
Singaporeans are racists, xenophobic!

I think it will be good to keep hammering the Singaporeans as racists and xenophobic. I do not know who started branding Singaporeans as such and what is their motive? All I know is that Singaporeans just ‘lan lan’ when attacked and be accused of being racists and xenophobic. And they feel guilty about it, like they are really racists and xenophobic.

If this message keeps going for a while, soon many Singaporeans will be hiding in their toilets to avoid being called racists. Soon they will be very apologetic to foreigners. Soon they will invite foreigners to their homes, pull chairs for them, open doors for them and buy them drinks, so that they would not feel guilty about it.

The Sinkies are simply daft. Sorry, I tried very hard not to call them Sinkies but they are so deserving of such a tag. They allowed the racists to hang a label on them and they unashamedly wear it as if it is the right thing to do. Do they think, are they capable of thinking? Are they capable of defending themselves when they are wronged?

Fortunately there were some brave Singaporeans who stood up and blasted the racists for trying to tag Singaporeans as racists and xenophobic. Think what, if this silly and mischievous tag is not removed, people will think Singaporeans are really racists. And after a while the Sinkies will also believe so.

Who are the defenders of Singaporeans? Who are accusing Singaporeans of being racists and xenophobic?


  1. Red Bean,

    Well said, the faults lie with PAP, the moment they call Foreigners, Foreign Talents, we, Singapore are all Dafts!

    When PM openly spoke that in the National Rally that we should reflect ourselves of how we behave again the Foreigners, we are racists!

    What to do, Sinkie are really daft!

  2. Chin leng, I really don't know what to say. I thought about migrating but then all close relatives and friends are here. So the next best thing is to vote out the party I used to admire and love.

  3. Boarded a packed Bus 145, with no empty seats available and a group of standing passengers behind the driver's seat.
    A row of reserved seats by the side of the driver were occupied by 3 elderly female Singaporeans and a young, atheletic looking FEMALE FOREIGN INDIAN who was chatting with her standing Foreign Indian boyfriend. Both were attired in sports wear.
    Saw a HEAVILY pregnant darked complexion female (very likely a foreign Singaporean wife) standing in front of this Indian woman.
    The glare by me (am a native lady Singaporeans in my late fifties) made the Foreign Indian lady uncomfortable and I had to "request" before she stood-up and gave the seat to the Pregnant Singapore woman.
    I am lost for words! Is this Xenophobic or Racisism??? It's the DAMNED DAMNED fault of the PAP govt!!!!
    If we native Singaporeans do not stand-up for each other then who would!
    Condemned the DAMNED BLOODY PAP govt and its mass importation of foreigners into Singapore.Join the May 1st rally at Hong Lim Park and demand that PAP govt MUST abort the 6.9mil population explosion NOW.

  4. Good one RB. You deserve one kopi for this.

  5. I will not allow myself (family & friends) to be insulted and slandered by incompetent, hypocritical, self-serving politicians.

    May I suggest.
    The next time any of us hear these insults, we get up and leave the room.

  6. The PAP IS THE CAUSE OF XENOPHOBIA of the Locals and there is no argument possible about this FACT.


    So, lay sinkies should not blame each others for mistakes made by Rulers.



  7. Kopi for u RB. Stop calling us name such as quitter,one eye dragon,cow bei cow bu,daft,racist,xeno...
    We voter are the real owner of this land.Dammed it A govt doesn't listen to the people don't deserved to govt.

  8. The fault is not so much with the ruling party but the MSM. The 90cts worthless broadshit is the main culprit for drumming home that S'pores are xenophobic.

  9. Whoever pays is BOSS.
    In this case, the foreign dollars still pull their weight.
    Many of our top management (aka government) still kowtows to the foreigners because they perceive we cannot make it without them. They could be correct but their continuous putting down our own citizens will go on forever, until they are voted out (they think it will never happen and it probably won't).

  10. Hi KAM, welcome to the blog.

    We have come so far, achieved so much only to be dressed down as worst than third world fake talents.

  11. When the PM armed himself left (law) and right (finance) with ahnehs, we know he is being feeded lies beyond redemption. Ahnehs are good in creating nothing but lies. Stupid white angmohs at least created some useful stuff for the kitchen, transportation, etc. THe only way to save singapore is to dethrone the good for nothing G and replace with one that will serve the interests of people. Vote opposition or civil war is the only way out.

  12. "When the PM armed himself left (law) and right (finance) with ahnehs, we know he is being feeded lies beyond redemption. Ahnehs are good in creating nothing but lies...Vote opposition or civil war is the only way out." - a specimen of agent provocateur/IB graffiti. Sorrylah, not that stupid. You don't get to make the cogent critiques here guilty by association with the likes of you, because we can see right through you and dissociate from you. "I am Spartacus"..."I am aneh": if it comes to that, our Singapore community stands together for the wellbeing of each other and identify with one another!

  13. Because of our innately tribal nature, no one likes "aliens" coming into their space to compete for resources.

    If you are going to express disapproval through xenophobia or racism (often a label chosen by the accusers) so be it. Shoot words of anger -- let it all out!

    To the foreigners some advice: Grow a dick and some balls, shut the fuck up and take it. Respond in kind as you see fit, but remember no one owes you a "red carpet" welcome. Stop screaming like little pussies for the government to "protect you" -- face the locals as individuals -- that is, if you have the CHARACTER.

    Locals: You need to keep up the heat. Up the chaos, the more "entropy" the better. It has got to boil, noisily and with a lot of mess. THAT'S HOW, you build great communities and societies of INDIVIDUALS.

    If you look at primate behavior -- and we are PRIMATES -- there is always a battle for assertion of identity. We always start off HOSTILE, peace is the outcome of hostility.

    If any religious dogma tells you otherwise, burn the fucking book or use it to wipe your arse after a shit, or stick your dick in it
