
F35 - another American snake oil product

Look at the big picture of American defence system and picture who would attack the US home land and in what form the attacks would come, one would easily come to the conclusion that the F35 is a piece of gimmick that is unnecessary and wasteful, and sadly would have to be paid by the American tax payers only to benefit the arms manufacturers. The arms merchants would keep telling the American public of the need to keep buying the most expensive toys for their own good.

Who or which country in the world, in his right mind, would launch a military attack against the mighty Americans other than the militants in Japan during the Second World War? The hype and fear mongering of a North Korean or Iranian attack were simply foolish and meant for the silly American peasants and the peasants of the world to believe in. Simply put, what would the Americans do if it suffers a nuclear attack by missiles from another country? That country would be wiped out to Stone Age. That is the fate awaiting anyone or country that dares to do it. The banging of war drums and cymbals in North Korea is just that. Period. But the silly Koreans have been led to the slaughter house by the Americans pushing them on.

Coming back to the air defense system and strategies of the Americans. The F35s are only useful as an interceptor against an air incursion of fighter bombers, but their primarily role is more as a stealth attack bomber. For the defensive role it is absolutely redundant as no country within the range of the US mainland would be able to do that with what they have at the moment. The Russians and the Chinese could not ‘and would not’ launch an air strike of fighter bombers for many decades to come and neither would they want to go back to the stone age.

The F35s are only good as offensive weapons to be stationed in Europe or lift off from aircraft carriers. If the damn Americans did not have these weapons, they have a weapon less to conduct wars of aggression against other countries. Even without the F35s, the Americans have so many superior alternatives, the F22s and B2s, and even the antique B52s would deliver a deadly blow to any country, to conduct wars. F35s are extravagant toys to make the American public pay for them. Now the bill is so huge that the Americans are getting their allies and proxies to help to foot the bill.

Any real attacks against the American continent will be Armageddon, ICBMs from Russia and China. Such attacks will render the F35s completely useless. The best part, Russia and China will not do such a crazy thing to engage in an ‘end of the world’ war game. Neither would the Americans attack the Russians and Chinese with a similar attack. Such a war is inconceiveable by any of the three super powers.

So what is the purpose of F35s? It is simply created to generate income for the weapons industry. The Americans really have no use or need for such an aircraft, only to bully the lesser equipped countries like Iraq and Iran. Who is going to attack the USA by air power other than 911 version which will render the F35s useless, sitting on the tarmac?


oldhorse42 said...

I think our G bought one and kept it at Arizona to contribute to the defence of old family friend Uncle Sam.

Anonymous said...

But it's a beautiful looking aircraft and the latest so we must have them lar

Anonymous said...

Like Brompton bikes.

Anonymous said...

Is the F-35 a foldable aeroplane like the Brompton bike?

Anonymous said...

You can outsource pilot training to my $2 company.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Navy version is foldable, just the wings and the undercarriage.

Veritas said...

Any plane that design with consideration of naval aviation is not cut for airforce. That is the reason F-22 will still be the air superiority fighter.

On the rule of thumb, same generation airforce fighter should be shoot down navy fighter in any dog fight.

Dono whats the reason to buy F-35.

Anonymous said...

"Dono whats the reason to buy F-35."

After collecting so much money from taxes, COEs and subsidized HDB flats;
Must spend the money lar.

Of course spending money on F-35 is better than spending money on social services for the Singaporeans.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Veritas, modern planes are designed to fire their missiles before sighting. Dog fights are going to be rare.

All aircraft, no matter how good they are deemed to be are most vulnerable on take off and landing. A missile fire over the shoulder is all it takes to down these radar evasion and stealth capable aircraft when they can be seen with the naked eyes.

Anonymous said...

Fighter planes are overrated and overpriced. Any big scale war will be nuclear cum chemical using drones. Bullets and bombs are outdated.

Veritas said...

Hi RB, you are an aviator. I think your opinions carry weight.

Base on my research, our 4 Phalcon + AIM 120 is able to steam roll our neighbors provided they don take off in Johor where we were caught off guard.

Veritas said...

What is the use of F35? Up till now, I can only think PAP are nuts.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Between us and Malaysia there is no defence to talk about. Nothing works, not the F35s nor the F15s or their Russian Su29.

Veritas said...

Agree. I came to this conclusion sometimes back.

Anonymous said...

The F-35 won't be operationally ready in Singapore for another 10 years.

Anonymous said...

The stupidity is why should enemies engage with F35 superiority in the air where they could have just prevent it from running when the enemies can just take over the air military base ? With more than half of population in SinCity been foreigners, it is stupid for the government not to see that, and really how hard can it be for foreigners on ground to do so . But then our government is a government with no critical and independent thinking because they are YES-men and YES-women who rather not question to keep their comfy jobs.

Given the ridiculous mass foreigner population that unheard of in 1st world country, our security could already compromised, and yet our million dollars clowns can talk about enemy afar when enemies could be already staying in SinCity awaiting order from their master.

what do you think ?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Remember the Trojan Horse? Or little Red Riding Hood inviting the wolf to bed?

ed said...

After reading all the worthless comments, naive is only what I can think of.

If you had not done any research on the subject, stop sprouting nonsense.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi ed, welcome to the blog. You must have done a lot of research on this. Please share with us your wisdom and intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Hey ed, you so knowledgeable, come tell us leh. No need be shy one. Come clever boy, where are you?

Anonymous said...

"Hey ed, you so knowledgeable, come tell us leh. No need be shy one. Come clever boy, where are you?"

Don't play, play. He could be some moron somewhere in Istana or Oxley Road, playing with dice and forecasting while still getting paid by taxpayer's money.