
May Day Protest Rally – Why?

Many of you have attended the first protest rally in February. And a sequel is being arranged for May Day. What curious me, and perhaps Gilbert, would be the motivation of the people who made it a point to be there. Many were there for different reasons. They all went home feeling recharged with an old emotion of a past when they were Singaporeans. It seemed that that was a long forgotten feeling that was lost and found again in Hong Lim on Feb 16. Many cried, as simple as that. Many were emotional. This is what being a people united is all about. Something connected them, something clicked.

The people in the Govt may also want to know what was that strange emotion felt by everyone present in Hong Lim. There was something out there that bonded the people. Gilbert too would want to know. It will make his second effort more meaningful.

Many of you reading this were there at Hong Lim. It would be good to share with us here why you were there, why you went. And it would also be good to tell us why you would want to go again, to bring more people along to share that special moment of being Singaporeans. And there will be many of you who would want to be there this time round. Why?

Where should this movement go from here? What is it that you want or what is it that you want Gilbert and his team to do? There is still some time to talk about this and help Gilbert to work out something, like the speakers and the speeches that you want to see and hear.

Please use this platform to share your thoughts. Just a reminder, the 6.9m is the goal if the circular that is going around asking the people to suggest ways to make 6.9m less of a squeeze in the island is real. Everyone knows that the big squeeze is on the way, not just physical squeeze but squeeze in everything, from housing, infrastructure, schools, facilities, jobs etc etc. Everything must be downsize to feel comfortable. Is this what the people want? No need to ask the Govt.


  1. RB, I was there because I wanted the old singapore back like in the 1980 and early 1990 in everything then. I was there also to protect my children. I can not imagine a government that come out publicly to state that they will provide a level playing field for sinkie! A level playing field not s Singaporean first policy only level playing so it means FT and sinkie no different.

  2. Protests after protests, complaints after complaints... whole day long thinking about how to FIX the Government... why don't you Oppositionists go find something productive to do and make more money for yourself so you don't feel so BITTER all the time? I'm just saying...

  3. Why don't you go somewhere and make yourself useful?

  4. I was there because I wanted to support Gilbert. Of course it helped that I also shared his sentiments on this 6.9m thing.
    Imagining this, you have prepared a great feast but so few guests turn up.

    Looking forward, I would like to see that more protests being held publicly, to keep up the pressure on the Government. Ultimately, the Government must serve the people, and the people must not fear the Government.

  5. The govt oredy decided on the PWP. What can you do?

  6. 9.54am, u got nothing to do is it. If got nothing better to say, then just shut up lar. I notice u also did not publish your name to make a bold statement. Why, no balls is it. If not net citizens will crush your balls lar so to speak. Or no balls cause u check that your two tiny missing when u shower yesterday?

    1. Right bro this Raymond guy is the typical PAP guy or supporter who only knows making monies.

      Lost his soul to the devils

  7. The Boston Tea Party in USA on December 16, 1773, gave birth to American patriotism and the idea of the American citizen.


    The PAPigs have tried very hard to avoid a Boston Tea Party here in Singapore.
    That's why our national Pledge has been called an aspiration.

    1st May 2013.
    Let's have a tea party in Hong Lim Park!

  8. Just to remind people -- I'm coming to Hong Lim to defend the 6.9 million -- which I am in favour of. I don't expect any support. I expect to be booed.

    I am going to provoke you :-)

  9. Matilar please don't identify yourself when u are at the park cause some people may be out of control then u may lost your two marbles then can not screw in the future. Check that your two tiny are well protected hor

  10. When he saw the crowd his thing will shrivel and he will turn around and shout, 'Down with 6.9m!'

  11. Ya matilar will drop his balls but only if he still have the two old tiny with him!

  12. @ Raymond
    "whole day long thinking about how to FIX the Government."

    We want to fix the PIGS.
    Not the government.

  13. This article is receiving more than 70 comments in TRE with bloggers sharing why they were there.

  14. Mr. Anonymous is a coward and trouble maker as he is a non performer using foul language. You can see where SIngapore is going with this quality of people!
