
HDB income ceiling should/should not be removed

This has become another pointless controversy with Singaporeans splitted. Some have valid and logical reasons to take their stands. Some are making a stand for flawed or superficial logics.

As all citizens should be treated on an equal basis regardless of wealth, why should some be deprived of a basic right to buy a roof over their heads? A roof is a necessity and every Singaporeans need a place to stay. And every male Singaporean is expected to serve NS to defend his stake in this country. By depriving him from buying a home to stay, there is nothing for him to defend and to do NS.

Maybe the Govt should retain the income ceiling and any Singaporean that is not allowed to buy a public flat, ie no stake in the country, need not have to serve NS as he has nothing to fight and defend for. And for those who have stupidly completed their NS and found themselves being suckered, at least the Govt should exempt them from reservist liabilities. I think this is only fair. Why should they be made to defend a country when the country barred them from buying a public flat to live in?

Why should new citizens be allowed to buy public flats without even having to serve NS and citizens who have served NS cannot buy public flats? And many daft Singaporeans are still singing the stupid tune that the richer Singaporeans will be competing with the lesser well off Singaporeans for flats when it is plainly the fault of the Govt for not building enough and thus causing this mismatch in supply and demand. Instead of blaming the Govt, they are blaming other Singaporeans. How silly!

Would the Govt own up and tell the daft Singaporeans that it was the Govt’s fault for not building enough and not to blame other Singaporeans for it? This is the same thing as demand for C class wards in hospital when the demand is high but C class wards are under provided.

Daft Sinkies, please think clearly and address the source of the problem and stop bitching and blaming other Singaporeans. Singaporeans are divided to fight among themselves without knowing why. How pathetic. And no one, not the Govt or the media take it upon themselves to explain and educate the people on this fallacy. Daft Sinkies cannot see further than their noses or think further than 1 plus 1.


  1. RB, agreed with you 100%

  2. I am more incline to remove the ceiling with the following safe guard.

    a. New Citizen are not allow to buy new HDB flat until their 2nd generation have serve their NS.

    b. The ceiling is removed but once they acquired a private property, they must vacate their HDB as no body should use the HDB as a subsidizer and rent seeking from private property!


  3. I subscribe to the freedom of choice by an individual. No one must be forced to eat sharksfin just because he has $2 more in his pocket. No one should be force to buy big properties or to stay in more expensive hospital wards as this is simply obnoxious, against prudence and thrift.

    And everyone has his own values and commitments to take care off. Some may earn a bit more but have to shoulder greater financial responsibility.

    There must be flexibility to let people decide the type of life they want to lead and how much they want to spend or save. The Govt cannot micro manage the lives of people and decide how much they should spend on things they did not want. And then blame the people for having too little savings for retirement.

  4. HDB room or entire flat should not be allowed to be rented out for an income, the price and demand will drop. HDB is a public flat and should never be an income generating or speculation purposes.

    HDB should also not imposed any income ceiling as no job or living on earth is secured and 30 years is a long time that no one can predict what will happen and in this no-free-lunch and ever inflating society, we have to spend wisely.

    Rich singaporeans will not want to live in HDB unless they just want to rent them out. so once hdb cannot be rented out, they will not compete with the rest of singaporeans.

  5. agreed with uncle RB,

    poor Singaporeans may become rich.. but most ppl never think that rich Singaporeans may one day become poor...(can be due to biz failure, bankruptcy, kena con by biz partners, serious medical conditions that can wipe out wealth in an instant or what not)

    but at end of the day, we are all singaporeans and we should be able to buy public flats.. the key is to control how much can one buy and to control prices.. so that pricing and housing supply is not dictated by wealth... and poor ppl will not be priced out.. housing product should be as homogeneous as possible, after all public housing is public good.. let those with wealth play the private market...
