
Hsien Loong walking on a tight rope

Caught in between two balls and hanging in the centre, it is a difficult act indeed. Singapore is a small country caught in between two super powers, China and the USA, and has been walking on a tight rope for everyday of its existence. Funny thing is that other countries in Asean or elsewhere did not have such a problem. Did we choose to walk on the tight rope to show off?  Singapore’s official foreign policy is to be friends to all, especially the two super powers. Every now and then the leaders will make their pilgrimage to the two capitals to pay homage to the deities residing in Beijing and Washington.

This is fair and good. As long as Singapore is not taking sides, it would not trip on the tight rope or be pushed to fall. The walk is treacherous and the act a very difficult one when the two powers are at each other’s throat. If you are not my friend you are my enemy. Singapore often has to take sides, like joining the Coalition of the Willings to invade another country when Singapore was obviously the unwilling partner. Singapore is lucky so far as the victims of the coalition were not the openly declared friends of the other superpower. It would be tricky if another superpower declares interest in protecting the targeted country.

Singapore’s position is gradually being compromised and leaning more towards the Americans. Maybe it has no choice as the American way is that if Singapore does not be a friend, it becomes a natural enemy. So Singapore is blowing the trumpets for the American’s presence in the region, supporting the American military pivot to Asia, hosting American warships for military intervention and warfare.

Hsien Loong has just visited Washington, feasted and highly praised by Obama as a reliable and valuable friend, or an accomplice in all American military adventures in violation of national sovereignty and interference with another country’s internal affairs. The latter is contrary to Singapore’s official policy of non interference in other country’s domestic affairs. This is going to blow up into Singapore’s face one day for sure.

The key message that Hsien Loong brought to Washington, with high expectations of buying a sick and premature top end American fighter aircraft, is the open invitation to the Americans to play a bigger role to counter the presence of a rising China, the other super power that Singapore is courting and sleeping with. How is this going to be taken by this sleeping partner is not looking well. Is this classic diplomacy or crass diplomacy, only time will tell. But time is running out unless Hsien Loong has it all worked out before the visit and this sleeping partner has quietly consented to the unfriendly gesture. Sending Chok Tong to China at the same time may be an attempt to placate the Chinese for what he had to say to please the Americans and in making a joke of China.

The call for the Americans to counter the Chinese, and never the Chinese to counter balance the Americans is one sided, loaded against the Chinese. It would be a great act if Hsien Loong could walk the whole tight rope safely without tripping. The Chinese must be holding back whatever they wanted to say or do. What Hsien Loong said in America was not the least complimentary, and the condiments of jokes included.

LKY could pull it off in his time. He was unusual as a statesman. Could Hsien Loong pull it off this time, like his father did, with such a one sided leaning and his unabashed fawning over the Americans, that he was with the Americans first and last?


  1. I am confused for one abt LHL posteuring, blowing America trumpet at the visit the last week.

    When did we start becoming indiscreet with our foreign relations with America and China? Dont forget, China lies at the other end o the South China Sea.

  2. andyxianwong
    April 7, 2013 · 1:39 am

    [The Vulnerability of Singapore]

    "In a few years, Obama will be out of office.

    So what does the future hold for America?

    It is not hard to predict...

    Most importantly, many offices and centers of power in America will continue to function as they ever did, not just during the transition,
    but more importantly afterwards under a new leader.

    So what of Singapore?


  3. Don't forget that both superpowers have nuclear arm and both are able to reduce sinkie land to Stone Age if we piss them off. So better to lie low than try to punch above the weight as it does us no good.

  4. Why pay so much for the unproven F-35, I'll never understand.

    Here are cheaper, better and faster (operationally ready) aircraft alternatives:

    1.The A-10 Thunderbolt Plane
    2.The AC130 gunship
    3.F-22 Raptor jet fighter




  5. Hi RB

    I believe one of the original agenda was to go USA and sign the treacherous buying of F35.

    Some newspaper even leak that we will have the deal within 10 days.

    With netizen kpkb, exposing the dirty little secret, the deal is now off. Instead on one squadron, RSAF may buy probably fewer.

    This is our hardwork. Don underestimate netizen. Today, even mother fucker from vampire squid goldman sachs are taking us seriously.

    Nevertheless, I believe fucker Hsien Loong may have sold out even more Singaporeans interest signing many secret deals in USA this time.

    Hsien Loong is one of most wicked and stupid person in universe. We are unfortunate.

  6. Every time I read comments on this blog, I always have a good laugh,

    sometimes until stomach ache, hahaha......Very entertaining lah.

  7. 12.25pm what so entertaining and funny meh. This is a serious BLog with serious business. U got balls or not to come up in the open? People may crush your balls if you still have the two little tiny with u hor

  8. Hi Anon 11:35, these aircraft are designed for different mission and roles. A10 and 130 gunship are to support infantry. The closest to F35 is F22 in terms of capability.

    If you look at the futuristic designs of SUs and MIGs and even some Chinese models, the F35 could be obsolete by the time it is accepted.

  9. Hi rb.
    Absolutely agree with you.
    My point in bringing up the A10 and AC130 is to question whether we really need state-of-the-art fighter jets.

    If USA, China or Russia wants to invade Singapore.
    Hell, I say we surrender straight away.
    e.g. one aircraft carrier battle group from USA will flatten us within a few hours.

    So realistically, we can only have a fighting chance against Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand if ever a rogue government takes power in those countries.
    In such a war, the AC-10 and AC-130 will be more effective in supporting our ground troops and surrounding waters than the F-35.


  10. LHL is no Statesman. He is at best an academic -- like Obama, he's never had a real job (where you actually have to make something to make money in the private sector -- meet a payroll, achieve a sales target) in his life.

    At least his dad was a lawyer in private practice.

    LHL had it handed to him on a plate -- complete with high salary. LKY built it from scratch. LHL never had to deal with the assholes from UMNO or the commies during the Cold War.

    The geo politics of Singapore in the context of the balancing act between US and China is a sensitive one for the city state. It is almost like the tenuous peace of the Italian city states 14-15 century, when a politically savvy Lorenzo d'Medici used his charm and guile to keep the states from destroying each other and hence themselves.

    This will get very interesting as time goes on, and especially more intriguing after the death of LKY.

  11. redbean:

    >> If you look at the futuristic designs of SUs and MIGs and even some Chinese models, the F35 could be obsolete by the time it is accepted.

    If you argue that the F35 is unproven, then how can you even compare it to stuff which hasn't even been made?!?

    It takes a LONG TIME to get a sophisticated combat weapon from drawing board to prototype, let alone trustworthy operational weapon. Then you also have to build facilities to train the pilots and crew.

    You fail to take into account the all important TIME FACTOR.

    There are many other cuntrees involved in the development of the F35. For e.g. the Brits and the Aussies are already producing parts for it.

    Sure, that doesn't mean the project can't fail. Nothing is 100% "certain". However the specs and tests of the F35's capabilities are impressive for what we have already in existence.

    So I think it best to confine the opinions to what exists and how they perform, instead of letting the imagination run wild into areas where any schoolboy with marginal drawing skills can "design" a combat aircraft.

  12. Anonymous @1.15pm

    "2.25pm what so entertaining and funny meh. This is a serious BLog with serious business. U got balls or not to come up in the open? People may crush your balls if you still have the two little tiny with u hor"

    Whor, whor so you think you have big big balls is it? If you really have balls and they are as big as you think they are, then why do you comment under an anonymity ? Come out into the open lah like you said. You are spitting at yourself and you still do not realize it and think you got big balls? What a retard you are.

    Having said that, when did I ever say that comments here are not serious. People can say anything in a serious tone or in an easy, funny way spiced up with words like, assholes, mutherfucker, etc. as sometimes found in Matilah's, Veritas's or even Red Bean's comments. It makes what they say very entertaining, funny and easy to understand. However you want to express your opinions, people here are not fools as you think, they can discern what is the truth and serious and what is not. You dont have to make comments as if you are drafting a legal document. I always enjoy contributions made by Matilah, Veritas and Red Bean and some others, because although sometimes they are humorous and spicy and interspersed with hokkien, cantanonese,malay etc, still they have rings of truth and even wisdom in them. Don't be so hasty and jump to conclusions just because you see a comment you do not like. It will only reflect on your own shallowness.

  13. Wow, folks here talking about Sin and its' leaders like they are falcons. Actually, both are no bigger than humming bird and just because it(humming bird) flies beside hawk and eagle just like the proverbial fox behind the tiger, Sinkies think great of them and the importance of Sg.

    Sg shall and always be as insignificant as it's size, China and US will just lead the Sin Leaders to suck up to them. Everything to gain and nothing to lose.

    And there is no need for Sinkies to be emotional about Lee Hsien Loong unneccessary role play between China and US and vice versa. They do not need LHL nor his Father.

    1. Right, last time LHL and Hiliary Clinton were in China, great Xi Xin Ping nit even President yet just simply refused to see both of them.

      Lan lan just grinned lime a schoolboy and kept quiet

  14. In Ah Long world, there is nothing money cannot solve. To build more ties just need to throw in more tax payers monies and the wheels will turn.

    'A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.' Edward R. Murrow

  15. In fact due to it's size, it is getting more insignificant as the days progress. The Limit is almost breached. It's neighbours are not just fast catching up; they are gathering pace with plenty of latent space and resources.

    Can Sg be compared with Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Nyanmar or even Brunei?

    1. Even its' geographical location advantage will be diminished soon. And should Thailand, Malaysia and or any other party decide to make the Itsmus Of Kra into a oceanliner route, a death knell is for sure. This could very well be the case.

      Geopolitically, the US is never a trusted party in the Region and it never will be.

  16. Even its' geographical location advantage will be diminished soon. And should Thailand, Malaysia and or any other party decide to make the Itsmus Of Kra into a oceanliner route, a death knell is for sure. This could very well be the case.

    I have done some research on the topic. Thailand could have a little difficulties in going on this project alone. But with China's capital, Kra Canal can easily be completed in a very short duration.

    China has sent signals various time that they would not want to fund Kra canal is because they want to take care of Singaporean Chinese. And all Thai government is extremely friendly with PRC.

    In 20 years time, Singapore is going to be captured by FT Indians. LKY has sold us out. I think China will go ahead with Kra Canal.

    Even if PRC is not involved, Thailand would have enough capital to go ahead with Kra canal in 20 years time.

    We need to develop technology industries to prepare for this day.

    Today, the PAP government is still self-masturbating, still doing things the old way. I have written that in order to develop tech, we have to do away with ST, DSTA, DSO.

    We follow the Taiwan, korea and Japan way. We give government contracts to talent entrepreneurs.

    Unfortunately, PAP has thrown infinitely resources to these cronies and stupid GLC, and these places are today despise by all engineers in Singapore as hotbed for office politics.

  17. No country welcome FT like Singapore. We sacrifices our entire sons and daughters career, and give all jobs to FT.

    LKY and LHL are mother of all traitors.

    Today, we are increasingly captured by racist FT Indians, under the blessings of LKY. Burma being the frontier state of yellow people suffered big time under FT Indians. They have more experience than us on this issue. Thailand, being the neighbours are acutely aware of the destruction of FT Indians on Burma.

    Few people knew that Bogyoke Aung San, the father of Burma, was a hero fighting against FT Indians and UK.

    Then UK colonize Burma. They brought in many stupid FT Indians are call them talent, but are actually racist.

    They call Burmese stupid.

    FT Indians take the good jobs, the civil service job. The exploit Burmese by running big banks charging exorbitant interest. They plunder Burmese fruits of labor, with the help of UK, by running wholesale distribution.

    Within 100 years, Burma was reduced to the biggest Dalit land in the whole world.

    Their neighbor Thailand watched in awe.

    Today, the most stupid and wicked people like LKY and LHL are the only leaders in the whole world that allowed foreigners to make dalits out of Singaporeans.

    When Singaporeans suffered, LKY orgasm.

  18. shit time
    *sg n murika has a very extraordinary relationship* [sic]

    somebody pse tell these presstitudes between a laoda n kakia, there's no relationaship, only servitude.

    one wonders what happens once the foto op is over n they get down to serious biz ?
    rb painted one scenario but i think its a bit too charitable ;-)

  19. The Guardian, UK

    [French secret service accused of censorship over Wikipedia page]

    "French secret service agents have been accused of censorship
    after reportedly threatening to arrest and charge a French Wikipedia volunteer
    unless he deleted an article on the internet encyclopaedia.

    However, Wikipedia says the Direction Central du Renseignement Intérieur (DCRI) – the French equivalent of MI5 –
    failed to provide proof that the article was a threat to the country,
    or produce a legal order justifying its action.

    The specialist new technology website zdnet.fr agreed, writing:
    'When officials decide to order the suppression of an article in the free encyclopedia Wikipedia in the name of military secrecy
    and in doing so put pressure on a Wikipedien [sic],
    summoning them to their office and threatening them with being held in custody and put under charge immediately if they don't comply,
    what country do you think of: China, Iran, or other 'internet enemies'?

    But no. This was in France.'"



  20. Discrimination and violence towards Muslims is not new to Myanmar, also known as Burma. Anti-Indian feelings began to grow under British rule as Buddhists felt they were losing out to Indians, many of whom were Muslims, brought in by the British for administrative purposes. Many others followed to set up businesses, work as laborers, or moved into extant Muslim villages to take up farming in the country.

    Riots periodically broke out, most notably in 1930 when the return of striking Indian dockworkers put replacement Burman stevedores out of work. The rioting that ensued took on anti-Muslim overtones and spread to a number of areas across the country. Another riot in 1938 aimed at the British colonial government used violence against Muslims as a proxy. Fears of possible ethnic Burman reprisals in the wake of Japan's invasion during World War II caused tens of thousands of Indians to flee to India.

    This article appear on ATimes.

    The whiteman who wrote this article is clearly in alliance with FT Indians in Burma, who are Aryan Bengalese.

    He failed to provide a background of the racial riot, and how FT Indians make Burmese Dalits for 100 years.

    The Burmese nationalist movement were spearhead by Buddhist, ironically, the most culturally Indianize people.

    When Burmese were suffering big time, Aung San Suu Kyi father, the late General Aung San rise up. He save his nation from racist.

    Today, whiteman accuse Burmese of racist. Whiteman is telling lies. The Chinese who are present in Burma are not discriminated.

    The Chinese form a significant core of Burmese elites. The reason is Chinese are non racist. Chinese did not exploit the Burmese.

    When I read history, I conclude that Burmese is one of the most tolerant and hospitable people. The reason so many pogroms against FT Indians are because FT Indians screwed big time.

    20 years down the road, Singapore could become another Burma, full of racial hatred.

  21. Haha...

    Veritas maybe consoled to know that history will show that traitors will be recorded factually. And that successors of traitors wilk be tainted forever.

    With well over 2 billlion Muslims in Asia and over 300 millions in S E Asia, this will ensure that the US position and influence in the Region will never take foothold in the long run. If anything, the US is going to be ultiimately suffer big time in this part of the World.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sinkies are now reminding themselves of the roles some of their more illustrious elders played during the Japanese Occupation.
      Despite them working for the Common Enemy of the day, they rose to lead and were praised until their greed and avarice reveal their true nature. Though much damages have been done, it is at least not too late to expose the culprits before they expire.

      Sinkies themselves must also take responsibility for wilfully ignoring their very own weakness of greed too. When the going was good, they are willing to be blind to flaws of character and system

      Traitors are traitors no matter in good time or bad.


  22. Btw, US Competitors and Nemesis are all in Asia and they are namely China, Russia, India and to a lesser extent Japan.


  23. And fret not.
    India will sell out the US wholesale when the time comes or when it is time time to. Bedfellow can be the most dangerous


  24. /// Caught in between two balls and hanging in the centre, it is a difficult act indeed. ///

    Hmmm, I have heard of "on the horns of a dilemma", "caught between a rock and a hard place", "between the devil and the deep blue sea", and "between Scylla and Charybdis". But this is the first time I come across "two balls and hanging in the centre".

    Does the two balls come with curly hairs? And what is that thingy hanging in the centre between the two balls?


  25. It will look like

    (00) or )00(.

    Nen eh tua khang, in Hokkien Parlance,
    it means two big holes.

  26. 'No country is as screwed as India.'

    The british has not learnt the lesson that the downfall of british empire is linked to their connection with india. Now, the indians are invading all parts of london kicking out the white british.

  27. I think Indian and Indians are poised to take over England. This will be karmic retribution for the Brits. They ruled that sub continent for so long, robbed the country of everything.

    The Indians can't wait to reclaim the crown jewels on the Queen's crown.

  28. It is better to have the proven American democratic friends than to trust the greedy, sly, distrustful, Copy-Cat Communist Chinese. Who are self centered and with false pride. To the Chinese Communists wealth is all about money. To the superior democratic mind wealth is 'all rounded' and respect for an individual. I would not want my future generations to be 'mind controlled' zombie individuals. The PM Lee H. L. took the right bold step by favouring the proven Americans. He is also a wise and great leader.

  29. The damn Chinese if they ever took control of S.E.A. They will make greater mistakes than what the Brits did with their previous Colonies. At least the Brits were honest enough to admit their mistakes with humility. The Brits gave back independence and educated the world on science, technology, modern commerce and the arts. The Communist Chinaman will teach you to take over the mind of another individual at gun point, copy, and to take over others lands and their high seas.

  30. You are simply a nitwit to think in this way about the Brits and the Chinese, the former screwed you and you said thank you, the latter hasn't done a thing to you and you curse and swear at them.

    Put on your thinking cap my boy.

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