
Controlling the media, controls the minds and thinking of the readers

The Americans and Japanese have been drumming up the fears in Asian countries of China’s nuclear arsenal as if China is a real threat to them and the Asean countries. And with the control of the media, even the media of their proxy countries, they could regularly perpetuate the thought and belief that China is an aggressive and dangerous military power. The truth is far from this. Just look at the nuclear arsenals possessed by the USA, Russia and China and their nuclear doctrines.

The Russians have 8,000 nuclear warheads followed by the Americans with 5,000 and the Chinese with 800. The sheer size will say that China will be vaporized if it dare to engage in a nuclear war with any of the adversaries. And China rightly adopted a No first strike doctrine. China has openly made this doctrine know to all the nuclear powers that it will not be the first to launch a first nuclear strike on any country. But this was not enough as the Americans and western media continue to brand it as a dangerous nuclear power despite its No first strike policy. And for China, to make this policy more realistic, it does not seek to compete with Russian and the USA by amassing parity in numbers of nuclear warfare. China’s position is a deadly second strike that is enough to deter any country from launching a first strike.

Compares this position with the Americans, the US is only willing to say, without much commitment, that it would not launch a nuclear strike on any country that does not possess nuclear weapons. It tacitly reserves the right to deliver the first strike against China and any other nuclear powers. So, who is the aggressive and dangerous one? Who is more willing to strike first, and who has armed itself with the numbers to destroy the world? But because the USA is controlling the western media, and the media of its allies, together, they keep singing the same tune, that the USA is peace loving and China is dangerous.

The fact that China refuses to increase its nuclear forces is an admission that it will not be the dominant nuclear power and is only good enough to respond to a nuclear attack by retaliating. A country with a small nuclear strike force cannot afford to adopt an aggressive first strike position as both Russia and the USA have enough second strike capability to wipe China out of the face of the earth. In the balance of nuclear power, China has conceded to be the number 3 and with far lesser warheads than the Russia and the USA. This is a self imposed policy not to threaten the dominant positions of the two. China thus is in no position to challenge the military power of the USA and Russia and is not in a good position to think of being aggressive, expansive and world hegemony. With a very inferior nuclear arsenal, it is just not in the right position to do so. So how can it be threatening and aggressive when the USA and Russia could wipe it out clean?

The USA is still pointing the finger at China, just like it is implanting the belief on the rest of the world and to the American people, that North Korea is dangerous and would launch a nuclear strike at American mainland. This is based on the assumption that the North Koreans and their leaders are all lunatics. And this is what the American Administration wants the world and the silly Americans to believe so. In so doing, keep on spending more on more weapons and military equipment and military forces.

The hostile and aggressive doctrine of the American nuclear strategy is manifested by its refusal to state categorically that it will not be the first to use nuclear weapons, and also it’s amassing of a huge nuclear arsenal of 6 to 7 times that of China, while the Russians have 10 times more. And both the USA and the Russians are not aggressive, so innocent, but China, with a nuclear force that is far from what the Russians and the Americans have. This unilateral decision not to have a big nuclear arsenal is a clear statement of China’s nuclear defense strategy, a defensive stance vis a vis the two bigger nuclear powers. How then could a smaller power threaten two bigger powers, or how could an even smaller country like North Korean that may not even have the ICBMs to reach the USA, be a threat to the Americans?

But those reading western media and listening to the Americans crying wolf will believe the American story. China is dangerous, North Korea is dangerous. Their leaders are mad, crazy. The countries that possess 8,000 and 5,000 nuclear warheads and refuse to declare that they will not be the first to use nuclear weapons are not, are friendly nuclear powers. How silly the people of the world can be? Any wrong move by China will make China history. Are the Chinese that stupid to want to be history by launching a nuclear attack on anyone, on America or Russia?

The national leaders of China and North Korea are not mad. Only people who branded them as mad are mad, including those who believe in their madness story.


  1. Me am of the view that as time goes, more will become mad and for those who are already mad, expect them to run amok. This includes people holding the buttons of the nuclear weapons. But, is it not the wishes of many to live in paradize of eternal bliss? The mad people maybe the ones to grant You the wish.

    Not bad right?


  2. On the face of it MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) is a totally insane doctrine...however it does work quite well, and is the only "logical" doctrine which ensures "peace" by placing all nuclear powers on the brink of thermonuclear war.

    We are a warlike tribal species. As mammals, we are territorial and defend our own spaces. If you gave dogs or lions nuclear weapons, they would use it too to defend themselves.

    So far no cuntry has used nuclear weapons on another in an unprovoked attack. However with such a huge aggregate of nuclear weapons, the likelihood of catastrophic accidents/ incidents is real. Already there have been several accidents, but none causing damage beyond a small area.

    However those who are savvy in probability and stats will agree: "If there is a probability that an event can occur, it's only a matter of time before it will".

    As long as you have STATES, you will have nuclear weapons, because States are the only political entity which has the absolute territorial power of taxation, law and the issuance of legal tender fiat currncy; and thus are able to garner resources for a nuclear arsenal -- without going broke, even if they are technically broke.

    Since states must be supported by their Sheeple, and the Sheeple get the government and cuntry they deserve:

    The Sheeple Get the nuclear fallout they deserve

  3. redbean:

    You place far too much of the cause on the Yanks. Their foreign policy is very clear, since the time of Woodrow Wilson -- the asshole who started this shit:

    "The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make."....and as is often said; 'the rest is (ongoing) history'.

    The simplest thing would be for ALL Asian leaders to UNITE (highly unlikely) and tell the Yanks to fuck off -- in the simplest, most direct, unambiguous language. (yeah, in my dreams! Fuckers have no balls and love to hungrily suck US cock).

    I blame the Asian "leaders". Fuck all of them lah.

  4. Selling fear is the best business. Better than selling sex or drugs. After all, just need to give some commission to china and nk for their roles.

  5. I still think Mahathir as the leader with the most guts among all the Asian leaders, past and present, despite his shortcomings on certain issues.

    He dared to tell the Americans, British and Japanese to fuck off when they tried to bully him into submission. He even told the IMF to fuck spiders for trying to dictate terms that would have them decimating the Malaysian economy during the Asian Financial Crisis. He was proven right for not taking the IMF medicine.

  6. 2 days ago Japan Abe offered to help China in the quake rescue, 2 days later he threatened to use force on China.

    Record number 168 lawmakers went to the shrine again with the dpm Tara Aso!!

    The shrine host not only war dead but war criminals, it is also symbol of Japan war aggression cruel brutality against China, Korea, Spore.

    Singapore govt should protest against the Japanese govt. the fact that tens of thousands Singapore residents got killed and massacred in Sook Ching during the Jap occupation.

    The Japs did not and refused to repent til now even as the Tang people tied to forget the painful past.

    Todate they even want retract the apology to China and Korea and keeps opening this wound.

  7. One of the controversies arises out of the enshrinement of World War II war criminals.

    In 1978, the kami of 14 persons who had been executed or imprisoned as Class-A war criminals by IMTFE were enshrined at Yasukuni.

    According to a memorandum released in 2006 by Imperial Household Agency Grand Steward Tomohiko Tomita, the presence of enshrined Class-A war criminals (such as Hideki Tōjō) at Yasukuni was the reason Emperor Hirohito refused to visit the shrine from 1978 until his death in 1989.[49][50]

    Since the enshrinements, there have been calls from some groups of people to remove the war criminals from Yasukuni Shrine. Shrine officials have stated that unlike traditional Shinto shrines, all enshrined kami are immediately combined and inseparable, and therefore impossible to "remove".

  8. rb

    fukus is goading all his catpaws into action now

    inquiring minds want to know,
    what are they smoking in zhong nan hai ?
    simultaneously *bullying* india, japan, vn, ph, sk, oz
    dont they know these are cat paws of fukus , the 200 lbs gorilla waiting in the wing ?

    *it isn't happening now because the crazies have taken over in Beijing. It's happening because the decision-makers in Beijing think that the crazies have taken over in Washington, and are trying to draw most of Asia into an anti-Chinese alliance. There is a good deal of evidence to suggest they are right. *

  9. Hi denk, the fukus have set in motion what they planned to do. Asia is going to flame and many innocent Asian countries would be dragged into it and get slaughtered in due course while the Americans continue to play baseball in far away America, and selling more weapons for the war.

    And why Asean countries kept quiet? They could not feel the incense as they were all colonies then, not countries.

  10. hello rb

    the indians are having a wet dream about their *glorious* days, riding piggy back on fukus into beijing
