
Where is the reset button?

I like to play computer games. One of the highlights of computer games is the reset button. Whenever the game is going wrong or losing, just simply hit the reset button and start all over again. No wonder many kids are hooked onto computer games. And the skilful ones are actually winning the games without the need to hit reset.

How I wish there is a reset button in real life. When things go wrong or getting out of control, it is so nice to be able to reset. Boon Wan has hit the reset button several times but I think it is still not working. This time he is hitting it harder and keeping his finger cross that it will work. But he must not forget that he has to confirm by hitting the prompt to go ahead with the reset and not hit the back button.

The housing mess is in need of a reset to the period when there was an excess of 10,000 or 20,000 units of unsold flats. And it would be good to hit another reset to a few years earlier to have a new minister to be in charged.

There are many reset buttons that need to be hit. The population or immigration button has to be hit quickly. And make sure the proceed button for the Population White Paper is not hit, or hitting the reset button will not work any more in 2030. It will be game over by then. The sense of anger among the true blue citizens is at the verge of exploding when more cases of local PMETs being booted out and replaced by FTs are being exposed. It is unbelieveable that job discrimination against Singaporeans is so prevalent and pervasive at the PMET level that it has become an intolerable national shame. It will surely lead to more xenophobic feelings among the citizens. This is a very serious hot button issue but apparently has been ignored for too long. Read the comments by netizens to have a real feel of the temperature. I no longer feel sad that Singaporeans are being mistreated so badly in their own country. I can only feel the same anger. Do the MPs and ministers feel the same way? Singapore for Singaporeans, or it is just an empty slogan? Reset, reset quick. No? No need?

Then there is the minister’s pay button. This one is very hard to hit as the button is protected by electrical shock circuits that will burn the fingers trying to reach the reset button. If this is reset, maybe COE would not have hit $100k and housing prices would be lower too.

Would things be much better if the reset button was hit a few GEs back? Would the situation be better today with a new party in charge? Or would it be hit in 2016? Or maybe not necessary as by then the game will be over. With things spiralling down the wrong way, the reset button is likely to be hit not by the ministers, but by the people that have ended at the wrong end of the stick. Enough is enough. The people would likely try to hit the master reset button to start a new game.

It is really fun and convenient if there is a reset button in life, to hit reset and start all over again. Then again, even if there is, hitting reset will spill blood and shit all over that need to be managed carefully and sensitively.


  1. When you vote Opposition parties.
    When there is a regime change.
    That is the reset button you are looking for.

  2. Reset buttons are for losers.

    Those who win will not reset, because that would wipe off their winnings.

  3. This computer game has a top prize of $10 m. You have already played to level 10. Ask your kids or grandkids to take over. Who knows one day your kid may hit the jackpot or even the consolation prize of $1 m ?
