions and policies are a matter of judgement and some will cut people the wrong way. Even the watchful eyes have able and righteous men who understand this and are intelligent enough not to abuse their power to go on a rampage.

    The latest is what Tharman said, that social media has a role to contribute. It is like the people not agreeing with the Govt and the Govt not agreeing with social media views. That is about all there is.

    It is the right of all Singaporeans to be interested in the affairs of their country and voice their views and thoughts, not necessary to agree with the official view. If all Singaporeans simply agree with the official view, or if only such a view is heard, we will march ourselves over the cliff without anyone knowing why. The blind leading the blind.

    There must be many bloggers, thinkers and concerned Singaporeans out there who are not apathetic and would want to come out and share their thoughts. In a democracy, the supply of interested men and women, and for them to come forward, is limitless and is a healthy and natural process for the good of country and nation.

    Killing ideas and good people with different ideas are detrimental to the progress of a people and a nation. We either go forward or backward and the Govt and its aparachiks have a big role on this. May wisdom rise above idiocy, may the wise rule.

  30. Yes agree that Lucky Tan will be missed. IMO he is one of the best bloggers on Sgp's situation, really missed reading his article. Perhaps there has been a gag order...

  31. It appears that Lucky is still around. He was quoted in reporter Seah Chiang Nee's latest article on Dec 7, 2013.


    - Xmen
