
Leslie Chew, would a gentler touch be better?

As expected, the social media and the opposition would have something to say regarding the arrest of Leslie Chew, the cartoonist. Cherian George has spoken and so has SDP, calling for a gentler touch and no need to use the sledgehammer to smash an ant. Unfortunately their calls could make things worst.

It is not right for Leslie to use the term ‘racist’ on the Govt as it is accusing the Govt of a very serious act. The part on the judiciary is also touchy as the integrity of the judicial system is being questioned. But the reaction by the Govt is seen as being too harsh, over reaction. The question is whether a call to retract the statement would be good enough, and for added measures an apology in his comic front page.

Leslie Chew is just a small guy, ok his cartoons are rubbing people up the wrong side. What I feel is necessary is for Leslie Chew to do some damage control by cleaning up the false or wrong image that he has painted of the judiciary and the Govt, to right a wrong and close the matter. Arresting him just make the matter looks so uncomfortable for a first world country. Other than the converts who would believe in anything, how many would really believe the accusations by Leslie Chew? Many would brush it off as some wild accusations. It is as good as calling an angel a rapist when it is obvious that that is not true.

Going too hard on Leslie Chew may send a message, 杀鸡吓猴, and many messages to the world the kind of society we are living in. What happens to the kinder society and the gentler touch?
Yes, Leslie Chew has printed something unsavoury. How much damage is done by Leslie Chew’s comment to deserve a police arrest? The whole world is watching. After this, the Govt may need to mount a bigger PR exercise for the smear that came with the handling of this case.


  1. I don't know what the problem is or what it is about your twisted logic that makes the matter even more confusing.

    The guy just expressed himself in humour. There are no boundaries in humour and satire. You can say anything -- why? Because it is FICTION, an expatiation of silly ideas to begin with.

    It doesn't exist in "reality" -- it only appears in the CONSCIOUSNESS of the artist and the audience.

    It is PLAY.
    It is not serious.
    It might be "offensive", but there is no objective measure of "offensiveness" (and there can never be because "offense" only occurs in the consciousness of the "target" and never manifests in the physical world).

    So fuck it: ANYTHING GOES Why? Because none of this shit is REAL.

    End of story

  2. Did Leslie Chew hurt someone.
    Poor little rich things!
    Sayang. Sayang.

  3. I think he will be toast already, poor thing

  4. THe Gmen seems to be in full force to intimidate people who think differently. Is there a law that there can only be one type of thinking, one type of conclusions, one type of opinions in sinkiland? It is a race to the bottom in terms of mental and maturity development.



  5. Can anyone believe he does not want to be PM of one of the richest countries in the world? Most likely the person that Conyou should take care is not this blogger but someone inside his team. We will be having ahneh pm, ahneh PMET, ahneh docros,lawyers, everything. Veritas worries will become a reality.

  6. If everything is based on meritocracy, no cheating, there is nothing wrong with an Indian PM and more Indian professionals. Veritas' is being too strong in his views.

  7. Suing a cartoonist?
    Where is the money going to come from?

  8. What is meritocracy?

    What are the criteria, quality, measurement and definition of meritocracy?

    Any idea?

  9. Does meritocracy includes how close, how well and how long one is with those in authority to qualify. Or is it base on one's academic certification regardless of character and attribute and attitute?

    1. Meritocracy is to work smart and learn well to be the blue eye boy and girl of the master. That is the most important way to qualify.

    2. Born in the families of the ruling class itself is meritocratic already.

  10. this episode this not bode well for leslie chew's future.
    Give the guy a break, he is doing satirical cartoons as a means of earning a living (I believe this is his main occupation according to some reports). Why break his rice bowl in such drastic action as a police arrest. Did he actually caused widespread damage? How many people read Demoncratic Singapore? Really this matter is so miniscule I think the government is over-reacting!!


  11. If you are a Muslim,
    You are not meritocratic enough to be assigned to sensitive posts in the Singapore Armed Forces, The Navy, and all the other sensitive posts.

    Only Non-Muslims need apply.

    This PAP government are hypocrites of the highest order.

  12. If a Sinkie has a general degree, one who has an honours degree will be more meritocratic. If a sinkie has an honours, one with a masters will be more meritocratic....so on.

  13. Ng Kok Lim's latest

    [The superficial better angel]

    "I refer to the 22 Apr 2013 Straits Times article
    'Choosing the better angels of our nature' by Janadas Devan [1]."


  14. Leslie should have seen this coming. He was sailing too close to the wind. And I am not talking about the 2 cartoons singled out by the AGC. Go to the Demon-cratic site and you will know what I mean. And I don't think the disclaimer will work as the heart truths depicted in the cartoons are too close for comfort. Talk about the Streisand Effect.

  15. OK motherfuckers...a very fucking happy Sunday to you -- enemies and allies:

    If you haven't already noticed, the game is in play and the government (nay, the law makers and enforcers) have fired the first salvo.

    This arrest is too nicely timed (coincidental perhaps? You be the judge) to coincide with this weeks May 1st Rally at Hong Lim.

    First, realize that the POLICE and the COURTS are supposed to protect The People and The Cuntry from bullies and thugs -- whomever they might be. However it seems in this case the Police and The Courts are working for The Thugs to bully the citizens.

    So fuck the AGC -- they've crossed the line well and truly. They are not supposed to be POLITICAL, yet now they are BLATANTLY on the side of the ruling political party, and thus Singapore's judiciary and police are in grave danger of becoming CORRUPT, and there is no turning back once you dance with the devil.

    CITIZENS: Demand separation of state powers NOW: The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the state must be kept separate from each other or else YOU WILL HAVE CORRUPTION!!

    >> The AGC, in a letter to Mr Chew on 17 December, said the cartoon “scandalises our Courts through allegations and imputations that are scurrilous and false."

    Here is the "offending" cartoon (i.e. work of fiction)

    Possible interpretation to get those who don't understand up to speed in the scandal (remember, it's fictional ):

    1.Michael Phucker -- talented young handsome upcoming cadet, who came many times in the bodily cavities of a young staffer. Both parties married, but not to each other. However their exchange of bodily fluids was mutually consensual and voluntary.

    2. Judge Pillai : Fictional ningompoop who mysteriously resigned after the fall of Phucker's former political ward in a fictional bye-bye election.

    3. Pinky Loong : Current fictional head thug, think of Kim Juong Un. Similar deal -- baby gangster trying to prove his worth.

    The other cartoon of contention is this one. Remember, this is humour and thus FICTIONAL.

    These works of personal expression have been used to silence and possibly imprison the cartoonist. These are fictional cartoons: THEY ARE HARMLESS!!

    But more seriously, this could portend something more serious: an attempt to silence and render impotent the upcoming May 1 protest at Hong Lim.

    In other words, the so-called "law enforcers" are using a fucking LAME EXCUSE to silence dissent. What more effective way than to charge everyone and anyone who dissents against the state and the judiciary with SEDITION.

    Fuck the governmennt

    Fuck the Police

    Fuck the kangaroo court

    Why your right to say "fuck" is important, even though you hate swearing.

  16. Cannot FUCK honest people lah.

    Only fuck liars and cheaters and
    Liars and Cheaters deserve to be


  17. Hi Anon 2:59, Leslie is straying too close to the electric barb wire. Best not touch hot barb wire unless one is prepared to be electrocuted.

  18. Is it a fair comment to called a government that practise racial policy a racist government?

    This needs deep legal argument. He needs a QC.

    USA does not maintain racial proportions. Singapore does it openly.

  19. @1105:

    >> Is it a fair comment to called a government that practise racial policy a racist government?

    The People Get The Government They Deserve. The underlying cultural belief is that a local Chinese majority is the status quo.

    It's not racist. It is how things are as a result of long history.

    In humour ANYTHING is fair game. Leslie was making a joke. And yes, you can make a joke about anything -- there is no such thing as "sacred". Humour is supposed to cross the line into the "no-go" areas like race, religion, rape, pedophilia. Comedians make these taboo and uncomfortable topics "funny" so that we all can relax a bit.
