
Some new Singaporean Realities

Forget about car ownership. Owning a car will be beyond many Singaporeans even if they are graduates. Many will never own a car in their life time, I am not referring to just the average Singaporeans but the PMETs. This is a grudging reality. Many average Singaporeans used to able to own a car, second hand also good.

Having problem getting a job for new graduates or older PMETs will become an unpleasant part of Singaporean job seekers while watching foreigners who are nothing better landing the jobs. Accepting foreigners having jobs in their home country while they themselves going jobless not because the Singaporeans are less qualified or less able is a very painful reality to face. Can anything be done with the Singaporean first policy?

Getting a public flat may no longer be the right of a citizen. While many would still be eligible, they would have to queue and compete under the same terms and conditions as new citizens. For those who are excluded, disqualified or forbidden to buy a public flat under the present terms and conditions, I dunno what to say. Shall I say just too bad. The rules are such and they are being excluded by the policies of Govt they helped to elect to power.

While on this issue, owning a bigger flat or private property will be a fleeting dream to many Singaporeans. The entry barrier is now so high that it is better for the average Singaporeans to resign to their HDB flats. And many, including PMETs, would have to contend with a 4 rm flat. As wage earners, private properties that cost several millions or tens of millions is just for day dreaming.

The CPF savings are looking more like the Govt’s money. Other than taking some out to buy a home, many would barely be able to touch their CPF savings in their life times. And be prepared to be wiped clean when hit by a major illness.

The days of free medical or paying a small fee for medical services are history. Singaporeans must take care of their health as the saying health is wealth is becoming a new reality. Singaporeans cannot afford to fall sick, so they said. But the Govt said no worry, no Singaporean will be deprived of medicare. That’s very comforting.

Many Singaporeans are getting use to the new realities and started to talk about taking public transport as better than their own cars, and to be happy living in a 4 rm BTO flats that are better designed. The aspirations for bigger flats or private properties will soon be forgotten.


  1. The future is so bleak, I have to imagine a future Paradise.

    Imagine all the citizens getting his or her rightful citizen income of $9,000 annually.

    Imagine young families of 5 (2 parents and 3 children) getting their rightful citizen income of $45,000 annually.

    Imagine parents having the freedom to choose to work or to spend time with their children.

    Imagine babies having all the milk powder they need.

    Imagine children going to school with no money worries. With their rightful citizen income of $9,000 annually, students will have $25 every day of the year.

    Imagine grandparents enjoying their retirement. They do not have to work as toilet cleaners at $400 per month until they drop dead in those toilets.

    Imagine Singaporeans free from poverty.

    Imagine, all Singaporeans.

    We, the citizens of Singapore,
    pledge ourselves as one united people,
    regardless of race, language or religion,
    to build a citizen-ownership democratic society
    based on justice and equality
    so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and
    progress for all Singaporeans.

  2. Imagine all Singaporeans finally waking up.

    Imagine all Singaporeans voting in an Opposition government.

    Imagine me ROFL.

    Singaporeans are too daft.
    Descendents of coolies.
    under delusion that they share a common destiny with their rich Singaporean neighbours.

    A descendent of a coolie can never hope to rise above his station in Singapore.
    Unless you are deemed to be a talent and recruited into the gang of rich gangsters before you become trouble.
    Maybe that's the real aim of our scholarship system?

  3. Singaporeans will be extinct one day if they refuse to vote opposition. The future is nasty and the younger generation will all want to work and live aboard. Do not blame them. It is the workings of one man. The highly respectable and fearful LKY. This world is better without him.

  4. Singaporeans will be extinct one day if they refuse to vote opposition. The future is nasty and the younger generation will all want to work and live aboard. Do not blame them. It is the workings of one man. The highly respectable and fearful LKY. This world is better without him.

  5. One word, "vote" and use it wisely, but it will take another 30 yrs to repair the damage that has been done.
