
May Day protest for what?

My article posted here and reposted in TRE received fairly enough comments and generated some awareness of this coming event. Many Singaporeans are rooting to be there and calling for other Singaporeans to be there, to bring their friends as well. Many see the event as a critical moment to determine the future of Singapore and their children. They do not agree with stuffing this island with more foreigners that are mostly a bunch of parasites, the super rich and real talents excluded, here to feast themselves and provide unnecessary and undesirable competition for their children. And the Singaporeans have already been called racists and xenophobes for their unhappiness with all the parasites. It is not a race to the top but a race to the bottom especially for the average Singaporeans. Not many Singaporeans are that talented and not many have parents that are ministers or multi millionaires that could buy a few properties for them to collect rentals and no need to work for the rest of their lives.

The people, at least those who indicated that they are going, and the silent majority, do not agree with the plans of the Govt, or the plans of the 77. Whose wisdom is right, the masses or the 77 is debatable. Also it may not be an issue of right or wrong but a matter of what the majority wants and what the 77 wants. Should the majority give way to the tyranny of the 77?

In the first protest rally, the theme was ‘Say No to 6.9m’. This looks like the natural them for the second protest, a continuation and persistent theme that says the people did not want a big population. Any Tom, Dick and Harry will know that it is fatal if we just rely on increasing population for economic growth. That is an easy and sure path to self destruct. We need growth but through other means.

Many other slogans have been suggested, eg The Day We Say No to 6.9, The Day We Stand Up For Our Children, The Day We Stand Up To Tyranny, Say No To The 77, and many others.

This May Day is important to the future of Singapore and to the children of the Singaporeans. It is about their well beings, their dominant position as owners of the islands. It is also about capitulation, allowing foreigners to take their place, take their jobs and their livelihood. The foreigners are coming for their second chance for a better life. We can empathise with them. But when a better tomorrow for them is a sadder tomorrow for our children, should the parents of our children stand up and say no to this change? Some say it is a kind of genocide, the extinction of true blue Singaporeans, being dispossessed of their homeland, being driven out of their own country by foreigners who come to claim their rights to a better life at our expense.

Singaporean parents, are you that daft or irresponsible to not do anything when you can? Would you Stand Up For Our Children, Say No To Singaporean Genocide, Say No To Our Extinction? I can hear them cry. May Day can be the day Singaporeans close ranks to fight for their own existence and their children’s future. It is idiocy to let in foreigners, give them a pink IC and claim that they are one of us, and to take away food on the table, the food that rightfully belongs to our children. Come May Day, will Singaporeans be fighting for their future, a better future for their children? Quite silly really. Why should they be fighting to claim back their country? Who is the real enemy that is doing this to the Singaporeans? Like they said, ‘With friends like these, you don’t need enemies.’

May Day, May Day, May Day! What does this day mean to you? Were you there or did you walk away?


  1. RB, I will be there and this time two friends will go too

  2. Mayday itself as a word represent distress for us.... thus like to suggest

    "Mayday, Mayday, drowning of beautiful island paradise by instant Foreign Trash, HELP!"

  3. Your title gave a wrong impression like what is the point of having the protest. In actual fact your are trying to make people think about its purpose.

  4. Annon 10:18. This is typical RB's way of putting across a point. He seldom approach the issue directly. He uses reverse pyschology to get people to read what he actually wanted to say.

  5. What is Mayday for?

    Simple Answer.

    To tell the Government not to fuck Singaporeans too much.

    There is a limit to everthing, including abuse.


  6. >> Many other slogans have been suggested, eg The Day We Say No to 6.9, The Day We Stand Up For Our Children, The Day We Stand Up To Tyranny, Say No To The 77, and many others.

    What kind of lame-assed shit is this?

    How about this one?

    or THIS?

    Here's a nice one for the rockers -- an outward display of their individualism., ot how about this one?.

    Some of the slogans need to contain the word "fuck" -- for a hard-hitting effect.

    You do want your message to get noticed, don't you?

  7. P.S. You have to show some teeth lah. "Controlled and well-directed HOSTILITY." None of this "peace and love" stuff, holding hands and singing stupid songs like "We Shall Overcome", and bore the fuck out of the news teams.

    Other actions you might perform at a protest are flashing of tits and mooning your target.

    Remember -- controlled hostility. No physical violence. Harsh speech and lewd expressions -- perfectly acceptable and should be welcomed and encouraged.

  8. The sheeps have been served a lie by conyou long time ago - to work hard with low pay and share the success thereafter. You folks still believe such thing exists in the first place? conyou has made sheeps the biggest joke of the world. the day when sheepland was separated from motherland, conyou turned his anger towards the sheeps. he took away their rights, their dreams and their freedom gradually.

  9. Protest or not, nothing will change. The foreigners will still continue to invade sheepland and slaughter the sheeps, milk the sheeps or skin off the wool whenever necessary. They have the mandate and who are so stupid to give the mandate away to the wolves? When will the people ever learn?

  10. I will be there.

  11. Exactly. Protest for WHAT? I can think of a thousand things better to do.

  12. Wait till Matilah lay his fingers on you.

  13. @814:

    It is true that probably nothing will change -- protest or not.

    Whether to turn up and express one's or not is an individual personal decision. No one should "bully" or "mind fuck by guilt" the folks who decide to not turn up. People's time is a personal issue, as it is a limited resource -- the most limited and finite resource.

    I was going to turn up and give you fuckers a hard time -- lending my support for population targets of 6.9 million and beyond, and keeping the labour market free and open in Singapore, so that everyone will have to compete with the Euros, Indians, Chinese, Pinoys etc.

    However some of my mabok kakis are going up to party in Djakarta or Kuala Lumpur -- Since it is Labour Day holiday. I decided : "Fuck it, I'd rather be drunk and have my kepala butoh menghisap kan oleh wanita seksi -- dua atau tiga, mari lah, sila kita main juboh, tetek dan puki. Kongkek sampai buah zaka saya benar kosong!

    Drinking single malts, enjoying Cuban cigars and cumming until balls completely flat -- that sure beats going to a protest rally simply to kacau people ;-)

  14. Happening KL :-)

    Good luck and enjoy your protest folks!

    I'll be thinking of you...actually, probably not ;-)

  15. Finding excuses not to attend? We will not ask you to buy kopi lah. I buy if you are there.

  16. You can think what you like. Imagine the worse you can about me, and enjoy the dream lah.

    >> Finding excuses not to attend?

    Not at all. I've just been presented with a "better opportunity" for the benefit of my self interest.

    I'll be having narcissistic, hedonistic, fun, you'll be flogging a half-dead horse.

    "Living Well Is The Best Revenge" ;-)
