
Boston bombings, failure of American intelligence

What is glaring about the Boston Marathon bombing incident is the total lack of intelligence from the American intelligence services that this was coming. In the 911 case, there were intelligence reports of something big brewing but not this one. There was absolute silence until it happened. Now all the security service personnel are running around like bull arse flies, turning over every stone, opening every letter going to the American President and Congressmen and screaming threats of all kinds. This incident will keep them busy for a long while to come.

Why is America getting such brickbats every now and then, and why is it that the Americans, including Obama, are so innocent, claiming that they did not know why America is a target of terrorist acts? It seems that Obama is probably thinking that he is Angel Obama and so were his secretaries and those of the previous regimes. They are all angels and walking with a halo on their heads. Who would have problems with angels and wants to bomb the homes of angels? It is simply unimaginable and unspeakable. The rest of the world must be insane, the terrorists must be insane to want to blow up such nice American people. They are the most peaceful and peace loving people, spreading love and kindness all over the world, a benign and benevolent super power….really?

One day after the Boston bombing, Obama was up to his antics again to lambast the North Koreans threatening this and that, that he would not tolerate the North Koreans for their provocations. And he also claimed that the North Koreans were still incapable of mounting a nuclear device on their ICBMs, and cannot hit the USA. So, why the hue and cry of threats from this little poor country? Are the North Koreans conducting war games simulating an invasion of the American mainland with Mexico or Cuba or with Canada? No? Are there any North Korean military ships or personnel within 1000km from the American coastlines? No?

Why are there so many American soldiers at the borders of North Korea, conducting war games to simulate an invasion of North Korea? Why are there thousands of soldiers there ratcheting and beating the drums of war? Why are nuclear capable war planes flying around North Korea? Are there for a carnival, American way of making friends or saying hello? Are these acts not provocative, no hostile, not unfriendly? Should the North Koreans sit back, fold their arms and watch the show and do nothing while the Americans and the South Koreans are rattling their sabres in their front yard?

The Americans cannot see how hostile, belligerent and warlike they have been, how provocative and aggressive to other countries. The Americans cannot see the hundreds of thousands of innocents being killed, maimed, children and old people being crippled by their soldiers and their bombs delivered by drones. The lives and suffering and pains of these other people are meaningless. The lives and pains of Americans are real, so painful. Maybe the Iraqis, the Libyans, the Syrians, the Afghans are droids, have no feelings, no sense of pains, would not feel anything when their limbs are blown away by shrapnel from bombs.

The American people must put a stop to their evil and wicked administration in connivance with the arms merchants and manufacturers to create a perpetual state of fear, of wars to server their interests. America is the source of all wars on the surface of the earth. Every war that is fought, or going to be started, is the result of American provocation and initiative. If the American regime and administration do not stop starting war, and refuse to acknowledge that they are the cause of wars, the Americans will continue to be the most hated people in the world, and likely more bombs will be planted in the soils of America mainland, and there will be more 911s and more Boston bombings. Only the Americans can put a stop to this carnage and suffering of its own people by putting an end to their hostilities and acts of war against other people and nation.

The American administration is evil to the core. They acted like an Evil Empire, starting wars every where to sell more arms and to control and manipulate the peoples to become subservient to the evil Empire. They agitate and provoke others and claim to be innocent and others as evil. The Americans may need more bombs on American soil to have a new awakening to their evil and wicked deeds. There are good reasons for the bombs and the bombings. Obama should wipe the stupid and innocent smile from his face and tell the truth.


  1. Me says President Obama and anyone who think that the blasts at the Boston Marathon was an act by terrorist(s) from foreign lands must be imagining too much.

    Obama and another member in his Administration had poisoned mails sent to them after the Boston Blasts. The man arrested for sending the mailed poisons is likely an American.

    As some and me had said here many times; Americans are frustrated with their political office holders, their employers/supperiors and even their families and neighbours due to the way the US is administered. The US is on the way to the biggest disharmony of its citizens in its' history. The dissatisfaction with the Administration has been brewing since Bush Junior was elected and re-elected. It is now coming to a boil.

    Obama's re-elected a second term has enbolden him to pursue aggressive and expensive foreign interference while neglecting the problems plaguing the US economy and wellbeings of the Americans at large.

    It will not surprise anyone if Obama gets assasinated, assasination of their presidents was and is quite traditional as recorded by history.

    Americans are going after Americans for the woes they are facing and this is only to be expected.


    Expect more casualties in the US Homeland.


  2. Sack him.

    He deserve to be sacked for letting such things happen. Every time a bomb goes off or a crazy guy takes a gun and goes on a rampage, someone high up earning high salary must pay.

    Change another one. Just change, don't worry about the next one. We will deal with it when the time comes.

    Telok Blangah

  3. Yup, change quick, just change. He is the evil one.

    DEMOCRAT Obama is the evil one in CAHOOTS with the businesses, banks and cronies. Change it to a REPUBLICAN. Never mind some says Republicans are in bigger cahoots with businesses and cronies. Just change.

    Just to change who is not in cahoots with businesses and big corporations. One who will not support businesses, and let them fail one by one, like birds dropping from the sky.

    Telok Blangah

  4. What failure of intelligence are you talking about? There are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people at the event. Even if you have the intelligence, what can you do about it? Cancel the event?

  5. Hi Telok Blangah, welcome to the blog. America is getting its just dessert for the evil deeds it done to the rest of the world. It is pay back time.

    1. Mr RedBean,

      Now a report of explosion st a Texas fertilizer plant.

      Is it karma at works??

  6. I agree with The, even if there are intelligence of a bomb threat, the race must go on.

  7. For all the evil things that the Americans have done, when the time comes for payback, it will pour.

  8. [USS Freedom arrives in Singapore as part of US 'pivot']

    By Mariko Oi
    BBC News, Singapore
    18 April 2013
    Last updated at 03:29 GMT

    "A US Navy ship has arrived in Singapore as part of US plans to increase its military presence in the region.

    The USS Freedom will be stationed in South East Asia for 10 months.

    During its deployment, it will participate in joint military exercises with most South East Asian nations...

    The USS Freedom is 1 of 4 littoral combat ships which Singapore has agreed to host on a rotational basis."


  9. Now that we agree America is the evil one, who are the good ones in this world where Singapore could emulate, both socially, economically and politically ?

    China is confirmed good, right, Mr Chua ?

    How about India? North Korea ? Russia ? Bhutan ?

    Telok Blangah

  10. So far there is one confirmed bad, starting wars and killing people everywhere in the name of human rights and protecting American interests.

  11. [Obama as warrior and healer]

    Mark Mardell
    BBC North America editor
    18 April 2013
    Last updated at 02:13 GMT

    "It is not an easy job, being US president.

    There are so many tasks, so many facets, so many duties and desires.

    It is not always easy to pivot from one to another.

    Having stood in the Rose Garden as the fierce champion of a cause (tighter gun laws) that divides America,
    he must now attempt to find words that comfort his country and bring his people together.

    President Obama will soon be in Boston speaking at an interfaith service for those killed in the Boston bombings.

    I've little doubt he will speak with moving passion in Boston.

    But he is at his best when his conjured words seek to leave the world a different place.

    His fighting words in the Rose Garden will not be the last we hear of a campaign that Mr Obama has put at the heart of his presidency and his legacy."


  12. If America is evil then surely there must be good ones, otherwise where is the comparison ? Then surely one can argue also China is also evil because they used tanks to roll over peace loving cute Tiananmen protestors?

  13. The

    I believe Anon 9.44am is just paraphrasing the same arguments which you use on the present govt leaders in Singapore. In essence, it is correct, it is a failure far worse (civilian lives were lost) so the standard reply is kick them out by you and other goodselves.

  14. Hi Anon 2:10, the American President spends probably more than 50% of his time meddling with the affairs of other countries and fighting wars.

    And the USA spends a huge percentage of their national budget on defence, maintaining the biggest military force in the world, the most deadly weapons of mass destruction, the most aircraft carriers, combat aircraft and all sorts of military weapons.

    If the Americans stop meddling with other countries' affairs and use the money to make America a better and richer country for all Americans, the President need not have to work so hard and can have more money to make his job that much more pleasant and easier.

  15. When dealing with terrorist who are not afraid to die for their cause, what use is there for the US to tell the world that they will leave no stone unturn to bring those terrorist to justice? After all the perpetrators do not fear death.

    It is a meaningless threat. The US may be the only superpower able to fight wars and put down regimes beyond their shores that do not do what they want, but they are finding out that when the attacks come right into their backyard, they are tasting the same plight as the Iraqis, Vietnamese and Afghans.

    During WW2, the US was under the impression that their country was safe from enemy attacks because of their geographical advantage, but Pearl Harbour changed their perception. But Pearl Harbour can be said to be a different scenario when compared to attacks launched right inside the heart of the US. Now they are finding out the real taste of their own bitter medicine.

    The more enemies they make, the more trouble they will have to endure.

  16. Actually the american president is no difference from any president in the world. With so much power, how 'good' can one person become? If conyou is amercian presdent, i think this world will be much much worse. The only way for more peace and less power is to split the country into two or more parts. THe same goes for any other powerful nations in the world.

  17. Actually, the American President is different in one important aspect from others. He has absolute power and so goes the saying that 'absolute power corrupts absolutely!'

    Put any other person into that position and the result is still the same. Sacking him does not solve the problem because Republican or Democractic, they have to obey and do what the real power brokers behind the scene wants him to.

  18. anon
    *If America is evil then surely there must be good ones, otherwise where is the comparison ? Then surely one can argue also China is also evil because they used tanks to roll over peace loving cute Tiananmen protestors?*

    where do u get that story sweetie ?
    from the *shit times* ?
    take a look at those *cute protestors at tam*
    exclusive !
    u wont find these in the *shit times*

    op ethnic cleansing of chinese
    exhibit 1002


  19. i mean yet another fukus instigated ethnic cleansing of chinese
    exhibit 1002

  20. Complete and utter nonsense form redbean who doesn't know shit about the facts.

    He gets more ridiculous by trying to connect what happened in Boston to what the US allegedly does in its foreign policy.

    Then he goes on to get hysterical about "conspiracies" and the collusion between the government and its "partners" in the military-industrial complex. By a stroke of "in-sight" drones attacks make it into the "argument" (if you could call it that).

    redbean is one of the many fear-driven assholes who participate in democracy by voting, which is why you, The Sheeple, get the government you deserve.

    Keep it up redbean!

  21. Hi Matilah, I am trying to cleanse your obsession cooked up by the Americans over the years lah. And I will keep repeating it for the next 20 years and hopefully it will remove some of the dirt in your brain. But it is tough as those things have been seeded there for half a century. Not easy to remove. A cup that is full of shit will not have place for some fresh ideas.

  22. redbean:

    >> I am trying to cleanse your obsession cooked up by the Americans over the years lah.

    Oh now you're a motherfucking saint izzit? My saviour?!? How very presumptuous of you, egotistical fuckwit.

    >> A cup that is full of shit will not have place for some fresh ideas.

    Wah lan eh. Is that the best quote you can muster? Being such a "guru" you might want to aim for a higher standard and try (if you can) harder in future.

    Otherwise humanity might be wasting its time "immortalizing" you after you're gone!

  23. Hi Matilah, you ok? Your behaviour today is bizarre.
