
Demon-cratic Singapore cartoon strip author Leslie Chew arrested

The author of this political comic strip, Leslie Chew, 37, was arrested by the Police last Friday and is out on a $10,000 bail. His offending acts were two cartoons, one that undermined the judiciary and another raising racial tension by stating that the Malay population was suppressed by a racist Govt. Both are seditious in nature and come under the Sedition Act.

Leslie Chew claimed in defense that his comics were fictional in nature and now it is up to the prosecutor and the court to decide his fate. Race and religion are very sensitive in this island and playing them up with the consequence of raising inter racial and religious tensions are serious in nature and the Govt is particularly sensitive to them.

Veritas has also been very vocal in his racial comments, including some posts in this blog. I would like to suggest to Veritas to be more circumspect in his postings and not to stray too near to the Sedition Act. We should comment fairly and objectively without getting too racist in our posts and avoid inciting hatred among the races and religious believers.

Everyone should take this seriously and take note that freedom of expression comes with responsibility too. And the more freedom we enjoyed, the greater is our responsibility and the more careful we should be with what we write and post.

I wish Leslie Chew well in this brush with the law.



  1. I thought veritas comment is not against the Indian but imported Indian that practice the caste system? So he is not against any race but only people that practice the caste system whether they are Indian or not? That is the way I have read his post unless I misunderstood what he has communicated?

  2. It all depends on who is calling foul.

  3. Some of the cartoons are too close for comfort. 2 in particular are asking for trouble.

  4. Those 2 that you mentioned are not the real reasons - mere red herrings. Got to Demon-cratic and you will know which are the ones that are really got their knickers in a twist.

  5. At 1.6% FT Indians in UK, they have already been indicted by UK government for caste-ism, which is essentialy racism.


    We have 6% high caste FT Indians. You think we wont have racism?

    UK government get fed up with with just 1.6% FT Indians, what about us, at 6%?

    Who is racist?

  6. The best place to go for racist and inciter of racial tension is Citibank @ CBP.

    Unfortunately, I think PAP is more likely to come after me.

  7. Let me try to understand this.

    The caste system is NOT institutionalized discrimination?

    Racism is institutionalized discrimination?

    Meritocracy is NOT institutionalized discrimination?

    What do you think?

  8. Meritocracy is NOT institutionalized discrimination?

    All society is meritocractic to some extend. Meritocracy is not that bad, but ours is not meritocracy, its KKN.

    The bad thing is not meritocracy, its exploitation of people who failed in schools. When I worked in Germany, I always dream one day I would become a road sweeper, security guards, post man...etc. Out of office politics.

    Germany road sweeper is decently paid.

    In a society, someone must sweep the road. But the issue is our road is their pay is too low.

    PAP screwed them by importing FT.

    When I was teaching in schools, so many families break down because the father is earning little salary.

  9. Hi Veritas, I think many of us can understand and share your views. In reality, the power of the day sets the rule on what is ok what is no ok. That is the hard truth that we have to accept.

  10. What I have spoken in my blog regarding Indians may be look overblown, but it is not.

    The Hindic civilizations make Dalits to locals wherever they go. We do not feel the agony of Dalits because we are still majority and somehow, much is still under control.

    When we are Dalits, murder due to inter-racial romance, rape WILL happen.

    There is reason why Burmese still remember fondly of Bogyoke Aung San, whose daughter Aung San Suu Kyi got his political heritage.

    Make the story short, in 19th century, the Hindic people one more time shows that they are perpetual dalits creator out of local population.

    When UK colonize Burma, she brought in FT Indians to take up all top positions and civil service, and these FT Indians shit on locals big time.

    Within 100 years, it make the Burmese, who are Burmese who are Buddhist (culturally close to Hindic), hate Indians.

    Today we know that the descendant of FT Indians Rohingyas got shit from Burma big time.

    But who knows the one who go after FT Indians in Burma are Buddist monk, the most pacific and most "culturally Hindic" Burmese.

    And just few months ago, the pacific monks are "freedom fighter" involve in all peaceful protest that make Thein Sein government relent.

    And how come when they see Indians, they fume big time?

    We have to ask ourselves.

    I read a lot about Burmese history. I conclude, a big fault lies in Indians,

    And today, as I delve further in the topic, I get more and more angry as I realize the yellow people just across the Burmese border in Manipur, Nagaland, Chittagong, Megalaya,Mizoram, are treated like Dalits by Hindic people.

    Singaporeans do not know how close these people genetically and linguistically is to the southern Chinese.

    Burmese as a frontier state of yellow people, KNEW all these things.

    Even pacific buddhist monk got angry. These are the same monk who are deemed "freedom fighter" few month back by western media, now they are call "969 Nazi".


  11. The White men control the western media, and many read them and their biased views like gospel truth.

  12. We do not need to worry that Burma become USA ally. She wont so long as USA support India.

    Right now, I wish Burma all the best. The best way forward forward is that China help Burma settle its minority issue.

    Right now, Burmese has problem with Kachin, Shan, Karen, Wa...etc. Chinese is playing the warlord card to control Burma, as well as giving carrot to Burmese central government.

    I think the best way out is China help Burma become rich and negotiate a federation of minority.

    Once Burma is rich, the succession tendency will subside. The Shan, Karen, Kachin, Wa does not have the ability like the Burmese does to guard the frontier.

    I believe Burmese is a great people. The yellow people is fortunate to have such a noble people to guard our frontier.

  13. Now that pretty much reaffirm to us what happen to Lucky Tan, didn't that ?

    Did anyone notice that the clampdown happen in days before the next hong lim park protest ?

  14. Do hope that the Yellow and Dark skins in Sg do not help the Whites to come to Asia to make troubles for the Yellow Skins in the Region.
    The Opposite seems to be happening now, so pray that Sg resist or better desist, playing traitor to All the Yellow People.

  15. Orwell spent five years from 1922 to 1927 as a police officer in the Indian Imperial Police force in Burma (now Myanmar). Burma had become part of the British Empire during the nineteenth century as an adjunct of British India. The British colonized Burma in stages - it was not until 1885 when they captured the royal capital of Mandalay that Burma as a whole could be declared part of the British Empire. Migrant workers from India and China supplemented the native Burmese population. Although Burma was the wealthiest country in Southeast Asia under British rule, as a colony it was seen very much as a backwater


    This is what Wikipedia wrote about George Orwell, during his time as civil servant in Burma.

    You can get a glimpse that the white man is out to screw Burmese and Burmese was make Dalits.

    And there is a feel that FT Indians are encourage by British to make burmese Dalits. The other group the FT Chinese eventually sided with Burmese causes. That is the reason Burmese like Chinese.

    Do not underestimate white man's hostility against yellow.

  16. Caste discrimination is to be outlawed in the UK


    (23 Apr) – Caste discrimination is to be outlawed in the UK, Business Secretary Vince Cable has announced in what is a U-turn on previous government policy.

    The House of Lords has voted twice for legal protection to be given to the estimated 400,000 Dailts – so-called untouchables – who live in the UK.

    MPs overturned the first Lords vote, but after peers again backed the plan on Monday, there has been a rethink.

    Mr Cable said caste would in future be treated as “an aspect of race”.

    Keith Porteous Wood, of the National Secular Society, said: “We are delighted that the government has accepted that discrimination against caste should enjoy the same statutory protection as all other forms of protected characteristics.

    “This is a victory for the Lords and their emphasis on protecting human rights.”

    Campaigners had said legislation was needed because thousands of people suffered abuse and prejudice because they were considered low caste.

    They said existing laws offered no protection and said caste divided society unfairly, with those at the bottom expected to do dirty, poorly paid work while also being expected to – and forced to – look up to and respect higher castes.

    Those arguing for action said such discrimination was outlawed in India and should be banned in Britain too.

    In the House of Commons debate earlier this month the government acknowledged the existence of caste discrimination in Britain.

    But equalities minister Jo Swinson told MPs: “This is an issue that is contained in the Hindu and Sikh communities. That’s why we are working with those communities to address these problems.”

    She warned of concern that legislation could increase stigma rather than ease the problem and said that was why the government favoured tackling caste prejudice through an education programme instead.

    During the debate many MPs backed the protestors.

    Conservative MP Richard Fuller said: “This is a straightforward issue, caste discrimination in the work place is wrong and the people who suffer from it deserve legal protection. That’s it. Beginning and end.”

    Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna said that caste discrimination was “completely unacceptable”.

    The government has asked the Equality and Human Rights Commission to examine the nature of caste prejudice and harassment, and consider what other action might be helpful.

    The commission will publish its findings later in 2013.

    This is a great day for humanity and bad day for FT Indians. British cannot even take the shit of their 1.6% FT Indians. They told us point blank that caste system is actually racism.

    How about PAP? We have 6% FT Indians? Still want to pretend no racism here?

    UK have 1.6% FT Indians and we have 6%. our Hindic Nazi is 4 times bigger force.

    We need to push for a legislation against caste-ism and to procedures to enforce them.

    The racist shit in Citibank CBP can go suck up their own cum.

  17. Veritas, I am impressed with your knowledge on burma. What about vietnam, I see some Indian temples in saigon. What was the Indian influence in vietnam compared with burma. Don't think the French brought in the Indian right?

  18. Veritas, I am impressed with your knowledge on burma. What about vietnam, I see some Indian temples in saigon. What was the Indian influence in vietnam compared with burma. Don't think the French brought in the Indian right?

    The frontier states of yellow people is Burma, and they are sharing borders with Hindic people.

    Then Hindic and Burman are under British. The Burma is yellow, and have more guts than Hindic. The 1st Anglo Burma war nearly bankrupt Britain.

    British conquered India easily. India never fight. The most important battle of UK conquest in India is battle of Plassey. It is instrumental in establishing UK hegemonty. It was fought with 750 European. That is the price UK conquered India. 750 WHITE MAN. WTF. The Indian never fight.

    Also British and Hindic people are Aryan. They have more affirmity of one another.

    Burmese is Sino-Tibetan, which is the cousin of Chinese.

    British bring in their Aryan brothers to suppress our brothers.

    This is the basic, and of course there are much more finer details.

  19. And about Vietnam, she was ruled by French.

    French did not have access to large numbers of Indian has their hold on India is very limited.

    Hence, vietnam was colonize with a large whiteman upper class.

  20. If they allowed caste to establish itself here, many of our local elite may be elevated to become dalits.

  21. Caste system, racisism, discrimination exists everywhere in this world. People have to learn not to be enslaved by lies or their thinking.

    It looks like the ruling party is getting serious with bloggers and will do anything necessary to clean up the image before GE2016.

  22. I agree that Myanmar should follow a guarded opening instead of inviting one and all into the country for the sake of catching up with others.

    China was a close ally, giving much help over the decades. I would not say that it was all a one sided traffic. Of course the Chinese have their own sense of benefitting from all these, the same with any other country.

    But now, we can see that the country will be seriously exploited by many countries eyeing their rich resources. This is one of the reasons the West is so eager to export democracy to Myanmar and not really about caring for the Myanmar people.

    Myanmar is really a nice country. The ordinary people are unspoilt, simple in their needs and wants and really humble and unassuming.

    I wish them well and hope they do not get cheated and bullied once they open up, like the people in the Middle Eastern regions.

  23. The Arabs are the saddest tribes today, exploited for centuries and still be controlled by the Europeans thru the same divide and rule formula.

  24. The Arabs are the saddest tribes today, exploited for centuries and still be controlled by the Europeans thru the same divide and rule formula.

    This is true. But the majority of Sunni Muslim (most arabs are sunni muslim) do not know it.

    The proxy of whiteman is the corrupt Sheikh of Saudi and dictators like Mubarak.

    The only Muslim country really to stand against the west is Iran. Iran suffered big time for this.

  25. Caste system, racisism, discrimination exists everywhere in this world. People have to learn not to be enslaved by lies or their thinking.

    Singaporeans are already follower of caste system. How many of our graduates believe that "Indians are good in IT"?

    And how many Singaporeans think "post graduate should go to PRC and Indians" because Singaporeans are lousy?

    This is neo-hinduism of PAP. This is caste system. We believe it, thats y many caste-ist laugh big time at us.

    Our leaders are the worst shit bag. I read Chinese history. During the darkest hour of China, leaders like Mao and Chiang never believe Chinese is lousy, or what the white man termed "sick man of asia". Because of this China manage to stand up.

    Every Chinese believe that Chinese are very good people. The only leadership that bad mouth its own citizen is PAP, and Singaporean elites. If we believe we are lousy, we will be like Dalits of India.

    Their ancestor even though smarter than Aryans believe they commited sin in past life and deserve to be condemned.

    When I see neo-hinduism taking root in SG, I feel so painful and sad.

  26. The ang mohs DO what Singaporeans only dare to talk.

    "Caste discrimination: Campaigners vow to fight for legislation"


  27. Hi RB

    I thank you for your concern. I hope I can persevere in such PAP oppression.

    Singaporeans are already Dalits. We already have Dalits mentality.

    The Dalits think they deserved to get screwed because they commited sin in past life.

    Singaporeans same same. Today our young man think that we deserve to get screwed because "Indian is good in IT", "FT is talent", and Singaporeans are daft, stupid, and lazy.

    This is neo-hinduism.

    We need to inform that we are under massive neo Hindu evangelism by PAP and their FT ally. I did my part.

    2 years ago, no one would use the term Dalits in SG, the understanding of Indian lower caste is up to the term "sudra". Today, Dalits is a buzz word in social media.

    No one in SG is aware that caste system is racism, we think caste system is just "discrimination of surname". Today, more and more people start to get inform.

    My blog tells the truth. Intercaste marriage killings, Dalits making of locals, seems ridiculous to many readers. But they are very true in Hindic culture. It has occur again and agin, the last time is 19th century in Burma. Aung San Su Kyi father rise and kick out these racist. Today yellow land in India North east still suffer Dalitization.

    Can we trust high caste Indians today?

    I believe we need more truth. Truth will set us free. Without knowing Hindic culture, Singaporeans will be Dalits.

    Remember how FT Indians accuse us racist, with the help of Straits Times, in UOB incident. The article is written by FT Indian Jennani Durai.

    I look around the social media. I was furious that we are so dearth of history knowledge that NONE can fight the slander of FT Indian in social media.

    From that time onwards, I decide to expose FT Indians. Before, I knew all that long time. I kept quiet. And thanks for your blog that give me a great outreach.

    Now the momentum of learning Hindic culture get more and more rolling now. It is now self sustaining. Even if I am silence, learning Hindic culture will not die down.

    Once we are inform, the knowledge get spread more and more. We will have the confident to fight.

    I will write deeper topic next. Like Sino-India and Burma-India, Indo-Tibet, NE India topic. I will inform more Singaporeans about what is happening.

    I do not know how long I can stand. God help me.

  28. Veritas got betrayed by Yellows and blames the Darks.

    Wake up lah, the Darks can only bully the Darks, they are inferior to lighter Colours.
    Please know the History.

  29. Veritas got betrayed by Yellows and blames the Darks.

    Wake up lah, the Darks can only bully the Darks, they are inferior to lighter Colours.
    Please know the History.

    PAP betrayed us. Thats true. My aim is not to blame FT Indians. I am educating people.

  30. The darker Dravidians Brahmins can be extremely smart. I am aware.

    The light skin Aryan Brahmins can be very smart.

    We are not dealing with normal Indian Joe. We are now dealing with the high caste type.

  31. Being a socialist, I advocate also raising the salary and work conditions of all S Asian laborers. They are the low caste type. These are more honest people. I have no grudges about them.

    When I see them get exploited by Singaporeans, I often cursed "Fuck Singaporean rich people".

  32. Many Singaporeans are still sleeping, lulled by the fictitious wealth in the value of their properties and the salary which is fiat money and depreciating in value daily.

    All Singaporeans must be awaken to this external threat and think of their long term survival. I mean all Singaporeans, including those with the establishment and all the people in the services. They will not be spared when the day comes and will also be victims of the same external threat that is already with us through the Trojan Horse in the classroom that no one wants to see.

    Soon all Singaporeans will be fighting for their own survival, for their own existence. Wake up and look at the real situation now before it is too late. People in the bird park, you too must know how serious is the situation.

  33. Got to know many Bangladeshies and Southern Indians at construction sites. Most are humble, hardworking, helpful and caring. Hardly met any cocky ones.
    Compare to Sinkies of all Races, they are much more sincere.

    Like them to talk about their philosophy and religions(many) as India is one of the oldest civilization with very interesting culture. Kamasutra, goddess kali, holy man and caste etc. Many of the more liberal Bangladeshies and India Indians love Sin a lot. The freedom to NOT CONFORM WITH RELIGIOUS PRACTICE AND CASTE is liberating and emancipation for them.

    Bangladeshies had Chinese foods and alcoholic drinks with me; India Indians talked about how their live got rubbish by the Caste System and how their females are invariably victims to much nonsensical

    When they felt liberated, me rejoiced with them. In a way, Singapore gives these oppressed foreign workers the opportunity to do away with superstition and unreasonable practices. Hope that when they go home richer, they will help to fight oppression in their own motherlands.

    As for us Singaporeans, it is rather unfortunate that that we ourselves have fallen victims to exploitation and manipulation by our Rulers and have yet to be prescient about it.



  34. Sinky should not have give out any jobs to ahnehs companies many years ago. THe ST firms are the main culprits. Sinky should have trained people in IT to do those jobs rather than choosing the easy way. Now, sinky is being hold ransom by them.

  35. Fuck The Government

    Fuck The Police


    Everyone should take this seriously and take note that freedom of expression comes with responsibility too

    The "responsibility" begins with ensuring the government you get, is the one you WANT.

    1. And this is the Fundamental Right of the Citizenry.

      Claps for Matilah Singapura.


  36. the singapore government and recent happenings with leslie chew serves to remind us people of one glaring, harsh reality: might does make right.

    but who truly has more might here? the elite few whom the people give power to, or the overwhelming majority the few elites' power gave to them?

    here's another way to look at it. if one cannot impress others with one's brilliance, one should simply have confuse them with one's bullshit.
