
Saving Ubin

The scientists around the world are worried at the destruction of rainforests and their ecology and the ultimate destruction of Gaia. The scientists are also worried about population growth and the consumption and exploitation of livestocks and mineral resources of Gaia as well. Both are destructive forces that could make life of earth difficult for human kind. Without the green lungs to cleanse the air and recycle oxygen and carbon dioxide, to cool the temperature and the cycle of rainfall, and the rapid population growth that is consuming everything at a rate must faster than their replacement rate, Mother Earth will have great difficulties sustaining life forms in the not too distant future.

The first sign of Pulau Ubin going the way of concrete jungle has been put up. We have lost Sentosa to all the ugly man made structures, we have reclaimed Marina South only to be turned into another ugly monster that needs hundreds of millions to maintain when the plants in them could grow in their natural habitat without costing a cent. And we claimed progress and money well spent, a big scientific achievement, a great human feat over Nature.

Pulau Ubin will be dug up and rebuilt for more human activities, more unnatural concrete constructs in the name of progress. Why can’t Pulau Ubin be left alone as another remnant of Mother Nature saved from the destructive forces of greedy men? There is no need to destroy Ubin if we are not crazy about filling our islands with more people. Our so called economic progress is our little contribution to the destruction of Gaia. When the world is trying to save the rainforests, trying to limit the growth of human beans, we are doing the reverse. We want to destroy Nature, we want more human beans disproportionate to the size of our islands. We are over consuming and over populating our islands for our own good.

Save Ubin. Say No to 6.9m.


  1. Mr Redbean, we have adopted a beautiful dog as ex-resident of Pulau Ubin.

    Her previous owner had to relocate to Singapore and unable to bring her along to the concrete jungle.

    She is adapting well in our new environment where she once roam freely in the kampong where she stays.

    To bring her back to her village one fine day for her to reminisce her past

  2. Ubin can be market as another sentosa type but better without commercial and tourists disturbances so can fetch higher land value for the super rich. Please don't use the island to house FT. They can be housed in quarters like now on land near the cemetery etc as those land have no commercial value anyway. Reserve should be up by 100 billion if we market it correctly

    1. Bro, Mah Bow Tan would be rubbing his hands in glee if he were still the MND Minister.

      Fourteen months bonus sure knap shot.

      KBW might do the same but maybe he needs a quiet place for his medication, oops sorry mediation.

  3. Not everything should be exchanged for money. Money disappears, inflation. The value of Ubin will be there for all Sinkies to enjoy for many generations to come. Build properties to sell?

  4. Well, what does our MP has to say....both PAP/WP MP lah...

  5. Can sell, can make money.

  6. Sell it like Dubai and within singapore sea boundary we can create another island like the fan shape type. Sinkie land with its private banking wealth management business together with this fan shape island or whatever shape, we are in a more stable environment then Dubai sure can make more money. No point to import people to 7 million, upset the natives then kena voted out. Go for quality, get the super rich and at then end the growth is the same.

    Now u know what that piece of rock we fight with malaysia is very important as it increases our sea space so we can expand.

    No need to be paid million can also come up with this idea.

  7. redbean:

    >> The scientists around the world are worried at the destruction of rainforests and their ecology and the ultimate destruction of Gaia

    Absolute nonsense.

    >> Pulau Ubin will be dug up and rebuilt for more human activities,

    I support that 100%. More people need more space.

    >> Our so called economic progress is our little contribution to the destruction of Gaia.

    And your proof is....? Oh no proof ah? My my. What a surprise! :P

    >> We are over consuming and over populating our islands for our own good.

    Bullshit. Again, no fucking proof. Zip. Nada. Zero.

  8. The frequent flooding in the world is a good proof that we have killed more trees, plants, nature than we needed. The frequent sinkholes are due to the fact that we extracted more gas, oil, minerals from the earth. This world is created by God but will be destroyed by humans if we do not contain our greed. Why do pm needs so much pay (with an all expense paid for job) when a cleaner can survive on $1k per month?
    'Love of money is the root of all evils' (bible)


  9. I have not set foot on Sentosa since the island was commercialised with all those man made structures. It became no different from the main island of Singapore.

    Like someone said, the Government does not even respect the enviroment and preserving natural habitats, so the fate of Ubin can be said to be only a matter of time. Once gone it is forever lost.

    Mankind will self-destruct in time. All that talk of saving this and that is just bullshit. That is why I never subscribe to the nonsensical earth hour. What is f--k is that for?

    1. Observed earth hour, the next moment, burned the forests.

      Young and old suffered the haze.

      Observed earth hour, next moment, military exercises.

      All the smoke, dust and the monies gone.

      Observed earth hour, next moment fired fireworks.

      All the fumes, smoke that poisoned the environment.

      What nonsensical EARTH HOUR they observing??

      Just a bunch of hypocrites

  10. Singapore and sentosa is already finished aka owned by foreigners so now they are targeting ubin.

  11. 4.53 pm between importing 2 million people to earn 100 billion versus selling ubin for 100 billion, I think the later is better for sinkie lar.

    As for matilar, knn to you today

  12. Gardens by Ubin:-
    Just wanna share
