
Programming how Asians think

The West, with its monopoly of English language media and the English literate feeding on it, has been very successful in programming how Asians think. MacDonald, of junk food status, is a fad in many Asian countries, simply by repeatedly telling the Asians how cool it is to eat at MacDonald. But this is merely commercial advertisement.

More serious and deadly, and insulting, is the programming of Asians to hate another country, particularly Iran and North Korea as part of the Axis of Evil. China used to be the number One target, including Myanmar. Today it is all Iran and North Korea.

The daily provocations by the Americans and South Koreans against the North Koreans are turned around to condemn the North Koreans as the provocative one. Major war games simulating a landing and invasion of North Korea on the borders of that country, flying stealth bombers that are nuclear capable, and now stealth fighters in the Korean peninsula were claimed to be normal acts and non aggressive. From the North Korean’s point of view, these are intense and aggravated acts of provocation and acts of hostility.

Then there is this constant barrage of western articles repeating western dismissive fantasies against the North Koreans being written and published almost daily to paint the North Koreans as mad, insane and unpredictable and war like people. Another article appeared in the ST today that said nothing new or good about the North Koreans but with the purpose of reinforcing the message that the West have been painting about North Korea for the innocent and unthinking Asians to read and to sink into their subconscious mind. North Korea is bad, North Koreans are mad…. The repetition of such a one sided distorted message, over time, will programme the Asians to utter without thinking, to regurgitate what the West want them to think and say about North Korea. And many Asian media are accomplices to this act, blindly aiding the West to make fellow Asians think stupid, Asians to hate Asians because the West wants them to do so.

How then could so many Asians hating the North Koreans without knowing who they are and have had nothing to do with them?


  1. MS is very well programmed to hate North Korea.

  2. I don't hate N Korea. I just think they're a joke.

    In fact I don't "hate" any cuntree. The people get the government and the cuntree they deserve

    How cuntrees have arrived in their present state is due to many factors, none of which can be "controlled" for, so progress or regress is a combination of many interdependent processes -- chaotic but deterministic, but highly unpredictable.

    The division of Koreas into North and South is an artifact of Korean history and The Cold War -- so long ago, no one gives a shit about why it happened. Most cuntrees have already "moved on", reformed their political economies and globalised. N Korea is essentially a quirk of human history, where everyone buys into the same bullshit of worshipping dead leaders, guided by a HILARIOUS set of social edicts and culturally "shared values".

    N Koreas on-going "survival" is more a benefit to special interests than a threat to peace in Asia.

    Why do they still exist? As usual: FOLLOW THE MONEY.

  3. What do poodles do when their master ordered them to bark at someone? Follow his master's voice lah!

  4. I think many will still prefer the west to rule the world than NK or China. It is ok to program. It is not ok to kill or murder.

  5. Ask how many have the Americans killed in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya and in the USA.

  6. 'Ask how many have the Americans killed in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya and in the USA'

    As if the manchurians did not kill any chinese. As if the americans did not kill americans in the civil war. THe americans also killed lots of british for their independence. THe british also killed lots of dutch, germans etc. It is not about west or east. It is about getting wise up and stop fighting.

  7. Wow!!!
    Asians abandoned or forgo their ow n languages, turned and changed themselves to anglpphiles, then blame their adopted language for their further follies. Where is the logic and what's in between their ears?

  8. Hokkien lang kong cia sai thak sai ko cia sai, literally translating into eat shit, choke by the shit and eat more shit. They deserve more shit and should blame no others
