
In celebration of foreign tycoons

There were many headline news of the increasing numbers of foreign tycoons making Sin City their homes. These are the genuinely super talents that have made it good in life in their own ways and are filled with money and riches, and life was meant for living and pleasure. They are here for the right or wrong reasons but one thing for sure, they will not be here to take away plum jobs from Singaporeans. The only unsavoury sin they could commit would be the buying of a few ethereal priced properties. But this would not have too much negative impact on the general populace as their numbers, and the sale of landed properties is limited by legislation and a thinking Govt, are small and remote, a world of their own. They could in their own ways contribute positively to the economy if that is what the Govt desires. I don’t think anyone has any issue on these tycoons.

What this group of tycoons will not do is to feast on the success of the country built over the last few decades. They would not be parachuted down from nowhere to take over top jobs and be paid millions when the jobs could have gone to the local talents. Many Singaporeans see this as a betrayal. I am still scratching my head as to the number of top jobs going to foreign talents and watching what they are doing and what a local could not do much better.

The paying of millions to foreign talents for positions that were created locally is something that will not be taken lightly by the aspiring local talents. The question is why, after building up this place, the credits and benefits ended up in the pockets of foreign paratroopers and mercenaries. This is not just a matter of envy. There must be many local talents that can fill these jobs or be groomed to take over these jobs. I would faint if, after building up a banking empire like UOB, the top job ended up with a foreigner because no local is deemed good enough. It is plain silly to do so, all the hard works of several generations in building a business empire only to see someone coming from no where to reap the rewards.  What has this foreigner contributed to the creation of wealth and the business to have the good fortune of being paid in the millions, delivered on a silver platter?

We should welcome the tycoons and their businesses and the jobs they created for the locals. Why should we welcome foreign talents who are here for the feast?


  1. The foreign talent is not the problem.
    You can't blame them for taking advantage of the policies in Singapore ... which advantages the Foreign Talent and disadvantages the Singaporean.

    Who created these Pro Alien policies?
    Was it the Traitors' Party?

    But who voted for the Traitors' Party?
    Wasn't it the Singaporeans?

    The solution is within the power of all Singaporeans.
    To vote wisely.
    To convert 60% of our friends & relatives to also vote wisely.

  2. Ya agreed. 60% do not mind so in a democrazy we need to accept lor

  3. If we have many local people holding posts of ceos, cfos in big companies, they will be eligible to contest in elections for President. Some of them may actually aspire to be President like the Kuan fellow and may even win more votes than the G candidate and pose problems.

  4. CEO of DBS will be excellent candidate for the next President.

  5. Absolutely;

    "Living well is the best revenge".

    If they handed out the award for "Biggest Cheebyes In Asia", Singaporeans would win it -- hands down, no cuntest.

    Allow me, dear readers, to explain:

    If you come to the fair isalnd paradise as a Bangla worker or a Pinoy wage slave, the Singaporeans will use you up, tekan you and consider you an "underclass"; a second-rate human being -- just above the animals.

    However if you come to Singapore educated, well-off or with a spirit of "go-getter attitude", the Singaporeans will be hostile, and/or jealous of you.

    Therein lies the cultural IMMATURITY of Singapore society.

    Congratulations on the award for being the Biggest Cheebyes In Asia! Be proud Singapore, you are NUMBER ONE!
